671 resultados para Infinity


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Strategic supply chain optimization (SCO) problems are often modelled as a two-stage optimization problem, in which the first-stage variables represent decisions on the development of the supply chain and the second-stage variables represent decisions on the operations of the supply chain. When uncertainty is explicitly considered, the problem becomes an intractable infinite-dimensional optimization problem, which is usually solved approximately via a scenario or a robust approach. This paper proposes a novel synergy of the scenario and robust approaches for strategic SCO under uncertainty. Two formulations are developed, namely, naïve robust scenario formulation and affinely adjustable robust scenario formulation. It is shown that both formulations can be reformulated into tractable deterministic optimization problems if the uncertainty is bounded with the infinity-norm, and the uncertain equality constraints can be reformulated into deterministic constraints without assumption of the uncertainty region. Case studies of a classical farm planning problem and an energy and bioproduct SCO problem demonstrate the advantages of the proposed formulations over the classical scenario formulation. The proposed formulations not only can generate solutions with guaranteed feasibility or indicate infeasibility of a problem, but also can achieve optimal expected economic performance with smaller numbers of scenarios.


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Massive multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) systems are cellular networks where the base stations (BSs) are equipped with hundreds of antennas, N, and communicate with tens of mobile stations (MSs), K, such that, N ≫ K ≫ 1. Contrary to most prior works, in this paper, we consider the uplink of a single-cell massive MIMO system operating in sparse channels with limited scattering. This case is of particular importance in most propagation scenarios, where the prevalent Rayleigh fading assumption becomes idealistic. We derive analytical approximations for the achievable rates of maximum-ratio combining (MRC) and zero-forcing (ZF) receivers. Furthermore, we study the asymptotic behavior of the achievable rates for both MRC and ZF receivers, when N and K go to infinity under the condition that N/K → c ≥ 1. Our results indicate that the achievable rate of MRC receivers reaches an asymptotic saturation limit, whereas the achievable rate of ZF receivers grows logarithmically with the number of MSs.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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This paper continues the study of spectral synthesis and the topologies tau-infinity and tau-r on the ideal space of a Banach algebra, concentrating particularly on the class of Haagerup tensor products of C*-algebras. For this class, it is shown that spectral synthesis is equivalent to the Hausdorffness of tau_infinity. Under a weak extra condition, spectral synthesis is shown to be equivalent to the Hausdorffness of tau_r.


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Particle filtering has proven to be an effective localization method for wheeled autonomous vehicles. For a given map, a sensor model, and observations, occasions arise where the vehicle could equally likely be in many locations of the map. Because particle filtering algorithms may generate low confidence pose estimates under these conditions, more robust localization strategies are required to produce reliable pose estimates. This becomes more critical if the state estimate is an integral part of system control. We investigate the use of particle filter estimation techniques on a hovercraft vehicle. The marginally stable dynamics of a hovercraft require reliable state estimates for proper stability and control. We use the Monte Carlo localization method, which implements a particle filter in a recursive state estimate algorithm. An H-infinity controller, designed to accommodate the latency inherent in our state estimation, provides stability and controllability to the hovercraft. In order to eliminate the low confidence estimates produced in certain environments, a multirobot system is designed to introduce mobile environment features. By tracking and controlling the secondary robot, we can position the mobile feature throughout the environment to ensure a high confidence estimate, thus maintaining stability in the system. A laser rangefinder is the sensor the hovercraft uses to track the secondary robot, observe the environment, and facilitate successful localization and stability in motion.


