976 resultados para Ionospheric electromagnetic
The internal impedance of a wire is the function of the frequency. In a conductor, where the conductivity is sufficiently high, the displacement current density can be neglected. In this case, the conduction current density is given by the product of the electric field and the conductance. One of the aspects the high-frequency effects is the skin effect (SE). The fundamental problem with SE is it attenuates the higher frequency components of a signal. The SE was first verified by Kelvin in 1887. Since then many researchers developed work on the subject and presently a comprehensive physical model, based on the Maxwell equations, is well established. The Maxwell formalism plays a fundamental role in the electromagnetic theory. These equations lead to the derivation of mathematical descriptions useful in many applications in physics and engineering. Maxwell is generally regarded as the 19th century scientist who had the greatest influence on 20th century physics, making contributions to the fundamental models of nature. The Maxwell equations involve only the integer-order calculus and, therefore, it is natural that the resulting classical models adopted in electrical engineering reflect this perspective. Recently, a closer look of some phenomas present in electrical systems and the motivation towards the development of precise models, seem to point out the requirement for a fractional calculus approach. Bearing these ideas in mind, in this study we address the SE and we re-evaluate the results demonstrating its fractional-order nature.
A levitação magnética tem sido um tema bastante investigado sobretudo devido à sua utilização em sistemas ferroviários de transportes. É o método ideal quando existe a necessidade em aplicações de restringir do contacto físico, ou a conveniência, em termos energéticos, de eliminar o atrito. O princípio de funcionamento é simples, um eletroíman cria uma força sobre um objeto ferromagnético que contraria a gravidade. Contudo um sistema de levitação por atração é instável e não linear, o que significa a necessidade de implementar um controlador para satisfazer as características de estabilidade desejadas. Ao longo deste projeto serão descritos os procedimentos teóricos e práticos que foram tomados na criação de um sistema de levitação eletromagnética. Desde a conceção física do sistema, como escolha do sensor, condicionamento de sinal ou construção do eletroíman, até aos procedimentos matemáticos que permitiram a modelação do sistema e criação de controladores. Os controladores clássicos, como o PID ou em avanço de fase, foram projetados através da técnica do Lugar Geométrico de Raízes. No projeto do controlador difuso, pelo contrário não se fez uso da modelação do sistema ou de qualquer relação matemática entre as variáveis. A utilização desta técnica de controlo destacou-se pela usa simplicidade e rapidez de implementação, fornecendo um bom desempenho ao sistema. Na parte final do relatório os resultados obtidos pelos diferentes métodos de controlo são analisados e apresentadas as respetivas conclusões. Estes resultados revelam que para este sistema, relativamente aos outros métodos, o controlador difuso apresenta o melhor desempenho tanto ao nível da resposta transitória, como em regime permanente.
As células foto voltaicas orgânicas ou células de Gräetzel (depois do seu descobridor) são aparelhos para a colecta de energia solar que utilizam um semicondutor inorgânico e uma molécula orgânica. Dita molécula orgânica é capaz de excitar-se na presença de radiação electromagnética e ceder esta energia através da doação de electrões a este semicondutor. Embora estas estruturas e o seu processo de fabrico sejam relativamente pouco onerosas, o aproveitamento da energia solar é ainda muito baixo. Para além desta deficiência, os corantes sintéticos sofrem de “bleaching” ou então são reduzidos ou oxidados facilmente quando não conseguem transferir a energia que foi absorvida ou quando é difícil voltar ao estado original por dificuldades no completamento de circulação de electrões. Neste trabalho pretende-se então estudar o comportamento de moléculas e misturas complexas de moléculas com capacidade para serem excitadas pela luz solar. Como a dita xcitação promove a transferência de um electrão, este processo será seguido pela técnica de Voltametria cíclica. Como substâncias absorventes de luz utilizaremos compostos naturais (principalmente flavonóides) puros, ou então na forma de complexos naturais extraídos de algumas plantas. Estas misturas de corantes serão extractos aquosos (infusões) de casca de laranja e limão assim como extractos de folhas de cerejeira, com o objectivo de proporcionar lternativas aos flavonóides utilizados neste estudo. A caracterização voltamétrica desta célula é feita em diferentes formas de