978 resultados para MUCUS CLEARANCE


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Introduction :¦Alors que le risque de métastases ganglionnaires est absent pour les adénomes coliques avec dysplasie de haut degré ou adénocarcinome intramuqueux limités à la muqueuse, ce risque existe à priori pour les adénomes avec transformation adénocarcinomateuse se définissant par l'envahissement de la sous-muqueuse (pT1). Néanmoins l'importance de leur potentiel à développer des métastases reste difficile à estimer posant un réel problème pour leur prise en charge. A ce jour, près de la moitié des adénocarcinomes débutants diagnostiqués sur des polypectomies est traitée par une résection colique chirurgicale complémentaire avec un curage ganglionnaire.¦Le but de cette étude est de quantifier le risque de développement de métastases ganglionnaires pour les adénocarcinomes pT1 et de définir les critères histologiques et macroscopiques utiles pour l'évaluation de ce risque.¦Méthode :¦Il s'agit d'une revue rétrospective de 32 cas d'adénocarcinomes colo-rectaux débutants chez 31 patients et recensés entre 2000 et 2010 à l'institut de pathologie du CHUV. Pour chaque tumeur nous avons procédé à une analyse macroscopique et histologique détaillée et nous l'avons corrélée à la rechercher de métastases ou de récidives lors du suivi. Enfin nous avons comparés nos résultats à une analyse de la littérature.¦Résultats et conclusion :¦Un seul adénocarcinome parmi les 32 adénocarcinomes recensés (3.13%) a présenté une métastase ganglionnaire avec 1 ganglion métastatique sur 21 ganglions prélevés. Aucune récidive n'a été mise en évidence lors du suivi des 32 adénocarcinomes. Ces résultats sont beaucoup plus optimistes que ceux de la littérature permettant de penser que la majorité de ces tumeurs peuvent être traités par polypectomie seule avec suivi endoscopique.¦Selon la littérature, les paramètres les plus significatifs pour la prédiction du risque métastatique sont un grade 3, une clearance inférieure à 2mm, un budding marqué (petits bourgeonnements de cellules tumorales éloignées de la masse tumorale principale), l'invasion du 3ème tiers de la sous-muqueuse (sm3) et l'invasion vasculaire. Notre étude confirme l'importance de la mise en évidence d'invasion lymphatique et montre un intérêt probable de la réaction de budding et de la taille du front d'invasion tumoral dans la prédiction du risque de développement de métastases ganglionnaires


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BACKGROUND: Pharmacological interruption of the renin-angiotensin system focuses on optimization of blockade. As a measure of intrarenal renin activity, we have examined renal plasma flow (RPF) responses in a standardized protocol. Compared with responses with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition (rise in RPF approximately 95 mL x min(-1) x 1.73 m(-2)), greater renal vasodilation with angiotensin receptor blockers (approximately 145 mL x min(-1) x 1.73 m(-2)) suggested more effective blockade. We predicted that blockade with the direct oral renin inhibitor aliskiren would produce renal vascular responses exceeding those induced by angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers. METHODS AND RESULTS: Twenty healthy normotensive subjects were studied on a low-sodium (10 mmol/d) diet, receiving separate escalating doses of aliskiren. Six additional subjects received captopril 25 mg as a low-sodium comparison and also received aliskiren on a high-sodium (200 mmol/d) diet. RPF was measured by clearance of para-aminohippurate. Aliskiren induced a remarkable dose-related renal vasodilation in low-sodium balance. The RPF response was maximal at the 600-mg dose (197+/-27 mL x min(-1) x 1.73 m(-2)) and exceeded responses to captopril (92+/-20 mL x min(-1) x 1.73 m(-2); P<0.01). Furthermore, significant residual vasodilation was observed 48 hours after each dose (P<0.01). The RPF response on a high-sodium diet was also higher than expected (47+/-17 mL x min(-1) x 1.73 m(-2)). Plasma renin activity and angiotensin levels were reduced in a dose-related manner. As another functional index of the effect of aliskiren, we found significant natriuresis on both diets. CONCLUSIONS: Renal vasodilation in healthy people with the potent renin inhibitor aliskiren exceeded responses seen previously with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers. The effects were longer lasting and were associated with significant natriuresis. These results indicate that aliskiren may provide more complete and thus more effective blockade of the renin-angiotensin system.


