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La investigación recoge la situación de las personas que sufren algún tipo de trastorno mental y se encuentran cumpliendo una medida de ejecución penal, ya sea internamiento en prisión o bien una medida de seguridad. La muestra del estudio la componen las personas que en el año 2005 pasaron como mínimo un día por las unidades psiquiátricas de los centros penitenciarios, o que cumplieron alguna medida de seguridad (en el ámbito territorial de las comarcas de Barcelona). En la segunda parte del estudio, más de un centenar de profesionales y expertos opinan sobre las principales necesidades presentes y futuras de la intervención en salud mental en el mundo de la ejecución penal.
Strategy & Action Plan 2003 - 2008
Best Practice Guidelines
A Strategic Framework for Occupational Therapy In Mental Health
] The Mental Treatment Act 1945 requires the inspection of every public psychiatric hospital and unit at least once a year, and of every private hospital and the Central Mental Hospital twice a year. These inspections were carried out on both announced and unannounced visits. In recent years, the number of un-announced visits has increased. The general format of an announced visit is that the Inspectorate, before beginning the inspection, meets with senior members of the service being inspected, bringing with it the statistical returns made by that service to the Department of Health and Children at the end of the preceding year and a copy of the health boardâ?Ts service plan in respect of the service.  Download document here
Report of the Inspector of Mental Hospitals for 2002 The Mental Treatment Act, 1945 requires the inspection of every public psychiatric hospital and unit at least once a year, and of every private hospital and the Central Mental Hospital twice a year. These inspections were carried out on both announced and unannounced visits. In recent years, the number of unannounced visits has increased. Click here to download PDF 2.1mb
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The National Council for the Elderly is an advisory body to the Minister for Health on all aspects of ageing and the welfare of the elderly. One of its terms of reference is to advise the Minister on measures to promote the health of the elderly. As one of its contributions towards the realisation of this objective the Council published a report in October 1996 entitled, Mental Disorders in Older Irish People: Incidence Prevalence and Treatment. The report provides a profile of mental disorders in the older Irish population by bringing together in one publication the information which exists on the prevalence, incidence and treatment of mental disorders in older people. It will be a valuable source of information for planning and developing mental health services for older people. Download the Report here Â
The report details some general matters affecting the psychiatric services at the time of inspection and highlights the main developments envisaged in the psychiatric services in each health board. The report then proceeds to deal with each individual service. Each health board is allocated a separate chapter, with a chapter also being devoted to registered psychiatric hospitals. Finally there is a presentation of the latest statistical information on the psychiatric services Download the Report here
In pursuance of the provisions of Section 247 and 248 of the Mental Treatment Act 1945, I am submitting to you my report for the year 2000 on psychiatric hospitals and services and the care of patients therein. This is my thirteenth report since my appointment in November, 1987 Download the Report here
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This Report proposes a framework of mental health service delivery with the service user at its centre. The emphasis is firmly on recovery and on facilitating active partnerships between service users, carers and mental health professionals. Its recommendations are innovative and some of them are challenging. However, I have nodoubt that their implementation will bring about farreaching change and modernisation in the Irish mentalhealth services, which will be to the benefit of everyone concerned.” Tim O'Malley T.D.Minister of State at the Department of Health & Childrenwith special responsibility for mental health Download the Report (PDF, 1mb)