987 resultados para LIMA-BEAN LEAVES
Malaria, also popularly known as maleita , intermittent fever, paludism, impaludism, third fever or fourth fever, is an acute infectious febrile disease, which, in human beings, is caused by four species: Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae and P. ovale. Malaria, one of the main infectious diseases in the world, is the most important parasitoses, with 250 million annual cases and more than 1 million deaths per year, mainly in children younger than live years of age. The prophylactic and therapeutic arsenal against malaria is quite restricted, since all the antimalarials currently in use have some limitation. Many plant species belonging to several families have been tested in vivo, using the murine experimental model Plasmodium berghei or in vitro against P. falciparum, and this search has been directed toward plants with antithermal, antimalarial or antiinflammatory properties used in popular Brazilian bolk medicine. Studies assessing the biological activity of medicinal plant essential oils have revealed activities of interest, such as insecticidal, spasmolytic and antiplasmodic action. It has also been scientifically established that around 60% of essential oils have antifungal properties and that 35% exhibit antibacterial properties. In our investigation, essential oils were obtained from the species Vanillosmopsis arborea, Lippia sidoides and Croton zethneri which are found in the bioregion of Araripe-Ceará. The chemical composition of these essential oils was partially characterized and the presence of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. The acute toxicity of these oils was assessed in healthy mice at different doses applied on a single day and on four consecutive days, and in vitro cytotoxicity in HeLa and Raw cell lines was determined at different concentrations. The in vivo tests obtained lethal dose values of 7,1 mg/Kg (doses administered on a single day) and 1,8 mg/Kg (doses administered over four days) for 50% of the animals. In the in vitro tests, the inhibitory concentration for 50% of cell growth in Hela cell lines was 588 μg/mL (essential oil from C. zethneri after 48 h), from 340-555 μg/mL (essential oil from L. sidoides, after 24 and 48 h). The essential oil from V. arborea showed no cytotoxicity and none of the essential oils were cytotoxic in Raw cell lines. These data suggest a moderate toxicity in the essential XVIII oils under study, a finding that does not impede their testing in in vivo antimalarial assays. Was shown the antimalarial activity of the essential oils in mice infected with P. berghei was assessed. The three species showed antimalarial activity from 36%-57% for the essential oil from the stem of V. arborea; from 32%-82% for the essential oil from the leaves of L. sidoides and from 40%-70% of reduction for the essential oil from the leaves of C. zethneri. This is the first study showing evidence of antimalarial activity with these species from northeast Brazil. Further studies to isolate the active ingredients of these oils are needed to determine if a single active ingredient accounts for the antimalarial activity or if a complex integration of all the compounds present occurs, a situation reflected in their biological activity
The genus Saccharum belongs to Poaceae family. Sugarcane has become important monocultures in Brazil due to their products: ethanol and sugar. The production may change between different regions from Brazil. This difference is related to soil, climatic conditions and temperature that promotes oxidative stress that may induce an early flowering. The aim of this work was to identify the effects of oxidative stress. In order to analyse this, sugarcane plants were submitted to oxidative stress using hydrogen peroxide. After this treatment, the oxidative stress were analyzed Then, the plant responses were analyzed under different approaches, using morphophysiological, biochemical and molecular tools. Thus, sugarcane plants were grown under controlled conditions and until two months they were subjected first to a hydroponics condition for 24 hours in order to acclimation. After this period, these plants were submitted to oxidative stresse using 0 mM, 10 mM, 20 mM and 30 mM hydrogen peroxide during 8 hours. The histomorphometric analysis allowed us to verify that both root and leaf tissues had a structural changes as it was observed by the increased in cell volume, lignin accumulation in cell walls. Besides, this observation suggested that there was a change in redox balance. Also, it was analyzed the activity of the SOD, CAT and APX enzymes. It was observed an increase in the SOD activity in roots and it was also observed a lipid peroxidation in leaves and roots. Then, in order to identify proteins that were differently expressed in