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) results from histologic and gene alterations can lead to a massive cellular proliferation. Most of the authors assume multifactorial causes to CRC genesis. Low physical activity, a fat diet poor in fibers and smoking habits seems to have an important role in CRC. However, there are also genetic causes associated with CRC risk. It has been described that oxidative stress levels could influence CRC development. Thus, cellular balance reactive species and defense enzymes involved in oxidative stress are crucial to maintain a good tissue function and avoid neoplasic process. Therefore, genome variations on these defense enzymes, such as MNSOD, SOD3, GSTP1, GSTT1 and GSTM1, could be important biomarkers to colorectal adenocarcinomas. We intend to determine frequencies distribution of most common polymorphisms involved on oxidative stress regulation (MNSOD, SOD3, GSTP1, GSTT1 and GSTM1) in patients with sporadic colorectal adenocarcinoma (SCA) and in healthy controls, evaluation their possible correlation with SCA risk. Samples common polymorphisms of antioxidant and detoxify genes (MNSOD T175C, SOD3 R213G, GSTP1 A105G, GSTP1 C114T, GSTT1del and GSTM1del) analysis was done by PCR-SSP techniques. In this study we found a higher prevalence of MNSOD 175CC (55% vs 2%; p<0.0001; OR: 58.5; CI 13.3 to 256.7), SOD3 213GG (31% vs 2%; p<0.0001; OR: 21.89; CI 4.93 to 97.29), GSTP1 105GG (46% vs 12%; p<0.0001; OR: 6.14; CI 2.85 to 13.26), GSTP1 114TT (38% vs 0%; p<0.0001; OR: Infinity) and GSTT1 null (75% vs 28%; p<0.0001; OR: 7.71; CI 3.83 to 15.56) mutated genotypes among SCA patients, while the normal genotypes were associated with SCA absence. Furthermore, we found GSTP1 114TT mutated genotype (52% vs 27%; p=0.003; OR: 2.88; CI: 1.41 to 5.89) and GSTT1 null genotype (87% vs 65%; p=0.003; OR: 3.66; CI 1.51 to 8.84) associated with colon samples. These findings suggest a positive association between most of common polymorphisms involved on oxidative stress regulation and SCA prevalence. Dysregulation of MNSOD, SOD3, GSTP1, GSTT1 and GSTM1 genes could be associated with an increase of ROS in colon and rectum tissue and p53 pathway deregulation, induced by oxidative stress on colonic and rectal cells. The present study also provides preliminary evidence that MNSOD 175C, SOD3 213G, GSTP1 105G, GSTP1 114T and GSTT1 null polymorphisms, may be involved in SCA risk and could be useful to clarify this multifactorial disorder.


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A natural way to generalize tensor network variational classes to quantum field systems is via a continuous tensor contraction. This approach is first illustrated for the class of quantum field states known as continuous matrix-product states (cMPS). As a simple example of the path-integral representation we show that the state of a dynamically evolving quantum field admits a natural representation as a cMPS. A completeness argument is also provided that shows that all states in Fock space admit a cMPS representation when the number of variational parameters tends to infinity. Beyond this, we obtain a well-behaved field limit of projected entangled-pair states (PEPS) in two dimensions that provide an abstract class of quantum field states with natural symmetries. We demonstrate how symmetries of the physical field state are encoded within the dynamics of an auxiliary field system of one dimension less. In particular, the imposition of Euclidean symmetries on the physical system requires that the auxiliary system involved in the class' definition must be Lorentz-invariant. The physical field states automatically inherit entropy area laws from the PEPS class, and are fully described by the dissipative dynamics of a lower dimensional virtual field system. Our results lie at the intersection many-body physics, quantum field theory and quantum information theory, and facilitate future exchanges of ideas and insights between these disciplines.


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Tutkielman aiheena on kissa ja sen representaatiot visuaalisessa taiteessa. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan 12 eri tekniikoilla valmistettua taideteosta, jotka ovat valmistuneet vuosien 1974 ja 2015 välisenä aikana. Tutkielmaan valitut taiteilijat, teokset ja valmistusvuodet ovat seuraavat: Jan Harrison, Chuff and Roll Over 1997; Jan Harrison, Cat with Raw Nose 2006; Sampsa Indrén, Hello Kitty 2012; Nanna Susi, Maliblue 2013; Olli Lyytikäinen, Kolme pyramidia ja sfinksi 1974, Kari Soinio, Sankarin koti nr 9 2009; elokuvasta Yön ritarin paluu Kissanainen/Selena Kyle (Anne Hathaway) 2012; Stiina Saaristo, Turengin Tuhkimo 2012; sarjakuvasta Simpsonit Matt Groening (piirt.), Crazy Cat Lady/Eleanor Abernathy 1998; sarjakuvahahmo, Jim Davis (hahmotelma ja käsikirj.), Karvinen 1989; Carolee Schneemann, Infinity Kisses (1988) ja Katinka Simonse, alias Tinkebell, My dearest cat Pinkeltje. (2009). Tutkielman tarkoituksena on ollut selvittää, mikä tarkoitus kissan olemassaololla on valituissa teoksissa ja mitä sen avulla on haluttu kertoa. Tutkielman käsittelyaineisto on jaettu kolmeen pääryhmään, 1) kissa ihmisen sisäisen ja tiedostamattoman tulkkina, 2) kissa sukupuoliroolien ja stereotypioiden symbolina, 3) kissa lemmikkinä. Tarkastelussa on käytetty muun muassa psykoanalyyttistä, filosofista, sukupuolentutkinnallista ja fenomenologista lähestymistapaa. Tutkielman psykoanalyyttinen tarkastelutapa perustuu pääasiassa freudilaisiin ja filosofinen näkökulma deleuzelais-guattarilaisiin näkemyksiin. Tutkimuksella on pyritty tulkitsemaan ja kartoittamaan tapoja, joilla taiteilija on kissaa apunaan käyttäen lähestynyt ihmisen henkistä muutosta piilotajunnasta nousevien halujen ja yhteiskunnallisten stereotypioiden puristuksessa. Tuleminen joksikin, muodonmuutos sekä ihmisen ja eläimen yhteys ovat tutkielman tärkeimpiä tulkinnan kohteita.


