1000 resultados para Infra-estrutura social


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Ilustração. Dimensão: 5251x2562. Tamanho: 736Kb.


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Esta dissertação tem como principal objectivo, propor um sistema de comunicações para as Ilhas Desertas que vise atender às necessidades expostas pelo PNM - Parque Natural da Madeira. Localizadas a 22 milhas marítimas do Funchal, as ilhas Desertas não dispõem de cobertura da rede móvel GSM - Global Standard for Mobile, nem de qualquer outra infra-estrutura de comunicações que permita a comunicação entre os vigilantes e a estação de serviço - doca. Esta falta de comunicação torna-se mais problemática aquando da realização de acções de fiscalização e vigilância, já que em caso de acidente não será possível pedir auxílio. Dada esta realidade propomos a criação de uma rede de rádio móvel terrestre para as Ilhas Desertas, com a instalação de vários repetidores UHF no topo das ilhas. O projecto desta rede será fundamentado com a realização de um estudo de cobertura para as três ilhas que incluirá a avaliação e análise de vários modelos de propagação. Esta análise é realizada com recurso a duas ferramentas de software, Radio-Mobile e DifractionLoss, tendo este último sido desenvolvido no âmbito desta dissertação. De forma a melhorar a cobertura da rede GSM na estação de serviço do PNM na Deserta Grande, sugerem-se duas soluções: a primeira consiste na instalação de um repetidor GSM de frequência deslocada e a segunda na instalação de uma NanoBTS. Além da falta de comunicação na área das ilhas Desertas, a falta de comunicação com a ilha da Madeira é também uma realidade. Perante esta situação sugere-se a criação de uma ligação por feixes hertzianos de alta frequência entre a estação de serviço do PNM na Deserta Grande e a sede do PNM, localizada na zona do Jardim Botânico na Ilha da Madeira. O projecto desta ligação apresenta um planeamento e dimensionamento de acordo com as necessidades apresentadas pelo PNM, assim como um estudo de propagação baseado num procedimento teórico e em simulações de software. É também proposto um sistema de videovigilância controlado remotamente com o objectivo de permitir a monitorização remota dos lobos-marinhos.


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No contexto das tecnologias propostas pela OMG, o MOF é utilizado para definir a sintaxe de linguagens de modelação, contudo, os aspectos semânticos não podem ser capturados usando esta linguagem. A descrição dos aspectos não sintácticos é realizada com recurso à linguagem OCL. Consequentemente, para uma completa definição de uma linguagem de modelação é necessário incorporar o OCL no MOF, criando uma infra-estrutura que possui a expressividade necessária para realizar esta função. Este projecto visa complementar a ferramenta de metamodelação MetaSketch Editor, introduzindo a capacidade de executar expressões em OCL e permitindo, desta forma, a verificação semântica dos modelos construídos usando o MetaSketch Editor. A gramática da linguagem OCL adoptada está de acordo com a especificação elaborada pela OMG (2006-05-01), juntando-se algumas contribuições de trabalhos existentes sobre esta linguagem. O projecto envolveu a implementação de um parser com recurso ao sistema GOLD Parser, a implementação da standard library do OCL em C# e, por último, a implementação de uma estratégia de execução das expressões em OCL.


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O porto do Funchal é uma realidade recente. Historicamente podemos considerar que existe porto desde o final do Século XIX, muito embora já com D. José I tivesse havido uma Determinação real para proceder à construção de uma infra-estrutura portuária, o que só parcialmente foi cumprido, num processo apenas terminado em 2011. Até aí e desde a colonização, o desembarque de pessoas e bens era feito no calhau, ao ritmo e sabor das levadias e dos estados do mar e da força humana, numa tradição que ficou expressa em inúmeras obras e registos de viagem e igualmente no Pilar de Banger, mandado construir por um britânico, como base de guindaste para descargas. No século XX, o porto do Funchal, ao mesmo tempo que era local de comércio e descarga de mercadorias, assim como de passageiros, foi progressivamente assistindo ao surgir de um novo conceito em matéria de turismo, não já apenas e só como mero transporte, mas tendo como objectivo o cruzeiro. Esta Dissertação pretende estudar, quantificar e se possível teorizar, ainda que de forma sucinta, a importância que esse novo tipo de lazer, a partir de agora, por nós designado de cruzeiro, teve, tem e esperamos venha a ter, na nossa economia regional e no bemestar e progresso económico dos múltiplos intervenientes nesta actividade. Para nos apoiar neste desiderato, para além da teoria, construímos um inquérito, que foi apresentado ao turista de cruzeiro, durante a sua escala e a fruição desta, por si mesmo, em passeios a pé pela cidade do Funchal ou guiado por um guia, conhecendo o potencial do nosso porto. Este inquérito foi feito em colaboração com a APRAM, o SNATTI e a EUROMAR, assim como com outros intervenientes nesta cadeia de valor, tendo nós, conceptores e aplicadores do mesmo, procurado seguir uma linha de orientação que nos permitisse a comparação dos resultados, com inquéritos desenvolvidos anteriormente. O nosso objectivo essencial é não apenas o de prosseguir num percurso de valorização pessoal e académica mas também procurar dotar com dados quantificáveis, todos os parceiros deste negócio da nossa região e contribuir de uma forma activa e responsável na definição e planeamento do nosso melhor recurso económico, o Turismo. Esta Dissertação é, por agora, um objectivo em si, mas não se esgota como tal e a nossa missão não termina hic et nunc, uma vez que trabalhamos por mero prazer intelectual, sentimos que somos apoiados institucional e pessoalmente e temos a certeza de que o que estamos a desenvolver, poderá ser útil para a nossa economia e para a nossa Região.


