954 resultados para Intention de quitter
Ecrire, au milieu des années 1920, un éloge de la beauté, sans quitter les rives du Léman ; s'inspirer des figures et des mythes de l'Antiquité classique, mais adopter une forme de narration résolument moderne ; déjouer les attentes des amateurs de « récits romands » en exploitant un décor et des situations en apparence sans surprise : autant de gageures que Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz s'emploie à soutenir dans La Beauté sur la terre. Avec cette oeuvre atypique, l'écrivain poursuit le travail de renouvellement du genre romanesque et d'invention stylistique auquel il s'est attelé depuis ses débuts. L'histoire de Juliette, jeune Créole débarquée en terre vaudoise, devient ainsi, sous sa plume, une fable sur les rapports entre l'art et la vie, sur la difficile cohabitation de la nature et de la culture
BACKGROUND: The use of n-3 fatty acids may prevent cardiovascular events in patients with recent myocardial infarction or heart failure. Their effects in patients with (or at risk for) type 2 diabetes mellitus are unknown. METHODS: In this double-blind study with a 2-by-2 factorial design, we randomly assigned 12,536 patients who were at high risk for cardiovascular events and had impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, or diabetes to receive a 1-g capsule containing at least 900 mg (90% or more) of ethyl esters of n-3 fatty acids or placebo daily and to receive either insulin glargine or standard care. The primary outcome was death from cardiovascular causes. The results of the comparison between n-3 fatty acids and placebo are reported here. RESULTS: During a median follow up of 6.2 years, the incidence of the primary outcome was not significantly decreased among patients receiving n-3 fatty acids, as compared with those receiving placebo (574 patients [9.1%] vs. 581 patients [9.3%]; hazard ratio, 0.98; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.87 to 1.10; P=0.72). The use of n-3 fatty acids also had no significant effect on the rates of major vascular events (1034 patients [16.5%] vs. 1017 patients [16.3%]; hazard ratio, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.93 to 1.10; P=0.81), death from any cause (951 [15.1%] vs. 964 [15.4%]; hazard ratio, 0.98; 95% CI, 0.89 to 1.07; P=0.63), or death from arrhythmia (288 [4.6%] vs. 259 [4.1%]; hazard ratio, 1.10; 95% CI, 0.93 to 1.30; P=0.26). Triglyceride levels were reduced by 14.5 mg per deciliter (0.16 mmol per liter) more among patients receiving n-3 fatty acids than among those receiving placebo (P<0.001), without a significant effect on other lipids. Adverse effects were similar in the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Daily supplementation with 1 g of n-3 fatty acids did not reduce the rate of cardiovascular events in patients at high risk for cardiovascular events. (Funded by Sanofi; ORIGIN ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00069784.).
Pour que deux protagonistes parviennent à communiquer, ils doivent non seulement partager les signes verbaux et/ou non verbaux qu'ils utilisent, mais ils doivent également parvenir à accéder à l'intention communicative de chacun. Ce dernier aspect de la communication a été intimement lié aux significations et aux connaissances que les protagonistes partagent (angl. common ground). Malgré le fait que l'importance des significations partagées ait été soulignée dans la littérature concernant la communication entre adultes, cet aspect n'a pas été étudié en ce qui concerne le développement précoce de la communication. Dans le présent travail, nous suggérons d'investiguer le lien entre les significations partagées entre le jeune enfant et l'adulte et la capacité de l'enfant à communiquer de manière intentionnelle via des gestes. En nous appuyant sur l'approche de la Pragmatique de l'Objet (Moro & Rodríguez, 2005), nous suggérons que les connaissances concernant l'usage culturel de l'objet que construit progressivement l'enfant représentent un type de significations que l'enfant partage avec autrui. 12 dyades mère-enfant ont été enregistrées à l'aide d'une caméra lors d'interactions avec quatre objets. Les observations ont eu lieu au domicile des familles et ont été conduites chaque deuxième mois lorsque les enfants ont été âgés de 8 à 16 mois (groupe 1) et de 16 à 24 mois (groupe 2). Les observations ont été codées pour le niveau de maîtrise de l'usage culturel par l'enfant ainsi que pour la production de gestes par l'enfant et par l'adulte. Nous avons trouvé que plus l'enfant maîtrise les usages culturels des objets, plus il produit de gestes, et plus ces gestes remplissent une fonction communicative explicite. Concernant les gestes de l'adulte, les résultats dévoilent que plus l'enfant maîtrise les usages conventionnels des objets, plus l'adulte adresse des gestes communicatifs à l'enfant, plus ses gestes sont produits de manière complexe et plus l'intention des gestes communicatifs de l'adulte est complexe. Pris ensemble, ces résultats suggèrent que le partage de significations sur l'usage culturel des objets représente un type de connaissances communes qui permettent au bébé et à ses protagonistes de communiquer.
