987 resultados para Material Obturador de Canal Radicular
288 p. : il.
ENGLISH:The gill rakers of both juvenile and adult anchovetas are long and numerous, with many fine processes which make a very efficient straining apparatus. The stomach is modified into a gizzard. The intestine undergoes heteronomous growth, and attains about eight times the standard length in adults. The stomach contents of 39 samples of juvenile fish and 120 adult fish were examined. Diatoms were the principal food of all the sizes of fish examined, from 29 to 153 millimeters. Silicoflagellates, dinoflagellates, pollen grains, formaniferans, rotifer shells, crustaceans, and eggs, probably of crustaceans, were also found in small amounts. Coscinodiscus, a diatom, was the most important item found in the stomachs of the juvenile fish. No strong differences were observed in the feeding habits of different sizes of juveniles. Even taking into account their smaller size, the juveniles had smaller volumes of material and lesser numbers of organisms in their stomachs than did the adults. The stomachs of the adult fish, unlike those of the juveniles, usually contained considerable quantities of mud. Melosira, Coscinodiscus, and Thalassionema, all diatoms, were the most important organisms found in the stomachs of the adults. The incidence of Melosira was much higher in the stomachs of fish from the areas to the east of the entrance of the Panama Canal than from those to the west. No seasonal differences in the food were observed. The volume of material in the stomachs ranged from almost none to nearly 1.0 milliliter, with an average of a little more than 0.2 milliliter. Twenty-six bottom samples were examined; the organisms found corresponded very closely to those encountered in the stomachs of the adult fish. It is concluded that the juvenile anchovetas are chiefly or entirely filter feeders of the pelagic zone. The adults, however, are mostly iliophagous feeders, but possibly do some feeding upon plankton as well. SPANISH:Las branquispinas de las anchovetas, tanto en las juveniles como en las adultas, son largas y numerosas, can varias protuberancias finas que hacen de ellas un aparato filtrador muy eficiente. El estómago está modificado en una molleja. El intestino está sometido a un crecimiento heterónomo, llega a alcanzar unas oeho veces la longitud estandar en las adultas. Fué examinado el contenido estomacal de 39 ,muestras de peces juveniles y de 120 adultos. Las diatomeas fueron el alimento principal de todos los peces que fueron examinados cuyo tamaño varió entre los 29 y 153 milimetros. Se encontraron también en cantidades silicoflagelados, dinoflagelados, granos de polen, foraminíferos, conchas de rotiferos, crustáceos y huevos, probablemente de crustáceos. Coscinodiscus, una diatomea, fué el alimento más importante encontrado en los estómagos de los peces juveniles. No se observaron mayores diferencias en los hábitos de alimentación en los juveniles de diferentes tamaños. Aún tomando en cuenta su tamaño menor, los juveniles tenian volúmenes más pequeños de material y un número menor de organismos en sus estómagos que los adultos. Los estómagos de los peces adultos, diferentes a los de los juveniles, contenían por lo general considerables cantidades de fango. Melosira, Coscinodiscus, y Thalassionema, todas ellas diatomeas, fueron los organismos más importantes encontrados en los estómagos de los adultos. La contribuciónde Melosira fué mucho más alta en los estómagos de los peces procedentes de las áreas al este de la entrada del Canal de Panamá que la de aquellos provenientes del oeste. No se observaron diferencias estacionales en la alimentacion. El volúmen de material en los estómagos varió de casi cero a cerca de 1.0 mililitros, con un promedio de un poco mas de 0.2 mili1itros. Se examinaron 26 muestras de fonda; los organismos encontrados correspondieron muy cercanamente a los hallados en los estómagos de los peces adultos. Se ha llegado a la conclusión de que las anchovetas juveniles son principalmente ó enteramente filtradoras de alimentos de la zona pelágica. Las adultas, sin embargo, son en su mayoria iliófagas, pero posiblemente se alimentan también de plancton.
