1000 resultados para Meio Ambiente e Saúde
The pumping of fluids in pipelines is the most economic and safe form of transporting fluids. That explains why in Europe there was in 1999 about 30.000 Km [7] of pipelines of several diameters, transporting millíons of cubic meters of crude oil end refined products, belonging to COCAWE (assaciation of companies of petroleum of Europe for health, environment and safety, that joint several petroleum companies). In Brazil they are about 18.000 Km of pipelines transporting millions of cubic meters of liquids and gases. In 1999, nine accidents were registered to COCAWE. Among those accidents one brought a fatal victim. The oil loss was of 171 m3, equivalent to O,2 parts per million of the total of the transported volume. Same considering the facts mentioned the costs involved in ao accident can be high. An accident of great proportions can bríng loss of human lives, severe environmental darnages, loss of drained product, loss . for dismissed profit and damages to the image of the company high recovery cost. In consonance with that and in some cases for legal demands, the companies are, more and more, investing in systems of Leak detection in pipelines based on computer algorithm that operate in real time, seeking wíth that to minimize still more the drained volumes. This decreases the impacts at the environment and the costs. In general way, all the systems based on softWare present some type of false alarm. In general a commitment exists betWeen the sensibílity of the system and the number of false alarms. This work has as objective make a review of thé existent methods and to concentrate in the analysis of a specific system, that is, the system based on hydraulic noise, Pressure Point Analyzis (PPA). We will show which are the most important aspects that must be considered in the implementation of a Leak Detection System (LDS), from the initial phase of the analysis of risks passing by the project bases, design, choice of the necessary field instrumentation to several LDS, implementation and tests. We Will make na analysis of events (noises) originating from the flow system that can be generator of false alarms and we will present a computer algorithm that restricts those noises automatically
Environmental Laws and Regulations to dump wastewater are increasingly relevant and, together with pressure from environmentalists, provide awareness of academics in search of solutions. In Brazil, federal law, through Resolution No. 357 of 17/03/05 of the National Environmental Council - CONAMA, in Article 24 deals with the disposal of these effluents. Water pollution with heavy metals is concern because of the difficulty of the treatment and removal from the environment. Copper, for example, is a metallic element and in the form of salt is very soluble in water which dificults its removal. In this context, this study aims to evaluate the extraction of copper with acrylamide polymers through the process of assisted flocculation followed by filtration. Therefore, we used acrylamide polymers, produced by SNF Floerger, with varying degrees of ionicity which is the parameter examined on the extraction of copper. We used the FA polymers FA 920 SH, AH 912 SH, AN 905 SH, AN 910 SH, AN 923 SH, AN 945 SH, AN 956 SH and AN 977 SH, which have anionicities different from each other and growing in that order. The parameters temperature, pH, concentration of the copper solution and stirring speed are fixed. The polymer solution was added to a solution of 200 ppm copper, varying the concentration of polymer. After stirring, an assisted flocculation occurred followed by filtration of the effluent. The filtrate was analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometer and the percentage removal of copper ranged from 63 % to 97 %, noting that polymers with higher ionic charge were responsible for the highest percentage of copper extraction. The results of this study showed that these polymers can be applied in the treatment of wastewaters containing metals such as copper
The technology of anaerobic reactors for sanitary wastewater treatment has been extensively developed in Brazil, and today it is practically consolidated. They present several advantages, such as low construction and operating costs, and low sludge production, the anaerobic reactors are an attractive alternative to minimize problematic lack of basic sanitation in urban areas, and also of the rural areas. The anaerobic filters have been widely used in Brazil. It produces an effluent with low concentration of organic matter and solids suspended, besides conserving the nutrients, therefore, it is good for use in irrigation, but the practice must be associated with knowledge of the pathogens presence. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of anaerobic filters in removal faecal coliforms and helminth eggs, and to verify if the effluent can be used for agricultural purposes, according to the World Organization of Health (WHO, 1989). The protocol used to enumerate helminths eggs was the modified Bailenger method, (Ayres and Mara, 1996) recommended by WHO for evaluation of raw effluent and treated effluent. The membrane filtration method was utilized to determine the concentrations of faecal coliforms. Three different systems of sewer treatment composed by anaerobic filters were analyzed. The results, in a general analysis, showed that all the researched systems reached a larger removal than 93% to helminth eggs, resulting in an effluent with smaller average than 1 egg/L. One of these systems, Sistema RN, reached a larger removal than 99%, confirming the good performance of the anaerobic filters in removal helminths eggs. Even with low concentrations of eggs in the influent, the filters were capable to remove this parameter efficiently. About faecal coliforms, it was observed for all the researched systems an effluent with 106 CFU/100mL. The high concentrations to faecal coliforms in the effluent just allow reuse for restricted irrigation, in agreement with the guidelines of WHO. Although the researched systems have not removed faecal coliforms efficiently, the results indicated a good efficiency of the anaerobic filters in removal helminth eggs
In Natal still dominates the use of individual disposal systems for domestic sewage, once only 29% of the city has a sewarage system. Wastes that are accumulated in these individual treatment systems should be exhausted periodically, service provided by collector entrepreneurs. Some of these companies causing major damage to the environment. In Natal, only two companies have their own septage (RESTI) treatment system, which were designed with parameters from domestic sewage generating strain and inefficient systems. Therefore, the characterization becomes essential as a source of parameters for their design. Thus, this work presents the physical-chemical and microbiological characterization of waste pumped from individual sewage treatment systems. Samples collections were made weekly from 5 different trucks at the reception point on the treatment plant on the point of the preliminary treatment. From each truck it was taken 5 samples during the discharge in order to make a composite sample. Afterwards, samples were carried out to laboratory and analyses for determination of temperature, pH, conductivity, BOD, COD, nitrogen (ammonia e organic), alkalinity, oils, phosphorus, solids, faecal coliforms and helminth egg. The results were treated as a single database, and ranked according to its generating source (multi and single house, lodging, health, services and / or food), area of origin (metropolitan, south and north) and type of system (cesspits, septic tank and / or sink). Through these data it was possible to verify that the type of system adopted by most in Natal and the metropolitan region is cesspit, besides to confirm the difference between the septage of areas with a population have different social and economical characteristics. It was found that the septage have higher concentrations than domestic sewage, except for thermotolerant coliforms that showed concentrations of 1,38E+07. Among the parameters studied, is the median values identified for COD (3,549 mg / L), BOD (973mg / L) and total solids (3.557mg / L). The volatile fraction constitutes about 70% of the total solids of the septage. For helminths has been a median of 7 eggs/L. In general, the characteristics of the waste followed the variability found in the literature reviewed for all variables, showing high amplitudes
Because of disability in public policy development in mind to attend issues of sanitation in the municipalities, companies known as "clean-blue" appeared proposing to solve a simple collection and management of wastewater produced in single or multifamily residences, commercial, hospitals, etc. In the case of an activity in which there are no worries about the fate of sewage, emerged some doubts about the degree of health and environmental safety in these companies. Traditionally, most of them makes the provision of waste depleted soil or wetland, open, usually located on the outskirts of cities (MENESES, 2001). In turn, the sludge from septic tanks exhausted, provided no technical criteria - in the soil, rivers and as an agricultural fertilizer put in risk the health of the population and environmental quality. This work was entered in the search network 5 of the Notice of the Research Program in Sanitation - PROSAB-5, aimed to study the theme 'Characterization and study of alternative ways of treating sludge from septic tanks in the city of Natal, RN', proposing to evaluate the performance of the use of stabilization ponds as a system to handle waste from septic tanks exhausted. A series of lakes studied belong to one of the largest clean-pit of Natal, consisting of two anaerobic ponds, one facultative and maturation, and a tank disinfection, the wastewater being released in the Potengi River. Samples were collected between the months of October 2007 to October 2008, at six points previously defined and judged as more appropriate to what is proposed study. The analysis results in field and laboratory showed the most significant removal of COD (88.93%), total suspended solids (94.87%), organic nitrogen (66.87%) and thermotolerant coliforms (99.88%). Some results have not reached the expected because the system under study had operating problems that have undermined the efficiency of the reactors
