922 resultados para Human heart failure
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: The field of heart transplantation has seen substantial progress in the last 40 years. The breakthroughs in long-term survival were followed by a period of stagnation in the last decade. This review summarises current recommendations for the identification of candidates for heart transplantation and their immunological and non-immunological postoperative follow-up. RESULTS: The progress made in the treatment of patients with advanced heart failure has considerably changed the profile of candidates for heart transplantation. Patients are older, and the load of co-morbidities is more important requiring careful evaluation for candidacy. Long-standing research in the field of immunosuppression made available various drugs, which decrease the risk of acute allograft rejection and prolong survival after heart transplantation. Powerful new molecules are entering early phase clinical studies, suggesting further improvement in the near future. As a consequence, treatment of non-immunological co-morbidity after heart transplantation will gain in importance, however, the base of evidence guiding current recommendations is poor. CONCLUSIONS: The substantial progress in heart failure treatment and immunosuppression after heart transplantation has changed the profile of heart transplant recipients. The arrival of new molecules will provide additional alternatives for immunosuppressive treatment while studies have to address non-immunological treatment in order to improve long-term survival after heart transplantation.
AIM: Heart disease is recognized as a consequence of dysregulation of cardiac gene regulatory networks. Previously, unappreciated components of such networks are the long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs). Their roles in the heart remain to be elucidated. Thus, this study aimed to systematically characterize the cardiac long non-coding transcriptome post-myocardial infarction and to elucidate their potential roles in cardiac homoeostasis. METHODS AND RESULTS: We annotated the mouse transcriptome after myocardial infarction via RNA sequencing and ab initio transcript reconstruction, and integrated genome-wide approaches to associate specific lncRNAs with developmental processes and physiological parameters. Expression of specific lncRNAs strongly correlated with defined parameters of cardiac dimensions and function. Using chromatin maps to infer lncRNA function, we identified many with potential roles in cardiogenesis and pathological remodelling. The vast majority was associated with active cardiac-specific enhancers. Importantly, oligonucleotide-mediated knockdown implicated novel lncRNAs in controlling expression of key regulatory proteins involved in cardiogenesis. Finally, we identified hundreds of human orthologues and demonstrate that particular candidates were differentially modulated in human heart disease. CONCLUSION: These findings reveal hundreds of novel heart-specific lncRNAs with unique regulatory and functional characteristics relevant to maladaptive remodelling, cardiac function and possibly cardiac regeneration. This new class of molecules represents potential therapeutic targets for cardiac disease. Furthermore, their exquisite correlation with cardiac physiology renders them attractive candidate biomarkers to be used in the clinic.
Long-term continuous-flow left ventricular assist devices (LVAD) as bridge to heart transplantation.
Heart transplantation (HTx) is the treatment of choice for end-stage heart failure but the limited availability of heart's donors still represents a major issue. So long-term mechanical circulatory support (MCS) has been proposed as an alternative treatment option to assist patients scheduled on HTx waiting list bridging them for a variable time period to cardiac transplantation-the so-called bridge-to-transplantation (BTT) strategy. Nowadays approximately 90% of patients being considered for MCS receive a left ventricular assist device (LVAD). In fact, LVAD experienced several improvements in the last decade and the predominance of continuous-flow over pulsatile-flow technology has been evident since 2008. The aim of the present report is to give an overview of continuous-flow LVAD utilization in the specific setting of the BTT strategy taking into consideration the most representative articles of the scientific literature and focusing the attention on the evolution, clinical outcomes, relevant implications on the HTx strategy and future perspectives of the continuous-flow LVAD technology.