This report is the final product of a two-year study conducted for the Office, Chief of Engineers, by the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Moss Landing, California, under Contract No. DACW39-74-C-OI51 with the Environmental Effects Laboratory (EEL), U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES), Yicksburg, Mississippi. (PDF contains 192 pages)
Este trabajo se basa en los muestreos sobre las percas (Percichthys sp) realizado entre los años 1955 a 1957 por María Luisa Fuster de Plaza y Enrique E. Boschi, ambos investigadores se desempañaban en el Departamento de Investigaciones Pesqueras de la Dirección Nacional de Pesca, dependiente del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería de la Nación de entonces. Las tareas se llevaron a cabo principalmente en varios cuerpos de agua léntica y lóticas de la región de la Patagonia Norte (Provincias de Río Negro, Neuquen y Chubut), y en la provincia de Mendoza. Consisten en datos morfométricos, desarrollo gonadal, fecundidad, contenidos alimenticios, planillas, dibujos, etc. de 80 ejemplares de percas. La autora tuvo a su cargo el análisis de los datos de esos muestreos y las comparaciones con estudios de material más reciente, correspondiente al lago Pellegrini, a partir de 1981.
286 p. : il. col.
In this paper, a new definition of SE and CE, which is based on the hexahedron mesh and simpler than Chang's original CE/SE method (the space-time Conservation Element and Solution Element method), is proposed and an improved CE/SE scheme is constructed. Furthermore, the improved CE/SE scheme is extended in order to solve the elastic-plastic flow problems. The hybrid particle level set method is used for tracing the interfaces of materials. Proper boundary conditions are presented in interface tracking. Two high-velocity impact problems are simulated numerically and the computational results are carefully compared with the experimental data, as well as the results from other literature and LS-DYNA software. The comparisons show that the computational scheme developed currently is clear in physical concept, easy to be implemented and high accurate and efficient for the problems considered. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
To meet the demand of modern acoustic absorbing material for which acoustic absorbing frequency region can be readily tailored, we introduced woodpile structure into locally resonant phononic crystal (LRPC) and fabricated an underwater acoustic absorbing material, which is called locally resonant phononic woodpile (LRPW). Experimental results show that LRPW has a strong capability of absorbing sound in a wide frequency range. Further theoretical research revealed that LRPC units and woodpile structure in LRPW play an important role in realization of wide band underwater strong acoustic absorption.
105 p. : il. - Ilustraciones de Oscar Mardones Ruiz
The goal of this thesis is to develop a proper microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) process to manufacture piezoelectric Parylene-C (PA-C), which is famous for its chemical inertness, mechanical and thermal properties and electrical insulation. Furthermore, piezoelectric PA-C is used to build miniature, inexpensive, non-biased piezoelectric microphones.
These piezoelectric PA-C MEMS microphones are to be used in any application where a conventional piezoelectric and electret microphone can be used, such as in cell phones and hearing aids. However, they have the advantage of a simplified fabrication process compared with existing technology. In addition, as a piezoelectric polymer, PA-C has varieties of applications due to its low dielectric constant, low elastic stiffness, low density, high voltage sensitivity, high temperature stability and low acoustic and mechanical impedance. Furthermore, PA-C is an FDA approved biocompatible material and is able to maintain operate at a high temperature.
To accomplish piezoelectric PA-C, a MEMS-compatible poling technology has been developed. The PA-C film is poled by applying electrical field during heating. The piezoelectric coefficient, -3.75pC/N, is obtained without film stretching.
The millimeter-scale piezoelectric PA-C microphone is fabricated with an in-plane spiral arrangement of two electrodes. The dynamic range is from less than 30 dB to above 110 dB SPL (referenced 20 µPa) and the open-circuit sensitivities are from 0.001 – 0.11 mV/Pa over a frequency range of 1 - 10 kHz. The total harmonic distortion of the device is less than 20% at 110 dB SPL and 1 kHz.