this conditions it was used the proteomic tool either by bidimensional gel or by direct sequencing using the Q-TOF EZI. The results obtained with this approach identified more than 3.000 proteins with the score ranging from 100-5000 ions. Some of the proteins identified were: light Harvesting; oxygenevolving; Thioredoxin; Ftsh-like protein Pftf precusor; Luminal-binding protein; 2 cys peroxiredoxin e Lipoxygenase. All these proteins are involved in oxidative stress response, photsynthetic pathways, and some were classified hypothetical proteins and/or unknown (30% of total). Thus, our data allows us to propose that this treatment induced an oxidative stress and the plant in response changed its physiological process, it made changes in tissue, changed the redox response in order to survival to this new condition
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento e a produção de Anthurium andraeanum 'Apalai' submetido a diferentes intensidades de desfolha no Vale do Ribeira, SP. Foram utilizadas mudas micropropagadas dessa espécie, as quais foram plantadas em canteiros construídos sob telado coberto com tela de náilon preta, com malha que proporciona 70% de sombreamento, no espaçamento 0,40x0,40m. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento de blocos casualizados em parcelas subdivididas, com dezesseis repetições. O efeito da desfolha foi avaliado na parcela e o efeito do tempo após a desfolha na subparcela. As diferentes intensidades de desfolha consistiram em plantas com três, quatro e cinco folhas e plantas sem desfolha, e o tempo após a desfolha, as avaliações realizadas em 2006 e 2007. Ocorreu um aumento na área das folhas individuais em plantas mantidas com quatro e cinco folhas, proporcional à intensidade de desfolha, que pode ser relacionado a uma tentativa de compensação da área foliar perdida. A desfolha com a manutenção de três, quatro ou cinco folhas em plantas de antúrio 'Apalai' é prejudicial para o seu crescimento e produção.
Laboratory colonies of the leaf-cutting ants Atta sexdens feed daily with leaves of Ipomoea batatas showed ant mortality and a significant decrease in the size of the fungal garden after the second week, with complete depletion of nests after 5 weeks of treatment. The mean oxygen consumption rate of these ants was higher than the control (ants collected from nests feed with leaves of Eucalyptus alba), suggesting a physiological action of the leaves of I. batatas on the ants in addition to the effect of inhibiting the growth of the fungal garden.
A floração nos citros, assim como em outras fruteiras, é um dos fatores determinantes para a produção. A possibilidade de inibição ou redução da florada normal e alteração da época de produção para a lima 'Tahiti' é fator primordial para determinar sua rentabilidade econômica. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do ácido giberélico sobre a florada, número de flores formadas, da lima ácida 'Tahiti', nas condições do Estado de São Paulo durante dois anos, buscando inibir a florada normal e observar o efeito desta inibição sobre produções temporãs. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados (5 blocos) com 3 plantas por tratamento. Foi utilizada uma planta como bordadura entre os tratamentos e uma linha de plantas entre os blocos. Os tratamentos foram: testemunha, 20, 40 e 80 mg/L de ácido giberélico (AG3) + 10 ml/L de espalhante adesivo, e o pH da água utilizada foi 6,2. As plantas foram tratadas com ácido giberélico durante o inverno (estação seca) após 50 dias sem irrigação no primeiro ano e 60 dias no segundo. O ácido giberélico reduziu o número de flores formadas (-81%) e aumentou a produção de frutos temporões (+59,77% ou +16,04 kg/pl).
Objetivou-se com este trabalho determinar o período de convivência anterior à interferência das plantas daninhas (PAI) e o período anterior ao dano no rendimento econômico (PADRE) na cultura do feijão, em diferentes espaçamentos (0,45 e 0,60 m) e densidade de plantas (10 e 15 plantas m-1). Os tratamentos foram constituídos de períodos de convivência entre a cultura e as plantas daninhas (0 a 10, 0 a 20, 0 a 30, 0 a 40, 0 a 50, 0 a 60, 0 a 70 e 0 a 80 dias), mais uma testemunha sem convívio com as plantas daninhas. Adotou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os períodos anteriores à interferência (PAI) da cultura foram de 23, 27, 13 e 19 dias após emergência, e os períodos anteriores ao dano no rendimento econômico (PADRE), de 10, 9, 8 e 8 dias, para os tratamentos com espaçamento de 0,45 m e densidades de semeadura de 10 e 15 plantas m-1 e para aqueles com espaçamento de 0,60 m e densidades de semeadura de 10 e 15 plantas m-1, respectivamente, o que reduziu a produtividade de grãos em 63, 50, 42 e 57%, respectivamente, com a presença das plantas daninhas durante todo o ciclo do feijoeiro.
