903 resultados para ICT-sektori


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Implementación de un sistema de gestión de seguridad de la información (SGSI), basado en las normas ISO 27001:2005 e ISO 27002:2005, en la empresa financiera Ahorraya, el cual pretende administrar el modelo de seguridad y gestionar los riesgos presentados en la organización llevándolos a su mínima expresión.


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The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of the role and nature of trust in asymmetric technology partnership formation. In the knowledge-based "learning race" knowledge is considered as a primary source for competitive advantage. In the emerging ICT sector the high pace of technological change, the convergence of technologies and industries as well as the increasing complexity and uncertainty have forced even the largest players to seek cooperation for complementary knowledge and capabilities. Small technology firms need the complementary resources and legitimacy of the large firms to grow and compete in the global market place. Most of the earlier research indicates, however, that partnerships with asymmetric size, managerial resources and cultures have failed. A basic assumption supported by earlier research was that trust is a critical factor in asymmetric technology partnership formation. Asymmetric technology partnership formation is a dynamic and multi-dimensional process, and consequently a holistic research approach was selected. Research issue was approached from different levels: the individual decision-maker, the firm and the relationship between the parties. Also the impact of the dynamic environment and technology content was analyzed. A multitheoretical approach and a qualitative research method with in-depth interviews in five large ICT companies and eight small ICT companies enabled a holistic and rich view of the research issue. Study contributes on the scarce understanding on the nature and evolution of trust in asymmetric technology partnership formation. It sheds also light on the specific nature of asymmetric technology partnerships. The partnerships were found to be tentative and the diverse strategic intent of small and large technology firms appeared as a major challenge. The role of the boundary spanner was highlighted as a possibility to match the incompatible organizational cultures. A shared vision was found to be a pre-condition for individual-based fast trust leading to intuitive decision-making and experimentation. The relationships were tentative and they were continuously re-evaluated through the key actors' sense making of the technology content, asymmetry and the dynamic environment. A multi-dimensional conceptualization for trust was created and propositions on the role and nature of trust for further research are given. The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of the role and nature of trust in asymmetric technology partnership formation. In the knowledge-based "learning race" knowledge is considered as a primary source for competitive advantage. In the emerging ICT sector the high pace of technological change, the convergence of technologies and industries as well as the increasing complexity and uncertainty have forced even the largest players to seek cooperation for complementary knowledge and capabilities. Small technology firms need the complementary resources and legitimacy of the large firms to grow and compete in the global market place. Most of the earlier research indicates, however, that partnerships with asymmetric size, managerial resources and cultures have failed. A basic assumption supported by earlier research was that trust is a critical factor in asymmetric technology partnership formation. Asymmetric technology partnership formation is a dynamic and multi-dimensional process, and consequently a holistic research approach was selected. Research issue was approached from different levels: the individual decision-maker, the firm and the relationship between the parties. Also the impact of the dynamic environment and technology content was analyzed. A multitheoretical approach and a qualitative research method with in-depth interviews in five large ICT companies and eight small ICT companies enabled a holistic and rich view of the research issue. Study contributes on the scarce understanding on the nature and evolution of trust in asymmetric technology partnership formation. It sheds also light on the specific nature of asymmetric technology partnerships. The partnerships were found to be tentative and the diverse strategic intent of small and large technology firms appeared as a major challenge. The role of the boundary spanner was highlighted as a possibility to match the incompatible organizational cultures. A shared vision was found to be a pre-condition for individual-based fast trust leading to intuitive decision-making and experimentation. The relationships were tentative and they were continuously re-evaluated through the key actors' sense making of the technology content, asymmetry and the dynamic environment. A multi-dimensional conceptualization for trust was created and propositions on the role and nature of trust for further research are given.