Game theory states that iterative interactions between individuals are necessary to adjust behaviour optimally to one another. Although our understanding of the role of begging signals in the resolution of parent-offspring conflict over parental investment rests on game theory implying repeated interactions between family members, empiricists usually consider interactions at the exact moment when parents allocate food among the brood. Therefore, the mechanisms by which siblings adjust signalling level to one another remain unclear. We tackled this issue in the barn owl, Tyto alba. In the absence of parents, hungry nestlings signal vocally to siblings their intention to contest vigorously the next, indivisible, food item. Such behaviour deters siblings from competing and begging when parents return to the nest. In experimental two-chick broods, nestlings producing the longest calls in the absence of parents, a signal of hunger level, were more successful at monopolizing the food item at the first parental feeding visit of the night. Moreover, nestlings increased (versus decreased) call duration when their sibling produced longer (versus shorter) calls, and an individual was more likely to call again if its sibling began to vocalize before or just after it had ended its previous call. These results are in agreement with the hypothesis that siblings challenge each other vocally to reinforce the honesty of sib-sib communication and to resolve conflicts over which individual will have priority of access to the next delivered food item. Siblings challenge each other vocally to confirm that the level of signalling accurately reflects motivation.
Tot seguit presentem un entorn per analitzar senyals de tot tipus amb LDB (Local Discriminant Bases) i MLDB (Modified Local Discriminant Bases). Aquest entorn utilitza funcions desenvolupades en el marc d’una tesi en fase de desenvolupament. Per entendre part d’aquestes funcions es requereix un nivell de coneixement avançat de processament de senyals. S’han extret dels treballs realitzats per Naoki Saito [3], que s’han agafat com a punt de partida per la realització de l’algorisme de la tesi doctoral no finalitzada de Jose Antonio Soria. Aquesta interfície desenvolupada accepta la incorporació de nous paquets i funcions. Hem deixat un menú preparat per integrar Sinus IV packet transform i Cosine IV packet transform, tot i que també podem incorporar-n’hi altres. L’aplicació consta de dues interfícies, un Assistent i una interfície principal. També hem creat una finestra per importar i exportar les variables desitjades a diferents entorns. Per fer aquesta aplicació s’han programat tots els elements de les finestres, en lloc d’utilitzar el GUIDE (Graphical User Interface Development Enviroment) de MATLAB, per tal que sigui compatible entre les diferents versions d’aquest programa. En total hem fet 73 funcions en la interfície principal (d’aquestes, 10 pertanyen a la finestra d’importar i exportar) i 23 en la de l’Assistent. En aquest treball només explicarem 6 funcions i les 3 de creació d’aquestes interfícies per no fer-lo excessivament extens. Les funcions que explicarem són les més importants, ja sigui perquè s’utilitzen sovint, perquè, segons la complexitat McCabe, són les més complicades o perquè són necessàries pel processament del senyal. Passem cada entrada de dades per part de l’usuari per funcions que ens detectaran errors en aquesta entrada, com eliminació de zeros o de caràcters que no siguin números, com comprovar que són enters o que estan dins dels límits màxims i mínims que li pertoquen.
