923 resultados para Image data hiding
Introduction Diffusion weighted Imaging (DWI) techniques are able to measure, in vivo and non-invasively, the diffusivity of water molecules inside the human brain. DWI has been applied on cerebral ischemia, brain maturation, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, etc. [1]. Nowadays, there is a very high availability of these images. DWI allows the identification of brain tissues, so its accurate segmentation is a common initial step for the referred applications. Materials and Methods We present a validation study on automated segmentation of DWI based on the Gaussian mixture and hidden Markov random field models. This methodology is widely solved with iterative conditional modes algorithm, but some studies suggest [2] that graph-cuts (GC) algorithms improve the results when initialization is not close to the final solution. We implemented a segmentation tool integrating ITK with a GC algorithm [3], and a validation software using fuzzy overlap measures [4]. Results Segmentation accuracy of each tool is tested against a gold-standard segmentation obtained from a T1 MPRAGE magnetic resonance image of the same subject, registered to the DWI space. The proposed software shows meaningful improvements by using the GC energy minimization approach on DTI and DSI (Diffusion Spectrum Imaging) data. Conclusions The brain tissues segmentation on DWI is a fundamental step on many applications. Accuracy and robustness improvements are achieved with the proposed software, with high impact on the application’s final result.
We present MBIS (Multivariate Bayesian Image Segmentation tool), a clustering tool based on the mixture of multivariate normal distributions model. MBIS supports multi-channel bias field correction based on a B-spline model. A second methodological novelty is the inclusion of graph-cuts optimization for the stationary anisotropic hidden Markov random field model. Along with MBIS, we release an evaluation framework that contains three different experiments on multi-site data. We first validate the accuracy of segmentation and the estimated bias field for each channel. MBIS outperforms a widely used segmentation tool in a cross-comparison evaluation. The second experiment demonstrates the robustness of results on atlas-free segmentation of two image sets from scan-rescan protocols on 21 healthy subjects. Multivariate segmentation is more replicable than the monospectral counterpart on T1-weighted images. Finally, we provide a third experiment to illustrate how MBIS can be used in a large-scale study of tissue volume change with increasing age in 584 healthy subjects. This last result is meaningful as multivariate segmentation performs robustly without the need for prior knowledge.
Sign.: A-M6
Background DCE@urLAB is a software application for analysis of dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging data (DCE-MRI). The tool incorporates a friendly graphical user interface (GUI) to interactively select and analyze a region of interest (ROI) within the image set, taking into account the tissue concentration of the contrast agent (CA) and its effect on pixel intensity. Results Pixel-wise model-based quantitative parameters are estimated by fitting DCE-MRI data to several pharmacokinetic models using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (LMA). DCE@urLAB also includes the semi-quantitative parametric and heuristic analysis approaches commonly used in practice. This software application has been programmed in the Interactive Data Language (IDL) and tested both with publicly available simulated data and preclinical studies from tumor-bearing mouse brains. Conclusions A user-friendly solution for applying pharmacokinetic and non-quantitative analysis DCE-MRI in preclinical studies has been implemented and tested. The proposed tool has been specially designed for easy selection of multi-pixel ROIs. A public release of DCE@urLAB, together with the open source code and sample datasets, is available at http://www.die.upm.es/im/archives/DCEurLAB/ webcite.
The emergence of cloud datacenters enhances the capability of online data storage. Since massive data is stored in datacenters, it is necessary to effectively locate and access interest data in such a distributed system. However, traditional search techniques only allow users to search images over exact-match keywords through a centralized index. These techniques cannot satisfy the requirements of content based image retrieval (CBIR). In this paper, we propose a scalable image retrieval framework which can efficiently support content similarity search and semantic search in the distributed environment. Its key idea is to integrate image feature vectors into distributed hash tables (DHTs) by exploiting the property of locality sensitive hashing (LSH). Thus, images with similar content are most likely gathered into the same node without the knowledge of any global information. For searching semantically close images, the relevance feedback is adopted in our system to overcome the gap between low-level features and high-level features. We show that our approach yields high recall rate with good load balance and only requires a few number of hops.