iluminação. Sobre a célula assim formada faz-se incidir rimeiro luz de lâmpadas fluorescentes, depois luz ultra violeta e por fim sem qualquer tipo de luz incidente. Na base do fabrico da variante mais clássica destas células está o semicondutor óxido de itânio (TiO2), por ser uma substância muito comum e barata e com propriedades semicondutoras notáveis. Uma forma comum de melhorar a eficiência deste material é introduzir dopantes com o intuito de melhorar a eficiência do processo de transferência electrónica. Um segundo objectivo deste trabalho é o estudo de sistemas semicondutor/molécula foto activa. Semicondutores como ZnO, TiO2 e TiO2 dopado serão então estudados. O gels de TiO2 ou o TiO2 dopado serão depositados sobre lâminas de vidro comum, nas quais foi anteriormente depositado uma película de alumínio que serve de condutor (eléctrodo egativo). Uma outra variante será a utilização de óxido de zinco, um semicondutor de baixo custo que por sua vez vai ser depositado em lâminas de alumínio comercial. A nossa célula foto electroquímica será então formada por moléculas de corante, uma lâmina e um semicondutor (que funcionará como eléctrodo de trabalho), com ou sem electrólito/catalizador (solução de iodo/iodeto), e eléctrodos de referência de Ag/AgCl, e outro auxiliar de grafite. Um outro objectivo é fazer um pequeno estudo sobre influencia do catalisador I2/etilenodiamina no comportamento electroquímico da célula, de forma a poder utilizar o solvente (etilenodiamina) com menor volatilidade do que a água, que é empregada no par I2/I3.m A importância deste facto prende-se com a limitada vida destas células quando o electrólito/solvente é evaporado pelas altas temperaturas da radiação incidente.
RESUMO: Introdução: A relação cinemática entre as articulações do CAO apresenta grande importância na função do MS, e é por isso cada vez mais investigada e descrita. O posicionamento da omoplata ganha um importante papel para compreender as DCAO. É indiscutível o importante papel da omoplata na dinâmica do MS, bem como o posicionamento escapular como parâmetro clínico de disfunção do CAO. Todos estes factores criam a necessidade de desenvolver instrumentos de avaliação da posição da articulação ET. A grande maioria dos testes de avaliação, restringem a sua avaliação às disfunções da articulação GU, não integrando uma avaliação mais dinâmica e interactiva que respeite os pressupostos teóricos inerentes ao REU. È importante também que os métodos de avaliação sejam de fácil aplicabilidade clínica e que avaliem fidedignamente e com validade os outcomes. Objectivos: Contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de avaliação da omoplata em diferentes amplitudes do MS, através do estudo da validade concorrente, da fidedignidade intra e inter-observador. Metodologia: A amostra foi constituída por 20 elementos seleccionados por conveniência, entre o corpo de discentes da ESS-IPS, sem história de disfunção do CAO. Foi realizada uma análise cinemática ao MS de cada sujeito, usando um aparelho de análise por varrimento electromagnético, o FOB. Em cada sujeito foram ainda medidas, as distâncias escapulares em estudo, usando a fita métrica. Cada método de medição foi constituído por dois momento (teste e reteste), em cada momento, as medidas eram recolhidas por dois investigadores distintos. Resultados e Discussão: Foram considerados como positivos os resultados que se apresentassem acima do limiar de 0,5, que classifica uma correlação como moderada a excelente. Os resultados da validade mostram que para o investigador 1 nas medidas M1e M2 apenas houve correlação com valores excelentes a moderados até aos 30º de elevação do MS. Já para M3 apenas aos 30º no plano da omoplata essa mesma correlação não tem valores próximos do cutpoint. Em M4 nenhum valor tem correlação significativa com os valores do FOB, chegando mesmo a haver correlação negativa para os 120º no plano da omoplata. Em M5 apenas os 0º mostram valores correlacionais excelentes a moderados. Para o investigador 2, em M1 e M2 á semelhança do investigador 1, só existem valores de correlação significativos até aos 30º de elevação do MS. Já para M3 todos os valores mostram excelente a moderada correlação á excepção dos 120º no plano frontal. Em M4 este investigador apresenta maus resultados. Já em M5 os valores de correlação são moderados aos 0º e aos 90º. No que diz respeitos aos resultados dos CCI intra-observador,podemos afirmar que foi em M5 que estes valores mais se aproximaram do cut point. M1 e M2 são as medidas onde se encontram resultados menos satisfatórios. É aos 60º que existem valores mais satisfatórios, seguidos pelos 0º e 30º, quando nos aproximamos de graus mais elevados, como 90º e 120º, estes valores tendem a baixar. Quanto á fidedignidade inter-observador para M1 apenas aos 90º e aos 120º houve valores de correlação abaixo