Résumé: Ce travail porte sur la formation des enseignants de yoga européens dans la deuxième partie du 20ème s. Il analyse la construction de leur qualification et de leur éligibilité par rapport aux modalités indiennes de la transmission. Pour ce faire, il étudie l'émergence de l'enseignant de yoga européen au sein de l'Union européenne de yoga (fondée en 1972), une institution promouvant un yoga holiste qui n'a pas encore fait l'objet d'une étude de cas. Le devenir européen des modalités de transmission est étudié à travers la rencontre de l'Union européenne de yoga avec son partenaire indien privilégié, le lignage de l'ācārya T. Krishnamacharya et en particulier avec le fils de ce dernier, T.K.V. Desikachar. Privilégiant l'analyse du matériel constitué par les revues de yoga, ce travail démontre comment la qualification de l'enseignant de yoga européen se construit dans les années 1960- 1990 dans l'interaction que les formateurs européens entretiennent avec le partenaire indien de la rencontre (chap. 2 et 3). L'Union, qui réunit plusieurs fédérations nationales de yoga et plusieurs traditions de yoga, est l'une des premières institutions à mettre en place, en 1976, un diplôme à l'intention des enseignants de yoga. Les caractéristiques de cette formation sont identifiées à travers l'analyse des curriculums mis en place par les formateurs de l'Union (chap. 4). Les acteurs prennent soin de motiver les spécificités de leur enseignement - celles qu'ils revendiquent et celles dont leurs adversaires les accusent - par des notions empruntées aux textes indiens du yoga et par la construction d'une « scène autorisante », le Congrès annuel de yoga de Zinal (chap. 5). Ce travail étudie la mise en place, par l'Union, d'un discours de la « pédagogie européenne du yoga » et d'une logique d'alliance entre certains lignages européens de yoga et celui de T. Krishnamacharya pour revendiquer des innovations dans la transmission du yoga en Europe : par exemple, la promotion des Yoga-Sūtra, le respect des différences individuelles chez l'élève, l'autorité féminine sur le yoga et la réhabilitation d'un christianisme alternatif. Ce travail démontre aussi que, dans le contexte contemporain, le yoga est un lieu de débats entre une conception traditionnelle et initiatique de la transmission et une conception pédagogique imprégnée de valeurs égalitaires et libertaires. Le travail identifie les points d'achoppement de cette rencontre autour des notions de la transmission indienne telle qu'adhikāra (l'éligibilité différenciée) ou sraddhā (la confiance dans le maître) en concluant par une analyse de la négociation de l'autorité spirituelle entre T.K.V. Desikachar et ses élèves (chap. 6).
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relative efficacy and safety profile of bevacizumab versus ranibizumab intravitreal injections for the treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD). DESIGN: Multicenter, prospective, noninferiority, double-masked, randomized clinical trial performed in 38 French ophthalmology centers. The noninferiority limit was 5 letters. PARTICIPANTS: Patients aged ≥50 years were eligible if they presented with subfoveal neovascular AMD, with best-corrected visual acuity (BVCA) in the study eye of between 20/32 and 20/320 measured on the Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study chart and a lesion area of less than 12 optic disc areas (DA). METHODS: Patients were randomly assigned to intravitreal administration of bevacizumab (1.25 mg) or ranibizumab (0.50 mg). Hospital pharmacies were responsible for preparing, blinding, and dispensing treatments. Patients were followed for 1 year, with a loading dose of 3 monthly intravitreal injections, followed by an as-needed regimen (1 injection in case of active disease) for the remaining 9 months with monthly follow-up. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Mean change in visual acuity at 1 year. RESULTS: Between June 2009 and November 2011, 501 patients were randomized. In the per protocol analysis, bevacizumab was noninferior to ranibizumab (bevacizumab minus ranibizumab +1.89 letters; 95% confidence interval [CI], -1.16 to +4.93, P < 0.0001). The intention-to-treat analysis was concordant. The mean number of injections was 6.8 in the bevacizumab group and 6.5 in the ranibizumab group (P = 0.39). Both drugs reduced the central subfield macular thickness, with a mean decrease of 95 μm for bevacizumab and 107 μm for ranibizumab (P = 0.27). There were no significant differences in the presence of subretinal or intraretinal fluid at final evaluation, dye leakage on angiogram, or change in choroidal neovascular area. The proportion of patients with serious adverse events was 12.6% in the bevacizumab group and 12.1% in the ranibizumab group (P = 0.88). The proportion of patients with serious systemic or ocular adverse events was similar in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: Bevacizumab was noninferior to ranibizumab for visual acuity at 1 year with similar safety profiles. Ranibizumab tended to have a better anatomic outcome. The results are similar to those of previous head-to-head studies. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE(S): Proprietary or commercial disclosure may be found after the references.
The proposal to work on this final project came after several discussions held with Dr. Elzbieta Malinowski Gadja, who in 2008 published the book entitled Advanced Data Warehouse Design: From Conventional to Spatial and Temporal Applications (Data-Centric Systems and Applications). The project was carried out under the technical supervision of Dr. Malinowski and the direct beneficiary was the University of Costa Rica (UCR) where Dr. Malinowski is a professor at the Department of Computer Science and Informatics. The purpose of this project was twofold: First, to translate chapter III of said book with the intention of generating educational material for the use of the UCR and, second, to venture in the field of technical translation related to data warehouse. For the first component, the goal was to generate a final product that would eventually serve as an educational tool for the post-graduate courses of the UCR. For the second component, this project allowed me to acquire new skills and put into practice techniques that have helped me not only to perfom better in my current job as an Assistant Translator of the Inter-American BAnk (IDB), but also to use them in similar projects. The process was lenggthy and required torough research and constant communication with the author. The investigation focused on the search of terms and definitions to prepare the glossary, which was the basis to start the translation project. The translation process itself was carried out by phases, so that comments and corrections by the author could be taken into account in subsequent stages. Later, based on the glossary and the translated text, illustrations had been created in the Visio software were translated. In addition to the technical revision by the author, professor Carme Mangiron was in charge of revising the non-technical text. The result was a high-quality document that is currently used as reference and study material by the Department of Computer Science and Informatics of Costa Rica.
BACKGROUND: There is an emerging knowledge base on the effectiveness of strategies to close the knowledge-practice gap. However, less is known about how attributes of an innovation and other contextual and situational factors facilitate and impede an innovation's adoption. The Healthy Heart Kit (HHK) is a risk management and patient education resource for the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and promotion of cardiovascular health. Although previous studies have demonstrated the HHK's content validity and practical utility, no published study has examined physicians' uptake of the HHK and factors that shape its adoption. OBJECTIVES: Conceptually informed by Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation theory, and Theory of Planned Behaviour, this study had two objectives: (1) to determine if specific attributes of the HHK as well as contextual and situational factors are associated with physicians' intention and actual usage of the HHK kit; and (2), to determine if any contextual and situational factors are associated with individual or environmental barriers that prevent the uptake of the HHK among those physicians who do not plan to use the kit. METHODS: A sample of 153 physicians who responded to an invitation letter sent to all family physicians in the province of Alberta, Canada were recruited for the study. Participating physicians were sent a HHK, and two months later a study questionnaire assessed primary factors on the physicians' clinical practice, attributes of the HHK (relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, observability), confidence and control using the HHK, barriers to use, and individual attributes. All measures were used in path analysis, employing a causal model based on Rogers' Diffusion of Innovations Theory and Theory of Planned Behaviour. RESULTS: 115 physicians (follow up rate of 75%) completed the questionnaire. Use of the HHK was associated with intention to use the HHK, relative advantage, and years of experience. Relative advantage and the observability of the HHK benefits were also significantly associated with physicians' intention to use the HHK. Physicians working in solo medical practices reported experiencing more individual and environmental barriers to using the HHK. CONCLUSION: The results of this study suggest that future information innovations must demonstrate an advantage over current resources and the research evidence supporting the innovation must be clearly visible. Findings also suggest that the innovation adoption process has a social element, and collegial interactions and discussions may facilitate that process. These results could be valuable for knowledge translation researchers and health promotion developers in future innovation adoption planning.
Hypertensive patients often experience poor adherence to treatment, a frequent cause of uncontrolled blood pressure. In this study, we have evaluated whether or not the use of electronic monitoring for drug adherence is a useful approach to identify and correct compliance problems in hypertensive patients, which may ultimately enhance the effect of antihypertensive therapy. Sixty-nine treated patients with an office blood pressure greater than 140/90 mm Hg were enrolled in this study. With patient consent, current antihypertensive therapy was dispensed in electronic pillboxes that record the time and date of each opening without changing the drug regimen. The intention was to provide physicians with objective measurements of drug compliance. The monitoring of compliance per se without any other intervention induced a marked decrease of blood pressure in the whole group (from 159/104Â+/-23/12 mm Hg to 143/92Â+/-20/15, meansÂ+/-standard deviation, p less than 0.001). A complete normalization of blood pressure (less than 140/90 mm Hg) was obtained in one third of the patients (group 1, n=23) during the monitoring period. A significant improvement of blood pressure control was found in another third (group 2, n=23), whereas in the remaining patients (group 3, n=23) no change in blood pressure was observed. The distribution of individual compliance values, as well as the mean compliances was comparable in the three subgroups. Conversely, the compliance reports have identified several potentially overtreated patients in group 1, a large number of patients with a poor adherence to the prescribed therapy in all groups, and patients who clearly needed a change in pharmacotherapy mainly in group 3. Thus, our results suggest that electronic monitoring of compliance can considerably enhance the efficacy of antihypertensive therapy in patients with uncontrolled hypertension. This procedure should be used more extensively in clinical practice whenever the blood pressure response to therapy appears insufficient. (c)2000 by Le Jacq Communications, Inc.
The evaluation of the quality and impact of journals as a starting point to systematise the quality of research is an indirect method commonly used for obtaining information for systematic and major evaluation efforts, such as those needed for public tenders to aid projects and research groups. Nevertheless, this method runs into an important obstacle: preparing rankings of journals in the humanities and social sciences is considerably more complex than for those on experimental, biomedical or technological sciences. Cultural, linguistic and territorial components of research in the humanities and social sciences radically question the international rankings. Within this context, the article presents the experience of a study-in-progress whose intention is to evaluate the rankings of journals in the humanities and social sciences published in 1997 by the Generalitat de Catalunya. Even thought an attempt was made to bring this type of titles closer to the Catalan community of researchers, the initiative has been frequently surrounded by controversy and criticism and, at the present, does not enjoy the needed recognition of the Catalan academic sector.
On 1 January 2012 Swiss Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG), a new uniform payment system for in-patients was introduced in Switzerland with the intention to replace a "cost-based" with a "case-based" reimbursement system to increase efficiency. With the introduction of the new payment system we aim to answer questions raised regarding length of stay as well as patients' outcome and satisfaction. This is a prospective, two-centre observational cohort study with data from University Hospital Basel and the Cantonal Hospital Aarau, Switzerland, from January to June 2011 and 2012, respectively. Consecutive in-patients with the main diagnosis of either community-acquired pneumonia, exacerbation of COPD, acute heart failure or hip fracture were included. A questionnaire survey was sent out after discharge investigating changes before and after SwissDRG implementation. Our primary endpoint was LOS. Of 1,983 eligible patients 841 returned the questionnaire and were included into the analysis (429 in 2011, 412 in 2012). The median age was 76.7 years (50.8% male). Patients in the two years were well balanced in regard to main diagnoses and co-morbidities. Mean LOS in the overall patient population was 10.0 days and comparable between the 2011 cohort and the 2012 cohort (9.7 vs 10.3; p = 0.43). Overall satisfaction with care changed only slightly after introduction of SwissDRG and remained high (89.0% vs 87.8%; p = 0.429). Investigating the influence of the implementation of SwissDRG in 2012 regarding LOS patients' outcome and satisfaction, we found no significant changes. However, we observed some noteworthy trends, which should be monitored closely.
