996 resultados para Majority World
This study shows the possibility offered by modern ultra-high performance supercritical fluid chromatography combined with tandem mass spectrometry in doping control analysis. A high throughput screening method was developed for 100 substances belonging to the challenging classes of anabolic agents, hormones and metabolic modulators, synthetic cannabinoids and glucocorticoids, which should be detected at low concentrations in urine. To selectively extract these doping agents from urine, a supported liquid extraction procedure was implemented in a 48-well plate format. At the tested concentration levels ranging from 0.5 to 5 ng/mL, the recoveries were better than 70% for 48-68% of the compounds and higher than 50% for 83-87% of the tested substances. Due to the numerous interferences related to isomers of steroids and ions produced by the loss of water in the electrospray source, the choice of SFC separation conditions was very challenging. After careful optimization, a Diol stationary phase was employed. The total analysis time for the screening assay was only 8 min, and interferences as well as susceptibility to matrix effect (ME) were minimized. With the developed method, about 70% of the compounds had relative ME within the range ±20%, at a concentration of 1 and 5 ng/mL. Finally, limits of detection achieved with the above-described strategy including 5-fold preconcentration were below 0.1 ng/mL for the majority of the tested compounds. Therefore, LODs were systematically better than the minimum required performance levels established by the World anti-doping agency, except for very few metabolites.
El concepte Internet de les Coses va néixer fa molt poc, cap a l’any 2010, i es refereix a la connexió d’objectes a Internet, de manera que puguin interactuar en xarxa entre ells o amb les persones per transmetre o rebre informació, i realitzar, així, les accions programades en funció de les dades disponibles. Des de llavors la gran majoria d’institucions, tant públiques com privades, s’han interessat en aquest concepte, ja que pot suposar un augment molt important de la qualitat de vida de les persones, un estalvi de recursos i beneficis econòmics. D’aquí neix aquest Treball Final de Grau, ja que des de la Fundació Eduard Soler de Ripoll tenen el desig d’introduir-se en aquest camp. L’objectiu principal d’aquest Treball Final de Grau és crear una xarxa sense fils que pugui controlar la temperatura i la il·luminació de l’edifici C de la Fundació Eduard Soler i que, a més, es pugui connectar a Internet. Una de les conclusions a què he arribat gràcies a aquest treball és que la utilització d’eines de baix cost (Arduino, Xbee, MySQL, PHP...) permet introduir-se en l’apassionant món de l’Internet de les Coses i, a més, aconseguir molt bons resultats.
L'organització mundial de la salut, assenyala que la major part de les agressions sexuals tenen com a víctimes a dones i nenes, i són perpetrades per homes i nens. En alguns països, gairebé una de cada quatre dones ha estat víctima de violència sexual per part de la seva parella i fins a una tercera part de les adolescents han sofert una iniciació sexual forçada. Estudis especialitzats fan referència al percentatge de dones que han sofert alguna forma d'abús sexual abans dels 18 anys. En el mateix sentit, enquestes mundials assenyalen que entre el 10% i el 69% de les dones diuen haver estat agredides físicament per una parella masculina en algun moment de la seva vida. La violència sexual infantil provoca a les seves víctimes una sèrie de repercussions i seqüeles, psicològiques, emocionals, socials; compromet el desenvolupament integral de l'individu, i provoca l'aparició d'una sèrie de patologies a l'edat adulta. La present investigació fa una revisió teòrica de la violència sexual, de la violència de gènere, i de les aportacions del procés de recuperació a través de la dansa moviment teràpia d'aquesta població. També es mostra el recorregut del marc d'actuació dels organismes d'ordre públic de la ciutat de Barcelona per a l'atenció i detecció en casos d'abús sexual
The role of transport in the economy is twofold. As a sector of economic activity it contributes to a share of national income. On the other hand, improvements in transport infrastructure create room for accelerated economic growth. As a means to support railways as a safe and environmentally friendly transportation mode, the EU legislation has required the opening of domestic railway freight for competition from beginning of year 2007. The importance of railways as a mode of transport has been great in Finland, as a larger share of freight has been carried on rails than in Europe on average. In this thesis it is claimed that the efficiency of goods transport can be enhanced by service specific investments. Furthermore, it is stressed that simulation can and should be used to evaluate the cost-efficiency of transport systems on operational level, as well as to assess transportation infrastructure investments. In all the studied cases notable efficiency improvements were found. For example in distribution, home delivery of groceries can be almost twice as cost efficient as the current practice of visiting the store. The majority of the cases concentrated on railway freight. In timber transportation, the item with the largest annual transport volume in domestic railway freight in Finland, the transportation cost could be reduced most substantially. Also in international timber procurement, the utilization of railway wagons could be improved by combining complementary flows. The efficiency improvements also have positive environmental effects; a large part of road transit could be moved to rails annually. If impacts of freight transport are included in cost-benefit analysis of railway investments, up to 50 % increase in the net benefits of the evaluated alternatives can be experienced, avoiding a possible inbuilt bias in the assessment framework, and thus increasing the efficiency of national investments in transportation infrastructure. Transportation systems are a typical example of complex real world systems that cannot be analysed realistically by analytical methods, whereas simulation allows inclusion of dynamics and the level of detail required. Regarding simulation as a viable tool for assessing the efficiency of transportation systems finds support also in the international survey conducted for railway freight operators; operators use operations research methods widely for planning purposes, while simulation is applied only by the larger operators.