This work deals with the Priestley-Taylor model for evapotranspiration in different grown stages of a bean crop. Priestley and Taylor derived a practical Formulation for energy partitioning between the sensible and latent heat fluxes through the a parameter. Bowen ratio energy balance (BREB) was carried out for daily sensible and latent heat flux estimations in three different crop stages. Mean daily values of Priestley-Taylor a parameter were determined for eleven days during the crop cycle. Diurnal variation patterns of a are presented for the growing, flowering and graining periods. The mean values of 1.13 +/- 0.33, 1.26 +/- 0.74, 1.22 +/- 0.55 were obtained for a day in the growing, in the flowering and for graining periods, respectively. Eleven days values of a are shown and gave a mean value of 1.23 +/- 0.10 which agree on the reported literature.
Dez genótipos de soja: IAC 100, IAC 74-2832, IAC 90-2971, IAC 78-2318, PI 227687, PI 229358, PI 274454, BR-82 12547, MG/BRS-68 (Vencedora) e FT-5 (Formosa), foram avaliados quanto a resistência, do tipo não-preferência para oviposição, à mosca-branca, Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) biótipo B. O ensaio foi realizado no campo experimental da FCAV/UNESP, Jaboticabal-SP, de outubro de 1999 a janeiro de 2000. Pretendeu-se, ainda, verificar a preferência de oviposição da referida espécie em relação às folhas unifolioladas e trifolioladas, e quanto à posição do folíolo na folha trifoliolada, e estabelecer o número mínimo de folíolos necessários para amostrar adequadamente a oviposição da mosca branca. Constatou-se que a oviposição foi menor nos genótipos BR-82 12547 e IAC 74-2832 em todas as avaliações (15, 30, 45, 65 e 85 dias após a emergência das plantas). As maiores taxas de oviposição ocorreram em IAC 90-2971, IAC 100, PI 227687 e PI 274454. O número médio de ovos depositados por seção de folha pelas fêmeas de B. tabaci biótipo B nas folhas trifolioladas não diferiu significativamente dos obtidos nas unifolioladas, 15 dias após a emergência das plantas (estádios de desenvolvimento entre V3 e V5), em 70% dos genótipos. Quanto à posição dos folíolos, a mosca-branca ovipositou indistintamente sobre os folíolos mediano e laterais. Também o número médio de ovos depositados por área foliar, pela mosca-branca, nos três folíolos da folha trifoliolada não diferiu significativamente da média obtida para dois ou um folíolo desta, o que sugere ser, um folíolo, uma unidade amostral representativa da oviposição de B. tabaci biótipo B em soja.
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a emergência das espécies de plantas daninhas Euphorbia heterophylla e Bidens pilosa em áreas de produção de feijão e de trigo, após o cultivo de plantas de cobertura. O trabalho foi conduzido em área sob sistema de plantio direto na palha, manejado por cinco anos consecutivos, na Fazenda Capivara, da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) Arroz e Feijão, localizada no município de Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO. O solo do local é classificado como Latossolo Vermelho distrófico. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pela combinação de sete plantas de cobertura de solo: braquiarão (Brachiaria brizantha) - cv. Marandu; braquiarão em consórcio com o milho (Zea mays) - híbrido HT BRS 3150; guandu-anão (Cajanus cajan); milheto (Pennisetum glaucum) - cv. BN-2; mombaça (Panicum maximum) cv. Mombaça; sorgo granífero (Sorghum bicolor) - cv. BR 304; e estilosantes (Stylosanthes guianensis) - cv. Mineirão e por duas culturas cultivadas em sucessão nas áreas: feijão cv. Pérola e trigo - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) 42. Todas as plantas de cobertura foram cortadas no mesmo dia, utilizando-se um triturador de palhada, e deixadas na superfície do solo. As semeaduras do feijão e do trigo foram realizadas sessenta dias após o corte das culturas de cobertura. Foram realizadas duas contagens do número de plantas emergidas de E. heterophylla e de B. pilosa, separadas em três estágios de crescimento (plantas com menos de duas folhas, de duas a quatro folhas e com mais de quatro folhas). Entre as plantas de cobertura testadas, braquiarão e mombaça se mostraram as mais promissoras em reduzir a emergência de plantas daninhas em cultivos subseqüentes, apresentando resultados significativos na diminuição do número de plantas de E. heterophylla estabelecidas nas áreas cultivadas com feijão ou com trigo. Não se constataram diferenças quanto à capacidade das culturas de feijão e de trigo em reduzir a população de E. heterophylla e B. pilosa.
