978 resultados para Mexico gulf.


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Red snappers (Lutjanus purpureus in Brazil and Lutjanus campechanus in USA and Gulf of Mexico) are both under clear effect of overfishing. Because of their high morphological similarity it has already been suggested that they could possibly be considered as a single species. To investigate the degree of similarity and the genetic structure of red snapper populations we constructed a common dataset of partial D-loop mtDNA sequences of L. purpureus from Brazil (Amapá, Pará and Maranhão) and L. campechanus from the Atlantic coast of the USA (Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi). Phylogenetic and population genetic analyses surprisingly depicted high similarity between L. campechanus and L. purpureus, compatible with the hypothesis of a single species of red snapper for the Western Atlantic Ocean. These preliminary but very curious findings open an important discussion regarding the legislation involved on the capture of this overexploited fish resources as well as regarding their taxonomy.


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Scomberomorus cavalla é uma espécie de peixe pelágico amplamente distribuído na costa oeste do Atlântico, e uma diminuição no seu nível de captura tem sido verificada nos E.U.A e Golfo do México, comparada com os níveis alcançados pela espécie no passado. Da mesma forma, em algumas áreas do Brasil, há indícios de sobre-exploração. Entretanto, não existem estudos moleculares que visam o manejo deste importante item. Desta forma, no presente estudo, foram seqüenciados 380 pares de bases nucleotídicas da região da Alça-D do DNA mitocondrial de amostras provenientes de desembarque em Macapá, Bragança e Fortaleza. As análises filogenéticas e populacionais revelaram que há apenas uma população panmítica e baixos níveis de variabilidade genética foram observados. Estes resultados, assim como a observada sobre-exploração de S. cavala, representam dados muito importantes para o estabelecimento do manejo deste estoque a fim de prevenir um colapso ou risco de extinção no futuro.


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O Polychaeta Sabellaria wilsoni ocorre a partir do Golfo do México até a Argentina, e constrói recifes de areia da zona intertidal até 25 m de profundidade. Esses recifes desempenham um papel importante na estruturação e funcionamento dos ecossistemas de praias arenosas na Costa da Amazônia. Este trabalho estudou a biologia reprodutiva de S. wilsoni na Ilha de Algodoal (PA, Brasil), descrevendo proporção entre os sexos, o processo gametogénicos e o período de reprodução. A amostragem ocorreu mensalmente entre maio de 2008 e abril de 2009. No laboratório 100 indivíduos foram escolhidos aleatoriamente e medidos (comprimento total - a partir do opérculo até o início do funil anal), e destes, 20 foram preparados para estudo histológico. As lâminas foram observadas em microscópio óptico para descrever estruturas reprodutivas, e para determinar o sexo e estágio de maturação. O tamanho dos organismos variou de 4,5 ± 1,89 milímetros para 11,5 ± 2,83 mm, com as fêmeas maiores e mais numerosas do que os machos (razão sexual 0.6:1 - M: F). Os gametas femininos se desenvolvem nas projeções dos vasos sanguíneos e são posteriormente liberadas no celoma. Nos machos a espermatogênese é associada aos septos intersegmentares, e o esperma é liberado no celoma. Gametas são liberados no meio externo por meio de nefrídios e a fecundação é externa. A reprodução ocorre durante todo o ano com picos em setembro-novembro e março-abril. Mas o principal fator para reprodução, é um aumento na hidrodinâmica em agosto, como uma adaptação do Polychaeta para a destruição de recifes futuro, que ocorre entre outubro e novembro, e um aumento de espaço disponível para a colonização, depois da destruição de recifes.


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This present paper aims to identify the main response techniques for coastal and fluvial environments and analyze impacts on the application of these techniques. The literature review allowed us to understand since the establishment of first environmental sensitivity index map, in coastal and fluvial environment, until the possible impacts generated by the application of cleanup techniques in both environments. Studies related to freshwater environment are less common compared to coastal environment. For both environments the same techniques may be employed, as well as containment and recovery, or removal of oil in the affected areas. The most serious environmental impacts generated are due to the poor choice of technique to be applied or the lack of training of the cleaning crews. In Deepwater Horizon accident, Gulf of Mexico, 2010, application of dispersants, resulted in a mixture of oil and dispersing 52 times more toxic than the oil itself. In Brazil, the technique of vegetation removal by the cleaning staff in the accident on the river Guaecá, 2004, resulted in unnecessary elimination of vegetation, increasing the volume of waste. It was concluded that the freshwater environment often suffer more impacts by applying the techniques, once is necessary to access the banks, which normally have more vegetation and organisms than shoreline of coastal environment