Cardiac hypertrophy is a complex remodeling process of the heart induced by physiological or pathological stimuli resulting in increased cardiomyocyte size and myocardial mass. Whereas cardiac hypertrophy can be an adaptive mechanism to stressful conditions of the heart, prolonged hypertrophy can lead to heart failure which represents the primary cause of human morbidity and mortality. Among G protein-coupled receptors, the α1-adrenergic receptors (α1-ARs) play an important role in the development of cardiac hypertrophy as demonstrated by numerous studies in the past decades, both in primary cardiomyocyte cultures and genetically modified mice. The results of these studies have provided evidence of a large variety of α1-AR-induced signaling events contributing to the defining molecular and cellular features of cardiac hypertrophy. Recently, novel signaling mechanisms have been identified and new hypotheses have emerged concerning the functional role of the α1-adrenergic receptors in the heart. This review will summarize the main signaling pathways activated by the α1-AR in the heart and their functional implications in cardiac hypertrophy.
Prospective epidemiological data have shown that blood pressure has a graded, continuous adverse effect on the risk of various forms of CVD (including stroke, myocardial infarction, heart failure, peripheral arterial disease and end-stage renal disease). 'Raised blood pressure' is frequently considered to be any systolic blood pressure greater than 115 mmHg. It accounts for 45% of all heart disease deaths and 51% of all stroke-related deaths [1], which together are the biggest causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide [2,3,4]. Annually, there are >17 million deaths due to CVD worldwide, of which 9.4 million are attributable to complications of raised blood pressure. This highlights the importance of both high-risk and population-based strategies in blood pressure management and control.
LncRNAs are transcripts greater than 200 nucleotides in length with no apparent coding potential. They exert important regulatory functions in the genome. Their role in cardiac fibrosis is however unexplored. To identify IncRNAs that could modulate cardiac fibrosis, we profiled the long non-coding transcriptome in the infarcted mouse heart, and identified 1500 novel IncRNAs. These IncRNAs have unique characteristics such as high tissue and cell type specificity. Their expression is highly correlated with parameters of cardiac dimensions and function. The majority of these novel IncRNAs are conserved in human. Importantly, human IncRNAs appear to be differentially expressed in heart disease. Using a computational pipeline, we identified a super-enhancer-associated IncRNA, which is dynamically expressed after myocardial infarction. We named this particular transcript Wisper for «Wisp2 super-enhancer- derived IncRNA ». Interestingly, Wisper expression is overexpressed in cardiac fibroblasts as compared to cardiomyocytes or to fibroblasts isolated from other organs than the heart. The importance of Wisper in the biology of fibroblasts was demonstrated in knockdown experiments. Differentiation of cardiac fibroblast into myofibroblasts in vitro is significantly impaired upon Wisper knockdown. Wisper downregulation in cardiac fibroblasts results in a dramatic reduction of fibrotic gene expression, a diminished cell proliferation and an increase in apoptotic cell death. In vivo, depletion of Wisper during the acute phase of the response to infarction is detrimental via increasing the risk of cardiac rupture. On the other hand, Wisper knockdown following infarction in a prevention study reduces fibrosis and preserves cardiac function. Since WISPER is detectable in the human heart, where it is associated with severe cardiac fibrosis, these data suggest that Wisper could represent a novel therapeutic target for limiting the extent of the fibrotic response in the heart. -- Les long ARN non-codants (IncRNAs) sont des ARN de plus de 200 nucléotides qui ne codent pas pour des protéines. Ils exercent d'importantes fonctions dans le génome. Par contre, leur importance dans le développement de la fibrose cardiaque n'a pas été étudiée. Pour identifier des IncRNAs jouant un rôle dans ce processus, le transcriptome non-codant a été étudié dans le coeur de'souris après un infarctus du myocarde. Nous avons découverts 1500 nouveaux IncRNAs. Ces transcrits ont d'uniques caractéristiques. En particulier ils sont extrêmement spécifiques de sous-populations de cellules cardiaques. Par ailleurs, leur expression est remarquablement corrélée avec les paramètres définissant les dimensions du coeur et la fonction cardiaque. La majorité de ces IncRNAs sont conservés chez l'humain. Certains sont modulés dans des pathologies cardiaques. En utilisant une approche bioinformatique, nous avons identifié un IncRNA qui est associé à des séquences amplificatrices et qui est particulièrement enrichi dans les fibroblastes cardiaques. Ce transcrit a été nommé Wisper pour «Wisp2 super-enhancer-derived IncRNA ». L'importance de Wisper dans la biologie des fibroblastes cardiaques est démontrée dans des expériences de déplétion. En l'absence de Wisper, l'expression de protéines impliquées dans le développement de la fibrose est dramatiquement réduite dans les fibroblastes cardiaques. Ceux-ci montrent une prolifération réduite. Le niveau d'apoptose est largement augmenté. In vivo, la déplétion de Wisper pendant la phase aiguë de l'infarctus rehausse le risque de rupture cardiaque. Au contraire, la réduction de l'expression de Wisper pendant la phase chronique diminue la fibrose cardiaque et améliore la fonction du coeur. Puisque Wisper est exprimé dans le coeur humain, ce transcrit représente une nouvelle cible thérapeutique pour limiter la réponse fibrotique dans le coeur.
