932 resultados para Interoperability of Applications


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This review focuses the development of electrochemical detection systems coupled to capillary electrophoresis. Conductometric, amperometric, voltametric, and potentiometric modes of detection are reviewed. The positioning of the electrodes, interferences of high electric field, and the materials employed in the fabrication and modification of the electrodes are discussed. The advantages of the use of electrochemical detection with capillary electrophoresis, regarding to the sensitivity and selectivity, is exemplified with a large number of applications. Also, the use of electrochemical detection systems in microchip technology is addressed.


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Diplomityön tarkoituksena oli kehittää mikroprosessoriohjattu digitaalinen pölymittarituoteperhe vanhan analogisen hiukkasmittarin tilalle. Työssä käydään läpi mittarin teoreettista perustaa ja kehitysprojektin eri vaiheita sekä tutustutaan hiukkasmittauksen perusteisiin, lainsäädäntöön sekä hiukkasten terveysvaikutuksiin, joista saadaan motivaatiota sille, miksi hiukkasia yleensä kannattaa ja pitää mitata. Työssä tutustutaan myös lainsäädännön mittarilta vaatimiin hyväksyntöihin eri sovelluskohteissa, käytännön mittauksissa esiintyviin haasteisiin sekä käydään läpi hyväk-syntöjen läpäisemiseksi vaaditut testit. Diplomityön lopuksi tutustutaan mittarin kaupalliseen menestykseen, ehdotetaan kehi-tyskohteita ja tutustutaan tribosähköisen mittauksen tulevaisuuden mahdollisuuksiin.


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The preparation and application of organic-inorganic hybrid materials are under fast development and constitute an interesting research topic on account of the versatility and wide range of applications offered by these materials. These properties can be achieved due to the mixture of the components at the molecular level. The present review covers the state of the art, the most useful preparation routes and the potential applications of these materials.


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Lytic enzymes such as beta-1,3 glucanases, proteases and chitinases are able to hydrolyse, respectively, beta-1,3 glucans, mannoproteins and chitin, as well as the cell walls of many yeast species. Lytic enzymes are useful in a great variety of applications including the preparation of protoplasts; the extraction of proteins, enzymes, pigments and functional carbohydrates; pre-treatment for the mechanical rupture of cells; degradation of residual yeast cell mass for the preparation of animal feed; analysis of the yeast cell wall structure and composition; study of the yeast cell wall synthesis and the control of pathogenic fungi. This review presents the most important aspects with respect to lytic enzymes, especially their production, purification, cloning and application.


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Catalysis by solid acids has received much attention due to its importance in petroleum refining and petrochemical processes. Relatively few studies have focused on catalysis by bases and even les on using basic molecular sieves. This paper deals with the potential application of micro and mesoporous molecular sieves in base catalysis reactions. The paper is divided in two parts, the first one dedicated to the design of the catalysts and the second to some relevant examples of catalytic reactions, which find a huge field of applications essentially in the synthesis of fine chemicals. Here, recent developments in catalysis by basic molecular sieves and the perspectives of applications in correlated catalytic processes are described.


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The aromatic six-membered heterocycles having three nitrogen atoms are denominated triazines. Among these heterocycles, isocyanuric chloride and cyanuric chloride are inexpensive and readily available 1,3,5-triazine derivatives, which have been attracting significant attention of organic chemists due to their different kinds of applications, which vary from pharmaceuticals to explosives. This short overview explores their uses in synthetic methods, as chlorinating and oxidating agents and some procedures for their preparation.


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Continuum solvation models are nowadays widely used in the modeling of solvent effects and the range of applications goes from the calculation of partition coefficients to chemical reactions in solution. The present work presents a detailed explanation of the physical foundations of continuum models. We discuss the polarization of a dielectric and its representation through the volume and surface polarization charges. The Poisson equation for a dielectric was obtained and we have also derived and discuss the apparent surface charge method and its application for free energy of solvation calculations.


