995 resultados para Maréchal, Sylvain, 1750-1803.


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Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank M. N. Cueto and J.M. Antonio (ECOBIOMAR) for their excellent technical support and also Rodrigo López for making the map of the study area. We also thank the personal of the Vigo IEO, for providing information about shad captures at sea collected on the basis of national program (AMDES) included in the European Data Collection Framework (DCF) project. We are also grateful to Comandancia Naval de Tui for providing fishing data. M. Bao is supported by a PhD grant from the University of Aberdeen and also by financial support of the contract from the EU Project PARASITE (grant number 312068). This study was partially supported by a PhD grant from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) SFRH/BD/44892/2008) and partially supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the COMPETE—Operational Competitiveness Programme and national funds through Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the project BPEst-C/MAR/ LA0015/2013. The authors thank the staff of the Station of Hydrobiology of the USC BEncoro do Con^ due their participation in the surveys. This work has been partially supported by the project 10PXIB2111059PR of the Xunta de Galicia and the project MIGRANET of the Interreg IV BSUDOE (South-West Europe) Territorial Cooperation Programme (SOE2/P2/E288). D.J. Nachón is supported by a PhD grant from the Xunta de Galicia (PRE/2011/198)


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"The purpose of this study is to examine the &rchitecturai details and interiors of New Mexican dwellings between 1750 and :870. It concerns mainly the Spanish Colonial Period and the beginning of the Territorial Period"


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San Antonio, actual pedanía de 2.100 hb situada a 5 km de la ciudad de Requena, es un ejemplo de transformación del paisaje por efecto de la colonización humana. En 1752 poblaban esta partida dos docenas de familias de labradores, jornaleros y pastores repartidos en una veintena de casas dispersas por la campiña. La propiedad de la tierra estaba en manos de una docena de terratenientes forasteros y del concejo municipal de Requena. La superficie cultivada ascendía a uno 600 almudes de regadío y 1.000 de secano. Cien años más tarde había 730 en riego y 3.700 en secano. Este incremento estuvo acompañado de una expansión del viñedo y los cereales, a costa de pastizales y baldíos, y de una distribución y traspaso parcial de la propiedad de la tierra a manos de los colonos que se multiplicaron por diez en poco más de un siglo. Las causas que propiciaron aquella transformación fueron básicamente dos: la desamortización y venta de bienes concejiles y eclesiásticos, y la proliferación de contratos de plantación de viña a medias, mediante los cuales decenas de jornaleros lograron hacerse con una pequeña propiedad vitícola.


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One-page letter from Croswell to Captain James Scott, Master of the Boston Marine Society, that accompanied Croswell's work on lunar observations.


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Handwritten proposal for the printing of a treatise on arithmetic by Croswell.


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A note indicates that White originally made these entries in his copies of the Massachusetts Register. It is unclear who prepared these transcriptions; they do not appear to be in White's hand.


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A note indicates that these quaestiones were intended for freshmen.