856 resultados para Medizinische Diagnostik


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We report three women with hypercortisolism presenting with symptoms and signs of Cushing's syndrome. In two of the patients, initial symptoms of hypercortisolism were associated with spontaneous amelioration of previously known atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, respectively. DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES: Diagnosis was established by demonstrating both lack of responsiveness to dexamethasone (1mg) suppression test and increased 24-hour urine cortisol secretion. One patient had a low serum ACTH level indicating Cushing's syndrome of adrenal origin. In the other two patients hypercortisolism proved to be ACTH-dependent, the source being the pituitary, as demonstrated by CRH stimulation test (elevation of ACTH and cortisol by 35 % and 20 %, respectively) and sampling of the petrosus sinus. In both patients imaging confirmed the presence of a pituitary adenoma.


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A 59-year-old woman was examined because of weight gain, increasing fatigue and secondary amenorrhoea, which occurred after a complicated delivery at age 18. The finding of an increased TSH concentration was initially considered as primary hypothyroidism and substitution therapy was commenced. Because of the concomitant secondary amenorrhoea the patient was referred for additional endocrinological investigations.


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The chest X-ray of a 61-year-old man with severe aortic and mitral stenosis revealed extensive, circularly arranged calcifications in the wall of the left atrial appendage. He died soon after admission to hospital and autopsy confirmed the atrial calcifications in association with severe mitral stenosis. Although such calcification of the left atrial wall is rare, it can be of importance because it may make the usual surgical approach to mitral valve replacement impossible.


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Various conventional and modern fluoroscope units had been examined with an anthropomorphic phantom to determine the applied average organ doses. The aim of our investigation was to compare these doses with those normally delivered to the patients during a conventional X-ray examination of the thorax. As was to be expected, the doses resulting from conventional fluoroscopic units are much higher than the doses from modern units. As shown by means of our measurements, the efforts of advanced technology permit to reduce the dose rate up to a factor of 30. I.e., the doses resulting from modern fluoroscopic units are even smaller than the doses received during a conventional thoracic X-ray examination, what means a great improvement for this examination technic.


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Gegenstand und Ziel: Die GM1-Gangliosidose der Alaskan Huskies ist eine angeborene Erkrankung, die durch einen autosomal rezessiv vererbten Defekt des Gens für die saure β-Galaktosidase (GLB1) hervorgerufen wird. Klinisch zeigen die Tiere Minderwuchs sowie, beginnend im Alter von sechs bis acht Wochen, neurologische Ausfallerscheinungen wie Ataxie und Dysmetrie. Zur gezielten Vermeidung dieser Erkrankung ist es für Zuchtentscheidungen wichtig, Anlageträger für den Defekt sicher identifizieren zu können. Material und Methode: Die Spezifität und Sensitivität eines kürzlich beschriebenen Gentests zum direkten Nachweis des genetischen Defekts bei der GM1-Gangliosidose des Alaskan Husky wurde mit der biochemischen Bestimmung der enzymatischen Aktivität der β-Galaktosidase aus isolierten Hautfibroblasten, klinischen und pathologischen Befunden sowie einer Stammbaumanalyse verglichen. Ergebnisse: Die β-Galaktosidase- Enzymaktivitäten von Anlageträgern lagen im Durchschnitt niedriger als die Enzymaktivitäten homozygot gesunder Hunde. Da sich jedoch die Werte der beiden Gruppen überlappten, war eine sichere Identifizierung von Anlageträgern mit der biochemischen Analyse nicht möglich. Demgegenüber erlaubte der Gentest eine eindeutige Unterscheidung zwischen homozygot gesunden Tieren und Anlageträgern. Schlussfolgerung: Der Gentest ist der biochemischen Diagnostik überlegen. Klinische Relevanz: Mithilfe des Gentests können die phänotypisch unauffälligen Anlageträger sicher identifiziert werden. Damit lassen sich Anpaarungen von zwei Anlageträgern verhindern und das Auftreten der GM1-Gangliosidose kann zukünftig vermieden werden.


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In the past 10 to 20 years the pneumococcus, the most common pathogen of community-acquired pneumonia, has developed resistance to most antibiotics used for its treatment. Classes with important resistance problems include the beta-lactams, the macrolides and lincosamides, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and the tetracyclines. Unfortunately, resistance to more than one class of antibiotics is common in pneumococci, and their treatment is thus becoming more difficult. Patients likely to harbour resistant organisms include young children, particularly those attending day care, older patients, and subjects who have received recent antibiotic therapy, suffer from underlying diseases including HIV, or have nosocomial or polymicrobial pneumonia. The consequences of resistance development are different for different classes of antibiotics. With beta-lactams, the increase in minimal inhibitory concentrations is usually moderate in resistant strains, and because of the high concentrations that can be achieved with this class of drugs resistance does not usually lead to treatment failure. Thus, beta-lactams continue to be important drugs for the treatment of pneumococcal pneumonia, even if the organism is resistant. In contrast, resistance to other classes of antibiotics must be assumed to render these drugs ineffective. Newer quinolones represent valuable alternatives for the treatment of pneumococcal pneumonia, since their efficacy is not affected by resistance to other classes of antibiotics and they cover almost all pathogens of community-acquired pneumonia, including the atypical pathogens. However, they should be used with restraint in order to preserve this valuable class of drugs.


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Multiplication of bacteria within the central nervous system compartment triggers a host response with an overshooting inflammatory reaction which leads to brain parenchyma damage. Some of the inflammatory and neurotoxic mediators involved in the processes leading to neuronal injury during bacterial meningitis have been identified in recent years. As a result, the therapeutic approach to the disease has widened from eradication of the bacterial pathogen with antibiotics to attenuation of the detrimental effects of host defences. Corticosteroids represent an example of the adjuvant therapeutic strategies aimed at downmodulating excessive inflammation in the infected central nervous system. Pathophysiological concepts derived from an experimental rat model of bacterial meningitis revealed possible therapeutic strategies for prevention of brain damage. The insights gained led to the evaluation of new therapeutic modalities such as anticytokine agents, matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors, antioxidants, and antagonists of endothelin and glutamate. Bacterial meningitis is still associated with persistent neurological sequelae in approximately one third of surviving patients. Future research in the model will evaluate whether the neuroprotective agents identified so far have the potential to attenuate learning disabilities as a long-term consequence of bacterial meningitis.


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The case is discussed of a 74-year-old patient hospitalised with acute colitis, who newly developed headache, fever, and mental status changes on the 14th day after admission. The course of the disease was characterised by rapid progression with loss of consciousness and the development of extensive brain oedema, despite broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy. The patient died on the 17th of hospitalisation.


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Pneumonia continues to be one of the most important infectious diseases which often leads to hospital admissions and is occasionally fatal. The spectrum of causative organisms, their sensitivity pattern to antibiotics, diagnostic tools, and available antibiotics are continually changing. Currently, the most disquieting trend is the increasing development of resistance to commonly used antibiotics by the pneumococcus. Although this trend has thus far been observed primarily in other countries, it will most likely not spare Switzerland. Rational empiric therapy must include careful clinical assessment of the patient, knowledge of the spectrum of organisms locally causing pneumonias, including their resistance patterns, as well as a prognostic assessment of the patient. Using these factors, possible antibiotic schemes for empiric therapy of community-acquired pneumonia are reviewed.


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