741 resultados para Macieira Galaxy


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Using imaging from the Hubble Space Telescope, we derive surface brightness profiles for ultracompact dwarfs in the Fornax Cluster and for the nuclei of dwarf elliptical galaxies in the Virgo Cluster. Ultracompact dwarfs are more extended and have higher surface brightnesses than typical dwarf nuclei, while the luminosities, colors, and sizes of the nuclei are closer to those of Galactic globular clusters. This calls into question the production of ultracompact dwarfs via threshing, whereby the lower surface brightness envelope of a dwarf elliptical galaxy is removed by tidal processes, leaving behind a bare nucleus. Threshing may still be a viable model if the relatively bright Fornax ultracompact dwarfs considered here are descended from dwarf elliptical galaxies whose nuclei are at the upper end of their luminosity and size distributions.


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We report on the discovery of a large-scale wall in the direction of Abell 22. Using photometric and spectroscopic data from the Las Campanas Observatory and Anglo-Australian Telescope Rich Cluster Survey, Abell 22 is found to exhibit a highly unusual and striking redshift distribution. We show, by examining the galaxy distributions both in redshift space and on the colour-magnitude plane, that Abell 22 exhibits a foreground wall-like structure. A search for other galaxies and clusters in the nearby region using the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey data base suggests that the wall-like structure is a significant large-scale, non-virialized filament which runs between two other Abell clusters either side of Abell 22. The filament stretches over at least > 40 h(-1) Mpc in length and 10 h(-1) Mpc in width at the redshift of Abell 22.


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We have discovered nine ultracompact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) in the Virgo Cluster, extending samples of these objects outside the Fornax Cluster. Using the Two Degree Field (2dF) multifiber spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope, the new Virgo members were found among 1500 color-selected, starlike targets with 16: 0 < b(j) < 20.2 in a 2 degrees diameter field centered on M87 (NGC 4486). The newly found UCDs are comparable to the UCDs in the Fornax Cluster, with sizes less than or similar to 100 pc, -12.9 < M-B < -10.7, and exhibiting red absorption-line spectra, indicative of an older stellar population. The properties of these objects remain consistent with the tidal threshing model for the origin of UCDs from the surviving nuclei of nucleated dwarf elliptical galaxies disrupted in the cluster core but can also be explained as objects that were formed by mergers of star clusters created in galaxy interactions. The discovery that UCDs exist in Virgo shows that this galaxy type is probably a ubiquitous phenomenon in clusters of galaxies; coupled with their possible origin by tidal threshing, the UCD population is a potential indicator and probe of the formation history of a given cluster. We also describe one additional bright UCD with M-B = -12.0 in the core of the Fornax Cluster. We find no further UCDs in our Fornax Cluster Spectroscopic Survey down to bj 19.5 in two additional 2dF fields extending as far as 3 degrees from the center of the cluster. All six Fornax bright UCDs identified with 2dF lie within 0.degrees 5 (projected distance of 170 kpc) of the central elliptical galaxy NGC 1399.


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We present results of our wide-field redshift survey of galaxies in a 285 square degree region of the Shapley Supercluster (SSC), based on a set of 10 529 velocity measurements (including 1201 new ones) on 8632 galaxies obtained from various telescopes and from the literature. Our data reveal that the main plane of the SSC (v approximate to 14 500 km s(-1)) extends further than previous estimates, filling the whole extent of our survey region of 12 degrees by 30 degrees on the sky (30 x 75 h(-1) Mpc). There is also a connecting structure associated with the slightly nearer Abell 3571 cluster complex (v approximate to 12 000 km s(-1)). These galaxies seem to link two previously identified sheets of galaxies and establish a connection with a third one at v = 15 000 km s(-1) near RA = 13(h). They also tend to fill the gap of galaxies between the foreground Hydra-Centaurus region and the more distant SSC. In the velocity range of the Shapley Supercluster (9000 km s(-1) < cz < 18 000 km s(-1)), we found redshift-space overdensities with b(j) < 17.5 of similar or equal to 5.4 over the 225 square degree central region and similar or equal to 3.8 in a 192 square degree region excluding rich clusters. Over the large region of our survey, we find that the intercluster galaxies make up 48 per cent of the observed galaxies in the SSC region and, accounting for the different completeness, may contribute nearly twice as much mass as the cluster galaxies. In this paper, we discuss the completeness of the velocity catalogue, the morphology of the supercluster, the global overdensity, and some properties of the individual galaxy clusters in the Supercluster.