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Background: Partially clonal organisms are very common in nature, yet the influence of partial asexuality on the temporal dynamics of genetic diversity remains poorly understood. Mathematical models accounting for clonality predict deviations only for extremely rare sex and only towards mean inbreeding coefficient (F-IS) over bar < 0. Yet in partially clonal species, both F-IS < 0 and F-IS > 0 are frequently observed also in populations where there is evidence for a significant amount of sexual reproduction. Here, we studied the joint effects of partial clonality, mutation and genetic drift with a state-and-time discrete Markov chain model to describe the dynamics of F-IS over time under increasing rates of clonality. Results: Results of the mathematical model and simulations show that partial clonality slows down the asymptotic convergence to F-IS = 0. Thus, although clonality alone does not lead to departures from Hardy-Weinberg expectations once reached the final equilibrium state, both negative and positive F-IS values can arise transiently even at intermediate rates of clonality. More importantly, such "transient" departures from Hardy Weinberg proportions may last long as clonality tunes up the temporal variation of F-IS and reduces its rate of change over time, leading to a hyperbolic increase of the maximal time needed to reach the final mean (F-IS,F-infinity) over bar value expected at equilibrium. Conclusion: Our results argue for a dynamical interpretation of F-IS in clonal populations. Negative values cannot be interpreted as unequivocal evidence for extremely scarce sex but also as intermediate rates of clonality in finite populations. Complementary observations (e.g. frequency distribution of multiloci genotypes, population history) or time series data may help to discriminate between different possible conclusions on the extent of clonality when mean (F-IS) over bar values deviating from zero and/or a large variation of F-IS over loci are observed.


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The aim of this study was to determine the pharmacokinetic parameters of liposomal ropivacaine after dental anesthesia in 14 healthy volunteers. In this randomized, double-blind and crossover study, the volunteers received maxillary infiltration of liposome-encapsulated 0.5% ropivacaine and, 0.5% ropivacaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine in two different sessions. Blood samples were collected before and after (from 15 to 1440 min) the administration of either ropivacaine formulation. HPLC with UV detection was used to quantify plasma ropivacaine concentrations. The pharmacokinetic parameters AUC(0-24) (area under the plasma concentration x time curve from baseline to 24 h), AUC(0-infinity) (area under the plasma concentration-time curve from baseline to infinity), C-max (maximum drug concentration), CL (renal clearance), T-max (maximum drug concentration time), t(1/2) (elimination half-life) and Vd (volume of distribution) were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. No differences (p > 0.05) were observed between both formulations for any of the pharmacokinetic parameters evaluated and plasma ropivacaine concentrations, considering each period of time. Both formulations showed similar pharmacokinetic profiles, indicating that the liposomal formulation could be a safer option for use of this local anesthetic, due to the absence of a vasoconstrictor.


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Ionic liquids (ILs) have attracted great attention, from both industry and academia, as alternative fluids for very different types of applications. The large number of cations and anions allow a wide range of physical and chemical characteristics to be designed. However, the exhaustive measurement of all these systems is impractical, thus requiring the use of a predictive model for their study. In this work, the predictive capability of the conductor-like screening model for real solvents (COSMO-RS), a model based on unimolecular quantum chemistry calculations, was evaluated for the prediction water activity coefficient at infinite dilution, gamma(infinity)(w), in several classes of ILs. A critical evaluation of the experimental and predicted data using COSMO-RS was carried out. The global average relative deviation was found to be 27.2%, indicating that the model presents a satisfactory prediction ability to estimate gamma(infinity)(w) in a broad range of ILs. The results also showed that the basicity of the ILs anions plays an important role in their interaction with water, and it considerably determines the enthalpic behavior of the binary mixtures composed by Its and water. Concerning the cation effect, it is possible to state that generally gamma(infinity)(w) increases with the cation size, but it is shown that the cation-anion interaction strength is also important and is strongly correlated to the anion ability to interact with water. The results here reported are relevant in the understanding of ILs-water interactions and the impact of the various structural features of its on the gamma(infinity)(w) as these allow the development of guidelines for the choice of the most suitable lLs with enhanced interaction with water.