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In spite of its widespread use, benznidazole's (BNZ) toxicity and low efficacy remains as major drawbacks that impair successful treatments against Chagas disease. Previously, attempting to increase the selectivity and reduce its toxicity on infected tissues, multilamellar liposomes (MLV) composed of hydrogenated soybean phosphatidylcholine (HSPC): distearoyl-phosphatidylglycerol (DSPG): cholesterol (CHOL) 2:1:2 mol:mol loaded with BNZ (MLV-BNZ) were designed. In this work we compared different properties of MLV-BNZ with those of BNZ. Opposite to other hydrophobic drugs, the results indicated that slight changes of BNZ×s association degree to proteins and lipoproteins should not modify the percentage of unbound drug available to exert pharmacological action. On the other hand, when loaded in MLV, BNZ reduced its association to plasma proteins in 45% and became refractory to the sinking effect of blood, dropping 4.5 folds. Additionally, when loaded in MLV, BNZ had higher volume distribution (160 ± 20 vs 102 ± 15 ml/kg) and total clearance (35.23 ± 2.3 vs 21.9 ± 1.4 ml/h.kg), and lower concentration-time curve (7.23 ± 0.2 vs 9.16 ± 0.5 µg.h/ml) than BNZ. Hence, these studies showed that for MLV-BNZ, the amount of BNZ can be substantially increased, from 25 to 70%, being this formulation more rapidly cleared from circulation than free drug; also due to the lower interaction with blood components, lower side effects can be expected.


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The formation and accumulation of toxic amyloid-β peptides (Aβ) in the brain may drive the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Accordingly, disease-modifying therapies for Alzheimer's disease and related disorders could result from treatments regulating Aβ homeostasis. Examples are the inhibition of production, misfolding, and accumulation of Aβ or the enhancement of its clearance. Here we show that oral treatment with ACI-91 (Pirenzepine) dose-dependently reduced brain Aβ burden in AβPPPS1, hAβPPSL, and AβPP/PS1 transgenic mice. A possible mechanism of action of ACI-91 may occur through selective inhibition of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) on endothelial cells of brain microvessels and enhanced Aβ peptide clearance across the blood-brain barrier. One month treatment with ACI-91 increased the clearance of intrathecally-injected Aβ in plaque-bearing mice. ACI-91 also accelerated the clearance of brain-injected Aβ in blood and peripheral tissues by favoring its urinal excretion. A single oral dose of ACI-91 reduced the half-life of interstitial Aβ peptide in pre-plaque mhAβPP/PS1d mice. By extending our studies to an in vitro model, we showed that muscarinic AChR inhibition by ACI-91 and Darifenacin augmented the capacity of differentiated endothelial monolayers for active transport of Aβ peptide. Finally, ACI-91 was found to consistently affect, in vitro and in vivo, the expression of endothelial cell genes involved in Aβ transport across the Blood Brain Brain (BBB). Thus increased Aβ clearance through the BBB may contribute to reduced Aβ burden and associated phenotypes. Inhibition of muscarinic AChR restricted to the periphery may present a therapeutic advantage as it avoids adverse central cholinergic effects.


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The ubiquitous free radical, nitric oxide (NO), plays an important role in many biological processes including the regulation of the inflammatory response. Alterations in NO synthesis by endogenous systems likely influence inflammatory processes occurring in a wide range of diseases including many in the cardiovascular system (e.g. atherosclerosis). Progression of inflammatory conditions depends not only upon the recruitment and activation of inflammatory cells but also upon their subsequent removal from the inflammatory milieu. Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is a fundamental process regulating inflammatory cell survival and is critically involved in ensuring the successful resolution of an inflammatory response. Apoptosis results in shutdown of secretory pathways and renders effete, but potentially highly histotoxic, cells instantly recognisable for non-inflammatory clearance by phagocytes (e.g., macrophages). However, dysregulation of apoptosis and phagocytic clearance mechanisms can have drastic consequences for development and resolution of inflammatory processes. In this review we highlight the complexities of NO-mediated regulation of inflammatory cell apoptosis and clearance by phagocytes and discuss the molecular mechanisms controlling these NO mediated effects. We believe that manipulation of pathways involving NO may have previously unrecognised therapeutic potential for limiting or resolving inflammatory and cardiovascular disease.


