998 resultados para Jogadores de futebol Condições sociais
Ps-graduao em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
The soccer is a sport that can be decided in a penalty, including world champions have already been defined For this, shoot a penalty or defend a penalty can build heroes and villains in this sport so popular and competitive. Studying penalty kicks will a better understanding of the actions of goalkeepers and kickers. This study looked at 527 penalty charges in professional games in 2010 to 2015. The objective was to verify the fact that the charge be right-handed or left-handed interfered with the action of the goalkeeper, differences in efficiency of left-and right-handed players, check results in penalty situations in the match and in the disputes of penalties and performance of players in club games and selections. The complete use in 527 penalty charges was 74%. It is concluded that if the debt collector is right-handed, the goalie moves to the right and if it's left-handed move more to the left. Tax collectors selections had better use (77%) than the clubs. Right-handers presented more efficacy (76%) compared to lefties (66%). The index of the goalkeepers was greater when centered (22%), although 91% of all charges being directed to the right and left sectors
Este estudo relacionou a frequncia da emisso de reao socialmente habilidosa, no-habilidosa passiva e no-habilidosa ativa s variveis da criana (sexo, idade, condições clnicas). Participaram 57 meninos e 52 meninas, entre seis e 12 anos. O Questionrio de Caracterizao da Criana (QCC) levantou informaes sobre sexo, idade e condições clnicas e o Inventrio Multimdia de Habilidades Sociais de Crianas (IMHSC-Del Prette) avaliou as habilidades sociais, respondidos pelos cuidadores e escolares, respectivamente. Utilizou-se os testes U de Mann-Whitney, o coeficiente de correlao de Pearson e o teste t para anlises dos dados. Os resultados indicaram: (a) diferenas significativas na adequao das reaes habilidosas e no-habilidosas (p < 0,001); (b) aumento do repertrio de habilidades sociais conforme o avanar dos anos (p < 0,001); e (c) meninas apresentaram mais frequncia de habilidades sociais que meninos (p = 0,040). No houve associaes significativas entre habilidades sociais e condições clnicas (p = 0,539). Verificou-se que sexo e idade podem interferir na presena e desempenho de repertrio socialmente habilidoso. Sugerem-se outras tcnicas de avaliao que complementem os dados investigados e possibilitem intervenes futuras para amostras semelhantes.
Efeitos de histrias experimentais e de justificativas sociais sobre o comportamento de seguir regras
Este estudo avaliou o efeito de justificativas sobre o comportamento de seguir regras, quando foi construda uma histria de reforo para no seguir regra. Dez crianas foram expostas a um procedimento de escolha segundo o modelo, cuja tarefa era tocar um de dois estmulos de comparao na presena de um estmulo contextual. Nas Condições I e II, as Fases 1, 2 e 4 eram iniciadas com a apresentao de instrues discrepantes das contingncias programadas, cujo comportamento de segui-las produzia perda de fichas. Na Fase 3 era apresentada uma instruo correspondente com uma justificativa para seguir a instruo que produzia perda de fichas. A Condio I diferia da Condio II apenas com relao ao tipo de justificativa apresentada na Fase 3. Na Condio I era apresentada uma justificativa para ajudar crianas carentes e na Condio II uma justificativa que envolvia a aprovao do experimentador. O comportamento de nove dos 10 participantes ficou sob o controle da histria de reforo para o no seguir instruo e das consequncias imediatas produzidas pelo comportamento de no seguir instrues; o comportamento de um participante ficou sob o controle da justificativa para seguir a instruo correspondente.