do cutpoint. Em M2, só os 60º do plano sagital não teve valores acima do cutpoint, em M3 apenas os 30º plano sagital não obtiveram valores acima do cut-point, o mesmo acontece para M3 aos 30º plano da omoplata e em M5 aos 30º e 120º no plano frontal. Conclusão: Os resultados deste estudo indicam que a metodologia em causa apresenta elevado grau de fidedignidade inter-observador, já no que toca é fidedignidade intra-observador o grau de semelhança não é tão elevado. Também o erro associado á medida não ultrapassou 1,5cm, sendo considerado baixo. Na validade concorrente concluímos que é aos 0º que a metodologia se torna uma opção válida na aferição das distâncias medidas com uma boa a excelente concordância com o FOB. As medidas consideradas como opções válidas, nas diferentes amplitudes, podem funcionar como parâmetros clínicos de caracterização do posicionamento da omoplata, podendo vir a contribuir ainda para a caracterização da orientação da mesma.-------------------- ABSTRACT:Introduction: The kinematic relationship between the joints of the CAO has great importance in the function of MS, which is why more and more investigated and described. The positioning of the blade gets an important role in understanding the DCAO. There is no doubt the important role of the scapula in the dynamics of MS as well as the positioning of scapular dysfunction as a clinical parameter of the CAO. All these factors create the need to develop tools for evaluating the place of articulation ET. Most assessment tests, restrict its assessment to GU joint disorders, not incorporating a more dynamic and interactive way that respects the theoretical assumptions inherent in the REU. It is also important that the methods are easy to apply clinical and reliably to assess the validity and outcomes. Objectives: To contribute to the development of a methodology for evaluating the scapula in different ranges of MS, through the study of concurrent validity, reliability of intra-and inter-observer. Methodology: The sample consisted of 20 selected elements for convenience, between the body of students of IPS-ESS with no history of dysfunction of the CAO. We performed a kinematic analysis of each subject to MS, using a scanning device for electromagnetic analysis, the FOB. In each subject were also measured, the scapular distances under study, using tape measure. Each method of measuring the time consisted of two (test and retest), in each moment, the measures were collected by two different investigators. Results and Discussion: We considered as positive results that were above the threshold of 0.5, which ranks as a moderate to excellent correlation. The results show that the validity for the researcher in an action M1e M2 was only correlated with moderate to excellent values up to 30º of elevation of the MS. As for M3 only to 30º in the plane of the scapula has the same correlation values near the cutpoint. M4 has no value in correlation with the values of the FOB, and even negative correlation to 120 ° in the plane of the scapula. In M5 show only the values 0 ° correlational excellent to moderate. For investigator 2 in M1 and M2 will be like an investigator, there are only significant correlation values up to 30º of elevation of the MS. As for M3 all the values show excellent correlation to moderate with the exception of 120 ° in the frontal plane. In this researcher M4 has bad results. M5 already in the correlation values are moderate to 0º and 90 º. Regarding the results of ICC intra-observer, we can say that M5 was that these values come closest to the cut point. M1 and M2 are measures which are less than satisfactory results. At 60 ° there are more satisfactory values, followed by 0º and 30º, when we approached the highest levels, such as 90 ° and 120 °, these values tend to decrease. The inter-observer reliability for M1 only to 90 º and 120 ºcorrelation values were below the cutpoint. In M2, only 60 of the sagital plane did not have values above the cutpoint in M3 only 30º sagital plane did not obtain values above the cut-point, the same goes for M3 at 30 ° plane of the scapula and M5 at 30 º and 120 º in frontal plane. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the methodology in question has a high degree of inter-observer reliability, as far as intra-observer reliability is the degree of similarity is not as high. Also the error of measure did not exceed 1.5 cm, and is considered low. In concurrent validity conclude that it is at 0 ° the methodology becomes a valid option for the measurement of distances measured with a good to excellent agreement with the FOB. The measures considered as valid options in different amplitudes, can function as clinical parameters to characterize the positioning of the shoulder blade and could further contribute to the characterization of the orientation of the same.