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Lymphatic filariasis caused by nematode parasites Wuchereria bancrofti or Brugia malayi is a spectral disease and produces wide range of immune responses and varying levels ofmicrofilaraemia in infected individuals. The relationship between the immune response of host and the developmental stage of the parasite as well as the microfilariae (mf) density and specific location of the adult worms is yet to be understood. As an experimental model, B. malayi adapted in the experimental animal Mastomys coucha has been used widely for various studies in filariasis. The present study was to assess microfilaraemia as well as the humoral immune response of M. coucha during various stages of B. malayi development and their localization in different organs. The result showed that the density of mf in the circulating blood of the experimental animal depended upon the number of female worms as well as the location and co-existence of male and female worms. The mf density in the blood increased with the increase in the number of females. The clearance of inoculated infective stage (L3) or single sex infection or segregation of male and female to different organs of infected host resulted in amicrofilaraemic condition. With respect to antibody response, those animals cleared L3 after inoculation and those with adult worm as well as mf showed low antibody levels. But those with developmental fourth stage and/or adult worms without mf showed significantly higher antibody levels.


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The immune mechanisms involved in dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic/dengue shock syndrome are not well understood. The ex vivo activation status of immune cells during the dengue disease in patients was examined. CD4and CD8 T cells were reduced during the acute phase. Interestingly, CD8 T cells co-expressing activation marker HLA-DR, Q, P, and cytolytic granule protein-Tia-1 were significantly higher in dengue patients than in controls. Detection of adhesion molecules indicated that in dengue patients the majority of T cells (CD4 and CD8) express the activation/memory phenotype, characterized as CD44HIGH and lack the expression of the naïve cell marker, CD62L LOW. Also, the levels of T cells co-expressing ICAM-1 (CD54), VLA-4, and LFA-1 (CD11a) were significantly increased. CD8 T lymphocytes expressed predominantly low levels of anti-apoptotic molecule Bcl-2 in the acute phase, possibly leading to the exhibition of a phenotype of activated/effector cells. Circulating levels of IL-18, TGF-b1 and sICAM-1 were significantly elevated in dengue patients. Early activation events occur during acute dengue infection which might contribute to viral clearance. Differences in expression of adhesion molecules among CD4 and CD8 T cells might underlie the selective extravasation of these subsets from blood circulation into lymphoid organs and/or tissues. In addition, activated CD8 T cells would be more susceptible to apoptosis as shown by the alteration in Bcl-2 expression. Cytokines such as IL-18, TGF-b1, and sICAM-1 may be contributing by either stimulating or suppressing the adaptative immune response, during dengue infection, thereby perhaps establishing a relationship with disease severity.


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Rapport de synthèse:Le but de cette étude était d'investiguer pour la première fois chez l'homme l'effet du sodium alimentaire et de l'hypertension artérielle sur l'oxygénation tissulaire par une technique spéciale d'imagerie à résonance magnétique nommée 'BOLD-IRM' (Blood Oxygen Level Dependent-IRM). Le BOLD-IRM est une technique nouvelle qui permet de mesurer la bio disponibilité tissulaire d'oxygène de façon non-invasive chez l'homme, en utilisant le déoxyhémoglobine comme produit de contraste endogène.Le rational de cette étude était double. Premièrement, des changements dans l'apport sodique alimentaire devraient théoriquement influencer l'oxygénation tissulaire rénale, étant donné que la réabsorption tubulaire du sodium est un transport actif nécessitant de l'énergie et de l'oxygène. Deuxièmement, des études chez l'animal suggèrent une rôle possible de l'hypoxie tissulaire dans le développement de la néphropathie hypertensive.Nous avons déterminé l'oxygénation rénale avec le BOLD-IRM chez dix hommes normo tendus (âgés de 26.5±7.4 ans) et huit hommes hypertendus non-traités (âgés de 28.8±5.7 ans) une semaine après un régime riche en sel (>200 mmol/jour), et de nouveau une semaine après un régime pauvre en sel (<100 mmol/jour). En parallèle, nous avons mesuré la clearance de l'inuline, du p- aminohippurate (PAH) et du lithium endogène, afin de déterminer respectivement la filtration glomérulaire, le flux sanguin rénal et le 'renal sodium handling', tous des paramètres ayant la capacité d'influencer la consommation et/ou la disponibilité d'oxygène tissulaire. Nous nous attendions d'une côté à une oxygénation rénale diminuée chez les sujets hypertendus par rapport aux sujets normo tendus, et d'une autre côté à une augmentation de l'oxygénation tissulaire rénale après une semaine de régime pauvre en sel par rapport à la phase d'un régime riche en sel.Nous retenons comme résultat principal une augmentation de l'oxygénation rénale médullaire suite à une restriction sodique par rapport à un régime riche en sel chez tous les participants (normo-et hypertendus). Chez les participants normotendus ces changements correlaient avec des changements dans le transport actif du sodium, et ceci indépendamment du flux sanguin rénal. Contrairement à ce qu'on attendait, l'oxygénation rénale médullaire était plus élevé chez les sujets hypertendus par rapport aux sujets normotendus.En résumé, ces observations offrent possiblement une explication pour les bénéfices rénaux liés à un régime pauvre en sel. En plus, la combinaison d'études de clearance et le BOLD- IRM comme utilisé dans cette étude se sont révélés un outil performant et prometteur qui peut stimuler la recherche dans ce domaine.