La segmentación de imágenes es un campo importante de la visión computacional y una de las áreas de investigación más activas, con aplicaciones en comprensión de imágenes, detección de objetos, reconocimiento facial, vigilancia de vídeo o procesamiento de imagen médica. La segmentación de imágenes es un problema difícil en general, pero especialmente en entornos científicos y biomédicos, donde las técnicas de adquisición imagen proporcionan imágenes ruidosas. Además, en muchos de estos casos se necesita una precisión casi perfecta. En esta tesis, revisamos y comparamos primero algunas de las técnicas ampliamente usadas para la segmentación de imágenes médicas. Estas técnicas usan clasificadores a nivel de pixel e introducen regularización sobre pares de píxeles que es normalmente insuficiente. Estudiamos las dificultades que presentan para capturar la información de alto nivel sobre los objetos a segmentar. Esta deficiencia da lugar a detecciones erróneas, bordes irregulares, configuraciones con topología errónea y formas inválidas. Para solucionar estos problemas, proponemos un nuevo método de regularización de alto nivel que aprende información topológica y de forma a partir de los datos de entrenamiento de una forma no paramétrica usando potenciales de orden superior. Los potenciales de orden superior se están popularizando en visión por computador, pero la representación exacta de un potencial de orden superior definido sobre muchas variables es computacionalmente inviable. Usamos una representación compacta de los potenciales basada en un conjunto finito de patrones aprendidos de los datos de entrenamiento que, a su vez, depende de las observaciones. Gracias a esta representación, los potenciales de orden superior pueden ser convertidos a potenciales de orden 2 con algunas variables auxiliares añadidas. Experimentos con imágenes reales y sintéticas confirman que nuestro modelo soluciona los errores de aproximaciones más débiles. Incluso con una regularización de alto nivel, una precisión exacta es inalcanzable, y se requeire de edición manual de los resultados de la segmentación automática. La edición manual es tediosa y pesada, y cualquier herramienta de ayuda es muy apreciada. Estas herramientas necesitan ser precisas, pero también lo suficientemente rápidas para ser usadas de forma interactiva. Los contornos activos son una buena solución: son buenos para detecciones precisas de fronteras y, en lugar de buscar una solución global, proporcionan un ajuste fino a resultados que ya existían previamente. Sin embargo, requieren una representación implícita que les permita trabajar con cambios topológicos del contorno, y esto da lugar a ecuaciones en derivadas parciales (EDP) que son costosas de resolver computacionalmente y pueden presentar problemas de estabilidad numérica. Presentamos una aproximación morfológica a la evolución de contornos basada en un nuevo operador morfológico de curvatura que es válido para superficies de cualquier dimensión. Aproximamos la solución numérica de la EDP de la evolución de contorno mediante la aplicación sucesiva de un conjunto de operadores morfológicos aplicados sobre una función de conjuntos de nivel. Estos operadores son muy rápidos, no sufren de problemas de estabilidad numérica y no degradan la función de los conjuntos de nivel, de modo que no hay necesidad de reinicializarlo. Además, su implementación es mucho más sencilla que la de las EDP, ya que no requieren usar sofisticados algoritmos numéricos. Desde un punto de vista teórico, profundizamos en las conexiones entre operadores morfológicos y diferenciales, e introducimos nuevos resultados en este área. Validamos nuestra aproximación proporcionando una implementación morfológica de los contornos geodésicos activos, los contornos activos sin bordes, y los turbopíxeles. En los experimentos realizados, las implementaciones morfológicas convergen a soluciones equivalentes a aquéllas logradas mediante soluciones numéricas tradicionales, pero con ganancias significativas en simplicidad, velocidad y estabilidad. ABSTRACT Image segmentation is an important field in computer vision and one of its most active research areas, with applications in image understanding, object detection, face recognition, video surveillance or medical image processing. Image segmentation is a challenging problem in general, but especially in the biological and medical image fields, where the imaging techniques usually produce cluttered and noisy images and near-perfect accuracy is required in many cases. In this thesis we first review and compare some standard techniques widely used for medical image segmentation. These techniques use pixel-wise classifiers and introduce weak pairwise regularization which is insufficient in many cases. We study their difficulties to capture high-level structural information about the objects to segment. This deficiency leads to many erroneous detections, ragged boundaries, incorrect topological configurations and wrong shapes. To deal with these problems, we propose a new regularization method that learns shape and topological information from training data in a nonparametric way using high-order potentials. High-order potentials are becoming increasingly popular in computer vision. However, the exact representation of a general higher order potential defined over many variables is computationally infeasible. We use a compact representation of the potentials based on a finite set of patterns learned fromtraining data that, in turn, depends on the observations. Thanks to this representation, high-order potentials can be converted into pairwise potentials with some added auxiliary variables and minimized with tree-reweighted message passing (TRW) and belief propagation (BP) techniques. Both synthetic and real experiments confirm that our model fixes the errors of weaker approaches. Even with high-level regularization, perfect accuracy is still unattainable, and human editing of the segmentation results is necessary. The manual edition is tedious and cumbersome, and tools that assist the user are greatly appreciated. These tools need to be precise, but also fast enough to be used in real-time. Active contours are a good solution: they are good for precise boundary detection and, instead of finding a global solution, they provide a fine tuning to previously existing results. However, they require an implicit representation to deal with topological changes of the contour, and this leads to PDEs that are computationally costly to solve and may present numerical stability issues. We present a morphological approach to contour evolution based on a new curvature