895 resultados para Message Trading
This study uses a simulated civil trial to examine the effect of a male expert's testimony in a male-dominated industry as compared to a female expert's testimony in a traditionally female-dominated industry. ... As noted by Cooper et al., research on persuasion has reliably demonstrated that, under conditions of message complexity, people rely on heuristic cues rather than the content of the message when judging its validity. ... Similarly, Swenson, Nash, and Roos determined that a female expert witness in a child custody dispute was perceived as possessing greater expertise than a male expert, although this difference was only marginally significant. Findings from an unpublished dissertation, which investigated the influence of expert gender in a case involving child sexual abuse, also found some support, in terms of whether or not jurors reached a verdict in a specified period of time or remained hung, for the hypothesis that a female expert would be more influential than her male counterpart. ... Within each of these trial domains (construction, women's clothing), the second experimental variable was manipulated by varying the gender of the plaintiff's expert witness, with half of the participants receiving testimony from a female expert (Dr. Elizabeth Pinder) and half of the participants receiving testimony from a male expert (Dr. Michael Pinder).
The present study investigated the degree to which young children's suggestible responses were related to their pragmatic language ability. In Experiment 1, forty-seven 5- and 6-year-olds were read a short picture story followed the next day by a postevent synopsis that included both consistent and misleading details about the original story. Six days later, a suggestibility effect was evident with responses to questions about the details that had been misled being less accurate than to those about details not misled. Although age significantly correlated with this effect, the relationship was not significant after controlling for the children's pragmatic language ability. The procedure in Experiment 2 was identical with the exception that the thirty-nine 5- and 6-year-olds were questioned in a format that made explicit the intended reference point of the interrogation. A suggestibility effect was now not evident nor was accuracy related to age. Taken together, these results support the position that young children's suggestibility requires a consideration not only in terms of suggestible memories but also in terms of suggestible responses that can result from incorrectly interpreting the intended message of an experimenter's questions. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
This multicenter study evaluated the impact of genetic counseling in 218 women at risk of developing hereditary breast cancer. Women were assessed prior to counseling and 12-month post-counseling using self-administered, mailed questionnaires. Compared to baseline, breast cancer genetics knowledge was increased significantly at follow-up. and greater increases in knowledge were associated with educational level. Breast cancer anxiety decreased significantly from baseline to follow-up, and these decreases were associated with improvements in perceived risk. A significant decrease in clinical breast examination was observed at the 12-month follow-up. Findings suggest that women with a family history of breast cancer benefit from attending familial cancer clinics as it leads to increases in breast cancer genetics knowledge and decreases in breast cancer anxiety. The lowered rates of clinical breast examination indicate that the content of genetic counseling may need to be reviewed to ensure that women receive and take away the right message. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Based on the idea that emotional exchanges determine symbolic meanings in interpersonal exchanges, we hypothesized that displays of positive and congruent affect determine members' ratings of leaders in a simulated performance appraisal context. To test the hypotheses, 537 participants viewed videotapes of four male and female leaders giving positive and negative feedback, and with facial expressions of affect that were either congruent or incongruent with the verbal message that they were delivering. Results supported hypotheses that positive and message-congruent leader affect results in more positive member ratings of the leader, assessed using a seven-item measure of members' perceptions of the leader's negotiating latitude. The least positive ratings of negotiating latitude were given when positive feedback was delivered with negative facial affect. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Supply and demand largely determine the price of goods on human markets. It has been proposed that in animals, similar forces influence the payoff distribution between trading partners in Sexual selection, intraspecific cooperation and interspecific mutualism. Here we present the first experimental evidence supporting biological market theory in it study on cleaner fish, Labroides dimidiatus. Cleaners interact with two classes of clients: choosy client species with access to several cleaners usually do not queue for service and do not return if ignored, while resident client species with access to only one cleaning station do queue or return. We used plexiglas plates with equal amounts of food to stimulate these behaviours of the two client classes. Cleaners soon inspected 'choosy' plates before 'resident' plates. This supports previous field observations that suggest that client species with access to several cleaners exert choice to receive better(immediate) service.