The Pirangi beach is located in the eastern coastline of Rio Grande do Norte state, in the municipality of Parnamirim and Nísia Floresta. In it flow into Pirangi Watershed (PW), whose water receives large amounts of pollutants, mainly domestic and industrial sewage from districts where pass the rivers that consist it, compromising, thus, the bathing water quality of the Pirangi beach. Bearing in mind the importance of water sanitary quality to ensure an environment that no present risk to the bathers s health, this work had as main objective to assess the influence of the PW s waters in the bathing water quality of the Pirangi beaches. To that end, were made collections of water in the beaches and in the rivers with the intention of quantify the fecal contamination indicators thermotolerant coliforms and enterococci, to then classify the conditions of bathing water quality according with the CONAMA Resolution number 274 of 2000. For the purposes greater knowledge about the health conditions of the Beaches Pirangi and about the influence the PW s waters exert on it, was done parallely to the study of the water quality, an investigation of the sand sanitary quality. Furthermore, it was made an evaluation of the PW s Water Quality through Water Quality Index (WQI). Starting from the results obtained in the research present was possible to verify, among other aspects, that the entry of the PW s waters in the Pirangi beaches exerts direct influence in the bathing water quality of the same ones, being the North Pirangi beach (point tracking PA-02) the most influenced. There was noticed also a significant reduction in the conditions of bathing water quality of the beaches in the rainy season. However, the precariousness do sewerage system of the Natal metropolitan region and the absence of a right system of treatment an final disposal of domestic sewage and industrial are the main factors responsi le for deterioration of the PW s Water Quality, and as a consequence, compromising the bathing water quality of the Pirangi beaches
This research study deals with the production and distribution of drinking water with quality and safety in order to meet the needs of the Man. Points out the limitations of the methodology for assessing water quality in use today. Approaches the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) for adoption, by the companies responsible for producing and distributing water, of assessment methodologies and risk management (HACCP), in order to ensure the quality and safety of water drinking. Suggests strategies for implementing the plan for water safety plan. Uses the process of water production, composed by Maxaranguape river basin, the water treatment plant and distribution system, which is part of the Plan for Expansion of the Supply System of Natal, as case study. The results, it was possible to devise strategies for implementation of the Water Safety Plan (WSP), which comprises the following steps: a) a preliminary stage. b) assessment system. c) process monitoring. d) management plan and e) validation and verification of the PSA. At each stage are included actions for its implementation. The implementation of the PSA shows a new type of water production, in which the fountain as a whole (watershed and point of capture), the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and distribution, shall compose the production process, over which to build quality and safety of the final product (drinking water)
The Serido is a region of northeastern Brazil highlighted by its problems related to water scarcity because of its semi-arid region, large rates of evaporation and rainfall irregular and scarce. Thus, the underground dams, become a strategically important resource with a simple and inexpensive technique for storage of water. They act in a positive way in the development of inland cities that suffer from drought, because in addition to exercise a great improvement in the social role of these families, can enjoy the type of soil (silt) and provides water for both irrigation and for human consumption throughout the year. Is therefore essential to its monitoring and studies to assess its effectiveness in accordance with its purposes, along with their wells Amazons, as can occur in conditions of physical degradation, chemical and microbiological appropriate, according to the Ordinance No 518/04 Ministry of Health, however, the proposed work aims to analyze the underground dams in the municipality of Sierra Negra North-RN (semi-arid region) as to their uses and their influences on the quality and quantity of water in periods of drought and rain. Analyzing monthly these parameters: determination of pH, conductivity, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, sulfate, RAS (sodium adsorption ratio), turbidity, total iron, nitrite, nitrate, total dissolved solids (STD), bicarbonate (HCO3), fecal coliform and pesticides compared to the standards allowed by the Ordinance in force for quality for human consumption. While at the risk of salinity and sodicity on the model proposed by the United Salinity Laboratory (USSL). Although efficient, it was found that results varied annually on water quality which may influence their specific uses, whether or irrigation water supply in the city