BACKGROUND: This study examined potential predictors of remission among patients treated for major depressive disorder (MDD) in a naturalistic clinical setting, mostly in the Middle East, East Asia, and Mexico. METHODS: Data for this post hoc analysis were taken from a 6-month prospective, noninterventional, observational study that involved 1,549 MDD patients without sexual dysfunction at baseline in 12 countries worldwide. Depression severity was measured using the Clinical Global Impression of Severity and the 16-item Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology Self-Report (QIDS-SR16). Depression-related pain was measured using the pain-related items of the Somatic Symptom Inventory. Remission was defined as a QIDS-SR16 score ≤5. Generalized estimating equation regression models were used to examine baseline factors associated with remission during follow-up. RESULTS: Being from East Asia (odds ratio [OR] 0.48 versus Mexico; P<0.001), a higher level of depression severity at baseline (OR 0.77, P=0.003, for Clinical Global Impression of Severity; OR 0.92, P<0.001, for QIDS-SR16), more previous MDD episodes (OR 0.92, P=0.007), previous treatments/therapies for depression (OR 0.78, P=0.030), and having any significant psychiatric and medical comorbidity at baseline (OR 0.60, P<0.001) were negatively associated with remission, whereas being male (OR 1.29, P=0.026) and treatment with duloxetine (OR 2.38 versus selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, P<0.001) were positively associated with remission. However, the association between Somatic Symptom Inventory pain scores and remission no longer appeared to be significant in this multiple regression (P=0.580), (P=0.008 in descriptive statistics), although it remained significant in a subgroup of patients treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (OR 0.97, P=0.023), but not in those treated with duloxetine (P=0.182). CONCLUSION: These findings are largely consistent with previous reports from the USA and Europe. They also highlight the potential mediating role of treatment with duloxetine on the negative relationship between depression-related pain and outcomes of depression.
Els jocs són una de les indústries de software més gran del món de la informàtica. Des dels primers jocs en blanc i negre que simulaven raquetes i una pilota, fins avui en dia, en que el desenvolupament d’un joc porta darrere un equip de professionals tant o més gran que el major dels projectes informàtics del món de les indústries, els jocs han evolucionat més que la majoria de programes. La possibilitat d’elaborar un joc és, a part d’una proposta temptadora (ja que difereix enormement de qualsevol pràctica feta durant la carrera), un repte de caire personal per algú que sempre ha estat en contacte amb videojocs i que, després d’adquirir una sèrie de coneixements indispensables, s’ha proposat d’intentar desenvolupar-ne un des de l’arrel. L’objectiu d’aquest treball és doncs això, aprendre com neix un joc partint de res, i veure totes les complicacions que sorgeixen a l’hora de desenvolupar-lo. Els resultats delt projecte mostren generosament el gran nombre de problemes que sorgeixen en un procés com aquest, però com a conclusions importants cal destacar la satisfacció envers els resultats obtinguts, així com els coneixements que s’han guanyat mitjançant el desenvolupament del programa.
