973 resultados para Linguagem java


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O ponto nevrálgico do presente trabalho é evidenciar os possíveis impasses suscitados pela linguagem em relaçao à mulher. E demonstrar a nao neutralidade da linguagem e os valores e conceitos que ela oferece sobre a questao de gênero. Para tal, será utilizado como ferramenta crítica, o conceito de linguagem como forma de vida apresentado pelo filósofo Ludwig Wittgenstein na obra Investigaçoes Filosóficas. Para tal, primeiramente, será feita uma introduçao sobre a origem da linguagem baseada nos conceitos dos filósofos Demócrito, Locke e Rousseau. Posteriormente, tendo como bsase os conceitos apresentados por Wittgenstein, faremos a relaçao em ter linguagem, gênero e filosofia


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O atual texto trata-se de um estudo inicial de cunho bibliográfico acerca da íntima relaçao biológico-social tendo como pano de fundo a proposiçao de Vygotsky quanto a importância do desenvolvimento da linguagem a partir dos símbolos e signos socialmente construídos ao longo da história, para o desenvolvimento e aprendizado humano. Dessa forma, buscou- se na perspectiva histórico-cultural da escola Vygotskyana elencar elementos para o entendimento da educaçao física como linguagem, voltando-se para as possibilidades de atuaçao da educaçao física, a fim de trazer uma profunda reflexao acerca da práxis educativa escolar. As contribuiçoes dessa perspectiva quanto à compreensao do sujeito, sendo este unidade dialética biológico-social, compreende o cérebro humano como a materializaçao das funçoes psicológicas superiores, superando a concepçao do desenvolvimento humano enquanto espécie limitada às condiçoes de maturaçao biológica. Dessa forma a perspectiva histórico-cultural nos permite o entendimento de que desenvolvimento e aprendizado sao processos construídos, histórica e culturalmente. E possível concluir, que as açoes político-pedagógicas da educaçao física escolar deve se pautar na ampliaçao dos espaços para a construçao de novas relaçoes, articulaçao com a realidade/totalidade escolar e com a prática social, para a construçao de uma educaçao verdadeiramente humana e emancipatória


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Parte da linguística analisa o fenômeno da ambiguidade em funçao das regras gramaticais e tende a categorizá-lo em diferentes níveis, o que faz emergir taxonomias que remetem a ambiguidade a problemas tencionáveis nos âmbitos semântico, lexical, sintático, morfológico, etc. Assim, esse trabalho se foca na releitura de algumas dessas taxonomias com o suporte teórico-metodológico da Teoria das Operaçoes Predicativas e Enunciativas (TOPE) do linguista francês Antoine Culioli, o qual nao propoe uma divisao do estudo da língua em abordagens fonéticas, semânticas, morfologias, etc. por crer que tais divisoes nao trazem uma visao do todo da linguagem. Ao contrário, ele insiste num um trabalho que afirma a necessidade de um sistema de representaçao que suporte a generalizaçao, que vê o significado e a sintaxe como inseparáveis e propoe que se observem valores semântico-discursivos veiculados por marcas de diferentes ordens (entoacional, lexical, morfológica, etc.) geradas na relaçao léxico- gramática. Na verdade, apostamos na indeterminaçao da linguagem para chegarmos a resultados que mostrem que as categorizaçoes sao instáveis e elegem, muitas vezes, apenas questoes de língua para determinar as taxonomias ao invés de tomarem ciência dos valores (entre eles a modalidade, o tempo e o aspecto) responsáveis pela ambiguidade fundamental da linguagem e pela criaçao de um cenário sociopsicológico que torna cada ato enunciativo uma construçao ímpar de um espaço orientado e determinado, o qual estabiliza os valores referenciais. Dessa forma, atribuir apenas à gramática o papel de desencadeadora de uma ambiguidade (seja ela no campo do léxico ou da sintaxe) é desconsiderar que a linguagem se prolifera e possibilita um jogo incessante de significaçoes garantido pela dissimetria inevitável entre produçao e reconhecimento interpretativo. Essa espécie de jogo fundadora da comunicaçao


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The paper is based on new results of melt inclusion studies in minerals. Physicochemical and geochemical parameters of plateau basalt magmatic systems of the Siberian Platform and Ontong Java Plateau (Pacific Ocean) have been established. The studied melts are enriched in Fe. That differs them from magmatic melts of mid-ocean ridges (MOR). A comparative analysis of data on inclusions has shown a similarity of continental and oceanic plateau basalt magmatic systems. They considerably differ from those of MOR and intraplate oceanic islands. Crystallization of oceanic plateau basalts took place at lower temperatures and pressures as compared with similar rocks of the Siberian Platform. The data on inclusions evidence that the melts of the Siberian Platform and the Malaita Island underwent a serious evolution in contrast to magmas of the Nauru Basin that have more stable geochemical parameters. The most fractionated low-temperature high-Fe magmas with elevated contents of trace and rare-earth elements occur in the Malaita Island (Ontong Java Plateau) magmatic system.


