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Plastic electronics is a rapidly expanding topic, much of which has been focused on organic semiconductors. However, it is also of interest to find viable ways to integrate nanomaterials, such as silicon nanowires (SiNWs) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs), into this technology. Here, we present methods of fabrication of composite devices incorporating such nanostructured materials into an organic matrix. We investigate the formation of polymer/CNT composites, for which we use the semiconducting polymer poly(3,3‴-dialkyl-quaterthiophene) (PQT). We also report a method of fabricating polymer/SiNW TFTs, whereby sparse arrays of parallel oriented SiNWs are initially prepared on silicon dioxide substrates from forests of as-grown gold-catalysed SiNWs. Subsequent ink-jet printing of PQT on these arrays produces a polymer/SiNW composite film. We also present the electrical characterization of all composite devices. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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3D thermo-electro-mechanical device simulations are presented of a novel fully CMOS-compatible MOSFET gas sensor operating in a SOI membrane. A comprehensive stress analysis of a Si-SiO2-based multilayer membrane has been performed to ensure a high degree of mechanical reliability at a high operating temperature (e.g. up to 400°C). Moreover, optimisation of the layout dimensions of the SOI membrane, in particular the aspect ratio between the membrane length and membrane thickness, has been carried out to find the best trade-off between minimal device power consumption and acceptable mechanical stress.


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Resumen: El presente trabajo analiza la revista “Ressorgiment”, periódico ofi cial de los “catalanes de América”, el sector separatista de la colectividad catalana asentada en Buenos Aires desde comienzos del siglo XX. Efectúa un análisis teórico de la diagramación formal y de la línea editorial de la publicación y constituye un repaso del ideario del catalanismo separatista radical de ultramar, desde el punto de vista de su proyecto editorial distintivo.


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Theoretical predictions of the diameters of continuous ink-jets downstream of long nozzles are generalized to include the important cases of ink-jet fluids and shorter nozzles where the velocity profile at the nozzle exit is undeveloped (non-parabolic). Comparisons of the new predictions with experiments and simulations are made for fairly long nozzles with tapered profiles and short nozzles with conical profiles; experimental and simulated profiles are also compared downstream of the nozzle exit for both industrial and large scale ink-jet print heads. Precise measurements of the un-modulated jet diameters downstream of the nozzle exit can set really useful limits to the possible shapes of the flow profile right at the nozzle exit, and in particular allow some assessment of the axial velocity gradients and fluid shear rates at the nozzle exit where direct speed measurement is usually impractical. Simulations allow further study of the relaxation of the velocity profile downstream of the nozzle exit, and are reported for both un-modulated and modulated CIJ jetting. Implications of this work include speeding up CIJ simulations, absolute calibration of the applied CIJ system modulation, and the likely magnitude of dynamic surface tension effects on observed CIJ satellite speeds.


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Resumen: En 1515 se difunde en Burgos la primera traducción impresa de la Divina Comedia, a cargo de Pedro Fernández de Villegas, traducción bastante olvidada y poco estudiada por la crítica. El único manuscrito que se conserva (ms. B2183 de la Hispanic Society of America) es, según la descripción de Dutton (1982: 4659), autógrafo, conclusión a la que llega basándose en la reiteración de la tapa. Faulhaber (1983: 516-18), por su parte, data al manuscrito a fines del XV y asume que fue el texto fuente usado por la imprenta en 1515. Los datos otorgados por estos estudiosos han sido poco problematizados, tal vez por la falta de un estudio minucioso que aborde el manuscrito y sus problemas ecdóticos. En el presente trabajo intentaremos, por un lado, redefinir el terminus a quo de la traducción, basándonos en el estudio del contexto histórico de producción y en alusiones del mismo prólogo y de ciertos pasajes del comentario que, en el impreso, se encuentra envolviendo cada copla traducida. Por otro lado, a partir del cotejo entre los versos del manuscrito y el impreso, enfocándonos especialmente en los versos que aparecen enmendados en el primero, intentaremos problematizar la relación de filiación que se ha dado por sentada entre las dos versiones. A manera de adelanto, podríamos decir, por un lado, que la traducción no se podría haber empezado antes de 1502 y, por el otro, que el texto que nos transmite el manuscrito correspondería a una segunda etapa en el proceso de traducción, posterior a la del texto que nos transmite el impreso


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Fossil flora described in the present report is too limited for purposes of exact correlation, which may be expected to be settled by the marine faunas present at most horizons in the Isthmian region. Accompanying table of distribution will show that from the oldest (Hohio) to the youngest (Gatun) plant-bearing formations there is no observable difference in floral facies. This so-called Oligocence series of formations does not represent any great interval of time. (39 page document)


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Fifty-eight species of Decapods are enumerated from the collections examined by the author. Three species described by other authors are inserted in systematic order, thus making the list complete for the Panama region. All available material in the United States National Museum from Panama and Costa Rica is included; it ranges in age from the Oligocene (Culebra formation) to the Pleistocene.


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[ES] En este investigación se analiza el rico mundo de las supersticiones, de la magia, de la hechicería y de la brujería vasca medieval, centrándose especialmente en el foco de brujería que afectó a la comarca del Duranguesado y que ha pasado a la historiografía y a la tradición popular bajo el sobre nombre de brujas del Amboto.


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The paper presents: 1) biologic summaries for each of the formations for which paleontologic data are available, with brief discussions of the geologic age; 2) geologic correlations of the formations and the distribution of their age-equivalents in Central America, the West Indies, and the southeastern United States; 3) an outline of the paleogeography of middle America. The biologic summaries are based on the paleontologic memoirs in this vol. by Messars. Howe, Berry, Chuchman, Jackson, Canu and Bassler and Pilsbry, Miss Rathbun and myself.


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exhaustive biological survey of the Panama Canal Zone-will be undertaken in the winter of 1910-11. A part of the fresh-water streams of the Isthmus of Panama empty into the Atlantic Ocean and others into the Pacific Ocean. It is known that a certain number of animals and plants in the streams on the Atlantic side are different from those of the Pacific side, but as no exact biological survey has ever been undertaken the extent and magnitude of these differences have yet to be learned. When the canal is completed the organisms of the various watersheds will be offered a ready means of mingling together, the natural distinctions now existing will be obliterated....


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With the cooperation of several of the executive departments, and of the Field Museum of Natural History, a party of about 10 naturalists was accordingly sent to the zone, and the results so far accomplished have been very satisfactory. Large collections of biological material have been received, including specimens of a considerable number of genera and species new to science. It also seemed important to determine exactly the geographical distribution of the various organisms inhabiting the Isthmus, which is one of the routes by which the animals and plants of South America have entered North America and vice versa. The estimated cost of the survey which would have to be met by the Institution is $11,000...