Education in Finland plays a significant role. International students are becoming an essential part of Finnish Educational system. The study was meant to examine their expectations and experiences in a Finnish University. As a case, Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) was chosen and, in particular, Information Technology (IT) Department. The main objectives of the study were to examine students’ satisfaction of their study experiences, their evaluation of the teaching quality of courses and last but not least the cultural impact on those. Data for the study were mainly collected with the help of three Internet surveys from a sample of 50 students – currently studying at LUT or already graduated. Response rate from questionnaire to questionnaire varied, however, still close to average and was considered as good and relevant enough. The study was initially meant as qualitative, however, a number of quantitative data analysis methods were used as well. Most of students’ expectations appear to become true, majority of students are satisfied with their experiences. Results show that teaching quality in LUT is evaluated as ‘good’. Nevertheless, students prefer particular courses to the other ones. In conclusion, it can be said that culture does affect students’ expectations, experiences, perception of the world, however, cultural differences do not cause any serious problems.
Genetic diversity is one of the levels of biodiversity that the World Conservation Union (IUCN) has recognized as being important to preserve. This is because genetic diversity is fundamental to the future evolution and to the adaptive flexibility of a species to respond to the inherently dynamic nature of the natural world. Therefore, the key to maintaining biodiversity and healthy ecosystems is to identify, monitor and maintain locally-adapted populations, along with their unique gene pools, upon which future adaptation depends. Thus, conservation genetics deals with the genetic factors that affect extinction risk and the genetic management regimes required to minimize the risk. The conservation of exploited species, such as salmonid fishes, is particularly challenging due to the conflicts between different interest groups. In this thesis, I conduct a series of conservation genetic studies on primarily Finnish populations of two salmonid fish species (European grayling, Thymallus thymallus, and lake-run brown trout, Salmo trutta) which are popular recreational game fishes in Finland. The general aim of these studies was to apply and develop population genetic approaches to assist conservation and sustainable harvest of these populations. The approaches applied included: i) the characterization of population genetic structure at national and local scales; ii) the identification of management units and the prioritization of populations for conservation based on evolutionary forces shaping indigenous gene pools; iii) the detection of population declines and the testing of the assumptions underlying these tests; and iv) the evaluation of the contribution of natural populations to a mixed stock fishery. Based on microsatellite analyses, clear genetic structuring of exploited Finnish grayling and brown trout populations was detected at both national and local scales. Finnish grayling were clustered into three genetically distinct groups, corresponding to northern, Baltic and south-eastern geographic areas of Finland. The genetic differentiation among and within population groups of grayling ranged from moderate to high levels. Such strong genetic structuring combined with low genetic diversity strongly indicates that genetic drift plays a major role in the evolution of grayling populations. Further analyses of European grayling covering the majority of the species’ distribution range indicated a strong global footprint of population decline. Using a coalescent approach the beginning of population reduction was dated back to 1 000-10 000 years ago (ca. 200-2 000 generations). Forward simulations demonstrated that the bottleneck footprints measured using the M ratio can persist within small populations much longer than previously anticipated in the face of low levels of gene flow. In contrast to the M ratio, two alternative methods for genetic bottleneck detection identified recent bottlenecks in six grayling populations that warrant future monitoring. Consistent with the predominant role of random genetic drift, the effective population size (Ne) estimates of all grayling populations were very low with the majority of Ne estimates below 50. Taken together, highly structured local populations, limited gene flow and the small Ne of grayling populations indicates that grayling populations are vulnerable to overexploitation and, hence, monitoring and careful management using the precautionary principles is required not only in Finland but throughout Europe. Population genetic analyses of lake-run brown trout populations in the Inari basin (northernmost Finland) revealed hierarchical population structure where individual populations were clustered into three population groups largely corresponding to different geographic regions of the basin. Similar to my earlier work with European grayling, the genetic differentiation among and within population groups of lake-run brown trout was relatively high. Such strong differentiation indicated that the power to determine the relative contribution of populations in mixed fisheries should be relatively high. Consistent with these expectations, high accuracy and precision in mixed stock analysis (MSA) simulations were observed. Application of MSA to indigenous fish caught in the Inari basin identified altogether twelve populations that contributed significantly to mixed stock fisheries with the Ivalojoki river system being the major contributor (70%) to the total catch. When the contribution of wild trout populations to the fisheries was evaluated regionally, geographically nearby populations were the main contributors to the local catches. MSA also revealed a clear separation between the lower and upper reaches of Ivalojoki river system – in contrast to lower reaches of the Ivalojoki river that contributed considerably to the catch, populations from the upper reaches of the Ivalojoki river system (>140 km from the river mouth) did not contribute significantly to the fishery. This could be related to the available habitat size but also associated with a resident type life history and increased cost of migration. The studies in my thesis highlight the importance of dense sampling and wide population coverage at the scale being studied and also demonstrate the importance of critical evaluation of the underlying assumptions of the population genetic models and methods used. These results have important implications for conservation and sustainable fisheries management of Finnish populations of European grayling and brown trout in the Inari basin.