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We present new measurements of the luminosity function (LF) of luminous red galaxies (LRGs) from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the 2dF SDSS LRG and Quasar (2SLAQ) survey. We have carefully quantified, and corrected for, uncertainties in the K and evolutionary corrections, differences in the colour selection methods, and the effects of photometric errors, thus ensuring we are studying the same galaxy population in both surveys. Using a limited subset of 6326 SDSS LRGs (with 0.17 < z < 0.24) and 1725 2SLAQ LRGs (with 0.5 < z < 0.6), for which the matching colour selection is most reliable, we find no evidence for any additional evolution in the LRG LF, over this redshift range, beyond that expected from a simple passive evolution model. This lack of additional evolution is quantified using the comoving luminosity density of SDSS and 2SLAQ LRGs, brighter than M-0.2r - 5 log h(0.7) = - 22.5, which are 2.51 +/- 0.03 x 10(-7) L circle dot Mpc(-3) and 2.44 +/- 0.15 x 10(-7) L circle dot Mpc(-3), respectively (< 10 per cent uncertainty). We compare our LFs to the COMBO-17 data and find excellent agreement over the same redshift range. Together, these surveys show no evidence for additional evolution (beyond passive) in the LF of LRGs brighter than M-0.2r - 5 log h(0.7) = - 21 ( or brighter than similar to L-*).. We test our SDSS and 2SLAQ LFs against a simple 'dry merger' model for the evolution of massive red galaxies and find that at least half of the LRGs at z similar or equal to 0.2 must already have been well assembled (with more than half their stellar mass) by z similar or equal to 0.6. This limit is barely consistent with recent results from semi-analytical models of galaxy evolution.


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The Northern HIPASS catalogue (NHICAT) is the northern extension of the HIPASS catalogue, HICAT. This extension adds the sky area between the declination (Dec.) range of +2 degrees < delta < +25 degrees 30' to HICAT's Dec. range of -90 degrees < delta < +2 degrees. HIPASS is a blind H I survey using the Parkes Radio Telescope covering 71 per cent of the sky (including this northern extension) and a heliocentric velocity range of - 1280 to 12 700 km s(-1). The entire Virgo Cluster region has been observed in the Northern HIPASS. The galaxy catalogue, NHICAT, contains 1002 sources with nu(hel) > 300 km s(-1). Sources with -300 < nu(hel) < 300 km s(-1) were excluded to avoid contamination by Galactic emission. In total, the entire HIPASS survey has found 5317 galaxies identified purely by their HI content. The full galaxy catalogue is publicly available at http://hipass.aus-vo.org.


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We introduce the Survey for Ionization in Neutral Gas Galaxies (SINGG), a census of star formation in H I selected galaxies. The survey consists of H alpha and R-band imaging of a sample of 468 galaxies selected from the H I Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS). The sample spans three decades in H I mass and is free of many of the biases that affect other star-forming galaxy samples. We present the criteria for sample selection, list the entire sample, discuss our observational techniques, and describe the data reduction and calibration methods. This paper focuses on 93 SINGG targets whose observations have been fully reduced and analyzed to date. The majority of these show a single emission line galaxy (ELG). We see multiple ELGs in 13 fields, with up to four ELGs in a single field. All of the targets in this sample are detected in H alpha, indicating that dormant (non-star-forming) galaxies with M-H I greater than or similar to 3x10(7) M-circle dot are very rare. A database of the measured global properties of the ELGs is presented. The ELG sample spans 4 orders of magnitude in luminosity (H alpha and R band), and H alpha surface brightness, nearly 3 orders of magnitude in R surface brightness and nearly 2 orders of magnitude in H alpha equivalent width (EW). The surface brightness distribution of our sample is broader than that of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectroscopic sample, the EW distribution is broader than prism-selected samples, and the morphologies found include all common types of star-forming galaxies (e.g., irregular, spiral, blue compact dwarf, starbursts, merging and colliding systems, and even residual star formation in S0 and Sa spirals). Thus, SINGG presents a superior census of star formation in the local universe suitable for further studies ranging from the analysis of H II regions to determination of the local cosmic star formation rate density.