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REGIS, Josiana Florencio Vieira. et al. Ergonomia cognitiva do trabalho: um estudo baseado na gestão do conhecimento e no capital intelectual. IN: SIMPOSIO DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇAO, 15., 2008, Sao Paulo. Anais eletronicos... Sao Paulo: UNESP, 2008. TRabalho oral. Disponivel em: http://www.simpep.feb.unesp.br/anais_simpep.php?e=2. Acesso em: 4.set.2010.


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Some sectors in Brazil are earning notoriety in the international market, configuring itself in dynamic areas for the Country. The most typical case is the agribusiness. Rio Grande do Norte state has important role, because 90% of the output of the melon exported by Brazil is produced at Assu/Mossoró. The present work planned to verify the evolution of the culture of the melon produced at Assu/Mossoró area, from 1990 to 2003. Through descriptive research, utilizing the case study and documentary analysis of secondary data this work showed the evolution of the area reaped of melon in the pole Assu/Mossoró, the quantity produced of melon and of the value of the output of the melon between 1990 and 2003. The research verified that all of the factors studied show growth during the analyzed period, showing up the importance of the agribusiness for the region. However the analysis shows the vulnerability of the sector concerning external macroeconomics factors, such as the exchange rates. Showing the importance and/or dependence of the producers for public actions to development of the culture, that might be on areas like infrastructure, economics or taxes


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New technologies appear each moment and its use can result in countless benefits for that they directly use and for all the society as well. In this direction, the State also can use the technologies of the information and communication to improve the level of rendering of services to the citizens, to give more quality of life to the society and to optimize the public expense, centering it in the main necessities. For this, it has many research on politics of Electronic Government (e-Gov) and its main effect for the citizen and the society as a whole. This research studies the concept of Electronic Government and wishes to understand the process of implementation of Free Softwares in the agencies of the Direct Administration in the Rio Grande do Norte. Moreover, it deepens the analysis to identify if its implantation results in reduction of cost for the state treasury and intends to identify the Free Software participation in the Administration and the bases of the politics of Electronic Government in this State. Through qualitative interviews with technologies coordinators and managers in 3 State Secretaries it could be raised the ways that come being trod for the Government in order to endow the State with technological capacity. It was perceived that the Rio Grande do Norte still is an immature State in relation to practical of electronic government (e-Gov) and with Free Softwares, where few agencies have factual and viable initiatives in this area. It still lacks of a strategical definition of the paper of Technology and more investments in infrastructure of staff and equipment. One also observed advances as the creation of the normative agency, the CETIC (State Advice of Technology of the Information and Communication), the Managing Plan of Technology that provide a necessary diagnosis with the situation how much Technology in the State and considered diverse goals for the area, the accomplishment of a course of after-graduation for managers of Technology and the training in BrOffice (OppenOffice) for 1120 public servers