Two stock-market simulation experiments investigated the notion that rumors that invoke stable-cause attributions spawn illusory associations and less regressive predictions and behavior. In Study 1, illusory perceptions of association and stable causation (rumors caused price changes on the day after they appeared) existed despite rigorous conditions of nonassociation (price changes were unrelated to rumors). Predictions (recent price trends will continue) and trading behavior (departures from a strong buy-low-sell-high strategy) were both anti-regressive. In Study 2, stability of attribution was manipulated via a computerized tutorial. Participants taught to view price-changes as caused by stable forces predicted less regressively and departed more from buy-low-sell-high trading patterns than those taught to perceive changes as caused by unstable forces. Results inform a social cognitive and decision theoretic understanding of rumor by integrating it with causal attribution, covariation detection, and prediction theory. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
Three experiments are reported which examine the effects of consensus information on majority and minority influence. In all experiments two levels of consensus difference were examined; large (82% versus 18%) and small (52% versus 48%). Experiment 1 showed that a majority source had more influence than a minority source, irrespective of consensus level. Experiment 2 examined the cause of this effect by presenting only the source label ('majority' versus 'minority'), only the consensus information (percentages) or both. The superior influence of the majority was again found when either (a) both source label and consensus information were given (replicating Experiment 1) and (b) only consensus information was given, but not when (c) only the source label was given. The results showed majority influence was due to the consensus information indicating more than 50% of the population supported that position. Experiment 3 also manipulated message quality (strong versus weak arguments) to identify whether systematic processing had occurred. Message quality only had an impact with the minority of 18%. These studies show that consensus information has different effects' for majority and minority influence. For majority influence, having over 50% support is sufficient to cause compliance while for a minority there are advantages to being numerically small, in terms of leading to detailed processing of its message. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
This paper examines the statistical and economic significance of short-term autocorrelation in Australian equities. We document large negative first-order autocorrelation in individual stock returns. Preliminary results suggest this autocorrelation is economically significant, as two simple trading strategies based on the autocorrelation structure appear to yield large risk-adjusted returns. Further analysis, however, shows that these results are driven by the inclusion of small-capitalisation and low-priced stocks which are vulnerable to a number of market-microstructure-related problems. After revising the dataset to mitigate these problems, little evidence of economic significance remains.
Movies, pieces of music, books, or newspapers can all be expressed in the same binary code. Discrete forms of analogue media are just different dialects of the language of computerese. Content is becoming a very liquid asset. To take Marshall McLuhan's famed dictum a step further: The message is now independent of the medium
Objectives: To determine whether awareness of the moderate physical activity message and prevalence of participation changed among Australian adults between 1997 and 1999, and if changes differed across Australia. Methods: Data were compared on awareness of the moderate physical activity message and on physical activity participation from identical national physical activity surveys in 1997 and 1999. Results: In 1999, following integrated public health efforts, recognition of the Active Australia campaign was substantially higher in NSW/ACT (61.7%) than elsewhere (29.3%). Knowledge about benefits of moderate activity increased between 1997 and 1999, more so in States with public health campaigns. National participation in 'sufficient physical activity' declined between 1997 and 1999, from 63% to 57%, but the decline was smaller in NSW/ACT (4.4%) than in the other States (6.0%). Conclusions and implications: Declining trends in physical activity in Australia require increased public health investments, including strategic planning and public education, such as occurred in NSW (1997/98).
