902 resultados para Luther, Martti - yhteiskuntafilosofia


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FOXP3-expressing naturally occurring CD4(+)CD25(high) T regulatory cells (Treg) are relevant in the control of autoimmunity, and a defect in this cell population has been observed in several human autoimmune diseases. We hypothesized that altered functions of peripheral Treg cells might play a role in the immunopathogenesis of myasthenia gravis, a T cell-dependent autoimmune disease characterized by the presence of pathogenic autoantibodies specific for the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. We report in this study a significant decrease in the in vitro suppressive function of peripheral Treg cells isolated from myasthenia patients in comparison to those from healthy donors. Interestingly, Treg cells from prednisolone-treated myasthenia gravis patients showed an improved suppressive function compared with untreated patients, suggesting that prednisolone may play a role in the control of the peripheral regulatory network. Indeed, prednisolone treatment prevents LPS-induced maturation of monocyte-derived dendritic cells by hampering the up-regulation of costimulatory molecules and by limiting secretion of IL-12 and IL-23, and enhancing IL-10. In addition, CD4(+) T cells cultured in the presence of such tolerogenic dendritic cells are hyporesponsive and can suppress autologous CD4(+) T cell proliferation. The results shown in this study indicate that prednisolone treatment promotes an environment that favors immune regulation rather than inflammation.


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The improvement of meat quality and production traits has high priority in the pork industry. Many of these traits show a low to moderate heritability and are difficult and expensive to measure. Their improvement by targeted breeding programs is challenging and requires knowledge of the genetic and molecular background. For this study we genotyped 192 artificial insemination boars of a commercial line derived from the Swiss Large White breed using the PorcineSNP60 BeadChip with 62,163 evenly spaced SNPs across the pig genome. We obtained 26 estimated breeding values (EBVs) for various traits including exterior, meat quality, reproduction, and production. The subsequent genome-wide association analysis allowed us to identify four QTL with suggestive significance for three of these traits (p-values ranging from 4.99×10⁻⁶ to 2.73×10⁻⁵). Single QTL for the EBVs pH one hour post mortem (pH1) and carcass length were on pig chromosome (SSC) 14 and SSC 2, respectively. Two QTL for the EBV rear view hind legs were on SSC 10 and SSC 16.


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In 2010 the Nearctic leafhopper Penestragania apicalis (Osb.& Ball) was found for the first time in Europe. Altogether there are now 16 known localities in France, Switzerland, Germany and Austria indicating that the species is well established for a rather long period and more widespread in Europe and perhaps worldwide. As in North America it lives on honeylocust (Gleditsia triacanthos L.), overwinters in the egg stage and probably has one or two generations a year, with adults at least from late June until early October. It is yet unclear if it causes relevant damage to the host plant in Europe.


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The stromal scaffold of the lymph node (LN) paracortex is built by fibroblastic reticular cells (FRCs). Conditional ablation of lymphotoxin-β receptor (LTβR) expression in LN FRCs and their mesenchymal progenitors in developing LNs revealed that LTβR-signaling in these cells was not essential for the formation of LNs. Although T cell zone reticular cells had lost podoplanin expression, they still formed a functional conduit system and showed enhanced expression of myofibroblastic markers. However, essential immune functions of FRCs, including homeostatic chemokine and interleukin-7 expression, were impaired. These changes in T cell zone reticular cell function were associated with increased susceptibility to viral infection. Thus, myofibroblasic FRC precursors are able to generate the basic T cell zone infrastructure, whereas LTβR-dependent maturation of FRCs guarantees full immunocompetence and hence optimal LN function during infection.


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The T2K collaboration reports a precision measurement of muon neutrino disappearance with an off-axis neutrino beam with a peak energy of 0.6 GeV. Near detector measurements are used to constrain the neutrino flux and cross section parameters. The Super-Kamiokande far detector, which is 295 km downstream of the neutrino production target, collected data corresponding to 3.01×1020 protons on target. In the absence of neutrino oscillations, 205±17 (syst.) events are expected to be detected and only 58 muon neutrino event candidates are observed. A fit to the neutrino rate and energy spectrum assuming three neutrino flavors, normal mass hierarchy and θ23≤π/4 yields a best-fit mixing angle sin2(2θ23)=1.000 and mass splitting |Δm232|=2.44×10−3 eV2/c4. If θ23≥π/4 is assumed, the best-fit mixing angle changes to sin2(2θ23)=0.999 and the mass splitting remains unchanged.


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Spectra of K0S mesons and Λ hyperons were measured in p+C interactions at 31 GeV/c with the large acceptance NA61/SHINE spectrometer at the CERN SPS. The data were collected with an isotropic graphite target with a thickness of 4% of a nuclear interaction length. Interaction cross sections, charged pion spectra, and charged kaon spectra were previously measured using the same data set. Results on K0S and Λ production in p+C interactions serve as reference for the understanding of the enhancement of strangeness production in nucleus-nucleus collisions. Moreover, they provide important input for the improvement of neutrino flux predictions for the T2K long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment in Japan. Inclusive production cross sections for K0S and Λ are presented as a function of laboratory momentum in intervals of the laboratory polar angle covering the range from 0 up to 240 mrad. The results are compared with predictions of several hadron production models. The K0S mean multiplicity in production processes and the inclusive cross section for K0S production were measured and amount to 0.127 ± 0.005 (stat) ± 0.022 (sys) and 29.0 ± 1.6 (stat) ± 5.0 (sys) mb, respectively.


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The T2K experiment has observed electron neutrino appearance in a muon neutrino beam produced 295 km from the Super-Kamiokande detector with a peak energy of 0.6 GeV. A total of 28 electron neutrino events were detected with an energy distribution consistent with an appearance signal, corresponding to a significance of 7.3σ when compared to 4.92 ± 0.55 expected background events. In the PMNS mixing model, the electron neutrino appearance signal depends on several parameters including three mixing angles θ12, θ23, θ13, a mass difference Δm232 and a CP violating phase δCP. In this neutrino oscillation scenario, assuming |Δm232|=2.4×10−3 eV2, sin2θ23=0.5, δCP=0, and Δm232>0 (Δm232<0), a best-fit value of sin22θ13 = 0.140+0.038−0.032 (0.170+0.045−0.037) is obtained.


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A compact adjustable focusing system for a 2 MeV H- RFQ Linac is designed, constructed and tested based on four permanent magnet quadrupoles (PMQ). A PMQ model is realised using finite element simulations, providing an integrated field gradient of 2.35 T with a maximal field gradient of 57 T/m. A prototype is constructed and the magnetic field is measured, demonstrating good agreement with the simulation. Particle track simulations provide initial values for the quadrupole positions. Accordingly, four PMQs are constructed and assembled on the beam line, their positions are then tuned to obtain a minimal beam spot size of (1.2 x 2.2) mm^2 on target. This paper describes an adjustable PMQ beam line for an external ion beam. The novel compact design based on commercially available NdFeB magnets allows high flexibility for ion beam applications.