The potentially toxic cyanobacterial blooms in water bodies are spread across the globe, resulting in the loss of water quality and adverse effects on human health. In arid and semiarid regions, the hydrologic regime characterized by an annual cycle of drought and rain, change the volume and the retention time of the reservoir. Such changes affect the limnological characteristics and causing changes in composition and biomass community of cyanobacteria. The reservoir Cruzeta (Zmax = 8.7 m) is a eutrophic water supply source located in the semiarid tropical (Northeast Brazil). Raised the hypothesis that the hydrological regime of semi-arid tropical is a determining factor in the availability of resources in eutrophic water sources, which influences the composition of dominant species of cyanobacteria. The aim of this study was to analyze the changes in biomass and species composition of cyanobacteria for two annual hydrological cycles and evaluate factors drivers. The study was divided into five distinct periods (dry 2010, rain 2011, dry 2011, rain 2012, dry 2012). The dominant group found in all periods was Cyanobacteria (99% of total biomass), which contributed to the low diversity. The filamentous species Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii was present at both points in almost every study. The colonial species Microcystis panniformis and Sphaerocavum brasiliensis dominated only in periods with lower volumes of water. The diatoms contribute more to the biomass during the period of severe drought. The point near the dam (P1) had phytoplankton biomass larger than the point near the tributary (P2). The dominant species of colonial cyanobacteria lasted until the overflow in P1, and P2 this dominance was until the first rains. The redundancy analysis indicated that physical factors such as light availability and water level were the main factors driving the seasonal succession of phytoplankton. The composition of phytoplankton in spring was alternated by species of filamentous cyanobacteria in conditions of poor stability of the water column, such as Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, and colonial species under conditions of high stability of the water column, such as Microcystis panniformis and Sphaerocavum brasiliensis. The extremes of torrential rains and severe droughts, governed by the hydrological regime of the semi-arid region led to the availability of resources in the watershed, directing the spatial and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton in the reservoir Cruzeta
INTRODUÇÃO: A malaria é uma doença endêmica na região da Amazônia Brasileira, e a detecção de possíveis fatores de risco pode ser de grande interesse às autoridades em saúde pública. O objetivo deste artigo é investigar a associação entre variáveis ambientais e os registros anuais de malária na região amazônica usando métodos bayesianos espaço-temporais. MÉTODOS: Utilizaram-se modelos de regressão espaço-temporais de Poisson para analisar os dados anuais de contagem de casos de malária entre os anos de 1999 a 2008, considerando a presença de alguns fatores como a taxa de desflorestamento. em uma abordagem bayesiana, as inferências foram obtidas por métodos Monte Carlo em cadeias de Markov (MCMC) que simularam amostras para a distribuição conjunta a posteriori de interesse. A discriminação de diferentes modelos também foi discutida. RESULTADOS: O modelo aqui proposto sugeriu que a taxa de desflorestamento, o número de habitants por km² e o índice de desenvolvimento humano (IDH) são importantes para a predição de casos de malária. CONCLUSÕES: É possível concluir que o desenvolvimento humano, o crescimento populacional, o desflorestamento e as alterações ecológicas associadas a estes fatores estão associados ao aumento do risco de malária. Pode-se ainda concluir que o uso de modelos de regressão de Poisson que capturam o efeito temporal e espacial em um enfoque bayesiano é uma boa estratégia para modelar dados de contagem de malária.
OBJETIVO: Monitorar e caracterizar fungos anemófilos e leveduras de fontes bióticas e abióticas de uma unidade hospitalar. MÉTODOS: As coletas foram realizadas mensalmente e em dois períodos, do centro cirúrgico e unidades de terapia intensiva adulto e neonatal em hospital de Araraquara, Estado de São Paulo. Para coleta de fungos anemófilos foi utilizado amostrador tipo Andersen de simples estágio. A pesquisa de leveduras foi feita das mãos e de orofaringe de profissionais de saúde, bem como de superfícies de leitos e de maçanetas das áreas críticas. RESULTADOS: Foram recuperados do centro cirúrgico 32 gêneros de fungos anemófilos e 31 das unidades de terapia intensiva. Os gêneros mais freqüentemente isolados foram Cladophialophora spp., Fusarium spp., Penicillium spp., Chrysosporium spp. e Aspergillus spp. Durante o período de estudo, houve reforma e implantação de uma unidade dentro do hospital, que coincidiu com o aumento na contagem de colônias de Cladophialophora spp., Aspergillus spp. e Fusarium spp. Leveduras foram encontradas em 39,4% dos profissionais de saúde (16,7% das amostras dos espaços interdigitais, 12,1% do leito subungueal e 10,6% da orofaringe) e, em 44% das amostras do mobiliário, com predomínio do gênero Candida (C. albicans, C. guilliermondii, C. parapsilosis e C. lusitaniae) seguido por Trichosporon spp. CONCLUSÕES: Observou-se número relativamente elevado de fungos anemófilos (potencialmente patogênicos) em áreas especiais e níveis expressivos de leveduras em fontes bióticas e abióticas. O monitoramento microbiológico ambiental deve ser realizado, principalmente em salas especiais com pacientes imunocomprometidos, sujeitos à exposição de patógenos do meio ambiente, assim como, advindos de profissionais de saúde.