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During the recent years, collaboration with Chinese universities has aroused growing interest among multinational companies (MNCs). Cross-cultural university-industry (U-I) collaboration creates various challenges in collaborative knowledge creation and innovation due to the differences e.g. between university and company motivation, objectives and activities. Also different values, norms, and means of actions result often in collisions and misunderstandings. This thesis examines the establishment of the relationships and the evolution of the collaboration between MNCs and Chinese universities. Empirical findings underscore that the partners in collaboration are required to possess research interest as well as capability to acquire, assimilate and exploit new external knowledge. Time and communication have a critical role in the evolution of the collaboration. In China the personal relationships, guanxi, play an important role. Collaborative knowledge creation requires a platform, Ba, which enables the creation of common understanding, commitment, trust and mutual respect. Empirical data has been collected through interviewing company experts and academe of Chinese universities from ICT and forest industries as well as attending panel discussions and meetings with the experts from the field of study.


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Tämän työn tavoitteena oli selvittää Kouvolan seudun kuntayhtymän atk palveluyksikön tietotekniikkahankintojen hankintaprosessin parantamismahdollisuuksia sekä laatia niiden pohjalta ratkaisuehdotus hankintaprosessin toimivuuden selkeyttämiseksi sekä tehostamiseksi. Työ voidaan jakaa teoreettiseen ja empiiriseen osaan. Työn teoriaosuudessa tarkastellaan liiketoimintaprosesseja ja hankintoja sekä yleisellä tasolla että julkishallinnon näkökulmasta. Empiirinen osuus sisältää kohdeorganisaation tietotekniikkahankintojen lähtötilanteen kuvauksen, nykytila-analyysin, analyysin pohjalta mallinnetun tavoitetilakuvauksen sekä ratkaisuehdotuksen hankintaprosessin parantamiseksi. Teoriaosuuden tutkimusmenetelmänä on työn aihepiirin kirjallisuustutkimus ja empiirisen osuuden aineistonkeräysmetodeina käytetään osallistuvaa havainnointia, vapaamuotoisia haastatteluja sekä organisaation dokumenttien analysointia. Työn tuloksena syntyi ehdotus Kouvolan seudun kuntayhtymän atk palveluyksikön tietotekniikkahankintojen hankintaprosessin parantamiseksi. Suunnitellun ratkaisuehdotuksen mukaan hankintaprosessia voidaan merkittävästi parantaa prosessin tavoitetilamallin pohjalta suunnitellun sähköisen tietotekniikkahankintajärjestelmän avulla.


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The evaluation of the competences acquired by the students in the context of a university education system is needed to enable professors to develop teaching-learning processes tailored to students" needs. The main goal of this paper is to analyze in depth the profile of the acquired competences of the bachelor students in Business Administration subjects. In that sense, this paper explains an experience in assessing bachelor student"s competences by applying an ICT-based digital platform designed for the selfassessment of personal and social competences. In particular, we apply an evaluation tool which was specifically designed for self-evaluating the project managers" generic and specific competences. The authors of this research have previous experience in implementing this evaluation tool in the subjects of Business Administration, Operations Management and Strategic Management taught in the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona. In this paper, the results show that there exist significant differences in the self-evaluation of competences depending on the respondent gender. This kind of tools benefits the three parties involved: students, university managers and organizations, and should be applied along the Bachelor as a transversal project and adapt the programs to achieve graduate students with higher levels of social and personal competences, as demanded by the labour market.


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L'objectiu d'aquest treball de recerca és veure com afecten les noves tecnologies (TIC) al col·lectiu de persones dependents.


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Business actions do not take place in isolation. Complementary competencies and capabilities are the most important resources in the exponential knowledge growth. These resources are partially accessed via business partners. A company needs partners and the capability to cooperate, but also the awareness of the competitive tension, when operating in the market with multiple actors. The co-opetition research studies the occurrence and the forms of simultaneous cooperation and competition between companies or their units. Public sector’s governmental and municipal organs have been transformed into companies over the past years. Despite of their non-profit nature, public sector and public companies are adopting business doctrines from private sector towards efficient business operations. This case study aims to show, how co-opetition concept can be observed within public sector companies and in their operations with others, how public companies cooperate but also compete with others and why this happens. This thesis also explicates advantages and disadvantages of the co-opetition phenomenon.