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The aim of this paper is to discuss the quality of fiscal policy in Brazil and Mexico and investigate whether fiscal policy influence is favorable to reduce the unemployment rate. Public spending, which has a positive effect on the level of employment when results in additional aggregate demand, may cause a negative effect on employment, if its financing depends on persistent high interest rates. Brazil and Mexico have engaged in a long effort to control public spending and to reduce the public deficit to zero. Does this policy bring a positive result to the economic activity no matter how actual public deficit has been financed? We select variables related to public budget as public sector borrowing requirements, taxes, public debt and others to form a data base. The fiscal institutional arrangement and the data allow us to evaluate the fiscal policy as a who leand to discuss the importance of credibility and reputation of the government.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Propolis has been used in folk medicine in different regions of the world including Latin America. Propolis is a resinous mixture of substances collected by honey bees from several botanical sources, and its composition contains a rich chemical variety, depending on the geographical area and plant sources. Our aim was to compare the modulatory effect of propolis samples from three different countries of Latin America (Brazil, Cuba and Mexico) on pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine production (tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interleukin (IL)-10, respectively) by human monocytes. Cells were incubated with propolis for 18 h at 37°C. Cell viability was assessed by 3-(4,5-dimethyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide method, and cytokine production was determined by ELISA. All samples did not affect monocyte viability. Brazilian propolis stimulated both TNF-α and IL-10 production by monocytes. Cuban propolis stimulated TNF-α and inhibited IL-10 production, while Mexican sample exerted the opposite effect, inhibiting TNF-α and stimulating IL-10 production. The major compounds found in Brazilian, Cuban and Mexican propolis samples were artepillin C, isoflavonoids and pinocembrin, respectively. Brazilian, Cuban and Mexican propolis contained different components that may exert pro- and anti-inflammatory activity depending on concentration, what may provide a novel approach to the development of immunomodulatory drugs containing propolis.


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Pós-graduação em Biociências - FCLAS


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Juveniles of Contracaecum multipapillatum infected the Mayan cichlid (Cichlasoma urophthalmus) and adults infected the olivaceous cormorant (Phalacrocorax olivaceus) and the great egret (Casmerodius albus) in the coastal lagoon at Celestun, State of Yucatan, Mexico. All are new host records, and, even though the geographic locality record of Mexico for the species has not been published, unidentified but presumably conspecific specimens have been reported from there. When juveniles of C. multipapillatum were fed to a kitten, but not rats, ducks, or chickens, they developed into adults. Measurements and morphological data are provided on the specimens from the kitten. Development of an avian ascaridoid in the intestine of a mammal increases the potential of this widespread species to infect other mammals, including humans.


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Raphidascaris camura sp. n. infected the stomach and intestine of Pomatomus saltatrix (type host), from the northern Gulf of Mexico. It is characterized by having the following combination of features: 31 to 40 pairs of preanal papillae, 10 pairs of postanal papillae with the third papilla from the posterior extremity doubled, nearly equal spicules 1.8 to 2.7% of the body length, and lateral alae abruptly curved near their anterior extremity. Additional species of Raphidascaris were examined and are discussed. Hysterothylacium eurycheilum (Olsen, 1952) comb. n. (=Heterotyphlum e.) from Epinephelus itajara in Florida and the Lesser Antilles, previously known from female worms only, is redescribed as is the anterior end of Heterotyphlum himantolophi Spaul, 1927.


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Oocysts of Eimeria funduli were studied by transmission electron microscopy in naturally-infected livers of the Gulf killifish, Fundulus grandis. Tissues were cryo-processed because membranous structures in the oocyst appear to hinder routine fixation and embedment. The oocyst wall (about 25 nm thick) was adjacent to the host cell and consisted of an outer membrane that limited the host cell cytoplasm and an inner membrane separated from the outer membrane by a narrow space. In some specimens, dense material was applied to the inner face of the inner membrane. Individual sporocysts were surrounded by a membranous "veil" (about 25 nm thick) that consisted of two unit membranes. Sporopodia, projections of the sporocyst wall, supported the veil. The sporocyst wall (130-150 nm thick) consisted of two layers, a thin electron-lucent outer layer (about 10 nm thick) and a thick electron dense inner layer (about 130 nm thick). Depending on the plane of section, the inner layer had transverse striations with periods of 3 to 4 nm or 12 to 15 nm. A narrow fissure, broadest at the anterior pole of the sporocyst, extended about one-third the length of the sporocyst wall. The posterior pole of the sporocyst was characterized by a bulbous swelling. Although this swelling resembled a Stieda body in light microscopic preparations, ultrastructurally, the swelling was a knoblike thickening in the sporocyst wall and did not plug a gap in this wall


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Cathetocephalus thatcheri gen. et sp. n. is described from the spiral valve of the bull shark, Carcharhinus leucas (Valenciennes), taken in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic coast of Florida. A new family is erected for the new genus. The species most closely resembles Pillersium owenium Southwell, 1927, in that both possess a scolex which is perpendicular to the long axis of the strobila. It differs, however, in having a single neck and holdfast organ rather than a bifurcate neck with two bothridia. Also, the surfaces of the scolex differ from those of P. owenium by possessing fleshy papilliform structures on the leading and trailing edges rather than leaflike folds. Specimens with several strobilae are figured and discussed.


