732 resultados para Level social capital local


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Purpose: To identify factors associated prospectively with increased cataract surgical rate (CSR) in rural Chinese hospitals.

Methods: Annual cataract surgical output was obtained at baseline and 24 months later from operating room records at 42 rural, county-level hospitals. Total local CSR (cases/million population/y), and proportion of CSR from hospital and local competitors were calculated from government records. Hospital administrators completed questionnaires providing demographic and professional information, and annual clinic and outreach screening volume. Independent cataract surgeons provided clinical information and videotapes of cases for grading by two masked experts using the Ophthalmology Surgical Competency Assessment Rubric (OSCAR). Uncorrected vision was recorded for 10 consecutive cataract cases at each facility, and 10 randomly-identified patients completed hospital satisfaction questionnaires. Total value of international nongovernmental development organization (INGDO) investment in the previous three years and demographic information on hospital catchment areas were obtained. Main outcome was 2-year percentage change in hospital CSR.

Results: Among the 42 hospitals (median catchment population 530,000, median hospital CSR 643), 78.6% (33/42) were receiving INGDO support. Median change in hospital CSR (interquartile range) was 33.3% (-6.25%, 72.3%). Predictors of greater increase in CSR included higher INGDO investment (P = 0.02, simple model), reducing patient dissatisfaction (P = 0.03, simple model), and more outreach patient screening (P = 0.002, simple and multiple model).

Conclusions: Outreach cataract screening was the strongest predictor of increased surgical output. Government and INGDO investment in screening may be most likely to enhance output of county hospitals, a major goal of China's Blindness Prevention Plan.


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A gestão de conhecimento é crucial para a competitividade sustentável das organizações. Todavia, a gestão do conhecimento nos centros de investigação universitários tem sido alvo de uma parca atenção nas práticas destas instituições e a literatura sobre este tema também é escassa. O objetivo deste estudo é o de identificar as barreiras e os facilitadores em quatro processos de conhecimento (aquisição; criação; partilha; transferência de conhecimento), em centros de investigação universitários. Foi feito um estudo exploratório, sendo realizadas vinte e uma entrevistas a diretores, investigadores principais e investigadores juniores, em sete centros de investigação, em duas universidades portuguesas. Os resultados obtidos são: a) as principais barreiras mencionadas pelos participantes são: fraco capital social organizacional interno; deficientes mecanismos de implementação da estratégia nacional; fraco capital social/relacional individual; fraca cultura orientada para os resultados.b) os principais facilitadores mencionados são: forte capital social organizacional externo; forte capital social organizacional interno; boas práticas de formação; forte cultura organizacional orientada para os resultados e adequada estratégia nacional. Em síntese, o estudo sugere que as variáveis de natureza individual e socioorganizacional são relevantes para a produção de conhecimento nestas organizações. A liderança dos centros de investigação tem que ter em linha de conta estes fatores críticos. Adicionalmente não pode descurar o alinhamento das tecnologias com os processos de conhecimento, visto estas serem considerados um suporte do trabalho dos investigadores. Porque as organizações são entidades porosas, é necessário ainda uma liderança atenta aos fatores contextuais para que a gestão do conhecimento seja eficaz.


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Tese de doutoramento, Sociologia (Sociologia da Família, da Juventude e das Relações de Género), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2014


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The aim of the present study is to understand the effects of international expansion on firms’ acquisition of marketing learning. This study’s focus on marketing learning complements previous research on the impact of internationalization on the development of foreign-market and technological knowledge. The research finds that the scope of a firm’s international activities, perception of gaps in marketing knowledge, and external social capital positively influence firms’ acquisition of marketing learning. However, firm’s age at initial international market entry appears not to be a significant factor. The study adds to the very limited body of research on the marketing learning outcomes of international expansion, while also offering rare empirical insights from the Middle East on this important subject matter. The paper discusses implications for international managers, policy makers, and future researchers.