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
The soccer is a sport that can be decided in a penalty, including world champions have already been defined For this, shoot a penalty or defend a penalty can build heroes and villains in this sport so popular and competitive. Studying penalty kicks will a better understanding of the actions of goalkeepers and kickers. This study looked at 527 penalty charges in professional games in 2010 to 2015. The objective was to verify the fact that the charge be right-handed or left-handed interfered with the action of the goalkeeper, differences in efficiency of left-and right-handed players, check results in penalty situations in the match and in the disputes of penalties and performance of players in club games and selections. The complete use in 527 penalty charges was 74%. It is concluded that if the debt collector is right-handed, the goalie moves to the right and if it's left-handed move more to the left. Tax collectors selections had better use (77%) than the clubs. Right-handers presented more efficacy (76%) compared to lefties (66%). The index of the goalkeepers was greater when centered (22%), although 91% of all charges being directed to the right and left sectors
Os profissionais da Estratgia Sade da Famlia (ESF) atuam em comunidades onde a complexidade de problemticas mdico-sociais pode lev-los a sofrer psicologicamente, com prejuzos ao atendimento aos usurios e consolidao da ESF como modelo de reorganizao da ateno bsica no Brasil. Esse estudo investigou as dificuldades e as formas de enfrentamento referidas por profissionais de equipes da ESF frente s demandas mdico-sociais apresentadas pelos usurios em seu cotidiano de trabalho. Grupos focais e entrevistas semiestruturadas foram realizados com 68 profissionais de trs Unidades de Sade da Famlia da cidade de So Paulo. Trfico e uso de drogas ilcitas, alcoolismo, depresso e violncia domstica so as demandas mais significativas para o grupo estudado. Frente a elas, os profissionais referem formao profissional e capacitao tcnica insuficientes, sobrecarga e condições desfavorveis de trabalho, com sentimentos de impotncia e frustrao. No enfrentamento das dificuldades, destacam-se as estratgias coletivas, especialmente as reunies de equipe e apoio matricial, nas quais h troca de experincias, conhecimentos e apoio compartilhado. Os resultados indicam que as dificuldades referidas podem deixar os profissionais da ESF em situao de vulnerabilidade, tal como os usurios por eles atendidos. O investimento no desenvolvimento de competncias, o fortalecimento de estratgias de enfrentamento coletivas, assim como maior articulao com as redes de servios e as lideranas locais, mostram-se necessrios para que os profissionais de sade atuem com menor estresse frente s complexas demandas mdico-sociais presentes em seu cotidiano de trabalho, e assim contribuam na consolidao da ESF.
[POR] O objetivo deste estudo centra-se na anlise do comportamento de instruo dos treinadores de jovens em competio. O segundo objetivo efetuar a comparao entre treinadores que orientam equipas na etapa direo (n=6) e especializao (n=3) da formao de jovens jogadores. Os nove treinadores observados, dirigiam equipas de juniores A (17-18 anos), B (15-16 anos) e C (13-14 anos).
The research in professional football within the human and social sciences, despite increased, still faced limitations and restrictions imposed by the clubs, hindering its realization. As part of my master's thesis, this article aims to portray the effects of leadership on the functioning of the group and to detect the importance and necessity of cohesion in a professional team of footballers. Furthermore, the relationship between the researcher and the football club was analyzed and described, as well as the limitations and obstacles encountered during field research. Following the guidelines of qualitative research and having social psychology as a theoretical background (Kurt Lewin and Pichon-Rivire), this research resulted from the analysis of a professional football club (players, staff and executives of a club with national and international importance) during 5 days of daily contact with the group in games, practice, concentration and meals. The difficulties in analyzing the group's leadership and cohesion were vast, among which stand out the difficulty or impossibility of access to the places-situations suggested as methodology, their refusals to interviews and rejection of the administration of a free choice test. The bond created and the roles taken harmed attempts for further analysis. Therefore, due to the characteristics of contemporary football, especially the financial and political interests the difficulties likely to arise range according to the characteristics of the institution