Cryocoolers have been progressively replacing the use of the stored cryogens in cryogenic chains used for detector cooling, thanks to their higher and higher reliability. However, the mechanical vibrations, the electromagnetic interferences and the temperature fluctuations inherent to their functioning could reduce the sensor’s sensitivity. In order to minimize this problem, compact thermal energy storage units (ESU) are studied, devices able to store thermal energy without significant temperature increase. These devices can be used as a temporary cold source making it possible to turn the cryocooler OFF providing a proper environment for the sensor. A heat switch is responsible for the thermal decoupling of the ESU from the cryocooler’s temperature that increases when turned OFF. In this work, several prototypes working around 40 K were designed, built and characterized. They consist in a low temperature cell that contains the liquid neon connected to an expansion volume at room temperature for gas storage during the liquid evaporation phase. To turn this system insensitive to the gravity direction, the liquid is retained in the low temperature cell by capillary effect in a porous material. Thanks to pressure regulation of the liquid neon bath, 900 J were stored at 40K. The higher latent heat of the liquid and the inexistence of triple point transitions at 40 K turn the pressure control during the evaporation a versatile and compact alternative to an ESU working at the triple point transitions. A quite compact second prototype ESU directly connected to the cryocooler cold finger was tested as a temperature stabilizer. This device was able to stabilize the cryocooler temperature ((≈ 40K ±1 K) despite sudden heat bursts corresponding to twice the cooling power of the cryocooler. This thesis describes the construction of these devices as well as the tests performed. It is also shown that the thermal model developed to predict the thermal behaviour of these devices, implemented as a software,describes quite well the experimental results. Solutions to improve these devices are also proposed.
Cryocoolers have been progressively replacing the use of the stored cryogens in cryogenic chains used for detector cooling, thanks to their higher and higher reliability. However, the mechanical vibrations, the electromagnetic interferences and the temperature fluctuations inherent to their functioning could reduce the sensor’s sensitivity. In order to minimize this problem, compact thermal energy storage units (ESU) are studied, devices able to store thermal energy without significant temperature increase. These devices can be used as a temporary cold source making it possible to turn the cryocooler OFF providing a proper environment for the sensor. A heat switch is responsible for the thermal decoupling of the ESU from the cryocooler’s temperature that increases when turned OFF. In this work, several prototypes working around 40 K were designed, built and characterized. They consist in a low temperature cell that contains the liquid neon connected to an expansion volume at room temperature for gas storage during the liquid evaporation phase. To turn this system insensitive to the gravity direction, the liquid is retained in the low temperature cell by capillary effect in a porous material. Thanks to pressure regulation of the liquid neon bath, 900 J were stored at 40K. The higher latent heat of the liquid and the inexistence of triple point transitions at 40 K turn the pressure control during the evaporation a versatile and compact alternative to an ESU working at the triple point transitions. A quite compact second prototype ESU directly connected to the cryocooler cold finger was tested as a temperature stabilizer. This device was able to stabilize the cryocooler temperature ((≈ 40K ±1 K) despite sudden heat bursts corresponding to twice the cooling power of the cryocooler. This thesis describes the construction of these devices as well as the tests performed. It is also shown that the thermal model developed to predict the thermal behaviour of these devices,implemented as a software, describes quite well the experimental results. Solutions to improve these devices are also proposed.
Discussing urban planning requires rethinking sustainability in cities and building healthy environments. Historically, some aspects of advancing the urban way of life have not been considered important in city planning. This is particularly the case where technological advances have led to conflicting land use, as with the installation of power poles and building electrical substations near residential areas. This research aims to discuss and rethink sustainability in cities, focusing on the environmental impact of low-frequency noise and electromagnetic radiation on human health. It presents data from a case study in an urban space in northern Portugal, and focuses on four guiding questions: Can power poles and power lines cause noise? Do power poles and power lines cause discomfort? Do power poles and power lines cause discomfort due to noise? Can power poles and power lines affect human health? To answer these questions, we undertook research between 2014 and 2015 that was comprised of two approaches. The first approach consisted of evaluating the noise of nine points divided into two groups â near the sourceâ (e.g., up to 50 m from power poles) and â away from the sourceâ (e.g., more than 250 m away from the source). In the second approach, noise levels were measured for 72 h in houses located up to 20 m from the source. The groups consist of residents living within the distance range specified for each group. The measurement values were compared with the proposed criteria for assessing low-frequency noise using the DEFRA Guidance (University of Salford). In the first approach, the noise caused discomfort, regardless of the group. In the second approach, the noise had fluctuating characteristics, which led us to conclude that the noise caused discomfort.
