816 resultados para Home care services


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Background: Adaptations and assistive technology (AT) have an important role in enabling older people to remain in their own homes. Objective: To measure the feasibility and cost of adaptations and AT, and the scope for these to substitute and supplement formal care. Design: Detailed design studies to benchmark the adaptability of 82 properties against the needs of seven notional users. Setting: Social rented housing sector. Main outcome measures: Measures of the adaptability of properties, costs of care, adaptations and AT, and relationships between these costs. Results: The adaptability of properties varies according to many design factors and the needs of occupiers. The most adaptable properties were ground floor flats and bungalows; the least were houses, maisonettes and flats in converted houses. Purpose-built sheltered properties were generally more adaptable than corresponding mainstream properties but the opposite was the case for bungalows. Adaptations and AT can substitute for and supplement formal care, and in most cases the initial investment in adaptations and AT is recouped through subsequently lower care costs within the average life expectancy of a user. Conclusion: Appropriately selected adaptations and AT can make a significant contribution to the provision of living environments which facilitate independence. They can both substitute for traditional formal care services and supplement these services in a cost-effective way.


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Meeting the demand for independent living from the increasing number of older people presents a major challenge for society, government and the building industry. Older people's experience of disabling conditions can be affected by the design and layout of their accommodation. Adaptations and assistive technology (AT) are a major way of addressing this gap between functional capacity and the built environment. The degree of adaptability and the differences in the average cost of adaptation of different types of property are large and there is major variation within property type. Based on a series of user profiles, it was found that a comprehensive package of adaptations and AT is likely to result in significant economies arising from a reduction in the need for formal care services. This finding is sensitive to assumptions about how long an individual would use the adaptations and AT, as well as to the input of informal care and the nature of their accommodation. The present study, which focused on social housing, has implications for how practitioners specify ways of meeting individual needs as well as providing a case to support the substantial increase in demand for specialist adaptation work.


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Background Epidemiological studies indicate that the prevalence of psychological problems in patients attending primary care services may be as high as 25%. Aim To identify factors that influence the detection of psychological difficulties in adolescent patients receiving primary care in the UK. Design of study A prospective study of 13-16 year olds consecutively attending general practices. Setting General practices, Norfolk, UK. Method Information was obtained from adolescents and parents using the validated Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and from GF`s using the consultation assessment form. Results Ninety-eight adolescents were recruited by 13 GPs in Norfolk (mean age = 14.4 years, SD = 1.08; 38 males, 60 females). The study identified psychological difficulties in almost one-third of adolescents (31/98, 31.6%). Three factors significant to the detection of psychological disorders in adolescents were identified: adolescents' perceptions of difficulties according to the self-report SDQ, the severity of their problems as indicated by the self-report SDQ, and whether psychological issues were discussed in the consultation. GPs did not always explore psychological problems with adolescents, even if GPs perceived these to be present. Nineteen of 31 adolescents with psychological difficulties were identified by GPs (sensitivity = 61.2%, specificity = 85.1%). A management plan or follow-up was made for only seven of 19 adolescents identified, suggesting that ongoing psychological difficulties in many patients are not being addressed. Conclusions GPs are in a good position to identify psychological issues in adolescents, but GPs and adolescents seem reluctant to explore these openly. Open discussion of psychological issues in GP consultations was found to be the most important factor in determining whether psychological difficulties in adolescents are detected by GPs.


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Background and aims: The population of older people in our society is increasing. Agerelated changes in the skin results in a diminished perception of pain and pressure and a decreased microcirculation in the skin affects its ability to adapt to injury. Occurrence of pressure sore on geriatrikal clinics are 5-10%, witch means that between five and ten thousand patients gets daily treat for pressure sores. When the patient gets a pressure sore the need for help increases. A common apprehension is that if the patient’s affects with pressure sores it’s because of deficiency in care. According to the law, all nursing interventions should be performed according to scientific and evidence and the nurse’s assistants are responsible for how they perform. The aim of this study was to examine how much knowledge the nurses assistants in community care services has about preventing, predicting and locate riskfactors for pressure sores and if they get the right education. Methods: A questionnaire based on 20 questions was maid and used for this purpose. Out of 99 persons the questionnaires was answered bye 65 nurses assistants working in community care service in a small town in Sweden. Results: The results shown that the nurses assistants don’t use risk assessment scales in attempt to identify patients vulnerable to pressure sores and they are not well associated with the riskfactors. The study even shows that they have little knowledge in how to prevent pressure sores from appearing. The nursing model are some times out of date and the nurses assistants personal view attends to decide witch care they will perform instead of scientific and evidenced based nursing.