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Increases in gross domestic product (GDP) beyond a threshold of basic needs do not lead to further increases in well-being. An explanation is that material consumption (MC) also results in negative health externalities. We assess how these externalities influence six factors critical for well-being: (i) healthy food; (ii) active body; (iii) healthy mind; (iv) community links; (v) contact with nature; and (vi) attachment to possessions. If environmentally sustainable consumption (ESC) were increasingly substituted for MC, thus improving well-being and stocks of natural and social capital, and sustainable behaviours involving non-material consumption (SBs-NMC) became more prevalent, then well-being would increase regardless of levels of GDP. In the UK, the individualised annual health costs of negative consumption externalities (NCEs) currently amount to £62 billion for the National Health Service, and £184 billion for the economy (for mental ill-health, dementia, obesity, physical inactivity, diabetes, loneliness and cardiovascular disease). A dividend is available if substitution by ESC and SBs-NMC could limit the prevalence of these conditions.


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The Internet has transformed the scope, boundaries and dynamics of social and economic interactions. It is argued to have broadened the notion of the community from physical, colocated groups towards collectives that are able to transcend time and space, i.e. virtual communities. Even if virtual communities have been on the academic agenda for a couple of decades, there is still surprisingly little research on knowledge sharing within them. In addition, prior research has largely neglected the complex dynamics between Internet-based communication channels and the surrounding communities in which they are embedded. This thesis aims at building a better understanding of knowledge sharing supported by conversational technologies in intra-organisational virtual communities and external virtual communities supporting relationships with customers. The focus is thus on knowledge sharing in types of virtual communities that seem to be of relevance to business organisations. The study consists of two parts. The first part introduces the research topic and discusses the overall results. The second part comprises seven research publications. Qualitative research methods are used throughout the study. The results of the study indicate that investigation of the processes of knowledge sharing in virtual communities requires a socio-technical perspective, combining the individual, social and technological levels, and understanding the interplay between them. It is claimed that collective knowledge in virtual communities creates the enabling structure for knowledge sharing, and forms the invisible structure of the community on the basis of which it operates. It consists of a shared context, social capital and a unique community culture. The Internet does not inevitably erode social interaction: it seems that supporting social relationships by means of communication technology is a matter of quantity rather than quality. In order to provide access to external knowledge and expertise, firms need to open themselves up to an array of Internet-based conversations, and to consider the relevance of virtual communities to their businesses.


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The paper concentrates on trust as a research topic that receives increasing attention from the side of different social disciplines. The author of this thesis attempts to identify the reasons of this phenomenon, as well as the decline in usage of the concepts conveying a congenial idea, such as, solidarity, cooperation, social cohesion, social capital or connectedness. The key hypotheses, such as paradigmatic change within the social sciences, emergence of risk society, proliferation of the postmodem condition, new infonnation and communication technologies and the crisis of democracy are considered through the works of the authors who now mainly responsible for the shaping of the discourse of trust. The concepts of Luhmann, Putnam, Sztompka, Fukuyama and Hardin are analyzed from an epistemological viewpoint in its ontological and political implications. The primary goal of the paper is to overview trust from the methodological viewpoint, illustrating the limitations of the concept as a research strategy as weII as it advantages in the epoch when the social sciences acquire a status of moral disciplines.


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Abstract The purpose of this paper was to explore the ways one partnership evaluated its partners and relationships using Gray‟s model of collaboration (2000). The model consists of five approaches that are made up of: problem-focused, relational, cognitive, structural, and political. These approaches were tested at one „Living School‟ partnership that was constituted by a school, a public health department, the City‟s Park and Recreation Department, commercial enterprises, and organizations from the non-profit sector. Eight pre-arranged interviews were conducted using conversational interview technique, with three additional interviews on-site. The results of the research revealed that based on Gray‟s five approaches, this one Living School partnership was found to be successful. Consistent with partnership research, trust, social capital and structure were found to be key ingredients, as well as new themes of leadership, role clarity, and a shared vision were also found to be vital.


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The global wine industry is experiencing the impacts of climate change. Canada’s major wine sector, the Ontario Wine Industry (OWI) is no exception to this trend. Warmer winter and summer temperatures are affecting wine production. The industry needs to adapt to these challenges, but their capacity for this is unclear. To date, only a limited number of studies exist regarding the adaptive capacity of the wine industry to climate change. Accordingly, this study developed an adaptive capacity assessment framework for the wine industry. The OWI became the case study for the implementation of the assessment framework. Data was obtained by means of a questionnaire sent to grape growers, winemakers and supporting institutions in Ontario. The results indicated the OWI has adaptive capacity capabilities in financial, institutional, political, technological, perceptions, knowledge, diversity and social capital resources areas. Based on the OWI case study, this framework provides an effective means of assessing regional wine industries’ capacity to adapt to climate change.


