990 resultados para Magnetic Fluid


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The conformation and stability of pearl millet prolamin (pennisetin) were examined by using circular dichroism and C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The far UV spectrum of pennisetin in 70% (v/v) aqueous ethanol showed the presence of predominant alpha-helical structure and its occurrence in the alpha + beta class of protein. The far and near UV spectra of pennisetin in ethanol: trifluoroethanol also supported this observation. However pennisetin showed the presence of some helical structure in 8 M urea which is known to be a highly unordered structure forming solvent. A decrease in alpha helical content of native pennisetin was observed with rise in temperature from 5-75-degrees-C and this effect of temperature was found to be reversible. A C-13 NMR spectrum of pennisetin in 70% ethanol suggested a high degree of molecular mobility in ethanol. Comparison of the cross polarization spectrum with the single pulse excitation spectrum suggested pennisetin to be a heterogeneous protein.


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Working under the hypothesis that magnetic flux in the sun is generated at the bottom of the convection zone, Choudhuri and Gilman (1987; Astrophys. J. 316, 788) found that a magnetic flux tube symmetric around the rotation axis, when released at the bottom of the convection zone, gets deflected by the Coriolis force and tends to move parallel to the rotation axis as it rises in the convection zone. As a result, all the flux emerges at rather high latitudes and the flux observed at the typical sunspot latitudes remains unexplained. Choudhuri (1989; Solar Physics, in press) finds that non-axisymmetric perturbations too cannot subdue the Coriolis force. In this paper, we no longer treat the convection zone to be passive as in the previous papers, but we consider the role of turbulence in the convection zone in inhibiting the Coriolis force. The interaction of the flux tubes with the turbulence is treated in a phenomenological way as follows: (1) Large scale turbulence on the scale of giant cells can physically drag the tubes outwards, thus pulling the flux towards lower latitudes by dominating over the Coriolis force. (2) Small scale turbulence of the size of the tubes can exchange angular momentum with the tube, thus suppressing the growth of the Coriolis force and making the tubes emerge at lower latitudes. Numerical simulations show that the giant cells can drag the tubes and make them emerge at lower latitufes only if the velocities within the giant cells are unrealistically large of if the radii of the flux tubes are as small as 10 km. However, small scale turbulence can successfully suppress the growth of the Coriolis force if the tubes have radii smaller than about 300 km which may not be unreasonable. Such flux tubes can then emerge at low latitudes where sunspots are seen.


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A mixed boundary-valued problem associated with the diffusion equation, that involves the physical problem of cooling of an infinite slab in a two-fluid medium, is solved completely by using the Wiener-Hopf technique. An analytical solution is derived for the temperature distribution at the quench fronts being created by two different layers of cold fluids having different cooling abilities moving on the upper surface of the slab at constant speed. Simple expressions are derived for the values of the sputtering temperatures of the slab at the points of contact with the respective layers, assuming one layer of the fluid to be of finite extent and the other of infinite extent. The main problem is solved through a three-part Wiener - Hopf problem of a special type, and the numerical results under certain special circumstances are obtained and presented in the form of a table.


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We reported the presence of a 80 kDa polypeptide in porcine follicular fluid that inhibited the binding of 125I-radiolabelled hFSH as well as hCG to the rat ovarian gonadotropin receptors. In the present study, the biological activity of the receptor binding inhibitor is determined using an in vitro bioassay procedure. Granulosa cells isolated from PMSG primed immature rat ovaries respond to exogenously added gonadotropins in terms of progesterone production. Addition of fractions containing the gonadotropin receptor binding inhibitory activity inhibited progesterone production stimulated by the gonadotropins in a dose-dependent fashion. The receptor binding inhibitory activity was also capable of inhibiting progesterone production stimulated by PMSG, which has both FSH- and LH-like activities in rats. In contrast, progesterone production stimulated by dbcAMP was not inhibited by the receptor binding inhibitor. This result indicates that the site of action of the inhibitor is proximal to the formation of the cAMP. The above observations point out to a possible role for this factor in modulating gonadotropin activity at the ovarian level.


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With biotin labelled and unlabelled immunoglobulin fraction of anticysticercal antibodies raised in rabbits, tandem-enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (T-ELISA), capture-dot immunobinding assay (C-DIA) and reverse passive haemagglutination (RPHA) tests were developed for the detection of cysticercal antigens. The sensitivity levels were respectively, 9 ng ml−1, 2 ng ml−1 and 45 ng ml−1. All three methods were of equal specificity as none of the antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Japanese encephalitis virus and Echinococcus granulosus reacted with anticysticercal IgG. Cysticercal antigens were detected in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of confirmed neurocysticercosis at sensitivity levels of 91·6% by T-ELISA, 83·33% by C-DIA and 75% by RPHA and specificity levels of >93%. Western analysis of these antigens in CSF showed mainly antigens of 64–68 kDa and 24–28 kDA. By crossed immunoelectrophoresis (CIE) with an intermediate gel technique, five circulating antigens were found to be released from scolex and fluid.