morphological operator valid for surfaces of any dimension. We approximate the numerical solution of the contour evolution PDE by the successive application of a set of morphological operators defined on a binary level-set. These operators are very fast, do not suffer numerical stability issues, and do not degrade the level set function, so there is no need to reinitialize it. Moreover, their implementation is much easier than their PDE counterpart, since they do not require the use of sophisticated numerical algorithms. From a theoretical point of view, we delve into the connections between differential andmorphological operators, and introduce novel results in this area. We validate the approach providing amorphological implementation of the geodesic active contours, the active contours without borders, and turbopixels. In the experiments conducted, the morphological implementations converge to solutions equivalent to those achieved by traditional numerical solutions, but with significant gains in simplicity, speed, and stability.
This paper presents a vision based autonomous landing control approach for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). The 3D position of an unmanned helicopter is estimated based on the homographies estimated of a known landmark. The translation and altitude estimation of the helicopter against the helipad position are the only information that is used to control the longitudinal, lateral and descend speeds of the vehicle. The control system approach consists in three Fuzzy controllers to manage the speeds of each 3D axis of the aircraft s coordinate system. The 3D position estimation was proven rst, comparing it with the GPS + IMU data with very good results. The robust of the vision algorithm against occlusions was also tested. The excellent behavior of the Fuzzy control approach using the 3D position estimation based in homographies was proved in an outdoors test using a real unmanned helicopter.
A series of numerical simulations of the flow over a forest stand have been conducted using two different turbulence closure models along with various levels of canopy morphology data. Simulations have been validated against Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry measurements from a wind tunnel study using one hundred architectural model trees, the porosities of which have been assessed using a photographic technique. It has been found that an accurate assessment of the porosity of the canopy, and specifically the variability with height, improves simulation quality regardless of the turbulence closure model used or the level of canopy geometry included. The observed flow field and recovery of the wake is in line with characteristic canopy flows published in the literature and it was found that the shear stress transport turbulence model was best able to capture this detail numerically.
This work proposes an optimization of a semi-supervised Change Detection methodology based on a combination of Change Indices (CI) derived from an image multitemporal data set. For this purpose, SPOT 5 Panchromatic images with 2.5 m spatial resolution have been used, from which three Change Indices have been calculated. Two of them are usually known indices; however the third one has been derived considering the Kullbak-Leibler divergence. Then, these three indices have been combined forming a multiband image that has been used in as input for a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier where four different discriminant functions have been tested in order to differentiate between change and no_change categories. The performance of the suggested procedure has been assessed applying different quality measures, reaching in each case highly satisfactory values. These results have demonstrated that the simultaneous combination of basic change indices with others more sophisticated like the Kullback-Leibler distance, and the application of non-parametric discriminant functions like those employees in the SVM method, allows solving efficiently a change detection problem.
Current fusion devices consist of multiple diagnostics and hundreds or even thousands of signals. This situation forces on multiple occasions to use distributed data acquisition systems as the best approach. In this type of distributed systems, one of the most important issues is the synchronization between signals, so that it is possible to have a temporal correlation as accurate as possible between the acquired samples of all channels. In last decades, many fusion devices use different types of video cameras to provide inside views of the vessel during operations and to monitor plasma behavior. The synchronization between each video frame and the rest of the different signals acquired from any other diagnostics is essential in order to know correctly the plasma evolution, since it is possible to analyze jointly all the information having accurate knowledge of their temporal correlation. The developed system described in this paper allows timestamping image frames in a real-time acquisition and processing system using 1588 clock distribution. The system has been implemented using FPGA based devices together with a 1588 synchronized timing card (see Fig.1). The solution is based on a previous system [1] that allows image acquisition and real-time image processing based on PXIe technology. This architecture is fully compatible with the ITER Fast Controllers [2] and offers integration with EPICS to control and monitor the entire system. However, this set-up is not able to timestamp the frames acquired since the frame grabber module does not present any type of timing input (IRIG-B, GPS, PTP). To solve this lack, an IEEE1588 PXI timing device its used to provide an accurate way to synchronize distributed data acquisition systems using the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) IEEE 1588 2008 standard. This local timing device can be connected to a master clock device for global synchronization. The timing device has a buffer timestamp for each PXI trigger line and requires tha- a software application assigns each frame the corresponding timestamp. The previous action is critical and cannot be achieved if the frame rate is high. To solve this problem, it has been designed a solution that distributes the clock from the IEEE 1588 timing card to all FlexRIO devices [3]. This solution uses two PXI trigger lines that provide the capacity to assign timestamps to every frame acquired and register events by hardware in a deterministic way. The system provides a solution for timestamping frames to synchronize them with the rest of the different signals.
