1000 resultados para Ley 975 de 2005
A-7 Statistical Report On FIP Applications And Cases Discontinued, July 2005
Newsletter for the Iowa Commission on the Status of Women
Newsletter for the Iowa Commission on the Status of Women
Monthly newsletter produced by Iowa Department of Education
Analisou-se a qualidade do Sistema de Informações de Nascidos Vivos no Estado do Paraná, de 2000 a 2005, por meio do percentual de não declaração das variáveis, utilizando banco de dados cedido pela Secretaria de Saúde de Estado. Utilizou-se a seguinte escala: excelente, percentual de não declaração < 1%; boa de 1% a 2,99%; regular de 3% a 6,99% e ruim > 7%. A qualidade do preenchimento do SINASC no Paraná foi excelente, principalmente a partir de 2003. A ocupação da mãe, classificada como regular e ruim, foi a variável de menor qualidade em todas as Macro-Regionais de Saúde. Filhos nascidos vivos, nascidos mortos e raça/cor, oscilaram de ruim a excelente qualidade. É necessário melhorar a qualidade das variáveis estado civil e número de filhos nascidos mortos em todas as Macro-Regionais de Saúde. A excelência do SINASC demonstrou a sua potencialidade como fonte de informação da saúde no Paraná.
Support manual for preventing bullying and harassment in school.
Monthly newsletter produced by Iowa Department of Education
A status report identifying technical assistance, policies, and promising practices to facilitate high school improvement statewide.
News from the Iowa Tourism Office
Annual Report
Weekly Newsletter
Although Iowa has some of the most productive agricultural land in the nation, it also maintains a very extensive road network.Consequently, landowners and roadway officials often must deal with drainage issues affecting private lands and public highways. However, many individuals are unfamiliar with legal drainage requirements, practices, and procedures, which can result in misunderstandings concerning maintenance responsibilities for drainage facilities, sometimes leading to litigation. To assist propertyowners, public agencies, and others with interest in better understanding drainage maintenance responsibilities, a reference manual was developed to describe Iowa’s drainage laws and offer interpretations in a clear and concise manner. To develop a comprehensive drainage manual, researchers identified and reviewed current available literature. These resources described pertinent drainage issues and presented explanations of legal responsibilities. The literature review included manuals and guides from Iowa, surrounding states, and federal agencies. Researchers developed a survey to assess the needs and interestsof potential users of an Iowa drainage law manual. Survey responses were used to identify common problems and concerns among individuals who encounter drainage issues on a regular basis. Issues mentioned in the survey responses included interpretation of drainage laws and commonly encountered questions relating to public improvements and private interests. Many individuals, including county engineers, stated interest in specific topics such as maintenance and/or diversion of drainage, landowner issues, and upstream and downstream impacts. Overall, the survey provided researchers with valuable information regarding drainage issues, problems, current policies, and concerns. A comprehensive manual of Iowa drainage law will assist agencies and individuals in interpreting current code requirements and in implementing effective and beneficial solutions when dealing with drainage issues.
Evidence from recent U.S. food consumption surveys provides new information on the distribution of rice consumption, the characteristics of rice consumers, and the diets of people who consume rice. Recently available data from nationally representative surveys of food consumed by individuals in the United States allowed comparison of consumption today (2001-02) with consumption in the mid-1990s. Data come from the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (1994-96) and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2001-02). Rice is consumed by a significant portion of the U.S. adult population. In 2001-02, over 18 percent (18.2 percent) of adults reported eating at least half a serving of white or brown rice in one day of observed intake. This share was slightly higher than that of 1994-96 (17.4 percent). Compared with others, individuals who consumed at least half a serving of white or brown rice in the observed day of intake consumed a smaller share of calories per day from fat and saturated fat; less discretionary fat or added sugar; and more fiber, dietary folate, fruit, vegetables, and enriched grains. Consumers eating rice were more likely to eat a diet that included choices of foods consistent with the 2005 U.S. Dietary Guidelines.
Pavement profile or smoothness has been identified nationally as a good measure of highway user satisfaction. This has led highway engineers to measure profiles of both operating and new highways. Operational highway profiles are often measured with high-speed inertial profilers. New highway profiles are usually measured with profilographs in order to establish incentives or disincentives for pavement construction. In most cases, these two processes do not measure the same value from the “cradle to grave” life of pavements. In an attempt to correct the inconsistency between measuring techniques, lightweight profilers intended to produce values to be used for construction acceptance are being made that measure the same profile as high-speed inertial profilers. Currently, two profiler systems have been identified that can measure pavement profile during construction. This research has produced a field evaluation of the two systems. The profilers evaluated in this study are able to detect roughness in the final profile, including localized roughness and roughness at joints. Dowel basket ripple is a significant source of pavement surface roughness. The profilers evaluated in this study are able to detect dowel basket ripple with enough clarity to warn the paving crew. String-line disturbances degrade smoothness. The profilers evaluated in this study are able to detect some string-line disturbances during paving operations. The profilers evaluated in this study are not currently able to produce the same absolute International Roughness Index (IRI) values on the plastic concrete that can be measured by inertial profilers on the hardened concrete. Construction application guidelines are provided.
Weekly Newsletter