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The steady laminar compressible boundary layer flow of an electrically conducting fluid in the stagnation region of a sphere with an applied magnetic field has been studied. The effects of the induced magnetic field, mass transfer, and viscous dissipation have been taken into account. Both isothermal and adiabatic wall conditions have been considered. The governing equations have been solved numerically using a shooting method. The skin friction and heat transfer are found to be strongly affected by the magnetic field, mass transfer, wall temperature and Mach number. It is found that the magnetic field reduces the heat transfer. This is a significant result which can be used in controlling the heat transfer rate. The boundary layer solutions break down as the magnetic parameter tends to a certain critical value.


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The effect of turbulence on the nonaxisymmetric flux rings of equipartition field strength in bipolar magnetic regions is studied on the basis of the small-scale momentum exchange mechanism and the giant cell drag combined with the Kelvin-Helmholtz drag mechanism. It is shown that the giant cell drag and small-scale momentum exchange mechanism can make equipartition flux loops emerge at low latitudes, in addition to making them exhibit the observed tilts. However, the sizes of the flux tubes have to be restricted to a couple of hundred kilometers. An ad hoc constraint on the footpoints of the flux loops is introduced by not letting them move in the phi direction, and it is found that equipartition fields of any size can be made to emerge at sunspot latitudes with the observed tilts by suitably adjusting the footpoint separations.


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The reaction of [Cu2(O2CMe)4(H2O)2] with N, N, N′, N′-tetramethylethane- 1,2-diamine (tmen) in ethanol yielded the dicopper(II) complex [Cu2(OH)(O2CMe)(tmen)2][ClO4]21. A similar reaction with N, N- dimethylethane- 1,2-diamine (dmen) afforded a crystalline product 2 in which two dicopper(II) complexes, [Cu2(OH)(O2CMe)(dmen)2][ClO4]22a and [Cu2(OH)(O2CMe)(H2O)2(dmen)2][ClO4]22b, are cocrystallized in a 1 : 1 molar ratio along with 2NaClO4. The crystal structures of 1 and 2 have been determined. The complexes have an asymmetrically dibridged [Cu2(µ-OH)(µ-O2CMe)]2+ core. The co-ordination geometry of the metal is square planar (CuO2N2). The copper atoms in 2b have a square-pyramidal CuO3N2 co-ordination sphere. The Cu Cu distances and Cu–O–Cu angles in 1, 2a and 2b are 3.339(2), 3.368(3), 3.395(7)Å, 120.1(2), 116.4(1) and 123.6(2)°, respectively. Complex 1 exhibits an axial ESR spectrum in a methanol glass giving g∥= 2.26 (A∥= 164 × 10–4 cm–1) and g⊥= 2.04. The ESR spectra obtained from the bulk material of the dmen product are indicative of the presence of two dimers, viz. complex 2a(g∥= 2.25, A∥= 165 × 10–4 cm–1; g⊥= 2.03) and 2b(g∥= 2.19, A∥= 184 × 10–4 cm–1; g⊥= 2.0). Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements on these complexes show an intramolecular antiferromagnetic coupling in the dimeric core. The fitting parameters are J=–27.8 cm–1, g= 2.1 for complex 1 and J=–10.1 cm–1, g= 2.0 for 2. The magnetostructural properties of the complexes are discussed. There is a linear correlation of the –2J values with the Cu Cu distances among dibridged complexes having square-planar copper(II) centres.


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Numerical simulations of the magnetorotational instability (MRI) with zero initial net flux in a non-stratified isothermal cubic domain are used to demonstrate the importance of magnetic boundary conditions. In fully periodic systems the level of turbulence generated by the MRI strongly decreases as the magnetic Prandtl number (Pm), which is the ratio of kinematic viscosity and magnetic diffusion, is decreased. No MRI or dynamo action below Pm=1 is found, agreeing with earlier investigations. Using vertical field conditions, which allow magnetic helicity fluxes out of the system, the MRI is found to be excited in the range 0.1


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We conduct a numerical study of the dynamic behavior of a dense hard-sphere fluid by deriving and integrating a set of Langevin equations. The statics of the system is described by a free-energy functional of the Ramakrishnan-Yussouff form. We find that the system exhibits glassy behavior as evidenced through a stretched exponential decay and a two-stage relaxation of the density correlation function. The characteristic times grow with increasing density according to the Vogel-Fulcher law. The wave-number dependence of the kinetics is extensively explored. The connection of our results with experiment, mode-coupling theory, and molecular-dynamics results is discussed.