Low cost RGB-D cameras such as the Microsoft’s Kinect or the Asus’s Xtion Pro are completely changing the computer vision world, as they are being successfully used in several applications and research areas. Depth data are particularly attractive and suitable for applications based on moving objects detection through foreground/background segmentation approaches; the RGB-D applications proposed in literature employ, in general, state of the art foreground/background segmentation techniques based on the depth information without taking into account the color information. The novel approach that we propose is based on a combination of classifiers that allows improving background subtraction accuracy with respect to state of the art algorithms by jointly considering color and depth data. In particular, the combination of classifiers is based on a weighted average that allows to adaptively modifying the support of each classifier in the ensemble by considering foreground detections in the previous frames and the depth and color edges. In this way, it is possible to reduce false detections due to critical issues that can not be tackled by the individual classifiers such as: shadows and illumination changes, color and depth camouflage, moved background objects and noisy depth measurements. Moreover, we propose, for the best of the author’s knowledge, the first publicly available RGB-D benchmark dataset with hand-labeled ground truth of several challenging scenarios to test background/foreground segmentation algorithms.
A depth-based face recognition algorithm specially adapted to high range resolution data acquired by the new Microsoft Kinect 2 sensor is presented. A novel descriptor called Depth Local Quantized Pattern descriptor has been designed to make use of the extended range resolution of the new sensor. This descriptor is a substantial modification of the popular Local Binary Pattern algorithm. One of the main contributions is the introduction of a quantification step, increasing its capacity to distinguish different depth patterns. The proposed descriptor has been used to train and test a Support Vector Machine classifier, which has proven to be able to accurately recognize different people faces from a wide range of poses. In addition, a new depth-based face database acquired by the new Kinect 2 sensor have been created and made public to evaluate the proposed face recognition system.
The structural connectivity of the brain is considered to encode species-wise and subject-wise patterns that will unlock large areas of understanding of the human brain. Currently, diffusion MRI of the living brain enables to map the microstructure of tissue, allowing to track the pathways of fiber bundles connecting the cortical regions across the brain. These bundles are summarized in a network representation called connectome that is analyzed using graph theory. The extraction of the connectome from diffusion MRI requires a large processing flow including image enhancement, reconstruction, segmentation, registration, diffusion tracking, etc. Although a concerted effort has been devoted to the definition of standard pipelines for the connectome extraction, it is still crucial to define quality assessment protocols of these workflows. The definition of quality control protocols is hindered by the complexity of the pipelines under test and the absolute lack of gold-standards for diffusion MRI data. Here we characterize the impact on structural connectivity workflows of the geometrical deformation typically shown by diffusion MRI data due to the inhomogeneity of magnetic susceptibility across the imaged object. We propose an evaluation framework to compare the existing methodologies to correct for these artifacts including whole-brain realistic phantoms. Additionally, we design and implement an image segmentation and registration method to avoid performing the correction task and to enable processing in the native space of diffusion data. We release PySDCev, an evaluation framework for the quality control of connectivity pipelines, specialized in the study of susceptibility-derived distortions. In this context, we propose Diffantom, a whole-brain phantom that provides a solution to the lack of gold-standard data. The three correction methodologies under comparison performed reasonably, and it is difficult to determine which method is more advisable. We demonstrate that susceptibility-derived correction is necessary to increase the sensitivity of connectivity pipelines, at the cost of specificity. Finally, with the registration and segmentation tool called regseg we demonstrate how the problem of susceptibility-derived distortion can be overcome allowing data to be used in their original coordinates. This is crucial to increase the sensitivity of the whole pipeline without any loss in specificity.