This work has as objective approaches the relationship among journalism, literature and society in Lima Barreto, especially in fiction book Recordações do escrivão Isaías Caminha and in several of their chronicles, detecting the superficiality notion that author sees in the journalistic activity and to point that the literature brings the particularity of presenting as an alive laboratory for the social sciences. The used theoretical-methodological elements draw a corpus through an interactive process in which additional layers of the author's texts are submitted to the analysis. As theoretical support is worked the notion of magmas of social significances, idealized by Cornelius Castoriadis
This essay analyzes tax incentives concepts and existing discussions on national and foreing doctrine, especially in countries that influence our legal culture, such as Germany, United States of America, Spain, Italy and England, providing a detailed study about the requirements that must be observed to ensure that there be a legitimate concession of the same. All this using as argument the Constitutional Charter and the development of the Law, mainly through the principle of objective good faith, which acts as the limiting principle of administrative discretion in granting such tax incentives, as well as creative element of the new duties for the public managers in order to be more effective, efficient and transparent compliance with the pact between the government and society and the objectives pursued by the last. Always chasing a strong argument through a broad historical and philosophical analysis of the institutes discussed. Thus, through studies that reveal the necessary incidence of objective good faith in granting tax incentives to achieve the constitutional purposes, this work does not merely disclose what is wrong, but provides solutions to modify reality hitherto existing, ie, introduces ways to reduce the encumbrance of the odious and ineffective tax incentives in society and to redirect these values unjustly destinated for obscure interests to achieve the real reasons for the existence of tax incentives, especially economic development through the reduction of regional and social inaqualities and poverty eradication
Dentre as doenças fúngicas do mamoeiro, a varíola (Asperisporium caricae) é umas das doenças mais importantes. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a eficácia de fungicidas no controle da varíola em folhas e frutos do mamoeiro. O experimento foi conduzido em área comercial, no município de Taquarintiga - SP, em delineamento de blocos casualizados, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram tebuconazol + trifloxistrobina (0,06 L.100L-1 de água), piraclostrobina (0,04 L.100L-1 de água), difenoconazol (0,03 L.100L-1 de água), azoxistrobina (128 g.ha-1) e a testemunha. Foram realizadas três avaliações, nas quais foram avaliadas a severidade da varíola através de escala diagramática, nas folhas e nos frutos de três plantas previamente marcadas. Os dados registrados foram submetidos à análise de variância pelo teste F, e as médias, comparadas pelo teste de Scott-Knott (p<0,05). Os fungicidas tebuconazol+trifloxistrobina, piraclostrobina, difenoconazol e azoxistrobina foram eficientes no controle da varíola.
Lima Barreto has built an educational conception of women in his fictional productions despite nuances inciting scholars to debate his writings and label him as misogynist and philogynist. Thus, the objective of this study is to comprehend, through signs present in his literary works, how women used to be educated in early twentieth century to accomplish the historical differences in gender relations. The main reason for this extract is the periodicity of his publications that started in 1900 by means of chronicles in newspapers and ended in 1922 after his death. For this, we identified codes and rules forged in the social processes to be assimilated by children through diverse institutions, aiming to incite the production of behaviors and social practices represented by the existence men and women in an ever changing society. Gender relations are analyzed within a society for their configuration concept by Nobert Elias (1970) as interdependence bonds among individuals. An investigative method proposed by Ginzburg (1989) was the most adequate to conduct the research on the work of Lima Barreto because it enables us to reconstruct the education concept for women. The dramas and novels analyzed point out the construction of categories such as women education, family, love and seduction revealing the engagement of Lima Barreto with the social problems of the period investigated. It was concluded that gender differentiation has come from family education which kept men and women in opposing sides giving them a marriage perspective that, after consummated, would bring frustration to women causing them to adopt confronting practices against domination strategies through celibacy or adultery. This research constitutes a reflection based on determined representations like justice, respect and duties that were the ideas defended by Lima Barreto in his writings, concerning both broader situations in social life and particular gender relations
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)