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This paper documents and discusses a dramatic change in the cyclical behavior of aggregate hours worked by individuals with a college degree (skilled workers) since the mid-1980’s. Using the CPS outgoing rotation data set for the period 1979:1-2003:4, we find that the volatility of aggregate skilled hours relative to the volatility of GDP has nearly tripled since 1984. In contrast, the cyclical properties of unskilled hours have remained essentially unchanged. We evaluate the extent to which a simple supply/demand model for skilled and unskilled labor with capital-skill complementarity in production can help explain this stylized fact. Within this framework, we identify three effects which would lead to an increase in the relative volatility of skilled hours: (i) a reduction in the degree of capital-skill complementarity, (ii) a reduction in the absolute volatility of GDP (and unskilled hours), and (iii) an increase in the level of capital equipment relative to skilled labor. We provide empirical evidence in support of each of these effects. Our conclusion is that these three mechanisms can jointly explain about sixty percent of the observed increase in the relative volatility of skilled labor. The reduction in the degree of capital-skill complementarity contributes the most to this result.


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Ibn Khaldûn(1332-1406) fut homme d’Etat et historien des conflits et des changements politiques au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord. Il a écrit la Muqaddima, une vaste analyse du déclin de la civilisation arabe. Dans cet ouvrage l’ «éthique du Juste » est présentée comme l’obéissance à la loi et l’application des sciences rationnelles à la tradition. Ceci le mène à condamner l’ « éthique du Bien » en tant que calcul de son propre bonheur. Le conflit actuel reflète bien ce dualisme sous de nouvelles formes d’eudémonisme telle que l’utilitarisme. Sa théorie du changement politique et des conflits est toujours d’actualité : le développement économique conduit à la destruction des dynasties au pouvoir ; ce dernier repose sur l’Asabiya, une forme spécifique du capital social. Le pouvoir politique dure trois générations et connaît une évolution faite d’essor, d’apogée et de déclin. Cette théorie des « trois phases » du développement permet de mieux comprendre les conflits que connaît actuellement le monde arabe.


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Microfinance is increasingly seen as a major development tool. Its promise to help the poor by providing financial services is seen as the major reason for its support. Nevertheless, its ability to effectively reduce poverty is not yet clear, and it generates some unresolved ethical questions. These become even more prominent in the process of commercialization. The impact on poverty is usually measured in financial terms. In this paper, poverty is defined in a broader sense to include deficiency in human and social capital. The article shows that, in this broad sense, microfinance may have negative as well as positive effects on poverty.


