999 resultados para Médio Paranapanema


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Nos últimos anos, as pesquisas com células-tronco têm despertado um grande interesse nos meios de comunicação, levando a população a encarar esse novo conhecimento científico como sendo um método promissor para a cura de inúmeras doenças até agora, tidas como incuráveis. Deste modo, mostra-se fundamental que o ensino de Biologia se volte para o desenvolvimento de competências que permitam ao aluno entender, discutir, questionar, analisar, adquirir um posicionamento crítico diante das informações postas e fazendo uso dos conhecimentos adquiridos, servir como multiplicadores do conhecimento científico. Este trabalho tem como objetivo central a produção de um material didático contendo informações a respeito das células-tronco, quanto aos tipos, características, classificações, métodos de coleta e as terapias desenvolvidas no Brasil. Informações estas que servem como auxílio para professores de Ciências e Biologia, na compreensão e atualização perante as inovações científicas relacionadas às células-tronco. O capítulo 6 vem como uma sugestão de atividades possíveis a serem desenvolvidas a partir desse tema. Apresenta ainda um CD-ROM contendo uma síntese do assunto proposto a servir como suporte no preparo de aulas didáticas relacionadas ao tema


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This article has as objective to discuss some topics concerning the supposed crisis of the society of the work and its consequences for the debate in social sciences and also for the work category contextualization in the secondary school curriculum. As the work has represented an important explanation category for the classic social thought, the contemporary paradigm of deep metamorphoses in the world of the work and the advent of the new question (CASTELS, 1995; ROSANVALLON, 1995) backward the necessity to rethink the theoretical shades that base the interpretation of the social life on the current context, when the center position of the work is being questioned. Having taken some theoretical references from the sociology of the work, we search to delineate on a brief way the quarrel about the dimensions of the social and political phenomena these days and the importance of this debate on the contextualization of the secondary school curriculum contents.


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Studies have shown that adolescents begin to make use of alcoholic beverages earlier and excessively, a behavior which has several negative consequences. Thus, the present study aims at investigating whether the expectations they have for the effects of alcohol consumption are high or low and if there is a relationship between expectation and consumption pattern. AUDIT and IECPA were applied as data collection instruments. The first indentifies the pattern of alcohol use and the second investigates the expectations the subjects have in relation to the use of alcohol. The results of this study, differently than others, do not evidence the positive relationship between binge-drinking and high expectations about the use of alcohol.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The species Pimelodus maculatus is one of the most abundant fish in many artificial reservoirs. Shows feeding plasticity and exploits all trophic levels in aquatic ecosystems. This study aimed to analyze and compare aspects of the diet of P. maculatus in two important tributaries (Taquari and Veados rivers) in the upper Paranapanema River system, and also investigate possible differences in the condition factor using its feeding habit as reference. Samplings were carried out every three months during 2011 and 2012 in two tributaries of Jurumirim's dam. After biometric analysis, fish were dissected to remove the stomachs that were fixed in formaldehyde 10% and conserved in alcohol 70%. The stomach content was analyzed under stereomicroscope and the food items were identified until the least possible taxonomic level. The diet was characterized based on the Alimentary Index (IAi). Feeding strategy and aspects of species autoecology were evaluated by the relation between abundance of prey-specific (Pi) and occurrence frequency (Fo) of the prey, and also was calculated the niche width of Levin (B). The condition factor was also established and values obtained in samples of both rivers were compared, correlating them with diet of the species


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This paper appears in order to promote a discussion on the use and ways of working with the land. For this, we present a scenario of conflict initiated in Pontal do Parananema, São Paulo, Brazil, between the peasantry and the agrohidronegócio. The Pontal is a territory marked by agrarian and land conflicts, originated by the illegal occupation of land by the squatters, the decimation / expropriation of indigenous, and deforestation and environmental devastation. This conflict is represented today by the sugarcane agro-industrial capital companies on one side, and the other peasants. The expansion occurs agrohidronegócio strongly from 2005, due mainly to the change in the energy matrix of the country and state incentives with strong momentum in the production of flex-fuel vehicles. Rural agrarian reform settlements, made possible by the state under pressure from social movements, are spatialized in 16 municipalities with a total of 112 settlements, occupying an area of 139. 682 hectares, seating 5. 892 families. These families have seen their possibilities of social reproduction increasingly suppressed by the advance of sugarcane agrohidronegócio in the region, which suffocates the living spaces and work of these peasants. Front of it, agroecology is an alternative for these workers to ensure their reproductive possibilities. Agroecology also arises as a means of confronting agribusiness model, adding elements to the environment, such as the eradication of the use of pesticides and considering the dynamics of nature to promote agriculture, and social order, contributing food sovereignty and the production of healthy food and diversity to the population...


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We performed in this study an analysis of Curriculum Astronomy contents the public schools of São Paulo from the available educational materials to teachers and students by the state board of education. We analyzed the conditions that teachers carry out the activities suggested to the teaching-learning situations, considering factors such as time available for classes, available material and the general technical condition to perform the activities suggested by the material. Thereafter, we conducted a search with teachers from public of São Paulo, than three cities in the Vale do Paraíba, in order to trace a general framework of the perception of these teachers about the introduction of Astronomy in Physical during the implementation of the new curriculum


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)