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The Prins cyclization reaction has significantly advanced in the last years as demonstrated by a number of applications described in the literature. The objective of this report is to introduce this powerful synthetic methodology to the undergraduate and graduated student, since it is rarely presented in an organic synthesis formal course. This reaction is, in some cases, the methodology of choice for the preparation of natural products or drugs that present the tetrahydropyrane moiety in their structures. In this report we show some aspects of this reaction, including mechanism, scope and limitations.


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Ningú no dubte ja del canvi de mentalitat que s’ha produït en els darrers anys en els compradors pel què fa al mercat de l’automòbil. La seguretat i el respecte per el medi ambient, són actualment dos dels factors claus que el consumidor té en compte a l’hora de comprar un vehicle. D’altra banda en els darrers anys la Unió Europea, ha fixat tota una sèrie normatives per tal de reduir les emissions nocives a l’atmosfera. Així doncs, més seguretat i menys emissions, signifiquen vehicles que incorporin components i sistemas cada cop més sofisticats, els quals, a la vegada, necessiten de bancs d’assaig i equips de test per tal de ser validats. Aquest fet ha provocat una revolució dins dels sistemes de test per a vehicles, per als quals han augmentat enormement les exigències en quan a precisions i repetibilitat per tal d’intentar reproduir, amb la màxima fiabilitat possible, les condicions de treball que hauran de suportar els components durant el seu ús real. Les característiques dels motors elèctrics, resulten ideals per a accionar aquest tipus d’aplicacions, ja que permeten un control del parell molt acurat i una repetibilitat quasi perfecte enfront d’altres sistemas utilitzats fins no fa massa temps. Aquesta demanda creixent d’aquest tipus de màquines elèctriques, obra una nova oportunitat de negoci per a les empreses fabricants de motors elèctrics. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és identificar i satisfer les necessitats dels clients, dins d’un mercat industrial concret: el mercat dels motors elèctrics per a bancs de proves de components per a la indústria de l’automoció. La fita és doncs la de proporcionar les eines necessàries per tal de que una empresa, fabricant de motors elèctrics de velocitat variable, pugui realitzar el disseny, desenvolupament i llançament comercial d’un nou tipus de motor, específicament pensat per aquest mercat, amb les màximes garanties d’èxit. Com a principal conclusió, el treball argumenta que el nou producte representa una oportunitat de negoci força atractiva i rendible per a l’empresa, i permetrà diversificar la oferta de la companyia cap a un nou sector fins ara no explotat.


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En l’actualitat, els sistemes electrònics de processament de dades són cada cop més significatius dins del sector industrial. Són moltes les necessitats que sorgeixen en el món dels sistemes d’autentificació, de l’electrònica aeronàutica, d’equips d’emmagatzemament de dades, de telecomunicacions, etc. Aquestes necessitats tecnològiques exigeixen ser controlades per un sistema fiable, robust, totalment dependent amb els esdeveniments externs i que compleixi correctament les restriccions temporals imposades per tal de que realitzi el seu propòsit d’una manera eficient. Aquí és on entren en joc els sistemes encastats en temps real, els quals ofereixen una gran fiabilitat, disponibilitat, una ràpida resposta als esdeveniments externs del sistema, una alta garantia de funcionament i una àmplia possibilitat d’aplicacions. Aquest projecte està pensat per a fer una introducció al món dels sistemes encastats, com també explicar el funcionament del sistema operatiu en temps real FreeRTOS; el qual utilitza com a mètode de programació l’ús de tasques independents entre elles. Donarem una visió de les seves característiques de funcionament, com organitza tasques mitjançant un scheduler i uns exemples per a poder dissenyar-hi aplicacions.


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Rare earth ion doped solid state materials are the most important active media of near-infrared and visible lasers and other photonic devices. In these ions, the occurrence of Excited State Absorptions (ESA), from long lived electronic levels, is commonplace. Since ESA can deeply affect the efficiencies of the rare earth emissions, evaluation of these transitions cross sections is of greatest importance in predicting the potential applications of a given material. In this paper a detailed description of the pump-probe technique for ESA measurements is presented, with a review of several examples of applications in Nd3+, Tm3+ and Er3+ doped materials.


