910 resultados para Hormonal contraceptives
This paper aims to describe the familiar cotton culture in the districts of Tangará and Triunfo Potiguar, located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. It relates specific problems that small cotton agriculturists face in the cotton production and sale as well as their perception in relation to public policies that have been put into practice in these districts. The research revealed soils with potentiality for the cotton culture, but that are not being cultivated for anything else but subsistence, not being able to become productive, specifically through the cotton culture. That activity should be practiced so that it preserves the environment and the familiar farmers themselves, since it was verified they are constant1y exposed to health problems due to insecticides use. In what refers to fomentation policies it was observed that bureaucracy delays the liberation of the money destined to production, seeds delivery and other actions related to production and commercialization. Some procedures such as information and training about productivity development and attention with the environrnent and infrastructure are recommended. The results indicate lack of investments, rural credit and technical help, main1y in Triunfo Potiguar. There is unanimity, from the rural farmers of that district in what refers to the desire of improving the production and remaining in that activity. In this sense, the contribution of this research for the most appropriate culture production can be materialized through the technique of tissue's culture, aimed at obtaining plants that are resistant to diseases. The data indicated that the hormonal supplementations used induced regenerative calluses making in vitro morphogenesis possible in alI tested varieties. The use of the activated coal antioxidant was efficient, reducing oxidation, however not suppressing it. The results lead to an opportunity for the familiar tàrmers from Rio Grande do Norte enlarge the cotton culture, because to obtain plants that are resistant to diseases implies in insecticides reduction, propitiating smaller impact to the atmosphere and less cost
Osteoclastogenesis may be regulated via activation of the RANK/RANKL (receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B/ receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand) system, which is mediated by osteoblasts. However, the bone loss mechanism induced by T3 (triiodothyronine) is still controversial. In this study, osteoblastic lineage rat cells (ROS 17/2.8) were treated with T3 (10(-8) M 10(-9) 10 M, and 10(-10) M), and RANKL mRNA (messenger RNA) expression was measured by semiquantitative RT-PCR. Our results show that T3 concentrations used did not significantly enhance RANKL expression compared to controls without hormone treatment. This data suggests that other mechanisms, unrelated to the RANK/RANKL system, might be to activate osteoclast differentiation in these cells.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O hipotireoidismo congênito (HC) é o distúrbio endócrino congênito mais frequente, com incidência variando de 1:2.000 a 1:4.000 crianças nascidas vivas e uma das principais causas de retardo mental que pode ser prevenida. Os Programas de Triagem Neonatal para a doença permitem a identificação precoce dos afetados e seu tratamento de modo a evitar as complicações da falta do hormônio. A maioria dos casos de hipotireoidismo congênito é decorrente de disgenesias tireoidianas (85%), entre elas a ectopia, hipoplasia ou agenesia tireoidianas, e os demais resultam de defeitos de síntese hormonal. As crianças afetadas (> 95%) geralmente não apresentam sintomas sugestivos da doença ao nascimento. Os sintomas e sinais mais comuns são: icterícia neonatal prolongada, choro rouco, letargia, movimentos lentos, constipação, macroglossia, hérnia umbilical, fontanelas amplas, hipotonia e pele seca. Várias estratégias são utilizadas para a triagem do HC. No Brasil, esta é obrigatória por lei e geralmente é feita com a dosagem de TSH em sangue seco coletado do calcanhar. A idade recomendada para sua realização é após as 48 horas de vida até o quarto dia. A confirmação diagnóstica é obrigatória com as dosagens de TSH e T4 livre ou T4 total.
