838 resultados para Mesh generation from image data
[EN]This work analyzes the problem of community structure in real-world networks based on the synchronization of nonidentical coupled chaotic Rössler oscillators each one characterized by a defined natural frequency, and coupled according to a predefined network topology. The interaction scheme contemplates an uniformly increasing coupling force to simulate a society in which the association between the agents grows in time. To enhance the stability of the correlated states that could emerge from the synchronization process, we propose a parameterless mechanism that adapts the characteristic frequencies of coupled oscillators according to a dynamic connectivity matrix deduced from correlated data. We show that the characteristic frequency vector that results from the adaptation mechanism reveals the underlying community structure present in the network.
142 p.
The purpose of this work was the study of phytoplankton production of the salt lakes of the Steppe region of Crimea, during the vegetative period of 1974. From May to October Sakskoe and Sasyk Lakes were examined, and from August to October - Moinakskoe Lake. The density of the salt water was measured and the intensity of photosynthesis was determined. From the data presented, it is apparent that the intensity of photosynthesis in Sakskoe and Sasyk Lakes, on average, is extremely high.
Part I
The latent heat of vaporization of n-decane is measured calorimetrically at temperatures between 160° and 340°F. The internal energy change upon vaporization, and the specific volume of the vapor at its dew point are calculated from these data and are included in this work. The measurements are in excellent agreement with available data at 77° and also at 345°F, and are presented in graphical and tabular form.
Part II
Simultaneous material and energy transport from a one-inch adiabatic porous cylinder is studied as a function of free stream Reynolds Number and turbulence level. Experimental data is presented for Reynolds Numbers between 1600 and 15,000 based on the cylinder diameter, and for apparent turbulence levels between 1.3 and 25.0 per cent. n-heptane and n-octane are the evaporating fluids used in this investigation.
Gross Sherwood Numbers are calculated from the data and are in substantial agreement with existing correlations of the results of other workers. The Sherwood Numbers, characterizing mass transfer rates, increase approximately as the 0.55 power of the Reynolds Number. At a free stream Reynolds Number of 3700 the Sherwood Number showed a 40% increase as the apparent turbulence level of the free stream was raised from 1.3 to 25 per cent.
Within the uncertainties involved in the diffusion coefficients used for n-heptane and n-octane, the Sherwood Numbers are comparable for both materials. A dimensionless Frössling Number is computed which characterizes either heat or mass transfer rates for cylinders on a comparable basis. The calculated Frössling Numbers based on mass transfer measurements are in substantial agreement with Frössling Numbers calculated from the data of other workers in heat transfer.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a espessura mínima radicular remanescente e o desgaste porcentual do terço cervical em raízes mesiais de molares inferiores, após a instrumentação com as técnicas ProTaper Universal e Lima única F2. Foram obtidos 100 primeiros molares inferiores com raízes completamente separadas. Desse total, foram selecionados e incluídos no estudo somente 22 que possuíam dois canais distintos na raiz mesial, comprimento entre 20 e 22 mm e grau de curvatura da raiz mesial com angulação variando entre 10 e 20. Destes, 8 foram eliminados por possuírem uma anatomia muito discrepante, o que limitava o processamento e análise digital das imagens (PADI). Os dentes foram acessados e a patência apical foi realizada em todos os canais determinando o comprimento de trabalho. Em cada dente, cada canal mesial foi instrumentado por uma técnica diferente. As amostras foram posicionadas em um dispositivo de montagem e digitalizadas através de microtomografia computadorizada antes e depois de serem completamente instrumentadas. O volume de interesse, correspondente à região de zona de risco, com uma grande margem de tolerância, tanto em direção apical quanto em direção cervical, foi determinado por 234 fatias, totalizando um comprimento vertical de 3,5 mm, para avaliação quantitativa comparativa. Através de PADI mediu-se, de forma automática, a espessura mínima radicular nos dois canais mesiais, antes e após a instrumentação, para todas as fatias de todos os dentes. A partir destes dados foi calculado o desgaste porcentual. Após o tratamento estatístico das mais de 6500 medidas obtidas, pôde-se concluir que não existiu diferença no desgaste da zona de risco produzido pelas duas técnicas de instrumentação testadas. Em todos os casos a espessura radicular remanescente permaneceu dentro de uma margem de segurança, não havendo, portanto, nenhum caso de rasgo ou perfuração. Dessa forma, ambas as técnicas estudadas foram consideradas seguras quanto ao desgaste da zona de risco da raiz mesial dos molares inferiores.