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Gastrin-releasing peptide receptors (GRPrs) are overexpressed on a variety of human cancers, providing the opportunity for peptide receptor targeting via radiolabeled bombesin-based peptides. As part of our ongoing investigations into the development of improved GRPr antagonists, this study aimed at verifying whether and how N-terminal modulations improve the affinity and pharmacokinetics of radiolabeled GRPr antagonists. METHODS: The potent GRPr antagonist MJ9, Pip-d-Phe-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-Gly-His-Sta-Leu-NH2 (Pip, 4-amino-1-carboxymethyl-piperidine), was conjugated to 1,4,7-triazacyclononane, 1-glutaric acid-4,7 acetic acid (NODAGA), and 1,4,7-triazacyclononane-1,4,7-triacetic acid (NOTA) and radiolabeled with (68)Ga and (64)Cu. The GRPr affinity of the corresponding metalloconjugates was determined using (125)I-Tyr(4)-BN as a radioligand. The labeling efficiency of (68)Ga(3+) was compared between NODAGA-MJ9 and NOTA-MJ9 in acetate buffer, at room temperature and at 95°C. The (68)Ga and (64)Cu conjugates were further evaluated in vivo in PC3 tumor xenografts by biodistribution and PET imaging studies. RESULTS: The half maximum inhibitory concentrations of all the metalloconjugates are in the high picomolar-low nanomolar range, and these are the most affine-radiolabeled GRPr antagonists we have studied so far in our laboratory. NODAGA-MJ9 incorporates (68)Ga(3+) nearly quantitatively (>98%) at room temperature within 10 min and at much lower peptide concentrations (1.4 × 10(-6) M) than NOTA-MJ9, for which the labeling yield was approximately 45% under the same conditions and increased to 75% at 95°C for 5 min. Biodistribution studies showed high and specific tumor uptake, with a maximum of 23.3 ± 2.0 percentage injected activity per gram of tissue (%IA/g) for (68)Ga-NOTA-MJ9 and 16.7 ± 2.0 %IA/g for (68)Ga-NODAGA-MJ9 at 1 h after injection. The acquisition of PET images with the (64)Cu-MJ9 conjugates at later time points clearly showed the efficient clearance of the accumulated activity from the background already at 4 h after injection, whereas tumor uptake still remained high. The high pancreas uptake for all radiotracers at 1 h after injection was rapidly washed out, resulting in an increased tumor-to-pancreas ratio at later time points. CONCLUSION: We have developed 2 GRPr antagonistic radioligands, which are improved in terms of binding affinity and overall biodistribution profile. Their promising in vivo pharmacokinetic performance may contribute to the improvement of the diagnostic imaging of tumors overexpressing GRPr.


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Previous studies reported on the association of left ventricular mass index (LVMI) with urinary sodium or with circulating or urinary aldosterone. We investigated the independent associations of LVMI with the urinary excretion of both sodium and aldosterone. We randomly recruited 317 untreated subjects from a white population (45.1% women; mean age 48.2 years). Measurements included echocardiographic left ventricular (LV) properties, the 24-hour urinary excretion of sodium and aldosterone, plasma renin activity (PRA), and proximal (RNa(prox)) and distal (RNa(dist)) renal sodium reabsorption, assessed from the endogenous lithium clearance. In multivariable-adjusted models, we expressed changes in LVMI per 1-SD increase in the explanatory variables, while accounting for sex, age, systolic blood pressure, and the waist-to-hip ratio. LVMI increased independently with the urinary excretion of both sodium (+2.48 g/m(2); P=0.005) and aldosterone (+2.63 g/m(2); P=0.004). Higher sodium excretion was associated with increased mean wall thickness (MWT: +0.126 mm, P=0.054), but with no change in LV end-diastolic diameter (LVID: +0.12 mm, P=0.64). In contrast, higher aldosterone excretion was associated with higher LVID (+0.54 mm; P=0.017), but with no change in MWT (+0.070 mm; P=0.28). Higher RNa(dist) was associated with lower relative wall thickness (-0.81x10(-2), P=0.017), because of opposite trends in LVID (+0.33 mm; P=0.13) and MWT (-0.130 mm; P=0.040). LVMI was not associated with PRA or RNa(prox.) In conclusion, LVMI independently increased with both urinary sodium and aldosterone excretion. Increased MWT explained the association of LVMI with urinary sodium and increased LVID the association of LVMI with urinary aldosterone.


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Background: Respiratory care is universally recognised as useful, but its indications and practice vary markedly. In order to improve appropriateness of respiratory care in our hospital, we developed evidence-based local guidelines in a collaborative effort involving physiotherapists, physicians, and health services researchers. Methods: Recommendations were developed using the standardised RAND appropriateness method. A literature search was performed for the period between 1995 and 2008 based on terms associated with guidelines and with respiratory care. Publications were assessed according to the Oxford classification of quality of evidence. A working group prepared proposals for recommendations which were then independently rated by a multidisciplinary expert panel. All recommendations were then discussed in common and indications for procedures were rated confidentially a second time by the experts. Each indication for respiratory care was classified as appropriate, uncertain, or inappropriate, based on the panel median rating and the degree of intra-panel agreement. Results: Recommendations were formulated for the following procedures: non-invasive ventilation, continuous positive airway pressure, intermittent positive pressure breathing, intrapulmonary percussive ventilation, mechanical insufflation-exsufflation, incentive spirometry, positive expiratory pressure, nasotracheal suctioning, noninstrumental airway clearance techniques. Each recommendation referred to a particular medical condition, and was assigned to a hierarchical category based on the quality of evidence from literature supporting the recommendation and on the consensus of experts. Conclusion: Despite a marked heterogeneity of scientific evidence, the method used allowed us to develop commonly agreed local guidelines for respiratory care. In addition, this work fostered a closer relationship between physiotherapists and physicians in our institution.


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Imatinib (Glivec®) has transformed the treatment and short-term prognosis of chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) and gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST). However, the treatment must be taken indefinitely and is not devoid of inconvenience and toxicity. Moreover, resistance or escape from disease control occurs in a significant number of patients. Imatinib is a substrate of the cytochromes P450 CYP3A4/5 and of the multidrug transporter P glycoprotein (product of the MDR1 gene), and is also bound to the alpha1-acid glycoprotein (AAG) in plasma. Considering the large inter-individual differences in the expression and function of those systems, the disposition and clinical activity of imatinib can be expected to vary widely among patients, calling for dosage individualisation. The aim of this exploratory study was to determine the average pharmacokinetic parameters characterizing the disposition of imatinib in the target population, to assess their inter-individual variability, and to identify influential factors affecting them. A total of 321 plasma concentrations were measured in 59 patients receiving Glivec® at diverse dosage regimens, using a validated chromatographic method developed for this study. The results were analysed by non-linear mixed effect modelling (NONMEM). A one-compartment model with first-order absorption described the data appropriately, with an average apparent clearance of 12.4 l/h, a volume of distribution of 268 l and an absorption constant of 0.47 h-1. The clearance was affected by body weight, age and sex. No influences of interacting drugs were found. DNA samples were used for pharmacogenetic explorations. The MDR1 polymorphism 3435C>T and the AAG phenotype appears to modulate the disposition of imatinib. Large inter-individual variability (CV %) remained unexplained by the demographic covariates considered, both on clearance (40%) and distribution volume (71%). Together with intra-patient variability (34%), this translates into an 8-fold width of the 90%-prediction interval of plasma concentrations expected under a fixed dosing regimen. This is a strong argument to further investigate the possible usefulness of a therapeutic drug monitoring programme for imatinib. It may help in individualising the dosing regimen before overt disease progression or observation of treatment toxicity, thus improving both the long-term therapeutic effectiveness and tolerability of this drug.


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The amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) constitutes a limiting step in sodium reabsorption across distal airway epithelium and controlling mucociliary clearance. ENaC is activated by serine proteases secreted in the extracellular milieu. In cystic fibrosis lungs, high concentrations of secreted neutrophil elastase (NE) are observed. hNE could activate ENaC and contribute to further decreased mucociliary clearance. The aims of this study were (i) to test the ability of an engineered human neutrophil elastase inhibitor (EPI-hNE4) to specifically inhibit the elastase activation of ENaC-mediated amiloride-sensitive currents (I(Na)) and (ii) to examine the effect of elastase on cell surface expression of ENaC and its cleavage pattern (exogenous proteolysis). Oocytes were exposed to hNE (10-100 microg/ml) and/or trypsin (10 microg/ml) for 2-5 min in the presence or absence of EPI-hNE4 (0.7 microm). hNE activated I(Na) 3.6-fold (p < 0.001) relative to non-treated hENaC-injected oocytes. EPI-hNE4 fully inhibited hNE-activated I(Na) but had no effect on trypsin- or prostasin-activated I(Na). The co-activation of I(Na) by hNE and trypsin was not additive. Biotinylation experiments revealed that cell surface gamma ENaC (but not alpha or beta ENaC) exposed to hNE for 2 min was cleaved (as a 67-kDa fragment) and correlated with increased I(Na). The elastase-induced exogenous proteolysis pattern is distinct from the endogenous proteolysis pattern induced upon preferential assembly, suggesting a causal relationship between gamma ENaC cleavage and ENaC activation, taking place at the plasma membrane.


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Chagas disease began millions of years ago as an enzootic disease of wild animals and started to be transmitted to man accidentally in the form of an anthropozoonosis when man invaded wild ecotopes. Endemic Chagas disease became established as a zoonosis over the last 200-300 years through forest clearance for agriculture and livestock rearing and adaptation of triatomines to domestic environments and to man and domestic animals as a food source. It is estimated that 15 to 16 million people are infected with Trypanosoma cruzi in Latin America and 75 to 90 million people are exposed to infection. When T. cruzi is transmitted to man through the feces of triatomines, at bite sites or in mucosa, through blood transfusion or orally through contaminated food, it invades the bloodstream and lymphatic system and becomes established in the muscle and cardiac tissue, the digestive system and phagocytic cells. This causes inflammatory lesions and immune responses, particularly mediated by CD4+, CD8+, interleukin-2 (IL) and IL-4, with cell and neuron destruction and fibrosis, and leads to blockage of the cardiac conduction system, arrhythmia, cardiac insufficiency, aperistalsis, and dilatation of hollow viscera, particularly the esophagus and colon. T. cruzi may also be transmitted from mother to child across the placenta and through the birth canal, thus causing abortion, prematurity, and organic lesions in the fetus. In immunosuppressed individuals, T. cruzi infection may become reactivated such that it spreads as a severe disease causing diffuse myocarditis and lesions of the central nervous system. Chagas disease is characterized by an acute phase with or without symptoms, and with entry point signs (inoculation chagoma or Romaña's sign), fever, adenomegaly, hepatosplenomegaly, and evident parasitemia, and an indeterminate chronic phase (asymptomatic, with normal results from electrocardiogram and x-ray of the heart, esophagus, and colon) or with a cardiac, digestive or cardiac-digestive form. There is great regional variation in the morbidity due to Chagas disease, and severe cardiac or digestive forms may occur in 10 to 50% of the cases, or the indeterminate form in the other asymptomatic cases, but with positive serology. Several acute cases have been reported from Amazon region most of them by T. cruzi I, Z3, and a hybrid ZI/Z3. We conclude this article presenting the ten top Chagas disease needs for the near future.


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A complete secretory immunologie system has been identified in the equine species. It is characterised by the presence of a secretory component either bound to secretory IgA (SigA) or remaining in the free form (FSC). The mean molecular weights of SigA, serum lgA and FSC have been estimated. The homology of the equine and human IgA classes have been demonstrated by cross-reaction with anti-human lgA antisera. A quantit ative study of equine immunoglobulins in various fluids have shown that SlgA is predominant in saliva, mature milk, nasal and lacrimal secretions, but not in colostrum. In vitro binding of human and bovine FSC is found to occur mostly with the polymerie form of equine serum lgA.