Melasma is a common dermatosis that involves changes in normal skin pigmentation, resulting from the hyperactivity of epidermal melanocytes. The consequent hyperpigmentation is mostly induced by ultraviolet radiation.Clinically, melasma is characterized by light to dark brown macules that usually occur on the face, although they can also affect the cervical and anterior thoracic regions and upper members.Fertile age women and those with intermediate skin phototypes are most likely to develop melasma.Most of its physiopathogenics is not yet fully understood, but there is a relation with genetic and hormonal factors, drugs and cosmetics use, endocrinopathies and sun exposure.The authors discuss the main aspects associated with skin pigmentation and the development of melasma.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVO: avaliar a influência dos indicadores antropométricos sobre os marcadores de risco cardiovascular e metabólico para doenças crônicas não-transmissíveis em mulheres na pós-menopausa. MÉTODOS: realizou-se estudo clínico transversal, com 120 mulheres sedentárias na pós-menopausa (com idades entre 45 e 70 anos e última menstruação há, pelo menos, 12 meses). Foram excluídas as diabéticas insulino-dependentes e usuárias de estatinas ou terapia hormonal até seis meses prévios. Para avaliação antropométrica, foram obtidos peso, estatura, índice de massa corpórea (IMC=peso/altura²) e circunferência da cintura (CC). As variáveis metabólicas avaliadas foram colesterol total (CT), HDL, LDL, triglicérides (TG), glicemia e insulina, para os cálculos do índice aterogênico plasmático (IAP) e resistência insulínica (Homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance, HOMA-IR). Na análise estatística, utilizara-se análise de variância one-way (ANOVA) e Odds Ratio (OR). RESULTADOS: os dados médios caracterizaram amostra com sobrepeso, com obesidade central e dislipidêmica. Sobrepeso e obesidade estiveram presentes em 77,1% e deposição central de gordura ocorreu em 87,3% das participantes. Os valores médios de CT, LDL e TG estavam acima do recomendável em 67,8, 55,9 e 45,8% das mulheres, respectivamente, com HDL abaixo dos valores adequados em 40,7%. Valores de CC >88 cm ocorreram em 14,8% das mulheres eutróficas, 62,5% no grupo com sobrepeso e 100% nas obesas (p>0,05). Os valores médios de IAP, TG e HOMA-IR aumentaram significativamente com o aumento do IMC e da CC, enquanto que o HDL diminuiu (p<0,05). Na presença da CC >88 cm, encontrou-se risco de 5,8 (IC95%=2,3-14,8), 2,61 (IC95%=1,2-5,78), 3,4 (IC95%=1,2-9,7) e 3,6 (IC95%=1,3-10,3) para HDL reduzido, hipertrigliceridemia, IAP elevado e resistência a insulina, respectivamente (p<0,05). O IMC >30 kg/m² associou-se apenas com HDL reduzido (OR=3,1; IC95%=1,44-6,85). CONCLUSÕES: a associação de duas medidas antropométricas (CC e IMC) foi eficiente para adequado diagnóstico de obesidade relacionada a alterações metabólicas em mulheres na pós-menopausa. Contudo, a simples avaliação da CC pode ser indicativo do risco cardiovascular e metabólico das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis.
OBJETIVO: avaliar os efeitos da isoflavona, do gérmen da soja, sobre os sintomas climatéricos e o perfil lipídico na mulher em menopausa. MÉTODOS: foi conduzido estudo prospectivo, com 50 mulheres em menopausa, divididas em: G1, usuárias de isoflavona (60 mg/dia) (n=25), e G2, placebo (n=25). Os critérios de inclusão foram FSH >40 mUI/mL e presença de fogachos. Foram excluídas as vegetarianas, fumantes, asiáticas, portadoras de doenças gastrointestinais e usuárias de terapia de reposição hormonal. No seguimento, de seis meses, foram obtidos o índice menopausal de Kupperman (IMK), o perfil hormonal e o lipídico. Na análise estatística, empregaram-se ANOVA, o teste t pareado e as provas não paramétricas de Wilcoxon e Mann-Whitney. RESULTADOS: os valores medianos do IMK, inicialmente iguais entre os grupos (IMK = 20), reduziram-se nas usuárias de isoflavona aos 2 e 4 meses (IMK = 14 e 9, respectivamente) e no grupo controle, apenas aos 2 meses (IMK = 15) (p<0,01). Ao final do estudo, a isoflavona foi superior ao placebo na redução dos fogachos (44% versus 12%, respectivamente). Aos seis meses, verificou-se que os valores médios de estradiol foram superiores no G1 quando comparados ao G2 (18,0 ± 6,7 versus 12,3 ± 3,8 ng/dL) (p<0,05), sem alterações no FSH e LH. Entre as usuárias de isoflavona, houve redução de 11,8% no LDL (de 151,5 ± 39,2 para 133,6 ± 26,4 mg/dL) e elevação de 27,3% no HDL (de 44,0 ± 11,3 para 56,0 ± 11,9 mg/dL) (p<0,05). CONCLUSÕES: a isoflavona, do gérmen da soja, induziu efeitos favoráveis sobre os sintomas climatéricos e o perfil lipídico, revelando-se opção interessante como terapêutica alternativa para mulheres em menopausa.