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We derive observed H alpha and R-band luminosity densities of an H I-selected sample of nearby galaxies using the SINGG sample to be l'(H alpha) = (9.4 +/- 1.8) x 10(38) h(70) ergs s(-1) Mpc(-3) for H alpha and l'(R) = (4.4 +/- 9.7) x 10(37) h(70) ergs s(-1) angstrom(-1) Mpc(-3) in the R band. This R-band luminosity density is approximately 70% of that found by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. This leads to a local star formation rate density of log ((rho)over dot(SFR) [M-circle dot yr(-1) Mpc(-3)]) = -1.80(-0.07)(+0.13)(random) +/- 0.03(systematic) + log (h(70)) after applying a mean internal extinction correction of 0.82 mag. The gas cycling time of this sample is found to be t(gas) = 7.5(-2.1)(+1.3) Gyr, and the volume-averaged equivalent width of the SINGG galaxies is EW(H alpha) = 28.8(-4.7)(+7.2) angstrom (21.2-3.5+4.2 angstrom without internal dust correction). As with similar surveys, these results imply that (rho)over dot(SFR)(z) decreases drastically from z similar to 1.5 to the present. A comparison of the dynamical masses of the SINGG galaxies evaluated at their optical limits with their stellar and H I masses shows significant evidence of downsizing: the most massive galaxies have a larger fraction of their mass locked up in stars compared with H I, while the opposite is true for less massive galaxies. We show that the application of the Kennicutt star formation law to a galaxy having the median orbital time at the optical limit of this sample results in a star formation rate decay with cosmic time similar to that given by the. (rho)over dot(SFR)(z) evolution. This implies that the (rho)over dot(SFR)(z) evolution is primarily due to the secular evolution of galaxies, rather than interactions or mergers. This is consistent with the morphologies predominantly seen in the SINGG sample.


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We present a detailed investigation into the recent star formation histories of 5697 luminous red galaxies (LRGs) based on the H delta (4101 angstrom), and [O II] (3727 angstrom) lines and the D4000 index. LRGs are luminous (L > 3L*) galaxies which have been selected to have photometric properties consistent with an old, passively evolving stellar population. For this study, we utilize LRGs from the recently completed 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO Survey (2SLAQ). Equivalent widths of the H delta and [O II] lines are measured and used to define three spectral types, those with only strong H delta absorption (k+a), those with strong [O II] in emission (em) and those with both (em+a). All other LRGs are considered to have passive star formation histories. The vast majority of LRGs are found to be passive (similar to 80 per cent); however, significant numbers of k+a (2.7 per cent), em+a (1.2 per cent) and em LRGs (8.6 per cent) are identified. An investigation into the redshift dependence of the fractions is also performed. A sample of SDSS MAIN galaxies with colours and luminosities consistent with the 2SLAQ LRGs is selected to provide a low-redshift comparison. While the em and em+a fractions are consistent with the low-redshift SDSS sample, the fraction of k+a LRGs is found to increase significantly with redshift. This result is interpreted as an indication of an increasing amount of recent star formation activity in LRGs with redshift. By considering the expected lifetime of the k+a phase, the number of LRGs which will undergo a k+a phase can be estimated. A crude comparison of this estimate with the predictions from semi-analytic models of galaxy formation shows that the predicted level of k+a and em+a activities is not sufficient to reconcile the predicted mass growth for massive early types in a hierarchical merging scenario.


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The production of sufficient quantities of protein is an essential prelude to a structure determination, but for many viral and human proteins this cannot be achieved using prokaryotic expression systems. Groups in the Structural Proteomics In Europe (SPINE) consortium have developed and implemented high-throughput (HTP) methodologies for cloning, expression screening and protein production in eukaryotic systems. Studies focused on three systems: yeast (Pichia pastoris and Saccharomyces cerevisiae), baculovirus-infected insect cells and transient expression in mammalian cells. Suitable vectors for HTP cloning are described and results from their use in expression screening and protein-production pipelines are reported. Strategies for co-expression, selenomethionine labelling (in all three eukaryotic systems) and control of glycosylation (for secreted proteins in mammalian cells) are assessed. © International Union of Crystallography, 2006.