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In this work, we present a new monolithic strategy for solving fluid-structure interaction problems involving incompressible fluids, within the context of the finite element method. This strategy, similar to the continuum dynamics, conserves certain properties, and thus provides a rational basis for the design of the time-stepping strategy; detailed proofs of the conservation of these properties are provided. The proposed algorithm works with displacement and velocity variables for the structure and fluid, respectively, and introduces no new variables to enforce velocity or traction continuity. Any existing structural dynamics algorithm can be used without change in the proposed method. Use of the exact tangent stiffness matrix ensures that the algorithm converges quadratically within each time step. An analytical solution is presented for one of the benchmark problems used in the literature, namely, the piston problem. A number of benchmark problems including problems involving free surfaces such as sloshing and the breaking dam problem are used to demonstrate the good performance of the proposed method. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The pulsatile flow of an incompressible viscous fluid in an elliptical pipe of slowly varying cross-section is considered. Asymptotic series solutions for the velocity distribution and pressure gradient are obtained in terms of Mathieu functions for a low Reynold number flow in which the volume flux is prescribed. An expression for shear stress on the boundary is derived. The physically significant quantities governing the flow are computed numerically and analysed for different types of constrictions. The effect of eccentricity and Womerslay parameter on the flow is discussed.


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Unsteady laminar mixed convection flow (combined free and forced convection flow) along a vertical slender cylinder embedded in a porous medium under the combined buoyancy effect of thermal and species diffusion has been studied. The effect of the permeability of the medium as well as the magnetic field has been included in the analysis. The partial differential equations with three independent variables governing the flow have been solved numerically using a implicit finite difference scheme in combination with the quasilinearization technique. Computations have been carried out for accelerating, decelerating and oscillatory free stream velocity distributions. The effects of the permeability of the medium, buoyancy forces, transverse curvature and magnetic field on skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer have been studied. It is found that the effect of free stream velocity distribution is more pronounced on the skin friction than on the heat and mass transfer. The permeability and magnetic parameters increase the skin friction, but reduce the heat and mass transfer. The skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer are enhanced due to the buoyancy forces and curvature parameter. The heat transfer is strongly dependent on the viscous dissipation parameter and the Prandtl number, and the mass transfer on the Schmidt number. Untersucht wurde die instationäre laminare Mischkonvektion längs eines vertikalen, in einem porösen Medium eingebetteten Zylinders unter kombinierten Auftriebseffekten von thermischer und spezieller Diffusion. Der Einfluß der Permeabilität des Mediums sowie des magnetischen Feldes wurden in die Betrachtung einbezogen. Die partiellen Differentialgleichungen mit drei unabhängigen Variablen, welche die Strömung beschreiben, wurde numerisch anhand des Schemas der endlichen Differenzen in Verbindung mit der Technik der Quasilinearisation gelöst. Berechnungen für die beschleunigte, verzögerte und oszillierende Geschwindigkeitsverteilung der freien Strömung sind durchgeführt worden. Untersucht wurden ebenfalls die Effekte der Permeabilität des Mediums, der Auftriebskräfte, der transversalen Krümmung, des magnetischen Feldes auf die Oberflächenreibung sowie die Wärmeund Stoffübertragung. Es wurde festgestellt, daß die Geschwindigkeit mehr Einfluß auf die Oberflächenreibung als auf die Wärmeund Stoffübertragung hat. Die Oberflächenreibung sowie die Wärme- und Stoffübertragung werden durch die Auftriebskräfte und die Krümmungsparameter verbessert. Die Wärmeübertragung ist stark abhängig von den Parametern der viskosen Dissipation und der Prandtl-Zahl; die Stoffübertragung von der Schmidt-Zahl.


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We carry out a direct numerical simulation (DNS) study that reveals the effects of polymers on statistically steady, forced, homogeneous, and isotropic fluid turbulence. We find clear manifestations of dissipation-reduction phenomena: on the addition of polymers to the turbulent fluid, we obtain a reduction in the energy dissipation rate; a significant modification of the fluid-energy spectrum, especially in the deep-dissipation range; and signatures of the suppression of small-scale structures, including a decrease in small-scale vorticity filaments. We also compare our results with recent experiments and earlier DNS studies of decaying fluid turbulence with polymer additives.