A partir da descentralização, novas instâncias de negociação e novas alternativas de ordenamento da estrutura organizacional do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) foram criadas. Dentre estas alternativas, podemos citar os conselhos de saúde, importantes canais de participação social. Todavia, frente às limitações destes canais tradicionais de articulação entre Estado e sociedade, destacamos os ideais da gestão participativa e os Conselhos Locais de Saúde (CLS) como alternativa de renovação e criação de instâncias mais flexíveis, porosas e efetivas às complexas demandas sociais. Neste sentido, buscamos analisar o processo de criação e implementação dos CLS do município de Anchieta/ES, a partir de uma abordagem quali-quantativa. Inicialmente, traçamos o perfil socioeconômico e político dos conselheiros eleitos, a partir de um questionário aplicado a uma amostra de 54 conselheiros; dados que foram categorizados e analisados por meio do emprego de estatísticas descritivas. Em seguida, entrevistamos treze conselheiros, de dois conselhos distintos do município, procedendo à análise de conteúdo do material, a partir dos ideais de Bardin (2000). Os resultados demonstraram que os conselhos foram criados a partir da iniciativa da gestão municipal em 2011, e que simplesmente institucionalizá-los como espaço de participação social não foi suficiente para promover a mobilização social e o envolvimento comunitário. Quanto ao perfil dos conselheiros locais, 78% são mulheres, com predominância de raça/cor branca, idade entre os 20 e 39 anos e funcionárias públicas; 57% possuem Ensino Médio e participaram como conselheiro por dois anos, e 60% destes já tiveram outras experiências de participação similares aos CLS. Do material oriundo das entrevistas, emergiram quatro categorias de análise, a saber: 1) Ser ou não ser conselheiro de saúde? Eis a questão!; 2) O não pertencimento e a não-participação; 3) Conselhos Locais de Saúde: elos, meios e mediações; e 4) A exogenia da administração e os obstáculos à participação social. Os entraves ao funcionamento dos conselhos de saúde, mesmo em nível local, ainda são desafios a serem superados, para que estas instâncias sejam mais influentes na gestão pública, conforme os princípios de sua criação. A participação social e a democracia são fundamentais para a construção de políticas de saúde que correspondam às reais demandas da comunidade. Contudo, para garantir a democracia na sociedade não basta promover a descentralização. É necessário que os sujeitos políticos resistam às relações de dominação, opressão e subordinação. Para isso, torna-se imprescindível os programas de educação para cidadania dos sujeitos envolvidos nestes fóruns de participação. O que nos motiva, enfim, é notarmos a existência, entre os conselheiros eleitos, de sujeitos protagonistas de seu próprio devir; sujeitos que atuam como agentes transformadores, motivadores de sonhos e projetos em prol da saúde pública e de sua comunidade.
O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar a relação existente entre remuneração executiva e desempenho em companhias brasileiras de capital aberto listadas na BM&FBOVESPA. A linha teórica parte do pressuposto que o contrato de incentivos corrobora com o alinhamento de interesses entre acionistas e executivos e atua como um mecanismo de governança corporativa a fim de direcionar os esforços dos executivos para maximização de valor da companhia. A amostra foi composta pelas 100 companhias mais líquidas listadas em quantidade de negociações de ações na BM&FBOVESPA durante o período 2010-2012, totalizando 296 observações. Os dados foram extraídos dos Formulários de Referência disponibilizados pela CVM e a partir dos softwares Economática® e Thomson Reuters ®. Foram estabelecidas oito hipóteses de pesquisa e estimados modelos de regressão linear múltipla com a técnica de dados em painel desbalanceado, empregando como variável dependente a remuneração total e a remuneração média individual e como regressores variáveis concernentes ao desempenho operacional, valor de mercado, tamanho, estrutura de propriedade, governança corporativa, além de variáveis de controle. Para verificar os fatores que explicam a utilização de stock options, programa de bônus e maior percentual de remuneração variável foram estimados modelos de regressão logit. Os resultados demonstram que, na amostra selecionada, existe relação positiva entre remuneração executiva e valor de mercado. Verificou-se também que os setores de mineração, química, petróleo e gás exercem influência positiva na remuneração executiva. Não obstante, exerce relação inversa com a remuneração total à concentração acionária, o controle acionário público e o fato da companhia pertencer ao nível 2 ou novo mercado conforme classificação da BMF&BOVESPA. O maior valor de mercado influencia na utilização de stock options, assim como no emprego de bônus, sendo que este também é impactado pelo maior desempenho contábil. Foram empregados também testes de robustez com estimações por efeitos aleatórios, regressões com erros-padrão robustos clusterizados, modelos dinâmicos e os resultados foram similares. Conclui-se que a remuneração executiva está relacionada com o valor corporativo gerando riqueza aos acionistas, mas que a ausência de relação com o desempenho operacional sugere falhas no sistema remuneratório que ainda depende de maior transparência e outros mecanismos de governança para alinhar os interesses entre executivos e acionistas.