Pro gradu -tutkielmassani tarkastelen niitä merkityksiä, joita afrikkalaisamerikkalainen musiikillinen esitystraditio saa Nobel-kirjailija Toni Morrisonin romaanissa Jazz (1992).Morrison on toistuvasti löytänyt vertailukohdan omalle kirjoittamiselleen mustasta musiikkitraditiosta. Kuvaillessaan Jazz-romaanin luomisprosessia hän on kertonut pyrkineensä rakentamaan teoksen improvisatorisen jazz-performanssin muotoon. Tutkielmassa kysyn, millä tavalla tämä jazz-improvisatorinen kerrontamuoto ilmenee Jazz-romaanissa ja miksi musiikki ja kerronnan musiikillisuus on saanut niin merkittävän roolin afrikkalaisamerikkalaisen kirjallisuuden traditiossa. Keskeiselle sijalle tutkielmassani nousee ajatus improvisatorisesta jazz-performanssista sekä romaania ohjaavana kerronnallisena periaatteena että mustan diasporisen kulttuurin ja identiteetin rakentamisen välineenä. Tukeutumalla muun muassa Ralph Ellisonin, James Baldwinin, Albert Murrayn, Henry Louis Gates Jr:n, Houston A. Baker Jr:n, Paul Gilroyn, Kimberly W. Benstonin ja Nathaniel Mackeyn kirjoituksiin mustasta esitystraditiosta tarkastelen, mitä eri merkityksiä jazz- ja blues-musiikille on annettu afrikkalaisamerikkalaisessa kirjallisuudessa. Jazzissa musiikki toimii ensisijaisesti keinona työstää menneisyyttä: musiikillinen improvisaatio avaa tien ihmisen henkilökohtaisten muistojen ja menneisyyden konfliktien tarkastelulle. Kyse on identiteettiprosessista, joka ohjaa toistuvasti määrittelemään uudelleen ne rakenteet, joissa ihmisen minuus kehittyy. Samalla musiikillisuuden taustalta voidaan löytää pyrkimys vapauttaa teos kertovuudesta ja kohdistaa lukijan huomio tekstin tuottamaan liikkeeseen, romaaniin performanssina. Tämä ohjaa kirjallisuuden kohti rituaalista: musiikillisuuden funktiona on tuoda tarina voimakkaammin osaksi lukijan kokemuksellista nykyhetkeä. Morrisonin romaanikirjoittamista ohjaa halu kehittää jatkuvasti uusia mahdollisuuksia ymmärtää ja lähestyä menneisyyttä sekä rakentaa kriittinen suhde afrikkalaisamerikkalaista kulttuuria määrittäneisiin historiallisiin narratiiveihin. Jazzromaanin tapahtumat sijoittuvat keskelle afrikkalaisamerikkalaisen urbaanin kulttuurin ja amerikkalaisen modernismin kehityksen keskeisintä vuosikymmentä, 1920-lukua. Romaanin sisällön analyysissa tarkastelen muun muassa romaanin kaupunkitilan kuvausta ja sen kiinnittymistä urbaanin kulutuskulttuurin tuottamaan visuaaliseen spektaakkeliin. Jazzissa Morrisonin voidaan nähdä työstävän suhdetta tiettyyn historialliseen aikakauteen, joka on merkittävällä tavalla muokannut sekä afrikkalaisamerikkalaista kulttuurista yhteisöllisyyttä että tiettyjä ”mustan” tai ”mustuuden” representaatioita osana amerikkalaista urbaania ympäristöä.