Gene therapy aims to treat diseases by introducing genetic material to the diseased tissue. For cancer treatment it is important to destroy cancerous cells; this can be achieved by introducing a gene, which induces cell death or by allowing viral vectors to replicate, which also results in destruction of cancerous cells. For cardiac diseases the approach is more like the former, except the gene produces beneficial effects, like angiogenesis. Adenoviruses have many beneficial qualities, which make the virus an interesting gene therapy vector; it can be produced relatively easily, its manipulation is quite easy and it has naturally broad tropism. By removing or replacing certain genes in the adenoviral genome, it can be made non-replicative. In this study, adenoviral receptor expression patterns were characterized in both head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and the human heart. Adenovirus serotype 5 receptor expression in head and neck cancer cell lines was found to be highly variable between cell lines and overall at lower levels, while Ad35 receptor expression was more uniform and at higher levels in all analyzed cell lines. It was also shown that a hybrid virus Ad5/35 is able to infect cells refractory to Ad5, which correlates with receptor expression in these cells. Furthermore, this difference in infection properties extends to cell killing efficiency in case of conditionally replicative viruses. Expression levels of adenoviral receptors CAR, CD46, CD86 and αv-integrins were found to be high both in normal and dilated cardiomyopathy heart tissue. The receptor levels also correlate with transduction efficiency after intracardiac injection. Ad5 showed superior transduction ability compared with Ad5/35, but evoked also a more profound immune reaction when administered this way. Adenoviral gene therapy vectors are the most used delivery vehicles in clinical trials to date. These vectors have proven to be well tolerated and positive results have been obtained when combined with traditional treatments, although poor transduction efficiency has often been reported due to low-level expression of viral receptors on target cells. In spite of this, the results are encouraging and merit for further research.
The excessive stimulation of beta-adrenergic receptors in the heart induces myocardial hypertrophy. There are several experimental data suggesting that this hypertrophy may also depend, at least partially, on the increase of local production of angiotensin II secondary to the activation of the cardiac renin-angiotensin system. In this study we investigated the effects of isoproterenol on the activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) in the heart and also in the aorta and plasma. Male Wistar rats weighing 250 to 305 g were treated with a dose of (±)-isoproterenol (0.3 mg kg-1 day-1, N = 8) sufficient to produce cardiac hypertrophy without deleterious effects on the pumping capacity of the heart. Control rats (N = 7) were treated with vehicle (corn oil). The animals were killed one week later. ACE activity was determined in vitro in the four cardiac chambers, aorta and plasma by a fluorimetric assay. A significant hypertrophy was observed in both ventricular chambers. ACE activity in the atria remained constant after isoproterenol treatment. There was a significant increase (P<0.05) of ACE activity in the right ventricle (6.9 ± 0.9 to 8.2 ± 0.6 nmol His-Leu g-1 min-1) and in the left ventricle (6.4 ± 1.1 to 8.9 ± 0.8 nmol His-Leu g-1 min-1). In the aorta, however, ACE activity decreased (P<0.01) after isoproterenol (41 ± 3 to 27 ± 2 nmol His-Leu g-1 min-1) while it remained unchanged in the plasma. These data suggest that ACE expression in the heart can be increased by stimulation of beta-adrenoceptors. However, this effect is not observed on other local renin-angiotensin systems, such as the aorta. Our data also suggest that the increased sympathetic discharge and the elevated plasma concentration of catecholamines may contribute to the upregulation of ACE expression in the heart after myocardial infarction and heart failure.