A flexible and low cost energy harvester device based on the magnetoelectric (ME) effect has been designed using Fe64Co17Si7B12 as amorphous magnetostrictive ribbons and PVDF as the piezoelectric element. Sandwich-type laminated composite of 3 cm long has been fabricated by gluing these ribbons to the PVDF with the Devcon 5 minute epoxy. Good power output and power density of 6.4 μW and 1.5 mW/cm3, respectively, have been obtained through a multiplier circuit. All values have been measured at the magnetomechanical resonance of the laminate. The effect of the length of the ME laminate on the power output has been also studied, exhibiting a decay as the length of the ME laminate does. Nevertheless, good performance of such device has been obtained for a 0.5 cm long device, working already at 337 KHz, within the low radio frequency (LRF) range.
Companies and researchers involved in developing miniaturized electronic devices face the basic problem of the needed batteries size, finite life of time and environmental pollution caused by their final deposition. The current trends to overcome this situation point towards Energy Harvesting technology. These harvesters (or scavengers) store the energy from sources present in the ambient (as wind, solar, electromagnetic, etc) and are costless for us. Piezoelectric devices are the ones that show a higher power density, and materials as ceramic PZT or polymeric PVDF have already demonstrated their ability to act as such energy harvester elements. Combinations between piezoelectric and electromagnetic mechanism have been also extensively investigated. Nevertheless, the power generated by these combinations is limited under the application of small magnetic fields, reducing the performance of the energy harvester [1]. In the last years the appearance of magnetoelectric (ME) devices, in which the piezoelectric deformation is driven by the magnetostrictive element, enables to extract the energy of very small electromagnetic signals through the generated magnetoelectric voltage at the piezoelectric element. However, very little work has been done testing PVDF polymer as piezoelectric constituent of the ME energy harvester device, and only to be proposed as a possibility of application [2]. Among the advantages of using piezopolymers for vibrational energy harvesting we can remember that they are ductile, resilient to shock, deformable and lightweight. In this work we demonstrate the feasibility of using magnetostrictive Fe-rich magnetic amorphous alloys/piezoelectric PVDF sandwich-type laminated ME devices as energy harvesters. A very simple experimental set-up will show how these laminates can extract energy, in amounts of μW, from an external AC field.
In an underwater environment it is difficult to implement solutions for wireless communications. The existing technologies using electromagnetic waves or lasers are not very efficient due to the large attenuation in the aquatic environment. Ultrasound reveals a lower attenuation, and thus has been used in underwater long-distance communications. The much slower speed of acoustic propagation in water (about 1500 m/s) compared with that of electromagnetic and optical waves, is another limiting factor for efficient communication and networking. For high data-rates and real-time applications it is necessary to use frequencies in the MHz range, allowing communication distances of hundreds of meters with a delay of milliseconds. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to develop ultrasound transducers able to work at high frequencies and wideband, with suitable responses to digital modulations. This work shows how the acoustic impedance influences the performance of an ultrasonic emitter transducer when digital modulations are used and operating at frequencies between 100 kHz and 1 MHz. The study includes a Finite Element Method (FEM) and a MATLAB/Simulink simulation with an experimental validation to evaluate two types of piezoelectric materials: one based on ceramics (high acoustic impedance) with a resonance design and the other based in polymer (low acoustic impedance) designed to optimize the performance when digital modulations are used. The transducers performance for Binary Amplitude Shift Keying (BASK), On-Off Keying (OOK), Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) and Binary Frequency Shift Keying (BFSK) modulations with a 1 MHz carrier at 125 kbps baud rate are compared.
The ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN is used to search for the decay of a scalar boson to a pair of long-lived particles, neutral under the Standard Model gauge group, in 20.3 fb−1 of data collected in proton--proton collisions at s√ = 8 TeV. This search is sensitive to long-lived particles that decay to Standard Model particles producing jets at the outer edge of the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter or inside the hadronic calorimeter. No significant excess of events is observed. Limits are reported on the product of the scalar boson production cross section times branching ratio into long-lived neutral particles as a function of the proper lifetime of the particles. Limits are reported for boson masses from 100 GeV to 900 GeV, and a long-lived neutral particle mass from 10 GeV to 150 GeV.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores
The properties of surface plasmon-polaritons (SPPs) in graphene are discussed and several possible ways of coupling electromagnetic radiation in the terahertz (THz) spectral range to this type of surface waves are described: (i) the attenuated total reflection (ATR) method employing a prism, (ii) graphene-based gratings or graphene monolayers with modulated conductivity, (iii) a metal stripe on top of the graphene layer, and (iv) a nanoparticle located above it. Potentially interesting for applications SPP effects, such as switching, modulation and polarization of THz radiation, as well as its enhanced absorption in graphene, are considered. The discussion also concerns the impact of the nonlinear properties of graphene, such as optical bistability.
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia de Materiais.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil