863 resultados para Integration of information systems


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Abstract:Through the development of a proposal to categorize accountability into four stages - classical, cross-sectional, systemic, and diffused -, this article aims to identify characteristics of co-production of information and socio-political control of public administration in the work of Brazilian social observatories in relationship with government control agencies. The study analyses data from 20 social observatories and, particularly, three experiences of co-production of information and control, based on a systemic perspective on accountability and a model with four categories: Political and cultural; valuing; systemic-organizational, and production. The conclusions summarize characteristics of these practices, specific phases in the accountability processes, as well as the potentialities and challenges of co-production of information and control, which not only influences, but it is also influenced by the accountability system.


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Paper presented at the 8th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Barcelona, 6-7 Sep. 2008 URL: http://www.academic-conferences.org/eckm/eckm2007/eckm07-home.htm


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March 19 - 22, 2006, São Paulo, BRAZIL World Congress on Computer Science, Engineering and Technology Education


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This paper proposes the use of a Modular Marx Multilevel Converter, as a solution for energy integration between an offshore Wind Farm and the power grid network. The Marx modular multilevel converter is based on the Marx generator, and solves two typical problems in this type of multilevel topologies: modularity and dc capacitor voltage balancing. This paper details the strategy for dc capacitor voltage equalization. The dynamic models of the converter and power grid are presented in order to design the converter ac output voltages and the dc capacitor voltage controller. The average current control is presented and used for power flow control, harmonics and reactive power compensation. Simulation results are presented in order to show the effectiveness of the proposed (MC)-C-3 topology.


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Cyber-Physical Intelligence is a new concept integrating Cyber-Physical Systems and Intelligent Systems. The paradigm is centered in incorporating intelligent behavior in cyber-physical systems, until now too oriented to the operational technological aspects. In this paper we will describe the use of Cyber-Physical Intelligence in the context of Power Systems, namely in the use of Intelligent SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems at different levels of the Power System, from the Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution Control Centers till the customers houses.


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Throughout the world, epidemiological studies were established to examine the relationship between air pollution and mortality rates and adverse respiratory health effects. However, despite the years of discussion the correlation between adverse health effects and atmospheric pollution remains controversial, partly because these studies are frequently restricted to small and well-monitored areas. Monitoring air pollution is complex due to the large spatial and temporal variations of pollution phenomena, the high costs of recording instruments, and the low sampling density of a purely instrumental approach. Therefore, together with the traditional instrumental monitoring, bioindication techniques allow for the mapping of pollution effects over wide areas with a high sampling density. In this study, instrumental and biomonitoring techniques were integrated to support an epidemiological study that will be developed in an industrial area located in Gijon in the coastal of central Asturias, Spain. Three main objectives were proposed to (i) analyze temporal patterns of PM10 concentrations in order to apportion emissions sources, (ii) investigate spatial patterns of lichen conductivity to identify the impact of the studied industrial area in air quality, and (iii) establish relationships amongst lichen conductivity with some site-specific characteristics. Samples of the epiphytic lichen Parmelia sulcata were transplanted in a grid of 18 by 20 km with an industrial area in the center. Lichens were exposed for a 5-mo period starting in April 2010. After exposure, lichen samples were soaked in 18-MΩ water aimed at determination of water electrical conductivity and, consequently, lichen vitality and cell damage. A marked decreasing gradient of lichens conductivity relative to distance from the emitting sources was observed. Transplants from a sampling site proximal to the industrial area reached values 10-fold higher than levels far from it. This finding showed that lichens reacted physiologically in the polluted industrial area as evidenced by increased conductivity correlated to contamination level. The integration of temporal PM10 measurements and analysis of wind direction corroborated the importance of this industrialized region for air quality measurements and identified the relevance of traffic for the urban area.