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Cette thèse porte sur l’introduction des politiques de transfert de revenu au Brésil. L’objectif central de la recherche est de comprendre comment ces politiques se sont imposées dans le cadre des réformes de la protection sociale brésilienne pendant les années 1990, notamment à partir de 1995 et comment elles ont engendré un changement paradigmatique de troisième ordre de la politique nationale d’assistance sociale. Nous posons deux hypothèses de recherche : la première est que l’introduction de telles politiques au Brésil fut le résultat du rôle historique des intellectuels engagés dans la défense du revenu minimum en tant qu’alternative au modèle de protection sociale brésilien. Cette défense du revenu minimum fut soutenue par des intellectuels, des communautés épistémiques et par des politiciens qui ont inscrit le débat sur le revenu minimum à l’agenda politique brésilien. La deuxième hypothèse suggère que la convergence d’idées, d’institutions et d’intérêts a favorisé l’adoption de ces politiques. Cette convergence d’idées, d’institutions et d’intérêts repose sur le rôle de plusieurs acteurs tels les intellectuels, le président Cardoso et d’autres politiciens qui se sont mis à la défense du social au Brésil depuis 1999, des institutions parlementaires brésiliennes et des organisations internationales, notamment le FMI, la Banque mondiale et la Banque interaméricaine de développement – BID. Nous proposons l’approche des trois i pour rendre compte de ce changement. L’apprentissage social, les processus de diffusion et de lesson-drawing sont les facteurs à l’origine de la formation de la convergence autour des programmes de transfert de revenu. Nous montrerons que l’expérience brésilienne de programmes de transfert de revenu a non seulement engendré un processus d’apprentissage social renversé auprès de la Banque Mondiale mais qu'elle a aussi eu un effet aussi sur les actions de la BID. Nous suggérons que le changement paradigmatique de la protection sociale brésilienne a été amorcé par le gouvernement Cardoso dans un processus d’essais et d’erreurs. Ce processus, qui est à l’origine des réaménagements du programme « Comunidade Solidária », a permis la création du « Projeto Alvorada » et du « Réseau de protection sociale » en 2001. Les programmes de transfert de revenu reliés à l’éducation et aux soins de santé ont été les plus influents dans la construction du consensus qui s’est établi autour des programmes de transfert de revenu comme alternative à l’ancien modèle de protection sociale puisqu’ils procurent le renforcement du capital social en même temps qu’ils fonctionnent comme facteur structurant de la protection sociale. Ce legs du gouvernement Cardoso a permis au gouvernement de Luis Inácio Lula da Silva de consolider le nouveau paradigme avec la création du programme national Bolsa-Família. Le gouvernement Lula a donc bénéficié de l’héritage historique des deux mandats de Cardoso et, ironiquement, a récolté les fruits de l’apprentissage social. Le phénomène du « lulismo » en est la preuve. Par ailleurs, cette thèse met en question la paternité du programme Bolsa-Família puisqu’elle montre la création de ce programme d'abord comme la consolidation du processus d’apprentissage et puis comme conséquence de la création d’un nouveau paradigme pour la politique d’assistance sociale au Brésil qui a eu lieu pendant les deux mandats de Cardoso.


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Le prestige occupationnel est une mesure utilisée en sociologie des professions pour déterminer le statut social d’un emploi sous la forme d’un continuum hiérarchisé. Cette mesure peut être définie selon : le revenu, l’autorité, l’autonomie et les compétences. En ce basant sur des entrevues auprès de délinquants incarcérés (n=138), cette étude évalue si la notion de prestige s’applique aux occupations illicites. Les résultats suggèrent que les domaines d’activité des occupations illicites ne présentent pas d’homogénéité en termes de prestige. Certaines caractéristiques définissant le prestige des occupations licites, comme le revenu et la compétence, contribuent à définir le prestige des occupations illicites, par contre, l’autonomie et l’autorité n’y contribuent pas. Le milieu criminel présente des caractéristiques particulières comme la difficulté d’atteindre une continuité dans son occupation. Cette continuité explique le prestige des occupations illicites, mais non celui des occupations licites. D’autres indicateurs, comme le réseau criminel et la présence d’un mentor, influençant pourtant les revenus, n’ont pas d’impact sur le prestige des occupations illicite. Des modèles d’équations structurelles ont été utilisés pour vérifier les relations indirectes et les conversions entre les types de capitaux selon la théorie de l’espace social de Pierre Bourdieu. Ces analyses suggèrent l’essentialité de la notion de compétence et de continuité. La discussion et la conclusion élabore sur les notions de continuité, d’accumulation et de conversion de capital.


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L'étude de la formation d'une communauté épistémique québécoise en santé publique en ayant recours à l'interactionnisme-structural permet d'appréhender ce phénomène social sous l'angle d'une influence réciproque entre d'une part des acteurs sociaux interagissant entre-eux et d'autre part, des conceptualisations variées des objets de santé publique; ces éléments sociaux et sémantiques subissent des transformations simultanées. Notre étude démontre et illustre qu'au même moment où un réseau social de chercheurs prend forme, une thématique nouvelle prend place et rallie ces mêmes chercheurs, non pas seulement dans leurs relations sociales, mais dans les idées qu'ils manipulent lors de leur travail de production et de diffusion de connaissances; les identités sociales se lient, mais pas au hasard, parce qu'elles partagent des éléments sémantiques communs. C'est notamment en explorant 20 ans de collaborations scientifiques à l'aide d'outils d'analyse de réseaux, d'analyse en composantes discrètes et par l'exporation de treillis de Galois que cette étude a été menée. Notre approche est principalement exploratoire et une attention toute particulière est portée sur les aspects méthodologiques et théoriques du travail de recherche scientifique.