This report describes the general background to the project, defines the stations from which data sets have been obtained and lists the available data. The project had the following aims: To develop a more accurate and less labour-intensive system for the collection and processing of water temperature data from a number of stations within a stream/river system, and to use the River North Tyne downstream of the Kielder impoundment as a test bed for the system. This should yield useful information on the effects of impoundment upon downstream water temperatures.
Viral infections remain a serious global health issue. Metagenomic approaches are increasingly used in the detection of novel viral pathogens but also to generate complete genomes of uncultivated viruses. In silico identification of complete viral genomes from sequence data would allow rapid phylogenetic characterization of these new viruses. Often, however, complete viral genomes are not recovered, but rather several distinct contigs derived from a single entity are, some of which have no sequence homology to any known proteins. De novo assembly of single viruses from a metagenome is challenging, not only because of the lack of a reference genome, but also because of intrapopulation variation and uneven or insufficient coverage. Here we explored different assembly algorithms, remote homology searches, genome-specific sequence motifs, k-mer frequency ranking, and coverage profile binning to detect and obtain viral target genomes from metagenomes. All methods were tested on 454-generated sequencing datasets containing three recently described RNA viruses with a relatively large genome which were divergent to previously known viruses from the viral families Rhabdoviridae and Coronaviridae. Depending on specific characteristics of the target virus and the metagenomic community, different assembly and in silico gap closure strategies were successful in obtaining near complete viral genomes.
We assume that the resistance matrix can be found in electrical impedance tomography from the assumption of linear dependence between the voltages and the currents and with the help of the resistance matrix and the transfer impedance between the electrodes, a directional algebraic reconstruction technique is proposed. The goal is to reconstruct the resistivity distribution by weighting the matrices that are obtained by calculating the orthogonal distance of the underlying mesh elements from the neighbouring port resistivity lines. These weighting matrices, which only depend on the topology of the underlying mesh, can be calculated offline and result in a computationally efficient online procedure with a reasonable image reconstruction performance. Simulation results are provided to validate this approach.
The recovery of benthic communities inside the western Gulf of Maine fishing closure area was evaluated by comparing invertebrate assemblages at sites inside and outside of the closure four to six years after the closure was established. The major restriction imposed by the closure was a year-round prohibition of bottom gillnets and otter trawls. A total of 163 seafloor sites (~half inside and half outside the closure) within a 515-km2 study area were sampled with some combination of Shipek grab, Wildco box corer, or underwater video. Bottom types ranged from mud (silt and clay) to boulders, and the effects of the closure on univariate measures (total density, biomass, taxonomic richness) of benthos varied widely among sediment types. For sites with predominantly mud sediments, there were mixed effects on inside and outside infauna and no effect on epifauna. For sites with mainly sand sediments, there were higher density, biomass, and taxonomic richness for infauna inside the closure, but no significant effects on epifauna. For sites dominated by gravel (which included boulders in some areas), there were no effects on infauna but strong effects on epifaunal density and taxonomic richness. For fishing gear, the data indicated that infauna recovered in sand from the impacts of otter trawls operated inside the closure but that they did not recover in mud, and that epifauna recovered on gravel bottoms from the impact of gillnets used inside the closure. The magnitudes of impact and recovery, however, cannot be inferred directly from our data because of a confounding factor of different fishing intensities outside the closure for a direct comparison of preclosure and postclosure data. The overall negative impact of trawls is likely underestimated by our data, whereas the negative impact of gillnets is likely overestimated.