Heart transplantation is associated with rapid bone loss and an increased prevalence and incidence of fractures. The aim of the present study was to compare the bone mineral density (BMD) of 30 heart transplant (HT) recipients to that of 31 chronic heart failure (CHF) patients waiting for transplantation and to determine their biochemical markers of bone resorption and hormone levels. The BMD of lumbar spine and proximal femur was determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of the thoracic and lumbar spine were also obtained. The mean age of the two groups did not differ significantly. Mean time of transplantation was 25.4 ± 21.1 months (6 to 88 months). Except for the albumin levels, which were significantly higher, and magnesium levels, which were significantly lower in HT patients when compared to CHF patients, all other biochemical parameters and hormone levels were within the normal range and similar in the two groups. Both groups had lower BMD of the spine and proximal femur compared to young healthy adults. However, the mean BMD of HT patients was significantly lower than in CHF patients at all sites studied. Bone mass did not correlate with time after transplantation or cumulative dose of cyclosporine A. There was a negative correlation between BMD and the cumulative dose of prednisone. These data suggest that bone loss occurs in HT patients mainly due to the use of corticosteroids and that in 30% of the patients it can be present before transplantation. It seems that cyclosporine A may also play a role in this loss.
Effective pump function of the heart depends on the precise control of spatial and temporal patterns of electrical activation. Accordingly, the distribution and function of gap junction channels are important determinants of the conduction properties of myocardium and undoubtedly play other roles in intercellular communication crucial to normal cardiac function. Recent advances have begun to elucidate mechanisms by which the heart regulates intercellular electrical coupling at gap junctions in response to stress or injury. Although responses to increased load or injury are generally adaptive in nature, remodeling of intercellular junctions under conditions of severe stress creates anatomic substrates conducive to the development of lethal ventricular arrhythmias. Potential mechanisms controlling the level of intercellular communication in the heart include regulation of connexin turnover dynamics and phosphorylation.
Personalized pharmacogenomics aims to use individual genotypes to direct medical treatment. Unfortunately, the loci relevant for the pharmacokinetics and especially the pharmacodynamics of most drugs are still unknown. Moreover, we still do not understand the role that individual genotypes play in modulating the pathogenesis, the clinical course and the susceptibility to drugs of human diseases which, although appearing homogeneous on the surface, may vary from patient to patient. To try to deal with this situation, it has been proposed to use interpopulational variability as a reference for drug development and prescription, leading to the development of "race-targeted drugs". Given the present limitations of genomic knowledge and of the tools needed to fully implement it today, some investigators have proposed to use racial criteria as a palliative measure until personalized pharmacogenomics is fully developed. This was the rationale for the FDA approval of BiDil for treatment of heart failure in African Americans. I will evaluate the efficacy and safety of racial pharmacogenomics here and conclude that it fails on both counts. Next I shall review the perspectives and the predicted rate of development of clinical genomic studies. The conclusion is that "next-generation" genomic sequencing is advancing at a tremendous rate and that true personalized pharmacogenomics, based on individual genotyping, should soon become a clinical reality.