The etiology of hormone-induced cancers has been considered to be a combination of genotoxic and epigenetic events. Currently, the Comet assay is widely used for detecting genotoxicity because it is relatively simple, sensitive, and capable of detecting various kinds of DNA damage. The present study evaluates the genotoxic potential of endogenous and synthetic sex hormones, as detected by the Comet assay. Blood cells were obtained from 12 nonsmoking and 12 smoking women with regular menstrual cycles and from 12 nonsmoking women taking low-dose oral contraceptives (OC). Peripheral blood samples were collected at three phases of the menstrual cycle (early follicular, mean follicular, and luteal phases), or at three different moments of oral contraceptive intake. Three blood samples were also collected from 12 healthy nonsmoking men, at the same time as oral contraceptive users. Results showed no significant difference in the level of DNA damage among the three moments of the menstrual cycle either in nonsmoking and smoking women, or between them. No significant difference in DNA damage was also observed among oral contraceptive users, nonusers, and men. Together, these data indicate lack of genotoxicity induced by the physiological level of the female sex hormones and OC as assessed by the alkaline Comet assay. In conclusion, normal fluctuation in endogenous sex hormones and use of low-doses of oral contraceptive should not interfere with Comet assay data when this technique is used for human biomonitoring.
The Brazilian Agency of Sanitary Vigilance (ANVISA) conducted a study that demonstrated the presence of residues of several pesticides in fresh fruits and vegetables that were available for purchase by the general populace. In order to evaluate potential adverse health effects of low-level exposure to agrochemicals, the reproductive toxicity of the pesticides dicofol, dichlorvos, permethrin, endosulfan, and dieldrin was evaluated in rats dosed with these chemicals individually or as mixtures. Sixty male Lewis rats (6 wk old, 200 x g) were randomly allocated to 8 groups: (1) control group, received basal diet; (2) 5 groups designated a to e received the diet containing each pesticide individually, at the respective effective doses: lowest-observed-adverse-effect level (LOAEL) for dieldrin and endosulfan, lowest-observed-effect level (LOEL) for dicofol, and lowest effect level (LEL) for dichlorvos and permethrin, respectively, depending on the published data; (3) effective dose group, which received a mixture of pesticides added to basal diet at the respective doses reported to produce adverse effects; and (4) low dose group, which received a pesticide mixture added to the basal diet, where each pesticide was at its no-observed-effect level (NOEL). After 8 wk of treatment, reproductive parameters were evaluated. Sperm morphology, daily sperm production (DSP), sperm transit time through the epididymis, hormonal levels, and histopathological evaluation of testis and epididymis did not differ significantly among the groups. However, sperm motility was significantly decreased in animals that received a mixture of dieldrin, endosulfan, dicofol, dichlorvos, and permethrin, as well as in the group receiving dicofol alone. Exposure to the individual pesticides endosulfan, dichlorvos, and permethrin did not markedly affect sperm motility. The impairment of sperm motility in the mixture of pesticides at the NOEL level indicates that reproductive effects not seen with individual pesticides may occur in presence of several pesticides due to an additive effect. However, the pesticide mixtures did not appear to affect DSP or spermatogenesis despite reduced sperm motility.