In last years it has talked a lot about the environment and the plastic waste produced and discarded. In last decades, the increasing development of research to obtain fuel from plastic material, by catalytic degradation, it has become a very attractive looking, as these tailings are discarded to millions worldwide. These materials take a long time to degrade themselves by ways said natural and burning it has not demonstrated a viable alternative due to the toxic products produced during combustion. Such products could bring serious consequences to public health and environment. Therefore, the technique of chemical recycling is presented as a suitable alternative, especially since could be obtain fractions of liquid fuels that can be intended to the petrochemical industry. This work aims to propose alternatives to the use of plastic waste in the production of light petrochemical. Zeolites has been widely used in the study of this process due to its peculiar structural properties and its high acidity. In this work was studied the reaction of catalytic degradation of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) in the presence HZSM-12 zeolites with different acid sites concentrations by thermogravimetry and pyrolysis coupled with GC-MS. The samples of the catalysts were mixed with HDPE in the proportion of 50% in mass and submitted to thermogravimetric analyses in several heating rates. The addition of solids with different acid sites concentrations to HDPE, produced a decrease in the temperature of degradation of the polymer proportional the acidity of the catalyst. These qualitative results were complemented by the data of activation energy obtained through the non-isothermal kinetics model proposed by Vyazovkin. The values of Ea when correlated to the data of surface acidity of the catalysts indicated that there is a exponential decrease of the energy of activation in the reaction of catalytic degradation of HDPE, in function of the concentration of acid sites of the materials. These results indicate that the acidity of the catalyst added to the system is one of the most important properties in the reaction of catalytic degradation of polyethylene
In the current climate of global public health there is the emergence of urban dengue, a disease regarded as acute infectious fever. The disease annually, has affected millions of people worldwide, mostly in the range of the intertropical globe. The disease's main vector in urban areas, the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Recent studies indicate that the distribution of the insect vector of dengue in the geographical area is directly tied to the behavior of environmental restrictions that area, especially among those, the air temperature and relative humidity. From that context, the work aims to estimate and spatializing, monthly, for each municipality in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, the potential of biophysical conditions conducive to the development of Aedes aegypti. Yet, made use of the following methodology: collection of epidemiological data and climatological, Normal climatological, descriptive statistics (measures of central tendency and scatter), uniform distribution, estimation geostatistics and sufer program, version 8.0. The results flagged for a behavior very heterogeneous, both in space and in time, in the case of the potential of biophysical conditions conducive to the development of Aedes aegypti in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Still, he noted that there is a tendency for lifting the potential of development for the entire state, from the month of January, ending in the month of April mainly in central and western portions of the state. By contrast, there is the permanence of increased potential for development in the eastern portion of the state. The latter record maximum potential in the month of July, resulting probability of greater than 70% have been favorable conditions for the development of Aedes aegypti in that area. In the period between the months of August to December, it is small potential for development of Aedes aegypti in all parts of the state
This study started from the hypothesis of the existence of a relation between the type of the urban occupation concerning to the sustainability conditions at the proximity of Environment Protected Zones and the occurrence of vectors insects in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. This research, which used data available by the City Administration Health and Urbanization Secretaries (respectively SMS and SEMURB), in the time period of 2006 to 2008, aimed to characterize the study site in terms of urban occupation, relating it to social environmental aspects of land occupation and the occurrence of vectors insects. This study is presented in two papers, the first one linking the occurrence of vectors insects and sustainable development indicators and the second relating the incidence of reported cases of Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) and the occurrence of larvae infection indexes of Aedes aegypti, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte State. In the first paper, was made a correlation between Dengue Fever vectors and Visceral and Tegumentar Leishmaniasis vectors and sustainable development indicators, selected from IDS Brasil- 2008. Through factorial analysis a Sustainability Index (SI) was acquired for each region, the northern region of the municipality obtained lower numbers than southern region, which, in its turn, presented better sustainability conditions. Linking this index to vector infestation parameters shows a high significant correlation between the SI and the Breteau Index of Aedes aegypti (p=0,028) as well as with SI and sand flies infestation index (p=0,01). Higher rates in vectors infestation in regions with a lower Sustainable Development Index demonstrates that this index can be used to determine the increasing of probability of Aedes and sand flies occurrence in urban environment. The second paper analyzed the occurrence of the main vector of Dengue and DHF, the Aedes aegypti mosquito, and the relation between larvae infection indexes of this insect and reported cases of the diseases. This study revealed unexpected relation where areas with higher Breteau s Indexes showed lower infection rates of Dengue Fever, although showing high incidence of DHF
This study aimed to evaluate the potential of two public schools in Educommunication related to Environmental Protection Area Jenipabu (APAJ) located in Rio Grande do Norte / Brazil, based on perceptions of educommunicatives practices on the environment as well as perform an action included in the school APAJ. In the first phase of the research were three separate questionnaires designed to identify the actions, practices and experiences of three sets of audiences: teachers, students and parents from both schools. In the second phase, activities were carried out as educomunicatives class actions involving ride, maps of environmental design and construction of a mural on the school newspaper APAJ. We opted for the participant, making the observation in a previous visit to knowledge of the schools, where they made the first contacts with the administrative team, teachers and students, and then the application of semi-structured questionnaire to teachers, students and parents of the 4th and 5 years of elementary school the morning hours. The results showed the detachment of these actors in the knowledge, participation and involvement with APAJ, caused by the absence of actions and actions involving teaching practices educomunicatives students to interact with the environment, taking as its starting point the living space.