The research in professional football within the human and social sciences, despite increased, still faced limitations and restrictions imposed by the clubs, hindering its realization. As part of my master's thesis, this article aims to portray the effects of leadership on the functioning of the group and to detect the importance and necessity of cohesion in a professional team of footballers. Furthermore, the relationship between the researcher and the football club was analyzed and described, as well as the limitations and obstacles encountered during field research. Following the guidelines of qualitative research and having social psychology as a theoretical background (Kurt Lewin and Pichon-Rivire), this research resulted from the analysis of a professional football club (players, staff and executives of a club with national and international importance) during 5 days of daily contact with the group in games, practice, concentration and meals. The difficulties in analyzing the group's leadership and cohesion were vast, among which stand out the difficulty or impossibility of access to the places-situations suggested as methodology, their refusals to interviews and rejection of the administration of a free choice test. The bond created and the roles taken harmed attempts for further analysis. Therefore, due to the characteristics of contemporary football, especially the financial and political interests the difficulties likely to arise range according to the characteristics of the institution
The research in professional football within the human and social sciences, despite increased, still faced limitations and restrictions imposed by the clubs, hindering its realization. As part of my master's thesis, this article aims to portray the effects of leadership on the functioning of the group and to detect the importance and necessity of cohesion in a professional team of footballers. Furthermore, the relationship between the researcher and the football club was analyzed and described, as well as the limitations and obstacles encountered during field research. Following the guidelines of qualitative research and having social psychology as a theoretical background (Kurt Lewin and Pichon-Rivire), this research resulted from the analysis of a professional football club (players, staff and executives of a club with national and international importance) during 5 days of daily contact with the group in games, practice, concentration and meals. The difficulties in analyzing the group's leadership and cohesion were vast, among which stand out the difficulty or impossibility of access to the places-situations suggested as methodology, their refusals to interviews and rejection of the administration of a free choice test. The bond created and the roles taken harmed attempts for further analysis. Therefore, due to the characteristics of contemporary football, especially the financial and political interests the difficulties likely to arise range according to the characteristics of the institution
Este estudo aborda as estratgias de comunicao e marketing que so realizadas pela CBFS para divulgar a Liga Futsal, ou seja, o Campeonato Brasileiro de Futebol de Salo. O principal objetivo desta pesquisa mostrar quais so as aes de comunicao e marketing da Liga Futsal e verificar se esto sendo bem administradas pela Confederao e/ou empresas especializadas. Pretende-se, tambm, analisar como a comunicao pode transformar-se em ferramenta til na divulgao dos clubes de futebol de salo e da Liga Futsal. Clubes como Malwee Futsal, de Jaragu do Sul, e PEC de Petrpolis, tm modernizado seus departamentos de comunicao e marketing a fim de atender melhor os seus diversos pblicos. Tais avanos podem ser modestos at o momento, porm inegvel que aos poucos a Liga Futsal vem ganhando projeo no cenrio nacional. Atravs de entrevistas com profissionais da Confederao, dos clubes, da mdia, de empresas, etc, foi possvel avaliar as aes de comunicao da Liga. Realizou-se um estudo situacional de caso da Liga Futsal resultando no registro de apontamentos iniciais que apresentam algumas das estratgias de marketing do futsal brasileiro.(AU)
Este estudo aborda as estratgias de comunicao e marketing que so realizadas pela CBFS para divulgar a Liga Futsal, ou seja, o Campeonato Brasileiro de Futebol de Salo. O principal objetivo desta pesquisa mostrar quais so as aes de comunicao e marketing da Liga Futsal e verificar se esto sendo bem administradas pela Confederao e/ou empresas especializadas. Pretende-se, tambm, analisar como a comunicao pode transformar-se em ferramenta til na divulgao dos clubes de futebol de salo e da Liga Futsal. Clubes como Malwee Futsal, de Jaragu do Sul, e PEC de Petrpolis, tm modernizado seus departamentos de comunicao e marketing a fim de atender melhor os seus diversos pblicos. Tais avanos podem ser modestos at o momento, porm inegvel que aos poucos a Liga Futsal vem ganhando projeo no cenrio nacional. Atravs de entrevistas com profissionais da Confederao, dos clubes, da mdia, de empresas, etc, foi possvel avaliar as aes de comunicao da Liga. Realizou-se um estudo situacional de caso da Liga Futsal resultando no registro de apontamentos iniciais que apresentam algumas das estratgias de marketing do futsal brasileiro.(AU)