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Delphinus bairdii Dall is a species of dolphin distinct from D. delphis Linnaeus, with which it has usually been synonymized. D. bairdii has a longer rostrum relative to the zygomatic width of the skull; the ratio of these measurements falls at 1.55 or above for bairdii and 1.53 and below for delphis. In the eastern Pacific Ocean, D. bairdii is found in the Gulf of California and along the west coast of Baja California, Mexico; D. delphis is presently found in the waters off California. Until approximately the beginning of the present century, bairdii occurred farther north in the eastern Pacific Ocean, at least to the Monterey Bay area of California. Restriction of bairdii to more southerly waters, probably as an indirect result of a change in water temperature, may have permitted delphis to move into inshore Californian waters. The Pacific population of D. delphis has a somewhat shorter rostrum than the Atlantic population, and is perhaps subspecifically different. A thorough analysis of the entire genus Delphinus is needed before the relationship of all the populations can be understood and names properly applied.


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I. Gunter and Christmas (1973) described the events leading to the stranding of a baleen whale on Ship Island, Mississippi, in 1968, giving the species as Balaenopteru physalus, the Rorqual. Unfortunately the identification was in error, but fortunately good photographs were shown. The underside of the tail was a splotched white, but there was no black margin. The specimen also had fewer throat and belly grooves than the Rorqual, as a comparison with True’s (1904) photograph shows. Dr. James Mead (in litt.) pointed out that the animal was a Sei Whale, Balaenoptera borealis. This remains a new Mississippi record and according to Lowery’s (1974) count, it is the fifth specimen reported from the Gulf of Mexico. The stranding of a sixth Sei Whale on Anclote Keys in the Gulf, west of Tarpon Springs, Florida on 30 May 1974, was reported in the newspapers and by the Smithsonian Institution (1974). II. Gunter, Hubbs and Beal (1955) gave measurements on a Pygmy Sperm Whale, Kogia breviceps, which stranded on Mustang Island on the Texas coast and commented upon the recorded variations of proportional measurements in this species. Then according to Raun, Hoese and Moseley (1970) these questions were resolved by Handley (1966), who showed that a second species, Kogia simus, the Dwarf Sperm Whale, is also present in the western North Atlantic. Handley’s argument is based on skull comparisons and it seems to be rather indubitable. According to Raun et al. (op. cit.), the stranding of a species of Kogia on Galveston Island recorded by Caldwell, Ingles and Siebenaler (1960) was K. simus. They also say that Caldwell (in litt.) had previously come to the same conclusion. Caldwell et al. also recorded another specimen from Destin, Florida, which is now considered to have been a specimen of simus. The known status of these two little sperm whales in the Gulf is summarized by Lowery (op. cit.).


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The abundance of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardii) has declined in recent decades at several Alaska locations. The causes of these declines are unknown, but there is concern about the status of the populations, especially in the Gulf of Alaska. To assess the status of harbor seals in the Gulf of Alaska, we conducted aerial surveys of seals on their haul-out sites in August-September 1996. Many factors influence the propensity of seals to haul out, including tides, weather, time of day, and time of year. Because these “covariates” cannot simultaneously be controlled through survey design, we used a regression model to adjust the counts to an estimate of the number of seals that would have been ashore during a hypothetical survey conducted under ideal conditions for hauling out. The regression, a generalized additive model, not only provided an adjustment for the covariates, but also confirmed the nature and shape of the covariate effects on haul-out behavior. The number of seals hauled out was greatest at the beginning of the surveys (mid-August). There was a broad daily peak from about 1100-1400 local solar time. The greatest numbers were hauled out at low tide on terrestrial sites. Tidal state made little difference in the numbers hauled out on glacial ice, where the area available to seals did not fluctuate with the tide. Adjusting the survey counts to the ideal state for each covariate produced an estimate of 30,035 seals, about 1.8 times the total of the unadjusted counts (16,355 seals). To the adjusted count, we applied a correction factor of 1.198 from a separate study of two haul-out sites elsewhere in Alaska, to produce a total abundance estimate of 35,981 (SE 1,833). This estimate accounts both for the effect of covariates on survey counts and for the proportion of seals that remained in the water even under ideal conditions for hauling out.