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This paper discusses the issues involved in ICT from an ethico-political perspective, which states that an innovation is fully justifiable when it contributes to the empowerment, equality, and autonomy of the agent targeted. With this criterion in mind, discussing the foreseeable impacts of ubicomp-ICT, it focuses on the dangers linked to the enhanced asymmetry in the distribution of power within the organization which it is likely to bring about. If left to "laissez-faire", it is finally suggested, it might even be seen as a threat to democracy.


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What criteria should guide the process of incorporating ICTs into political realm? Are ICTs, per definitionem, an instrument that always generates positive effects for political activity? Our reflection aims to influence the necessary and essential process of analysis prior to the introduction of ICT in the field of political processes, focusing primarily on the delimitation of its effects. In this sense it highlights the need to assess the added value of introducing a technological solution in the political process prior to do it, what will validate or not its desirability. There is, in this sense, the excessive use of 'make-up' technology of political processes, that is, the absence of real & practical innovation.


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La present recerca és un estudi de cas de la figura del coordinador/a TIC (Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació) centrant-se en aspectes referents a les funcions, la formació i el perfil. El constant avenç tecnològic en la societat també inclou el món educatiu i això crea la necessitat de tenir una figura dinamitzadora de les TIC dins l’escola, un punt de referència. Amb l’objectiu d’aconseguir conèixer aquesta figura es dissenya i s’aplica un qüestionari amb el qual s’obtindrà informació d’aquesta figura tractant temes que van tant dels esmentats anteriorment com de la comissió TAC o dels recursos TIC que disposen. Per poder obtenir aquesta informació es compta amb la participació de deu escoles vallesanes. Els resultats mostren que el tipus de funció que més realitza són les Tècniques mentre que les de Lideratge són les que menys. Mostren també com la formació que es demana és tècnica i pedagògica i que el perfil dels coordinadors/es TIC és bastant divers. En conclusió, es pot dir que la figura del coordinador/a TIC de centre és un punt clau dins l’escola ja que ajuda a la inclusió digital, entre d’altres aspectes, però encara és una figura molt ambigua.


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Les pràctiques educatives que es basen en una metodologia on s’integren les noves Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació (TIC) són cada cop més influents en l’àmbit educatiu, ja que, ens acosten a la realitat de l’època en què vivim, la societat de la informació i l’alfabetització digital. Així, en aquest estudi s’investiga la motivació i l’adquisició de l’hàbit lector a través dels codis QR en un grup d’infants d’edats compreses entre cinc i sis anys d’Educació Infantil. A partir dels instruments de recollida de dades, com ara, l’entrevista, l’observació, els qüestionaris i la pròpia intervenció educativa, podem saber que la motivació de llegir contes i d’utilitzar les noves tecnologies augmenta en l’actitud dels infants. Pel que fa a l’aprenentatge i adquisició de l’hàbit lector, arribem a la conclusió que és un procés llarg i, segons l’entorn que té l’infant, hi influeix de manera positiva o negativa.


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La comunicació com a mètode per aprendre no és nou, tot i així les noves tecnologies obren la porta a noves oportunitats i nous projectes entorn aquest concepte. No només es tracta de treballar elements curriculars, sinó també actitudinals a través de la opció de connexió entre contextos. L’objectiu d’aquesta recerca és analitzar quina és l’actitud i els aprenentatges i/o retencions dels infants a partir d’una connexió generada entre dos contextos. Per tal de donar resposta a aquest plantejament de la investigació es crea una intervenció entre les aules i s’utilitzen com a instruments de recollida de dades les observacions, els dibuixos i els grups de discussió. Els resultats mostren una actitud oberta i d’interès per part dels infants davant de la metodologia de comunicació a l’aula, però un aprenentatge i/o retenció relacionat amb els continguts dels elements de l’altre context per sobre dels elements TIC. Es conclou doncs que dins l’aula treballant amb les noves tecnologies es genera un incentiu pels infants fent evident que hi ha hagut un aprenentatge compartit.