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Nonlinear instabilities are responsible for spontaneous pattern formation in a vast number of natural and engineered systems, ranging from biology to galaxy buildup. We propose a new instability mechanism leading to pattern formation in spatially extended nonlinear systems, which is based on a periodic antiphase modulation of spectrally dependent losses arranged in a zigzag way: an effective filtering is imposed at symmetrically located wave numbers k and -k in alternating order. The properties of the dissipative parametric instability differ from the features of both key classical concepts of modulation instabilities, i.e., the Benjamin-Feir instability and the Faraday instabiltyity. We demonstrate how the dissipative parametric instability can lead to the formation of stable patterns in one- and two-dimensional systems. The proposed instability mechanism is generic and can naturally occur or can be implemented in various physical systems.


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FULL TEXT: Like many people one of my favourite pastimes over the holiday season is to watch the great movies that are offered on the television channels and new releases in the movie theatres or catching up on those DVDs that you have been wanting to watch all year. Recently we had the new ‘Star Wars’ movie, ‘The Force Awakens’, which is reckoned to become the highest grossing movie of all time, and the latest offering from James Bond, ‘Spectre’ (which included, for the car aficionados amongst you, the gorgeous new Aston Martin DB10). It is always amusing to see how vision correction or eye injury is dealt with by movie makers. Spy movies and science fiction movies have a freehand to design aliens with multiples eyes on stalks or retina scanning door locks or goggles that can see through walls. Eye surgery is usually shown in some kind of day case simplified laser treatment that gives instant results, apart from the great scene in the original ‘Terminator’ movie where Arnold Schwarzenegger's android character encounters an injury to one eye and then proceeds to remove the humanoid covering to this mechanical eye over a bathroom sink. I suppose it is much more difficult to try and include contact lenses in such movies. Although you may recall the film ‘Charlie's Angels’, which did have a scene where one of the Angels wore a contact lens that had a retinal image imprinted on it so she could by-pass a retinal scan door lock and an Eddy Murphy spy movie ‘I-Spy’, where he wore contact lenses that had electronic gadgetry that allowed whatever he was looking at to be beamed back to someone else, a kind of remote video camera device. Maybe we aren’t quite there in terms of devices available but these things are probably not the behest of science fiction anymore as the technology does exist to put these things together. The technology to incorporate electronics into contact lenses is being developed and I am sure we will be reporting on it in the near future. In the meantime we can continue to enjoy the unrealistic scenes of eye swapping as in the film ‘Minority Report’ (with Tom Cruise). Much more closely to home, than in a galaxy far far away, in this issue you can find articles on topics much nearer to the closer future. More and more optometrists in the UK are becoming registered for therapeutic work as independent prescribers and the number is likely to rise in the near future. These practitioners will be interested in the review paper by Michael Doughty, who is a member of the CLAE editorial panel (soon to be renamed the Jedi Council!), on prescribing drugs as part of the management of chronic meibomian gland dysfunction. Contact lenses play an active role in myopia control and orthokeratology has been used not only to help provide refractive correction but also in the retardation of myopia. In this issue there are three articles related to this topic. Firstly, an excellent paper looking at the link between higher spherical equivalent refractive errors and the association with slower axial elongation. Secondly, a paper that discusses the effectiveness and safety of overnight orthokeratology with high-permeability lens material. Finally, a paper that looks at the stabilisation of early adult-onset myopia. Whilst we are always eager for new and exciting developments in contact lenses and related instrumentation in this issue of CLAE there is a demonstration of a novel and practical use of a smartphone to assisted anterior segment imaging and suggestions of this may be used in telemedicine. It is not hard to imagine someone taking an image remotely and transmitting that back to a central diagnostic centre with the relevant expertise housed in one place where the information can be interpreted and instruction given back to the remote site. Back to ‘Star Wars’ and you will recall in the film ‘The Phantom Menace’ when Qui-Gon Jinn first meets Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine he takes a sample of his blood and sends a scan of it back to Obi-Wan Kenobi to send for analysis and they find that the boy has the highest midichlorian count ever seen. On behalf of the CLAE Editorial board (or Jedi Council) and the BCLA Council (the Senate of the Republic) we wish for you a great 2016 and ‘may the contact lens force be with you’. Or let me put that another way ‘the CLAE Editorial Board and BCLA Council, on behalf of, a great 2016, we wish for you!’