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Radiocarbon measurements on core tops from the Ontong-Java plateau confirm a previous finding by Berger and Killingley [1982] that at any given water depth, cores taken on the equator have higher accumulation rates and younger core top ages than their off-equator counterparts. Further, these new results fortify the conclusion by Broecker et al. [1991] that the increase in core top radiocarbon age with water depth rules out homogeneous dissolution within the pore waters as the dominant mechanism. Either most of the dissolution must occur prior to burial or it must occur during the first pass through the respiration-CO2-rich upper pore waters after which the calcite grains become armored against further dissolution. A puzzling aspect of this new data set is that despite the sizable difference in accumulation rate, the extent of dissolution as measured by either the CaCO3 content or the ratio of CaCO3 in the >150-µm size fraction to that in the < 63-µm fraction is no different off than on the equator. In order to reconcile the results of this study with those obtained by Hales and Emerson [1996] using in situ electrodes, it is necessary to call upon calcite armoring.


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A wealth of sedimentary records aimed at reconstructing late Quaternary changes in productivity and temperature have been devoted to understanding linkages between the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP) and other distant oceanic areas. Most of these reconstructions are based, however, on biogeochemical and sedimentological proxies, with comparatively less attention devoted to microfossils. A high-resolution (<1 ka) study of diatom concentrations and the community at site GeoB10038-4, recovered off southern Sumatra (ca. 6°S, 103°E), closely tracks the variations of diatom concentrations in the westernmost IPWP during the last glacial-interglacial cycle. The diatom record provides evidence that diatom paleoproductivity was highest during interglacials, primarily due to the input of lithogenics and nutrients following the rise in sea level after full glacials. In addition, the co-variation of total diatom concentration and Northern Hemisphere forcing for Marine Isotope Stage 5 suggests a direct response of diatom productivity and upwelling intensity to boreal summer insolation. Temporal shifts of the diverse diatom community at site GeoB10038-4 correspond well with the present-day seasonal monsoon pattern and the strengthening and weakening phases of upwelling along the southern coast of Sumatra. Resting spores of Chaetoceros, typical of nutrient-rich waters, were dominant during periods of highest diatom paleoproductivity and responded to the strengthening of the SE monsoon, while diatoms of oligotrophic to mesotrophic waters characterized intermonsoon periods. The close correspondence between the dominance of upwelling diatoms and the boreal summer insolation resembles the present-day dynamics of diatom production. The observed interglacial highs and glacial lows of diatom productivity at site GeoB10038-4 is a unique pattern in the late Quaternary tropics.


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We present paleomagnetic data from basaltic pillow and lava flows drilled at four Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 192 sites through the Early Cretaceous (~120 Ma) Ontong Java Plateau (OJP). Altogether 270 samples (out of 331) yielded well-defined characteristic remanent magnetization components all of which have negative inclinations, i.e. normal polarity. Dividing data into inclination groups we obtain 5, 7, 14 and 15 independent inclination estimates for the four sites. Statistical analysis suggests that paleosecular variation has been sufficiently sampled and site-mean inclinations therefore represent time-averaged fields. Of particular importance is the finding that all four site-mean inclinations are statistically indistinguishable, strongly supporting indirect seismic observation from the flat-lying sediments blanketing the OJP that the studied basalts have suffered little or no tectonic disturbance since their emplacement. Moreover, the corresponding paleomagnetic paleolatitudes agree excellently with paleomagnetic data from a previous ODP site (Site 807) drilled into the northern portion of the OJP. Two important conclusions can be drawn based on the presented dataset: (i) the Leg 192 combined mean inclination (Inc.=-41.4°, N=41, kappa= 66.0, alpha95 =2.6°) is inconsistent with the Early Cretaceous part of the Pacific apparent polar wander path, indicating that previous paleomagnetic poles derived mainly from seamount magnetic anomaly modeling must be used with care; (ii) the Leg 192 paleomagnetic paleolatitude for the central OJP is ~20° north of the paleogeographic location calculated from Pacific hotspot tracks assuming the hotspots have remained fixed. The difference between paleomagnetic and hotspot calculated paleolatitudes cannot be explained by true polar wander estimates derived from other lithospheric plates and our results are therefore consistent with and extend recent paleomagnetic studies of younger hotspot features in the northern Pacific Ocean that suggest Late Cretaceous to Eocene motion of Pacific hotspots.