Les deux notions, migrations d'une part et développement d'autre part, sont en elles-mêmes complexes, les mettre en relation amplifie cette complexité. Il n'est pas dans notre intention d'introduire un débat sur leur histoire, l'évolution de leur approche et les multiples définitionss possibles, mais simplement de préciser un cadrage scientifique privilégiant une nouvelle catégorie d'acteurs. La formulation du titre du livre, émigrés/immigrés, n'avait pas pour seul objectif de rappeler le double regard porté sur les migrations internationales, celui du pays de départ ou celui du pays d'arrivée, mais d'énoncer une construction signifiant les évolutions récentes dans le champ des pratiques migratoires. Pays d'origine, d'arrivée ou d'installation, de transits et de rebond, font partie d'un même espace migratoire qu'il s'avère nécessaire d'appréhender dans sa globalité si l'on souhaite comprendre les mutations en cours. Ce livre s'est donc intéressé à l'ensemble de la réalité migratoire, le migrant étant à la fois émigré et immigré, ce qui signifie la prise en compte des effets de cette présence pour les pays d'acceuil et d'installation et les pays d'origine. Quant au développement, nous sommes dans le registre des "concepts valise" chacun le définissant à sa manière. Notion polysémique par excellence, une multitude de qualificatifs lui ont été accolés : il peut être rural ou urbain, endogène ou exogène, local ou global, durable ou soutenable. Il s'agirait d'un "concept magique", permettant pour des personnes et des espaces, de passer de moins de production à plus de production, de moins de souffrance à plus de confort, du "moins être"à un bien-être social, économique et politique...
PURPOSE: This study assessed whether a cycle of "routine" therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) for imatinib dosage individualization, targeting an imatinib trough plasma concentration (C min) of 1,000 ng/ml (tolerance: 750-1,500 ng/ml), could improve clinical outcomes in chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) patients, compared with TDM use only in case of problems ("rescue" TDM). METHODS: Imatinib concentration monitoring evaluation was a multicenter randomized controlled trial including adult patients in chronic or accelerated phase CML receiving imatinib since less than 5 years. Patients were allocated 1:1 to "routine TDM" or "rescue TDM." The primary endpoint was a combined outcome (failure- and toxicity-free survival with continuation on imatinib) over 1-year follow-up, analyzed in intention-to-treat (ISRCTN31181395). RESULTS: Among 56 patients (55 evaluable), 14/27 (52 %) receiving "routine TDM" remained event-free versus 16/28 (57 %) "rescue TDM" controls (P = 0.69). In the "routine TDM" arm, dosage recommendations were correctly adopted in 14 patients (median C min: 895 ng/ml), who had fewer unfavorable events (28 %) than the 13 not receiving the advised dosage (77 %; P = 0.03; median C min: 648 ng/ml). CONCLUSIONS: This first target concentration intervention trial could not formally demonstrate a benefit of "routine TDM" because of small patient number and surprisingly limited prescriber's adherence to dosage recommendations. Favorable outcomes were, however, found in patients actually elected for target dosing. This study thus shows first prospective indication for TDM being a useful tool to guide drug dosage and shift decisions. The study design and analysis provide an interesting paradigm for future randomized TDM trials on targeted anticancer agents.
BACKGROUND: Tobacco dependence is the leading cause of preventable death and disabilities worldwide and nicotine is the main substance responsible for the addiction to tobacco. A vaccine against nicotine was tested in a 6-month randomized, double blind phase II smoking cessation study in 341 smokers with a subsequent 6-month follow-up period. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: 229 subjects were randomized to receive five intramuscular injections of the nicotine vaccine and 112 to receive placebo at monthly intervals. All subjects received individual behavioral smoking cessation counseling. The vaccine was safe, generally well tolerated and highly immunogenic, inducing a 100% antibody responder rate after the first injection. Point prevalence of abstinence at month 2 showed a statistically significant difference between subjects treated with Nicotine-Qbeta (47.2%) and placebo (35.1%) (P = 0.036), but continuous abstinence between months 2 and 6 was not significantly different. However, in subgroup analysis of the per-protocol population, the third of subjects with highest antibody levels showed higher continuous abstinence from month 2 until month 6 (56.6%) than placebo treated participants (31.3%) (OR 2.9; P = 0.004) while medium and low antibody levels did not increase abstinence rates. After 12 month, the difference in continuous abstinence rate between subjects on placebo and those with high antibody response was maintained (difference 20.2%, P = 0.012). CONCLUSIONS: Whereas Nicotine-Qbeta did not significantly increase continuous abstinence rates in the intention-to-treat population, subgroup analyses of the per-protocol population suggest that such a vaccination against nicotine can significantly increase continuous abstinence rates in smokers when sufficiently high antibody levels are achieved. Immunotherapy might open a new avenue to the treatment of nicotine addiction. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Swiss Medical Registry 2003DR2327; ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00369616.