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Vivim immersos en l’era digital i els infants, des del moment que neixen i formen part d’aquest món, entren en contacte amb les Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació. Aquesta recerca pretén descriure i analitzar l’experiència que tenen, els infants entre tres i sis anys, d’una escola que aglutina poblacions de diferents nuclis, amb les Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació, tant en l’àmbit familiar com en l’escolar. Els resultats, fruït d’un estudi de cas, ajuden a entendre quins usos informals i formals fan els infants amb les TIC, quina actitud mostren vers aquestes i altres aspectes relacionats. L’estudi serveix de punt de partida per als mestres que es dediquen a l’Educació Infantil i desitgen incorporar les TIC a les escoles.


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Past research in using ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) in interpersonal communication showed that age plays an important role. There is a general assumption that the elderly are left behind regarding the adoption and the use of ICTs. Furthermore, elders tend to use ICTs mainly for instrumental purposes and the use is rather non-sophisticated. When elders are using ICTs to maintain their social network, similar patterns could be found: They start using internet, or intensify its use, when their children move abroad while they might decrease using the tool if the motivation ends. In this research we explore elders' incentives to go online and use internet services to communicate; the type of agencies they use to communicate with children and grandchildren abroad; and the situations that make them stop using the ICTs or even reject internet mediated communications. We base our discussion on the empirical evidence the two authors gathered in different cities and countries: Barcelona, Romania, Toronto, Los Angeles, Montevideo and Lima, through semi-structured interviews and observation, with people aged 60 years old and over. The results show that the ability for using ICT tools in an autonomous way is a better explanation than age. In this, we distinguish between assisted users and autonomous users. We found that oldest seniors and those seniors who are less socially active are more likely to be assisted users than those who are socially or professionally active. For them communication with their children and grandchildren abroad follows no agency or it is mediated by significant others from their local social network, who are able to use ICTs and select specific information to share, in the second step, with the elder. For some younger participants the use of ICTs is rather situational and imposed by their children or grandchildren, who installed the tool in the first place and assisted them in using it. Finally, other elders describe a proficient and independent use of ICTs so they use the devices and services the way they want to.We discuss the implications of the patterns in using ICTs, for elders' social life and their relationships with children and grandchildren. First, we emphasis the fact that those elders rejecting the ICTs or being unskilled in using them to communicate might be left out from their family circle, particularly when children are abroad -they would experience more isolation. Second, we underline the fact that when children and grandchildren are the ones that control the ICTs used by their parents and grandparents, they are controlling also the information flow and this will redefine the power relations between elders and their younger relatives.


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Este trabajo persigue dos objetivos: el primero es analizar el uso de las TIC en un grupo de estudiantes de segundo curso de Magisterio de la Universidad de Girona; el segundo es analizar los documentos normativos legales que establecen el currículum de educación primaria en Cataluña para observar qué tipo de papel juegan las TIC en las nuevas programaciones educativas. La primera parte se ha llevado a cabo mediante una encuesta, cuyos resultados permiten observar tres aspectos distintos: el primero, que una parte considerable del grupo considera las TIC más como un complemento para el aprendizaje que como una forma de aprendizaje; el segundo, que a pesar de hacer un uso considerable de las TIC, el conocimiento que tienen de ellas es muy básico y utilizan aplicaciones muy genéricas; y el tercero es que una parte de sus propuestas didácticas para el uso de las TIC son propuestas tradicionales simplemente adaptadas a un nuevo instrumento, sin buscar realmente la innovación que puede suponer la incorporación de las TIC. En la segunda parte del artículo, a partir del análisis e interpretación de los documentos legales que establecen el currículum de Educación Primaria, se observa que en un mismo documento conviven aserciones sobre las TIC como complemento al aprendizaje de contenidos con otras formulaciones que consideran las TIC como constructoras de conocimiento. A partir del perfil de los estudiantes y del estado de los documentos legales, al final del artículo se hacen propuestas para formar al futuro maestro teniendo en cuenta las TIC como herramientas básicas de conocimiento