O estudo visou à caracterização geoquímica orgânica detalhada (carbono orgânico total, resíduo insolúvel, enxofre, pirólise Rock-Eval e biomarcadores) da Formação Irati através do furo pioneiro FP-12-SP localizado próximo da região de Anhembi (SP), e à análise das alterações destes parâmetros devido ao efeito térmico de intrusões de diabásio. A partir destes dados definiu-se 8 (oito) unidades quimioestratigráficas, determinou se o potencial gerador de cada unidade, o tipo de querogênio e a assinatura geoquímica através de parâmetros dos biomarcadores saturados e, por último, indicou-se as alterações causadas pelo efeito térmico de intrusivas nos sedimentos. O Membro Taquaral possui baixo teor de carbono orgânico total, querogênio tipo III/IV, com alta proporção de alcanos lineares e cicloalcanos, predominância dos esteranos C27 em relação ao C29, com indicações de ambiente marinho com salinidade normal. O Membro Assistência é caracterizado por apresentar valores de carbono orgânico total relativamente alto com aumento para o topo, intercalação de níveis siliciclásticos com carbonáticos, potencial gerador que chega a excelente e índice de hidrogênio predominante para óleo e condensado, baixa proporção de n-alcanos em relação aos cicloalcanos e alcanos ramificados, aparecimento do gamacerano, indicando ambiente marinho hipersalino com afogamento para o topo. O efeito térmico é visto a partir de 3 metros abaixo e 10 metros acima da soleira com maturação da matéria orgânica nos 9,5m mais próximos da soleira. A propagação de calor acima da soleira foi maior do que abaixo devido à diferença de condutividade térmica entre o carbonato e o folhelho, onde a máxima restrição com o aumento da salinidade na Unidade Quimioestratigráfica E, indicada pela presença de gamacerano, pode ter amplificado a passagem de calor para o topo.
Night sharks, Carcharhinus signatus, are an oceanic species generally occurring in outer continental shelf waters in the western North Atlantic Ocean including the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. Although not targeted, night sharks make up a segment of the shark bycatch in the pelagic longline fishery. Historically, night sharks comprised a significant proportion of the artisanal Cuban shark fishery but today they are rarely caught. Although information from some fisheries has shown a decline in catches of night sharks, it is unclear whether this decline is due to changes in fishing tactics, market, or species identification. Despite the uncertainty in the decline, the night shark is currently listed as a species of concern due to alleged declines in abundance resulting from fishing effort, i.e. overutilization. To assess their relevance to the species of concern list, we collated available information on the night shark to provide an analysis of its status. Night shark landings were likely both over- and under-reported and thus probably did not reflect all commercial and recreational catches, and overall they have limited relevance to the current status of the species. Average size information has not changed considerably since the 1980’s based on information from the pelagic longline fishery when corrected for gear bias. Analysis of biological information indicates night sharks have intrinsic rates of increase (r) about 10% yr–1 and have moderate rebound potential and an intermediate generation time compared to other sharks. An analysis of trends in relative abundance from four data sources gave conflicting results, with one series in decline, two series increasing, and one series relatively flat. Based on the analysis of all currently available information, we believe the night shark does not qualify as a species of concern but should be retained on the prohibited species list as a precautionary approach to management until a more comprehensive stock assessment can be conducted.