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Due to the appreciation of family farming by the Brazilian Federal Government, the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension was induced to restructure and act in a more participative way, culminating in the National Policy of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (PNATER), changing the profile of technology transfer and knowledge (diffusionism) for an action that uses participatory methodologies focused on exchange of knowledge between farmers and technicians. The process of discussion of the trends of ATER brought the New ATER , with the recognition of agroecology as the main guidance. This research aimed to analyze methods of public ATER developed by institutions of Rio Grande do Norte, under the guidance of New ATER. The research is qualitative. Secondary data were collected through documental research and literature. Primary data were collected through a set of interviews applied to representatives of public institutions ATER, namely EMATER-RN, Diaconia and AACC and representatives of organizations that receive public ATER. The research showed the difficulties of EMATER-RN in implementing of New ATER due to lack of infrastructure and low adherence of the new form of technical assistance and rural extension. It was shown also that the AACC and Diaconia act with ATER through projects with implementation deadlines set, often interrupting ATER while communities are still in need of assistance


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This study deals with the participation of the dance of São Gonçalo of the Mussuca town/SE, in the process of construction of the ethnic identity among this social group. The Mussuca is a grouping recognized as afro-descendents, linked with black enslaved people in the valley of the Cotinguiba region. The collective memory functions as a drive of this linking with the past and if it makes to elaborate narratives on this descent. The objective of this study was to investigate the ways the rite went through to constitute itself as an element of ethnic representation. Internal and external agents had been identified who had participated in different contexts. By means of an ethnographic work we ve reached some aspects of the local structure social which demonstrated the contradictions through the social relations of the group. This process of ethnic autorecognition presents the kinship and the space question as definers of the social arrangements which establish its ethnic boundaries


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This study aims at solidifying the theoretical bases to provide, above all, an explanation for this phenomenon which currently happens, with a scenario of social, political, economic and cultural transformations worldwide in medium cities. Nevertheless, because it has different dimensions from its transformation axes, gentrification comes with change, but also with the introduction of a new purpose in the space using and occupation, outlining in this context the identity of places from the formation of centralities with the presence of flows with social and economic dynamicsThe current forms of geographic space appropriation show the directions of the senses and ideological profile which recreates the meanings and uses of content and materials from descriptions of a historical past. However, today there is an economic context in the urban space which refers to a search of strategies for change, i.e., the acquisition of parameter aimed at meeting the demands of the relationship between capital and labor, which ends up overriding some actions for the specification of the transformation methods within the urban space to be explained by new needs and also by the agents from the value adding to their interests and investments. Thus, we assume that the appreciation/gentrification of urban spaces may or may not result from the building of a public space, since the dialogic structure as a place of political interaction externalize conflicts and disagreements in general; it keeps segregating spaces. As new spaces are transformed, the access to them tends to happen with particular restriction, whereas some places like parks, shopping malls, high-rise and horizontal condos are the scene for major professional and family events. In this context, the gentrification process is used to designate interventions in the urban environment, in certain city spaces which are considered central to public and private investments. A historical place is permitted to be presented as a scenario, a stage full of attractions, through the transformation process. Studying gentrification consists of an analysis of the underlying interests in the transformation of these areas, and especially of the assessment of the interest level in the private sector to partner in order to modify the landscape. Gentrification results from the transformation processes of capital, which influences the efforts and investments application in order to establish and achieve optimal economic growth, focusing on a location socio-culturally centered in the urban space. Thus, the urban social structure develops in the light of some questions that relate not only the cities growth but also environmental conditions it provides in cities like Mossoro, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil 2005 a 2011.


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Considering that urban interventions, planned and executed recently at Natal, RN, should put Ribeira - one of the town centers - in the new limits of the expanded center of the city, this work examines the use of this new accessibility for the benefit of the development of an infrastructure to support a type of tourism currently seen as an alternative to diversification into areas dominated by entertainment tourism (the case of Natal). A local with city's traditional cultural facilities and holder of a set built that is a synthesis of the images of the neighborhood, it fears that this increase in the potential for movement and flows of use stimulate speculation and deployment of a bulk type of activity incompatible with the preservation the architectural heritage. Important economy for the city, tourism has been showing a factor propellant processing urban related changes in accessibility. It is argued that cultural tourism, often used in plans and projects of revitalization across the country, may be factor for sustainable development and conserve the assets, and contributes to the process of revitalization of the historic cultural center as Ribeira. Intended to illustrate the need to consider other information that might help in the revitalization of the neighborhood, this research presents the offer cultural tourism of Ribeira and identifies and maps certain physical attributes that, combined with functional attributes, can stimulate or inhibit the diversity and vitality in the region