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The presented work was conducted within the Dissertation / Internship, branch of Environmental Protection Technology, associated to the Master thesis in Chemical Engineering by the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto and it was developed in the Aquatest a.s, headquartered in Prague, in Czech Republic. The ore mining exploitation in the Czech Republic began in the thirteenth century, and has been extended until the twentieth century, being now evident the consequences of the intensive extraction which includes contamination of soil and sub-soil by high concentrations of heavy metals. The mountain region of Zlaté Hory was chosen for the implementation of the remediation project, which consisted in the construction of three cells (tanks), the first to raise the pH, the second for the sedimentation of the formed precipitates and a third to increase the process efficiency in order to reduce high concentrations of metals, with special emphasis on iron, manganese and sulfates. This project was initiated in 2005, being pioneer in this country and is still ongoing due to the complex chemical and biological phenomenon’s inherent to the system. At the site where the project was implemented, there is a natural lagoon, thereby enabling a comparative study of the two systems (natural and artificial) regarding the efficiency of both in the reduction/ removal of the referred pollutants. The study aimed to assist and cooperate in the ongoing investigation at the company Aquatest, in terms of field work conducted in Zlaté Hory and in terms of research methodologies used in it. Thereby, it was carried out a survey and analysis of available data from 2005 to 2008, being complemented by the treatment of new data from 2009 to 2010. Moreover, a theoretical study of the chemical and biological processes that occurs in both systems was performed. Regarding the field work, an active participation in the collection and in situ sample analyzing of water and soil from the natural pond has been attained, with the supervision of Engineer, Irena Šupiková. Laboratory analysis of water and soil were carried out by laboratory technicians. It was found that the natural lagoon is more efficient in reducing iron and manganese, being obtained removal percentages of 100%. The artificial lagoon had a removal percentage of 90% and 33% for iron and manganese respectively. Despite the minor efficiency of the constructed wetland, it must be pointed out that this system was designed for the treatment and consequent reduction of iron. In this context, it can conclude that the main goal has been achieved. In the case of sulphates, the removal optimization is yet a goal to be achieved not only in the Czech Republic but also in other places where this type of contamination persists. In fact, in the natural lagoon and in the constructed wetland, removal efficiencies of 45% and 7% were obtained respectively. It has been speculated that the water at the entrance of both systems has different sources. The analysis of the collected data shows at the entrance of the natural pond, a concentration of 4.6 mg/L of total iron, 14.6 mg/L of manganese and 951 mg/L of sulphates. In the artificial pond, the concentrations are 27.7 mg/L, 8.1 mg/L and 382 mg/L respectively for iron, manganese and sulphates. During 2010 the investigation has been expanded. The study of soil samples has started in order to observe and evaluate the contribution of bacteria in the removal of heavy metals being in its early phase. Summarizing, this technology has revealed to be an interesting solution, since in addition to substantially reduce the mentioned contaminants, mostly iron, it combines the low cost of implementation with an reduced maintenance, and it can also be installed in recreation parks, providing habitats for plants and birds.


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A natural evolução dos sistemas de informação nas organizações envolve por um lado a instalação de equipamentos actualizados, e por outro a adopção de novas aplicações de suporte ao negócio, acompanhando o desenvolvimento dos mercados, as mudanças no modelo de negócio e a maturação da organização num novo contexto. Muitas vezes esta evolução implica a preservação dos dados existentes e de funcionalidades não cobertas pelas novas aplicações. Este facto leva ao desenvolvimento e execução de processos de migração de dados, de aplicações, e de integração de sistemas legados. Estes processos estão condicionados ao meio tecnológico disponível e ao conhecimento existente sobre os sistemas legados, sendo sensíveis ao contexto em que se desenrolam. Esta dissertação apresenta um estado da arte das abordagens à migração e integração, descreve as diversas alternativas, e ilustra de uma forma sistematizada e comparativa os exercícios realizados usando diferentes abordagens, num ambiente real de migração e integração em mudança.