Abstract Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of death in the developed world and in developing countries. Acute mortality from acute myocardial infarction (MI) has decreased in the last decades. However, the incidence of heart failure (HF) in patients with healed infarcted areas is increasing. Therefore, HF prevention is a major challenge to the health system in order to reduce healthcare costs and to provide a better quality of life. Animal models of ischemia and infarction have been essential in providing precise information regarding cardiac remodeling. Several of these changes are maladaptive, and they progressively lead to ventricular dilatation and predispose to the development of arrhythmias, HF and death. These events depend on cell death due to necrosis and apoptosis and on activation of the inflammatory response soon after MI. Systemic and local neurohumoral activation has also been associated with maladaptive cardiac remodeling, predisposing to HF. In this review, we provide a timely description of the cardiovascular alterations that occur after MI at the cellular, neurohumoral and electrical level and discuss the repercussions of these alterations on electrical, mechanical and structural dysfunction of the heart. We also identify several areas where insufficient knowledge limits the adoption of better strategies to prevent HF development in chronically infarcted individuals.
The phosphorylation of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) plays an important role in the contractile dysfunction associated with heart failure. Human cardiac troponin I-interacting kinase (TNNI3K) is a novel cardiac-specific functional kinase that can bind to cTnI in a yeast two-hybrid screen. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether TNNI3K can phosphorylate cTnI at specific sites and to examine whether the phosphorylation of cTnI caused by TNNI3K can regulate cardiac myofilament contractile function. Co-immunoprecipitation was performed to confirm that TNNI3K could interact with cTnI. Kinase assays further indicated that TNNI3K did not phosphorylate cTnI at Ser23/24 and Ser44, but directly phosphorylated Ser43 and Thr143 in vitro. The results obtained for adult rat cardiomyocytes also indicated that enhanced phosphorylation of cTnI at Ser43 and Thr143 correlated with rTNNI3K (rat TNNI3K) overexpression, and phosphorylation was reduced when rTNNI3K was knocked down. To determine the contractile function modulated by TNNI3K-mediated phosphorylation of cTnI, cardiomyocyte contraction was studied in adult rat ventricular myocytes. The contraction of cardiomyocytes increased with rTNNI3K overexpression and decreased with rTNNI3K knockdown. We conclude that TNNI3K may be a novel mediator of cTnI phosphorylation and contribute to the regulation of cardiac myofilament contraction function.
Nos études ont démontrées que la formation de la cicatrice et la guérison sont associées avec l’apparition de cellules de type myocytes cardiaques nestine(+) dans la région péri-infarcie. Présentement, l’étude examine le mécanisme, tel que l’hypoxie ou les hormones neuronales, possiblement impliqué dans leur recrutement et de dévoiler leur origine cellulaire. La présence de ces cellules a été détectée dans les coeurs infarcies d’une semaine et maintenue après neuf mois suite à une sujétion coronaire complète. Aussi, ces cellules de type myocytes cardiaques nestine(+) ont été observées dans le coeur infarci humain. L’hypoxie représente un événement prédominant suite à un infarctus de myocarde, mais l’exposition des rats normaux à un environnement hypoxique n’a pas pu promouvoir l’apparition de ces cellules. Autrement, l’infusion de l’agoniste -adrénergique non-sélectif isoprotérénol (ISO) dans les rats adultes Sprague-Dawley a augmenté la protéine nestine dans le ventricule gauche et a été associé avec la réapparition de cellules de type myocytes cardiaques nestine(+). Cela représente possiblement un effet secondaire suite à la nécrose des myocytes cardiaques par l’administration d’isoprotérénol. Dernièrement, on a identifié une sous-population de cellules nestine(+) dans le coeur normal du rat qui co-exprime les marqueurs de cellules cardiaques progénitrices Nkx-2.5 et GATA-4. Cette sous-population de cellules nestine/Nkx-2.5/GATA-4 pourrait représenter des substrats cellulaires qui puissent se différentier en cellules de type myocytes cardiaques nestine(+) suite à une ischémie. Mots clés: nestine, isoprotérénol, nécrose, cellule souche, cellule progénitrice, myocyte cardiaque
Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières option expertise-conseil en soins infirmiers