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The periphery of the city of Natal was built during the last 20 years, trough informal land developments. This dissertation analyses the urbanization of Natal`s North Zone, the largest residential area in the city where 40% of the population lives. This urban space is characterized as a space of poverty because of its majority of low income dwellers as well as lack of infrastructure. The main objective here is to identify and characterize this space as well as resulting segregation. Variables as income, space morphology, residential typology and the history of real estate development as well as dweller`s history of life are analysed


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At a time of changes on the territory during the 19th century, the political and socioeconomic elites of the province and later State of Rio Grande do Norte evolved a discourse in order to justify the permanence of Natal as a city holding a status of capital. In this work we analyze the means employed by the ruling classes to impose their wish to raise Natal to an outstanding position among the existing cities by intervening on the territory during a period of one hundred years (1820-1920). During that time, which was characterized by changing commercial flows and technological development, the elites interventions were essentially directed to the implementation of modes of transportation, especially the railway. We try to understand the reinforcement of Natal as a capital city not only in political and administrative terms, but mainly in a commercial and symbolic manner, through the discourse and interventions undertaken by the local administrative elites, who stimulated the creation of a set of relations on the territory that also imprinted visible marks in the capital s urban fabric. These interventions were based upon the establishment of an infrastructure for exporting the State s production, firstly through and despite the Potengi River, and later on by the construction of railways. Although the project of Natal s hegemony had been outlined before the establishment of the railway network, in both cases the ultimate objective was to reinforce and develop the capital city as a commercial urban center to the detriment of other cities


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The system in-Ceram Alumina, produced by VITA, consists in a technique of prepare of a substructure of ceramics to dental crowns. First burning is made in the alumina decanted by slip casting process under a stone die that reproduces the tooth prepared to receive a crown. In a second burning, alumina is infiltrated by vitreous system, giving to this set a high mechanic resistance. In this work, it s made a study of the composition of a new infiltrating material more used nowadays, giving to alumina desirable mechanics proprieties to its using like substructure of support to ceramic s crown used in the market today. The addition of Lanthanum oxide (frit A) and calcium oxide (frit B) was made in attempt to increase the viscosity of LZSA and to reduce fusion temperature. The frits were put over samples of alumina and took to the tubular oven to 1400ºC under vacuum for two groups (groups 1 and 2). For another two groups (groups 3 and 4) it was made a second infiltration, following the same parameters of the first. A fifth group was utilized like group of control where the samples of pure alumina were not submitted to any infiltrating process. Glasses manifested efficient both in quality and results of analysis of mechanic resistance, being perfectly compatible with oral environment in this technical requisite. The groups that made a second infiltration had he best results of fracture toughness, qualify the use in the oral cavity in this technical question. The average of results achieved for mechanic resistance to groups 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 were respectively 98 MPa, 90 MPa, 144 MPa, 236 MPa and 23 MPa


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Population growth experienced in major cities, allied to society s need of infra-structure, especially ones related to habitational demands, increases the consumption of construction materials. As a consequence, consumption of natural resources itself. Thus, due to this process, concrete is one of the most produced materials in civil construction. This is also due to the great diversity of its application, easiness in its execution and adequate mechanical performance, as well as low production costs. Following the same tendencies in construction development, the ceramic industry has intensified the production of porcelain ceramic tiles and floors. These are achieved by a fine finishing and receive polishing at the end of the fabrication process. This work researched the use of porcelain residues in polishing for the production of concrete. All of which; due to economical and environmental issues. This process aims to prove adequate destiny for this type of residue, due to environmental issues, incorporating it to the concrete itself; all of which provides economy in consumption of the materials that constitute concrete. Thus, the main characteristics of concrete were investigated through the inclusion of different concentration of the porcelain residue as additional trait element. The residue rates incorporated to the trait varied from 10% to 50% in relation to the cement mass, in the traits with plastic additives and without plastic additives. It is observed that the inclusion of porcelain residue produced a meaningful alteration in the consistency of fresh concrete. This residue has a fine granulometry and it considerably absorbed the water used in the concrete spreading, influencing the way this material is dealt with. Thus, the value of cement striking decreases with the increase of residues present in trait. The maximal incorporation of the residue was of 50%, massively, for the same factor water/initial cement. The use of residues in concrete results in an 40% increase in the compression resistance. It is also proportional to residue concentration of porcelain in the trait. The microstructure was also favored once porosity and concrete absorption decreases with the use of this residue. The parameters demonstrate the quality and durability of the concrete produced with this residue. The use of porcelain residue in concrete composition has not produced meaningful thermal behavior changes. Thermal conductivity, heat capacity and thermal diffusivity have been maintained basically constant