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FPGA- piirit ovat viime vuosina kehittyneet tehokkaammiksi, mutta samalla niiden hinta on laskenut tasolle, jolloin ne ovat vaihtoehto yhä useampiin sovelluksiin. Kandidaatintyöni aiheena oli suunnitella ja mahdollisesti toteuttaa sulautettu laite, joka laskisi signaalissa esiintyvien pulssien lukumäärää. Sitä käytettäisiin mitattaessa kipinöintiä sähkömoottorin laakeroinnissa. Kipinät havaitaan moottorin ulkopuolelta UHF- antennilla. Antennisignaalista poimittavat pulssit ovat hyvin nopeita, joten digitaaliselta logiikalta vaaditaan myös erityistä nopeutta. Tämän takia laitetta lähdettiin toteuttamaan esimerkiksi mikrokontrollerin sijasta FPGA- piirin avulla. Pulssilaskurin toteutus onnistui suhteellisen vaivattomasti FPGAlla, ja sen toimivuutta käytännössä päästiin testaamaan todellisissa olosuhteissa.


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Nanotechnology developments continue to be produced at exponential rates for a wide and diverse range of applications. In this paper was done a study of technological forecasting in nanotechnology applied to health, based on information drawn in Brazil from 1991 to 2010. The longitudinal evolutions of the number of patent applications, their topics, and their respective patent families have been evaluated for the total global activity. There were obtained 1352 patent applications in this period. It were analyzed the legal nature of the depositors, the year of deposit, depositors' home countries and processes. It has been a goal subsidizes the policy-makers to adapt and modernize the regulatory framework on nanotechnology and risks involving health as a strategic area in the politics of Science.


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AbstractMany well-established methods for determining the antioxidant capacities in several samples have been described in literature. However, DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) and ABTS (2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid)) are the main two methods that utilize radicals as spectrophotometric probes for analysis. Nevertheless, these methods have certain limitations because of their slower kinetics, solvent polarity effects, the hydrophilicity and lipophilicity of the compounds, chemical costs, etc. In this study, a spectrophotometric method for determining the antioxidant capacity in beverages was developed based on an exploration of the cation radical derived from DEPD. This method was based on the oxidation of aromatic amines with Fe(III) ions at pH 4.0, which leads to their corresponding purple cation radicals (DEPD•+) with λmax values at 500 and 540 nm. The addition of an antioxidant after the formation of the radical leads to a reduction in color intensity that is proportional to the antioxidant concentration in the medium. Results obtained using this method were compared with the Folin-Ciocalteau, ABTS and DPPH methods in terms of applications in wines, teas, and infusions samples. Linear correlation analysis at a 95% confidence level was employed to compare the results, which were in good agreement with a correlation coefficient of r > 0.9000. Thus, the developed method was simple, accurate, and consistent with other assays for the determination of the total amount of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity.


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2015 is the Year of Light, according to UNESCO. Chemistry has a close relationship with light and one of the materials that allows such synergy is glass. Depending on the chemical composition of the glass, it is possible to achieve technological applications for the whole range of wavelengths extending from the region of the microwave to gamma rays. This diversity of applications opens a large range of research where chemistry, as a central science, overlaps the fields of physics, engineering, medicine, etc., generating a huge amount of knowledge and technological products used for humanity. This review article aimed at discussing some families of glasses, illustrating some applications. Due to the extension of the theme, and all points raised, we thought it would be good to divide the article into two parts. In the first part we focus on the properties of heavy metal oxide glasses, fluoride glasses and chalcogenide glasses. In the second part we emphasize the properties of glassy thin films prepared by sol-gel methodology and some applications, of both glasses as the films in photonics, and more attention was given to the nonlinear properties and uses of photonic fibers.