846 resultados para MOTION CAPTURE
A semi-analytical approach is proposed to study the rotational motion of an artificial satellite under the influence of the torque due to the solar radiation pressure and taking into account the influence of Earth's shadow. The Earth's shadow is introduced in the equations for the rotational motion as a function depending on the longitude of the Sun, on the ecliptic's obliquity and on the orbital parameters of the satellite. By mapping and computing this function, we can get the periods in which the satellite is not illuminated and the torque due to the solar radiation pressure is zero. When the satellite is illuminated, a known analytical solution is used to predict the satellite's attitude. This analytical solution is expressed in terms of Andoyer's variables and depends on the physical and geometrical properties of the satellite and on the direction of the Sun radiation flux. By simulating a hypothetical circular cylindrical type satellite, an example is exhibited and the results agree quite well when compared with a numerical integration. © 1997 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
We study the problem of gravitational capture in the framework of the Sun-Uranus-particle system. Part of the space of initial conditions is systematically explored, and the duration of temporary gravitational capture is measured. The location and size of different capture-time regions are given in terms of diagrams of initial semimajor axis versus eccentricity. The other initial orbital elements - inclination (i), longitude of the node (Ω), argument of pericenter (ω), and time of pericenter passage (τ) - are first taken to be zero. Then we investigate the cases with ω = 90°, 180°, and 270°. We also present a sample of results for Ω = 90°, considering the cases i = 60°, 120°, 150°, and 180°. Special attention is given to the influence of the initial orbital inclination, taking orbits initially in opposition at pericenter. In this case, the initial inclination is varied from 0° to 180° in steps of 10°. The success of the final stage of the capture problem, which involves the transformation of temporary captures into permanent ones, is highly dependent on the initial conditions associated with the longest capture times. The largest regions of the initial-conditions space with the longest capture times occur at inclinations of 60°-70° and 160°. The regions of possible stability as a function of initial inclination are also delimited. These regions include not only a known set of retrograde orbits, but also a new sort of prograde orbit with inclinations greater than zero.
The dynamics of plasma cortisol, blood glucose, plasma chloride and liver glycogen were investigated in matrinxã (Brycon cephalus) submitted to capture and various periods of crowding. A total of 400 fish (700 ± 22 g weight) were distributed in four ponds divided into four 50-m2 squares (25 fish/square, 350 gL-1), where they were acclimated for 30 days. On the sampling day, after 24 h without food, all fish from three squares were transferred to the fourth square. Six fish were sampled before the procedure (control group, zero time) and 1, 3, 6 and 24 h after the capture and crowding. Each sampling was performed in a different pond to prevent additional stress. Fish were anaesthetized and blood and liver collected for biochemical analysis. Water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, ammonia and nitrite levels were within acceptable levels for matrinxã rearing. Slight but not significant increases were verified in plasma cortisol and blood glucose levels, as were decreases in plasma chloride and liver glycogen levels. The results suggest that matrinxã is highly tolerant to the procedures of capture and short-term crowding.
The problem of escape/capture is encountered in many problems of the celestial mechanics -the capture of the giants planets irregular satellites, comets capture by Jupiter, and also orbital transfer between two celestial bodies as Earth and Moon. To study these problems we introduce an approach which is based on the numerical integration of a grid of initial conditions. The two-body energy of the particle relative to a celestial body defines the escape/capture. The trajectories are integrated into the past from initial conditions with negative two-body energy. The energy change from negative to positive is considered as an escape. By reversing the time, this escape turns into a capture. Using this technique we can understand many characteristics of the problem, as the maximum capture time, stable regions where the particles cannot escape from, and others. The advantage of this kind of approach is that it can be used out of plane (that is, for any inclination), and with perturbations in the dynamics of the n-body problem. © 2005 International Astronomical Union.
Gravitational capture is a characteristic of some dynamical systems in celestial mechanics, as in the elliptic restricted three-body problem that is considered in this paper. The basic idea is that a spacecraft (or any particle with negligible mass) can change a hyperbolic orbit with a small positive energy around a celestial body into an elliptic orbit with a small negative energy without the use of any propulsive system. The force responsible for this modification in the orbit of the spacecraft is the gravitational force of the third body involved in the dynamics. In this way, this force is used as a zero cost control, equivalent to a continuous thrust applied in the spacecraft. One of the most important applications of this property is the construction of trajectories to the Moon. The objective of the present paper is to study in some detail the effects of the eccentricity of the primaries in this maneuver.
The gravitational capture was initially used to understand the capture of planetary satellites. However, in the 90's decade, this phenomenon was applied in spacecraft trajectories. Belbruno and Miller studied missions in the Earth-Moon system that uses this technique to save fuel during the insertion of the spacecraft in its final orbit around the Moon. Using a parameter defined as twice the two-body energy of the planet-particle system, Yamakawa also studied the gravitational capture in the Earth-Moon system. In the present paper, this technique is used to study a mission that goes to the Neptune system and perform a gravitational capture in the satellite Triton. The results show direct and retrograde trajectories, for different values of the initial conditions.
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Some orbital characteristics of lunar artificial satellites is presented taking into account the perturbation of the third-body in elliptical orbit and the non-uniform distribution of mass of the Moon. We consider the development of the non-sphericity of the Moon in zonal spherical harmonics up to the ninth order and sectorial harmonic C 22 due to the lunar equatorial ellipticity. The motion of the artificial satellite is studied under the single-averaged analytical model. The average is applied to the mean anomaly of the satellite to analyze low-altitude orbits which are of highest importance for future lunar missions. We found families of frozen orbits with long lifetimes for the problem of an orbiter travelling around the Moon.
Purpose. Isokinetic tests are often applied to assess muscular strength and EMG activity, however the specific ranges of motion used in testing (fully flexed or extended positions) might be constrictive and/or be painful for patients with injuries or under-going rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of different ranges of motion (RoM) when determining maximal EMG during isokinetic knee flexion and extension with different types of contractions and velocities. Methods. Eighteen males had EMG activity recorded on the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, semitendinosus and biceps femoris muscles during five maximal isokinetic concentric and eccentric contractions for the knee flexors and extensors at 60° • s -1 and 180° • s -1. The root mean square of EMG was calculated at three different ranges of motion: (1) a full range of motion (90°-20° [0° = full knee extension]); (2) a range of motion of 20° (between 60°-80° and 40°-60° for knee extension and flexion, respectively) and (3) at a 10° interval around the angle where peak torque is produced. EMG measurements were statistically analyzed (ANOVA) to test for the range of motion, contraction velocity and contraction speed effects. Coefficients of variation and Pearson's correlation coefficients were also calculated among the ranges of motion. Results. Predominantly similar (p > 0.05) and well-correlated EMG results (r > 0.7, p ≤ 0.001) were found among the ranges of motion. However, a lower coefficient of variation was found for the full range of motion, while the 10° interval around peak torque at 180° • s -1 had the highest coefficient, regardless of the type of contraction. Conclusions. Shorter ranges of motion at around the peak torque angle provides a reliable indicator when recording EMG activity during maximal isokinetic parameters. It may provide a safer alternative when testing patients with injuries or undergoing rehabilitation.
An analytical expansion of the disturbing function arising from direct planetary perturbations on the motion of satellites is derived. As a Fourier series, it allows the investigation of the secular effects of these direct perturbations, as well as of every argument present in the perturbation. In particular, we construct an analytical model describing the evection resonance between the longitude of pericenter of the satellite orbit and the longitude of a planet, and study briefly its dynamic. The expansion developed in this paper is valid in the case of planar and circular planetary orbits, but not limited in eccentricity or inclination of the satellite orbit. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
The recovery of sperm from the epididymal cauda may be the last chance to obtain genetic material when sudden death or serious injuries occur in valuable stallions. However, the lack of technical knowledge regarding the storage and transportation of the epididymis often prevents the preservation of the sperm. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare sperm parameters of sperm obtained immediately after orchiectomy with sperm recovered from epididymal cauda at different times after storage at 5°C and at room temperature (RT). For that, 48 stallions of different breeds were used. In group 1 (control group), eight stallions were used, and the harvest of the epididymal sperm was performed immediately after orchiectomy. In group 2, 40 stallions were used, which were divided into five groups according to the storage time of the epididymis after orchiectomy (6, 12, 18, 24, or 30 hours), making a total of eight stallions per group. One epididymis of each stallion was stored at 5°C, and the contralateral epididymis was stored at RT, both for the same period. The sperm parameters of total motility, progressive motility, progressive linear velocity, curvilinear velocity, percentage of rapid sperm, and plasma membrane integrity were evaluated in all the groups after sperm recovery, resuspension in a sperm freezing diluent, and thawing. In conclusion, the storage of the testis-epididymis complex at 5°C provided better preservation of epididymal sperm than the storage at RT, and regardless of the temperature, the progressive motility is the sperm parameter that is most sensitive to storage time. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
STUDY DESIGN. Observational cohort study. OBJECTIVE. To investigate spinal coordination during preferred and fast speed walking in pain-free subjects with and without a history of recurrent low back pain (LBP). SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA. Dynamic motion of the spine during walking is compromised in the presence of back pain (LBP), but its analysis often presents some challenges. The coexistence of significant symptoms may change gait because of pain or adaptation of the musculoskeletal structures or both. A history of LBP without the overlay of a current symptomatic episode allows a better model in which to explore the impact on spinal coordination during walking. METHODS. Spinal and lower limb segmental motions were tracked using electromagnetic sensors. Analyses were conducted to explore the synchrony and spatial coordination of the segments and to compare the control and subjects with LBP. RESULTS. We found no apparent differences between the groups for either overall amplitude of motion or most indicators of coordination in the lumbar region; however, there were significant postural differences in the mid-stance phase and other indicators of less phase locking in controls compared with subjects with LBP. The lower thoracic spinal segment was more affected by the history of back pain than the lumbar segment. CONCLUSION. Although small, there were indicators that alterations in spinal movement and coordination in subjects with recurrent LBP were due to adaptive changes rather than the presence of pain. © 2013, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
The tapping mode is one of the mostly employed techniques in atomic force microscopy due to its accurate imaging quality for a wide variety of surfaces. However, chaotic microcantilever motion impairs the obtention of accurate images from the sample surfaces. In order to investigate the problem the tapping mode atomic force microscope is modeled and chaotic motion is identified for a wide range of the parameter's values. Additionally, attempting to prevent the chaotic motion, two control techniques are implemented: the optimal linear feedback control and the time-delayed feedback control. The simulation results show the feasibility of the techniques for chaos control in the atomic force microscopy. © 2012 IMechE.
We consider the non-Markovian Langevin evolution of a dissipative dynamical system in quantum mechanics in the path integral formalism. After discussing the role of the frequency cutoff for the interaction of the system with the heat bath and the kernel and noise correlator that follow from the most common choices, we derive an analytic expansion for the exact non-Markovian dissipation kernel and the corresponding colored noise in the general case that is consistent with the fluctuation-dissipation theorem and incorporates systematically non-local corrections. We illustrate the modifications to results obtained using the traditional (Markovian) Langevin approach in the case of the exponential kernel and analyze the case of the non-Markovian Brownian motion. We present detailed results for the free and the quadratic cases, which can be compared to exact solutions to test the convergence of the method, and discuss potentials of a general nonlinear form. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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