995 resultados para Josiah, King of Judah.
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Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Illustrated t.-p.
"Vorwort" signed: Docen.
"Ouvrage présenté à son altesse royale monseigneur le duc de Berry."
"Printed for the Department of French, Faculty of arts and sciences, of Harvard university, by the Cooperative printing society of Cambridge, Mass."
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
v. 1. Preface. General introduction. Introduction to Robinson Crusoe. Author's preface. Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, pt. 1 -- v. 2. The farther adventures of Robinson Crusoe, pt. 2 -- v. 3. Serious reflections on Robinson Crusoe. A vision of the angelic world. Captain Woodes Roger's account of the rescue of Alexander Selkirk. Steele's account of Selkirk -- v. 4. The history of the life and adventures of Mr. Duncan Campbell -- v. 5. Memoirs of a cavalier -- v. 6. The life, adventures, and piracies of the famous Captain Singleton -- v. 7. The fortunes and misfortunes of Moll Flanders -- v. 8. The fortunes and misfortunes of Moll Flanders -- v. 9 A journal of the plague year. -- v. 10. The history and remarkable life of the truly honourable Colonel Jacque -- v. 11. The history and remarkable life of the truly honourable Colonel Jacque [cont.] -- v. 12. The fortunate mistress; or, a history of the life of Mademoiselle de Beleau, known by the name of the Lady Roxana -- v. 13. The fortunate mistress; or, a history of the life of Mademoiselle de Beleau, known by the name of the Lady Roxana [cont.] -- v. 14. A new voyage round the world by a course never sailed before -- v. 15. Due preparations for the plague as well for soul as body. The dumb philosopher; or, Great Britain's wonder. A true relation of the apparition of one Mrs Veal the next day after her death to one Mrs Bargrave at Canterbury, the 8th of September 1705. The destruction of the Isle of St. Vincent -- v. 16. King of pirates, being an account of the famous enterprises of Captain Avery with lives of other pirates and robbers.
v. 1. Legender och visor and Nya dikter -- v. 2. Dikter, Sista dikter and Kung Salomo och Morolf -- v. 3. Ungdomsnoveller -- v. 4. Lifvets fiender and Magistrarne i Österås (2 v.) -- v. 5. Rococonoveller -- v. 6. Sista noveller -- v. 7. Från Gustaf III:s dagar -- v. 8. Diktare och drömmare -- v. 9. Svenska gestalter -- v. 10. Essayer I -- v. 11. Essayer II -- v. 12. Carl von Linné and Johan Wellander (2 v.) -- v. 13. Svensk litteratur I -- v. 14. Svensk litteratur II -- v. 15. Nordisk litteratur -- v. 16. Utländsk litteratur -- v. 17. Teater och drama under Gustaf III -- v. 18. Gustaf III som dramatisk författare -- v. 19. Svensk konst och svensk natur -- v. 20. Niclas Lafrensen d.y. och förbindelserna mellan Svensk och Fransk målarkonst på 1700-talet --v. 21. Utländsk konst -- v. 22. Studier öfver Jacques Callot -- v. 23. Resebref -- v. 24. För och mot.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.