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The activity coefficients at infinite dilution, gamma(infinity)(13), of 55 organic solutes and water in three ionic liquids with the common cation 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium and the polar anions Cl--,Cl- [CH3SO3](-) and [(CH3)(2)PO4](-), were determined by (gas + liquid) chromatography at four temperatures in the range (358.15 to 388.15) K for alcohols and water, and T = (398.15 to 428.15) K for the other organic solutes including alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes, cycloalkenes, alkynes, ketones, ethers, cyclic ethers, aromatic hydrocarbons, esters, butyraldehyde, acetonitrile, pyridine, 1-nitropropane and thiophene. From the experimental gamma(infinity)(13) values, the partial molar excess Gibbs free energy, (G) over bar (E infinity)(m), enthalpy (H) over bar (E infinity)(m), and entropy (S) over bar (E infinity)(m), at infinite dilution, were estimated in order to provide more information about the interactions between the solutes and the ILs. Moreover, densities were measured and (gas + liquid) partition coefficients (KL) calculated. Selectivities at infinite dilution for some separation problems such as octane/benzene, cyclohexane/benzene and cyclohexane/thiophene were calculated using the measured gamma(infinity)(13), and compared with literature values for N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP), sulfolane, and other ionic liquids with a common cation or anion of the ILs here studied. From the obtained infinite dilution selectivities and capacities, it can be concluded that the ILs studied may replace conventional entrainers applied for the separation processes of aliphatic/aromatic hydrocarbons.


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We propose a positive, accurate moment closure for linear kinetic transport equations based on a filtered spherical harmonic (FP_N) expansion in the angular variable. The FP_N moment equations are accurate approximations to linear kinetic equations, but they are known to suffer from the occurrence of unphysical, negative particle concentrations. The new positive filtered P_N (FP_N+) closure is developed to address this issue. The FP_N+ closure approximates the kinetic distribution by a spherical harmonic expansion that is non-negative on a finite, predetermined set of quadrature points. With an appropriate numerical PDE solver, the FP_N+ closure generates particle concentrations that are guaranteed to be non-negative. Under an additional, mild regularity assumption, we prove that as the moment order tends to infinity, the FP_N+ approximation converges, in the L2 sense, at the same rate as the FP_N approximation; numerical tests suggest that this assumption may not be necessary. By numerical experiments on the challenging line source benchmark problem, we confirm that the FP_N+ method indeed produces accurate and non-negative solutions. To apply the FP_N+ closure on problems at large temporal-spatial scales, we develop a positive asymptotic preserving (AP) numerical PDE solver. We prove that the propose AP scheme maintains stability and accuracy with standard mesh sizes at large temporal-spatial scales, while, for generic numerical schemes, excessive refinements on temporal-spatial meshes are required. We also show that the proposed scheme preserves positivity of the particle concentration, under some time step restriction. Numerical results confirm that the proposed AP scheme is capable for solving linear transport equations at large temporal-spatial scales, for which a generic scheme could fail. Constrained optimization problems are involved in the formulation of the FP_N+ closure to enforce non-negativity of the FP_N+ approximation on the set of quadrature points. These optimization problems can be written as strictly convex quadratic programs (CQPs) with a large number of inequality constraints. To efficiently solve the CQPs, we propose a constraint-reduced variant of a Mehrotra-predictor-corrector algorithm, with a novel constraint selection rule. We prove that, under appropriate assumptions, the proposed optimization algorithm converges globally to the solution at a locally q-quadratic rate. We test the algorithm on randomly generated problems, and the numerical results indicate that the combination of the proposed algorithm and the constraint selection rule outperforms other compared constraint-reduced algorithms, especially for problems with many more inequality constraints than variables.


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This paper is concerned with a stochastic SIR (susceptible-infective-removed) model for the spread of an epidemic amongst a population of individuals, with a random network of social contacts, that is also partitioned into households. The behaviour of the model as the population size tends to infinity in an appropriate fashion is investigated. A threshold parameter which determines whether or not an epidemic with few initial infectives can become established and lead to a major outbreak is obtained, as are the probability that a major outbreak occurs and the expected proportion of the population that are ultimately infected by such an outbreak, together with methods for calculating these quantities. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate that these asymptotic quantities accurately reflect the behaviour of finite populations, even for only moderately sized finite populations. The model is compared and contrasted with related models previously studied in the literature. The effects of the amount of clustering present in the overall population structure and the infectious period distribution on the outcomes of the model are also explored.


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This paper considers a stochastic SIR (susceptible-infective-removed) epidemic model in which individuals may make infectious contacts in two ways, both within 'households' (which for ease of exposition are assumed to have equal size) and along the edges of a random graph describing additional social contacts. Heuristically-motivated branching process approximations are described, which lead to a threshold parameter for the model and methods for calculating the probability of a major outbreak, given few initial infectives, and the expected proportion of the population who are ultimately infected by such a major outbreak. These approximate results are shown to be exact as the number of households tends to infinity by proving associated limit theorems. Moreover, simulation studies indicate that these asymptotic results provide good approximations for modestly-sized finite populations. The extension to unequal sized households is discussed briefly.