Este trabalho apresenta os conceitos de tradução de forma ampla, rompendo com a concepção de transformação de uma mensagem em um determinado código linguístico para outro, na qual busca-se apenas uma equivalência literal. Objetiva-se discutir a partir de teóricos em torno das teorias pós-coloniais e desconstrucionistas como Bhabha (2010), Hall (2006), Derrida (2006), Ottoni (2005), Orlandi (2008) e Niranjana (2011), a possibilidade de reposicionar a tradução, entendendo-a como ferramenta capaz de desconstruir paradigmas dominantes e, assim, recontar histórias, constituindo-se pontes plásticas. Assim, buscar-se-á pensar a tradução, na sua plasticidade, promovendo pontes que manifestam os cruzamentos existentes entre línguas, evidenciando o homem como cruzamento de diversos sujeitos. Como objeto empírico de análise, utilizaremos três verbetes presentes no site Wikipédia, nos quais traços da identidade brasileira estão envolvidos e investigar-se-á, a partir da leitura estereoscópica e da Teoria da Relevância proposta por Speber & Wilson (2001), os nuances nos processos tradutórios que podem contribuir para a forma como o Brasil é representado tanto pelas comunidades locais quanto estrangeiras, levando à constituição de estereótipos. A pesquisa aqui proposta se mostra relevante, uma vez que, objetiva estudar um corpus pouco explorado academicamente, mas em voga socialmente, já que o site Wikipédia se encontra entre os dez mais acessados da atualidade, com mais de 300 milhões de acessos únicos, além da importância de ser uma fonte de construção coletiva do pensamento, reinventando o conceito de enciclopédia. A pesquisa também se torna relevante sob a ótica dos estudos da tradução já que discorre sobre a importância do tradutor como ferramenta de formação de identidades sejam nacionais, culturais e sociais, além de propor o conceito híbrido de tradução-resenha, como uma tendência ao mundo multilingual contemporâneo
This article explores the role of the European Union in the human rights protection, implementation and promotion in Serbia. It is clear that the EU demands on democratisation in the region of Western Balkans are crucial to achieve the respect for human rights. The human rights standards as part of the conditionality criteria of the EU is a clear message towards the countries aspiring membership. However, Serbia progress in the field has been difficult due to several internal constraints. This paper aims to uncover the democratisation process of Serbia on its path towards the EU, and its progress (or not) regarding human rights protection and implementation.
This paper presents experimental results of the communication performance evaluation of a prototype ZigBee-based patient monitoring system commissioned in an in-patient floor of a Portuguese hospital (HPG – Hospital Privado de Guimar~aes). Besides, it revisits relevant problems that affect the performance of nonbeacon-enabled ZigBee networks. Initially, the presence of hidden-nodes and the impact of sensor node mobility are discussed. It was observed, for instance, that the message delivery ratio in a star network consisting of six wireless electrocardiogram sensor devices may decrease from 100% when no hidden-nodes are present to 83.96% when half of the sensor devices are unable to detect the transmissions made by the other half. An additional aspect which affects the communication reliability is a deadlock condition that can occur if routers are unable to process incoming packets during the backoff part of the CSMA-CA mechanism. A simple approach to increase the message delivery ratio in this case is proposed and its effectiveness is verified. The discussion and results presented in this paper aim to contribute to the design of efficient networks,and are valid to other scenarios and environments rather than hospitals.