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A navegação e a interpretação do meio envolvente por veículos autónomos em ambientes não estruturados continua a ser um grande desafio na actualidade. Sebastian Thrun, descreve em [Thr02], que o problema do mapeamento em sistemas robóticos é o da aquisição de um modelo espacial do meio envolvente do robô. Neste contexto, a integração de sistemas sensoriais em plataformas robóticas, que permitam a construção de mapas do mundo que as rodeia é de extrema importância. A informação recolhida desses dados pode ser interpretada, tendo aplicabilidade em tarefas de localização, navegação e manipulação de objectos. Até à bem pouco tempo, a generalidade dos sistemas robóticos que realizavam tarefas de mapeamento ou Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM), utilizavam dispositivos do tipo laser rangefinders e câmaras stereo. Estes equipamentos, para além de serem dispendiosos, fornecem apenas informação bidimensional, recolhidas através de cortes transversais 2D, no caso dos rangefinders. O paradigma deste tipo de tecnologia mudou consideravelmente, com o lançamento no mercado de câmaras RGB-D, como a desenvolvida pela PrimeSense TM e o subsequente lançamento da Kinect, pela Microsoft R para a Xbox 360 no final de 2010. A qualidade do sensor de profundidade, dada a natureza de baixo custo e a sua capacidade de aquisição de dados em tempo real, é incontornável, fazendo com que o sensor se tornasse instantaneamente popular entre pesquisadores e entusiastas. Este avanço tecnológico deu origem a várias ferramentas de desenvolvimento e interacção humana com este tipo de sensor, como por exemplo a Point Cloud Library [RC11] (PCL). Esta ferramenta tem como objectivo fornecer suporte para todos os blocos de construção comuns que uma aplicação 3D necessita, dando especial ênfase ao processamento de nuvens de pontos de n dimensões adquiridas a partir de câmaras RGB-D, bem como scanners laser, câmaras Time-of-Flight ou câmaras stereo. Neste contexto, é realizada nesta dissertação, a avaliação e comparação de alguns dos módulos e métodos constituintes da biblioteca PCL, para a resolução de problemas inerentes à construção e interpretação de mapas, em ambientes indoor não estruturados, utilizando os dados provenientes da Kinect. A partir desta avaliação, é proposta uma arquitectura de sistema que sistematiza o registo de nuvens de pontos, correspondentes a vistas parciais do mundo, num modelo global consistente. Os resultados da avaliação realizada à biblioteca PCL atestam a sua viabilidade, para a resolução dos problemas propostos. Prova da sua viabilidade, são os resultados práticos obtidos, da implementação da arquitectura de sistema proposta, que apresenta resultados de desempenho interessantes, como também boas perspectivas de integração deste tipo de conceitos e tecnologia em plataformas robóticas desenvolvidas no âmbito de projectos do Laboratório de Sistemas Autónomos (LSA).


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Recent technological developments are pulling fieldbus networks to support a new wide class of applications, such as industrial multimedia applications. These applications are usually supported by the widely used TCP/IP stack. It is thus essential to provide support to TCP/IP based applications, in fieldbus networks. This paper presents an effort that is being carried out to integrate the TCP/IP and PROFIBUS stacks, in order to support industrial multimedia applications, whilst guarantying the timing requirements of control-related traffic.


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Tese de doutoramento em Engenharia do Ambiente, especialidade em Sistemas Sociais


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Our day-to-day life is dependent on several embedded devices, and in the near future, many more objects will have computation and communication capabilities enabling an Internet of Things. Correspondingly, with an increase in the interaction of these devices around us, developing novel applications is set to become challenging with current software infrastructures. In this paper, we argue that a new paradigm for operating systems needs to be conceptualized to provide aconducive base for application development on Cyber-physical systems. We demonstrate its need and importance using a few use-case scenarios and provide the design principles behind, and an architecture of a co-operating system or CoS that can serve as an example of this new paradigm.


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This paper investigates the use of multidimensional scaling in the evaluation of fractional system. Several algorithms are analysed based on the time response of the closed loop system under the action of a reference step input signal. Two alternative performance indices, based on the time and frequency domains, are tested. The numerical experiments demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed visualization method.


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Systems composed of distinct operational modes are a common necessity for embedded applications with strict timing requirements. With the emergence of multi-core platforms protocols to handle these systems are required in order to provide this basic functionality.In this work a description on the problems of creating an effective mode-transition protocol are presented and it is proven that in some cases previous single-core protocols can not be extended to handle the mode-transition in multi-core.


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Dynamical systems theory is used as a theoretical language and tool to design a distributed control architecture for teams of mobile robots, that must transport a large object and simultaneously avoid collisions with (either static or dynamic) obstacles. Here we demonstrate in simulations and implementations in real robots that it is possible to simplify the architectures presented in previous work and to extend the approach to teams of n robots. The robots have no prior knowledge of the environment. The motion of each robot is controlled by a time series of asymptotical stable states. The attractor dynamics permits the integration of information from various sources in a graded manner. As a result, the robots show a strikingly smooth an stable team behaviour.