To elucidate the molecular profile of hormonal steroid receptor status, we analyzed ER-alpha, ER-beta, and PGR mRNA and protein expression in 80 breast carcinomas using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), quantitative RT-PCR, and immunohistochemical analysis. Qualitative analysis revealed positive expression of ER-alpha, ER-beta, and PGR mRNA in 48%, 59%, and 48% of the breast carcinomas, respectively. ER-alpha, ER-beta, and PGR transcript overexpression was observed in 51%, 0%, and 12% of the cases, respectively, whereas moderate or strong protein expression was detected in 68%, 78%, and 49% of the cases, respectively. Tumor grade was negatively correlated with transcript and protein levels of ER-alpha (P = .0169 and P = .0006, respectively) and PGR (P = .0034 and P = .0005, respectively). Similarly, proliferative index Ki-67 was negatively associated with transcript and protein levels of ER-alpha (P = .0006 and P < .0001, respectively) and PGR (P = .0258 and P =. 0005, respectively). These findings suggest that ER-alpha and PGR expression are associated with well-differentiated breast tumors and less directly related to cell proliferation. A significant statistical difference was observed between lymph node status and ER-beta protein expression (P = .0208). In ER-alpha-negative tumors, we detected a correlation between ER-beta protein expression and high levels of Ki-67. These data suggest that ER-beta could be a prognostic marker in human breast cancer. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A radiação do crânio para tratamento das neoplasias do sistema nervoso central na infância pode evoluir com sequelas neuroendócrinas, sendo a deficiência de hormônio do crescimento (GH) com retardo do crescimento linear, uma das mais frequentes. Relatamos o caso de menino de 10 anos com cefaléia occipital associada a vertigem, náuseas e vômitos. A tomografia do crânio demonstrou processo expansivo no hemisfério cerebelar esquerdo, que foi retirado cirurgicamente. O exame histopatológico revelou meduloblastoma e o paciente foi submetido a radioterapia crânio-espinhal. Evoluiu sem recidiva da neoplasia e sem déficits neurológicos durante 4 anos. Apresentou retardo do crescimento estatural, sendo confirmada a hipótese de deficiência de GH. Atualmente, encontra-se em uso de GH 0,1 U/kg/dia, tendo apresentado incremento de 4cm na estatura em 6 meses. O presente caso destaca a importância do acompanhamento criterioso de pacientes submetidos à radiação do crânio para tratamento oncológico na infância, visto que podem evoluir com deficiências neuroendócrinas e serem beneficiados com reposição hormonal.
Faz-se uma reflexão sobre a contracepção e suas conseqüências na adolescência, baseada em trabalhos nacionais e internacionais alertam para a precocidade do início da atividade sexual, a qual expõe os adolescentes aos riscos da gravidez e das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis e AIDS. Verifica-se que a maioria dos adolescentes recebe informações sobre contracepção, sendo a pílula e o preservativo os mais conhecidos e utilizados. Porém, registram-se elevada inadequação na utilização dos métodos contraceptivos, além da falta de serviços assistências, onde possam buscar orientações e atendimento. Tal realidade alerta para a necessidade de maior envolvimento de profissionais da saúde, da educação, família e comunidade, garantindo qualidade de vida aos adolescentes.
The hypothyroidism is the most commonly endocrinopathy in dogs, that occurs preferentially in middle-aged pure breed. The clinical signs associated with hypothyroidism are variable, many times non-specific, including metabolical, dermatological or cardiovascular. The main laboratorial findings are non-regenerative anemia and hypercholesterolemia. Hyponatremia, increase on alanine transferase and alkaline phosphatase activity also can be observed in a lower frequency. There are some reports of peripheral neuropathies caused by hypothyroidism, but the pathophysiology of this process is still unknown. There are specific diagnostic tests that can be used to help diagnose hypothyroidism, and those should be aligned together with the animal's clinical symptoms. The thyroxine stimulating hormone, and free and total thyroxine concentrations are the most used tests. A Pit Bull dog, female, over weighted, was treated presenting left facial paralysis. Thyroid function tests confirmed hypothyroidism. The animal was treated with hormonal replacement and there was improvement in clinical signs in 40 days, confirming that hypothyroidism was facial paralysis' cause.