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Since the damage of the onion thrips (Thrips tabaci Lindemann) first occurred on white cabbage in Hungary several observations have been carried out, both in Hungary and abroad, to assess varietal resistance. The use of a new evaluation method for field screening is described and the result of the monitoring of 64 varieties is reported. The most susceptible varieties were ‘Bejo 1860’, ‘SG 3164’, ‘Quisto’, ‘Green Gem’ and ‘Ramada’. On the other hand, ‘Golden Cross’, ‘Balashi’, ‘Riana’, ‘Autumn Queen’, ‘Leopard’, Ama-Daneza’ and ‘Galaxy’ suffered the least damage under natural infestation. Methods for testing the patterns of resistance are also described and evaluated. In case of plants at the few leaf growth stage significant negative correlation was found between egg mortality and the egg laying preference of adults. The results of the other antibiotic and antixenotic tests were greatly affected by differences in the physiological age and condition of the varieties.


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It has been proposed that dwarf irregular galaxies can be separated into two classes based on their formation mechanism; that they are the result of the collapse of a primordial gas cloud or that they are the product of condensation of gas in the tidal tails of interacting galaxies. Simulations of galaxy interactions indicate that one can differentiate between these two scenarios by the dark matter content, with a low dark matter content indicating a fossil tidal dwarf. The purpose of this dissertation was to explore the dark matter distribution of two dwarf irregular galaxies using optical and neutral atomic hydrogen data. For DDO 210, the method of mass-modelling was used to determine its dark matter. About 64% of the galaxy mass was calculated to be in the form of dark matter and hence it is unlikely to be a fossil tidal dwarf. The method of mass-modelling could not be used for DDO 169 as the galaxy shows evidence of being tidally disrupted and hence, has a disturbed velocity field. Instead, the suggestion that dark matter might be responsible for a pressure anomaly in DDO 169 was tested to determine its dark matter content. According to this method, a pressure anomaly does exist but without a concrete value for the scale-height, it is unclear whether the anomaly is due to the presence of dark matter. Hence one cannot say how much dark matter might actually be present in DDO 169. A rotation curve would be required to do this. ^


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Star formation occurs when the gas (mostly atomic hydrogen; H I) in a galaxy becomes disturbed, forming regions of high density gas, which then collapses to form stars. In dwarf galaxies it is still uncertain which processes contribute to star formation and how much they contribute to star formation. Blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxies are low mass, low shear, gas rich galaxies that have high star formation rates when compared to other dwarf galaxies. What triggers the dense burst of star formation in BCDs but not other dwarfs is not well understood. It is often suggested that BCDs may have their starburst triggered by gravitational interactions with other galaxies, dwarf-dwarf galaxy mergers, or consumption of intergalactic gas. However, there are BCDs that appear isolated with respect to other galaxies, making an external disturbance unlikely.^ Here, I study six apparently isolated BCDs from the LITTLE THINGS sample in an attempt to understand what has triggered their burst of star formation. LITTLE THINGS is an H I survey of 41 dwarf galaxies. Each galaxy has high angular and velocity resolution H I data from the Very Large Array (VLA) telescope and ancillary stellar data. I use these data to study the detailed morphology and kinematics of each galaxy, looking for signatures of starburst triggers. In addition to the VLA data, I have collected Green Bank Telescope data for the six BCDs. These high sensitivity, low resolution data are used to search the surrounding area of each galaxy for extended emission and possible nearby companion galaxies.^ The VLA data show evidence that each BCD has likely experienced some form of external disturbance despite their apparent isolation. These external disturbances potentially seen in the sample include: ongoing/advanced dwarf-dwarf mergers, an interaction with an unknown external object, and external gas consumption. The GBT data result in no nearby, separate H I companions at the sensitivity of the data. These data therefore suggest that even though these BCDs appear isolated, they have not been evolving in isolation. It is possible that these external disturbances may have triggered the starbursts that defines them as BCDs.^