Uma simulação numérica que leva em conta os efeitos de estratificação e mistura escalar (como a temperatura, salinidade ou substância solúvel em água) é necessária para estudar e prever os impactos ambientais que um reservatório de usina hidrelétrica pode produzir. Este trabalho sugere uma metodologia para o estudo de escoamentos ambientais, principalmente aqueles em que o conhecimento da interação entre a estratificação e mistura pode dar noções importantes dos fenômenos que ocorrem. Por esta razão, ferramentas de simulação numérica 3D de escoamento ambiental são desenvolvidas. Um gerador de malha de tetraedros do reservatório e o modelo de turbulência algébrico baseado no número de Richardson são as principais ferramentas desenvolvidas. A principal dificuldade na geração de uma malha de tetraedros de um reservatório é a distribuição não uniforme dos pontos relacionada com a relação desproporcional entre as escalas horizontais e verticais do reservatório. Neste tipo de distribuição de pontos, o algoritmo convencional de geração de malha de tetraedros pode tornar-se instável. Por esta razão, um gerador de malha não estruturada de tetraedros é desenvolvido e a metodologia utilizada para obter elementos conformes é descrita. A geração de malha superficial de triângulos utilizando a triangulação Delaunay e a construção do tetraedros a partir da malha triangular são os principais passos para o gerador de malha. A simulação hidrodinâmica com o modelo de turbulência fornece uma ferramenta útil e computacionalmente viável para fins de engenharia. Além disso, o modelo de turbulência baseado no número de Richardson leva em conta os efeitos da interação entre turbulência e estratificação. O modelo algébrico é o mais simples entre os diversos modelos de turbulência. Mas, fornece resultados realistas com o ajuste de uma pequena quantidade de parâmetros. São incorporados os modelos de viscosidade/difusividade turbulenta para escoamento estratificado. Na aproximação das equações médias de Reynolds e transporte de escalar é utilizando o Método dos Elementos Finitos. Os termos convectivos são aproximados utilizando o método semi-Lagrangeano, e a aproximação espacial é baseada no método de Galerkin. Os resultados computacionais são comparados com os resultados disponíveis na literatura. E, finalmente, a simulação de escoamento em um braço de reservatório é apresentada.
I simulated somatic growth and accompanying otolith growth using an individual-based bioenergetics model in order to examine the performance of several back-calculation methods. Four shapes of otolith radius-total length relations (OR-TL) were simulated. Ten different back-calculation equations, two different regression models of radius length, and two schemes of annulus selection were examined for a total of 20 different methods to estimate size at age from simulated data sets of length and annulus measurements. The accuracy of each of the twenty methods was evaluated by comparing the back-calculated length-at-age and the true length-at-age. The best back-calculation technique was directly related to how well the OR-TL model fitted. When the OR-TL was sigmoid shaped and all annuli were used, employing a least squares linear regression coupled with a log-transformed Lee back-calculation equation (y-intercept corrected) resulted in the least error; when only the last annulus was used, employing a direct proportionality back-calculation equation resulted in the least error. When the OR-TL was linear, employing a functional regression coupled with the Lee back-calculation equation resulted in the least error when all annuli were used, and also when only the last annulus was used. If the OR-TL was exponentially shaped, direct substitution into the fitted quadratic equation resulted in the least error when all annuli were used, and when only the last annulus was used. Finally, an asymptotically shaped OR-TL was best modeled by the individually corrected Weibull cumulative distribution function when all annuli were used, and when only the last annulus was used.
This paper presents a numerical method for the simulation of flow in turbomachinery blade rows using a solution-adaptive mesh methodology. The fully three-dimensional, compressible, Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with k-ε turbulence modeling (and low Reynolds number damping terms) are solved on an unstructured mesh formed from tetrahedral finite volumes. At stages in the solution, mesh refinement is carried out based on flagging cell faces with either a fractional variation of a chosen variable (like Mach number) greater than a given threshold or with a mean value of the chosen variable within a given range. Several solutions are presented, including that for the highly three-dimensional flow associated with the corner stall and secondary flow in a transonic compressor cascade, to demonstrate the potential of the new method.
Discriminant analysis takes into consideration the natural correlation existing between different characteristics of fish when studying mesh selectivity. Some specimen data are presented for two different sets of fish and it is shown that the discriminant analysis shows a significant difference between the two sets where F test failed.