Nowadays, a lot of applications use digital images. For example in face recognition to detect and tag persons in photograph, for security control, and a lot of applications that can be found in smart cities, as speed control in roads or highways and cameras in traffic lights to detect drivers ignoring red light. Also in medicine digital images are used, such as x-ray, scanners, etc. These applications depend on the quality of the image obtained. A good camera is expensive, and the image obtained depends also on external factor as light. To make these applications work properly, image enhancement is as important as, for example, a good face detection algorithm. Image enhancement also can be used in normal photograph, for pictures done in bad light conditions, or just to improve the contrast of an image. There are some applications for smartphones that allow users apply filters or change the bright, colour or contrast on the pictures. This project compares four different techniques to use in image enhancement. After applying one of these techniques to an image, it will use better the whole available dynamic range. Some of the algorithms are designed for grey scale images and others for colour images. It is used Matlab software to develop and present the final results. These algorithms are Successive Means Quantization Transform (SMQT), Histogram Equalization, using Matlab function and own implemented function, and V transform. Finally, as conclusions, we can prove that Histogram equalization algorithm is the simplest of all, it has a wide variability of grey levels and it is not suitable for colour images. V transform algorithm is a good option for colour images. The algorithm is linear and requires low computational power. SMQT algorithm is non-linear, insensitive to gain and bias and it can extract structure of the data. RESUMEN. Hoy en día incontable número de aplicaciones usan imágenes digitales. Por ejemplo, para el control de la seguridad se usa el reconocimiento de rostros para detectar y etiquetar personas en fotografías o vídeos, para distintos usos de las ciudades inteligentes, como control de velocidad en carreteras o autopistas, cámaras en los semáforos para detectar a conductores haciendo caso omiso de un semáforo en rojo, etc. También en la medicina se utilizan imágenes digitales, como por ejemplo, rayos X, escáneres, etc. Todas estas aplicaciones dependen de la calidad de la imagen obtenida. Una buena cámara es cara, y la imagen obtenida depende también de factores externos como la luz. Para hacer que estas aplicaciones funciones correctamente, el tratamiento de imagen es tan importante como, por ejemplo, un buen algoritmo de detección de rostros. La mejora de la imagen también se puede utilizar en la fotografía no profesional o de consumo, para las fotos realizadas en malas condiciones de luz, o simplemente para mejorar el contraste de una imagen. Existen aplicaciones para teléfonos móviles que permiten a los usuarios aplicar filtros y cambiar el brillo, el color o el contraste en las imágenes. Este proyecto compara cuatro técnicas diferentes para utilizar el tratamiento de imagen. Se utiliza la herramienta de software matemático Matlab para desarrollar y presentar los resultados finales. Estos algoritmos son Successive Means Quantization Transform (SMQT), Ecualización del histograma, usando la propia función de Matlab y una nueva función que se desarrolla en este proyecto y, por último, una función de transformada V. Finalmente, como conclusión, podemos comprobar que el algoritmo de Ecualización del histograma es el más simple de todos, tiene una amplia variabilidad de niveles de gris y no es adecuado para imágenes en color. El algoritmo de transformada V es una buena opción para imágenes en color, es lineal y requiere baja potencia de cálculo. El algoritmo SMQT no es lineal, insensible a la ganancia y polarización y, gracias a él, se puede extraer la estructura de los datos.
This report documents the error rate in a commercially distributed subset of the IMAGE Consortium mouse cDNA clone collection. After isolation of plasmid DNA from 1189 bacterial stock cultures, only 62.2% were uncontaminated and contained cDNA inserts that had significant sequence identity to published data for the ordered clones. An agarose gel electrophoresis pre-screening strategy identified 361 stock cultures that appeared to contain two or more plasmid species. Isolation of individual colonies from these stocks demonstrated that 7.1% of the original 1189 stocks contained both a correct and an incorrect plasmid. 5.9% of the original 1189 stocks contained multiple, distinct, incorrect plasmids, indicating the likelihood of multiple contaminating events. While only 739 of the stocks purchased contained the desired cDNA clone, agarose gel pre-screening, colony isolation and similarity searching of dbEST allowed for the identification of an additional 420 clones that would have otherwise been discarded. Considering the high error rate in this subset of the IMAGE cDNA clone set, the use of sequence verified clones for cDNA microarray construction is warranted. When this is not possible, pre-screening non-sequence verified clones with agarose gel electrophoresis provides an inexpensive and efficient method to eliminate contaminated clones from the probe set.