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SAMMANFATTNINGSyftet: Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie var att studera hur anhöriga till äldre personer upplevde sin situation i i samband med att de vårdade sina äldre hemma, hur de hanterade sin situation, samt vilka strategier de använde sig av för att hantera sin roll som anhörigvårdare. Metod: Databaserna Cinahl och Medline användes i sökningarna efter relevanta artiklar. Sökord som användes var relative and older people and home care, home health care and family caregiver elderly people, family caregivers and care givers of aging people, elderly people and family care givers of aging people, family care givers of older people, family caregivers and frail elderly, family caregiver and older people and home care, home care older people and family caregivers older people, family caregivers older people. Efter genomläsning bedömdes 16 artiklar vara användbara i resultatet. Dessa kom från vetenskapliga tidskrifter och artiklarna innehöll både kvalitativa studier som kvantitativa studier. Resultat: De flesta anhörigvårdare var kvinnor, de kunde uppleva en högre belastning än män. De anhöriga påverkades både mentalt, fysiskt och emotionellt. De kände sig bundna men kunde även känna ett välbefinnande i vården av den äldre personen. Anhöriga upplevde sin roll som anhörigvårdare till äldre personer i hemmen som att de var delaktiga i omsorgen genom praktiskt som känslomässigt stöd. Deras situation hade även inverkan på deras upplevelse av stress och hur de hanterade situationen. En del äldre anhörigvårdare var själva äldre och i behov av hjälp. Konsekvenserna av deras reaktioner/upplevelser beskrevs som både subjektiv och objektiv belastning. Samt att de även var mindre benägna att söka stöd i form av avlastning för sina äldre personer. Slutsats: Rollen som anhörigvårdare till äldre personer som vårdas i hemmen innebar förändringar i anhörigas livssituation, de fick ta ett stort ansvar för den äldre personen. De upplevde stora påfrestningar både känslomässigt som praktiskt, många kände sig ensamma utan stöd, andra hade olika sätt att hantera sin situation. Äldre anhörigvårdare var mer utsatta för belastning av olika skäl när de vårdade äldre personer i hemmet, dels var de själva äldre samt att de själva kunde vara i behov av hjälp för sina hälsoproblem. Kvinnorna var den grupp anhörigvårdare som upplevde störst belastning i vården av äldre personer i hemmet. När det gällde att söka hjälp och stöd såg det olika ut bland anhörigvårdarna, trots att kvinnorna upplevde störst belastning var de minst benägna att söka hjälp.


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Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att beskriva anhörigas upplevelser av att vårda sin närstående i den palliativa vården i hemmet. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt. Insamlingen av vetenskapliga artiklar utfördes på databaserna CINAHL, PubMed, Vård I Norden och manuella sökningar utfördes i elektroniska tidskrifter. I resultatet användes sammanlagt 15 kvalitativa artiklar som svarade mot litteraturöversiktens syfte och frågeställning. Bedömningsmall med kvalitativ inriktning användes för att granska artiklarnas kvalité. Artiklar med medel till hög kvalité inkluderades i studiens resultat. Resultat: Resultatet byggde på fem huvudteman utifrån anhörigas upplevelser av palliativ vård, (1) anhörigas beslut att vårda en närstående i hemmet, beskriver anhörigas negativa syn på sjukhusmiljön och närståendes önskan om att avsluta sitt liv i hemmet. (2) positiva och negativa faktorer med vård i hemmet, beskriver trygghet i palliativa teamets tillgänglighet, negativ faktor var bland annat trötthet, isolering och brist på stöd. (3) ansvar för vården, att vara oförberedd på rollen som anhörigvårdare och 24 timmars ansvar för sin närstående. (4) relationen mellan anhörig och närstående, stöd i att kommunicera med sin närstående i existentiella frågor. (5) stöd från kvalificerad vårdpersonal, beskriver bristande information från kvalificerad vårdpersonal om sjukdomsförlopp och vårdarrollen. Psykiskt- socialt- och existentiellt stöd var bristfälligt och som anhöriga uttryckte behov av. Konklusion: De främsta faktorerna till valet att bli anhörigvårdare grundade sig i viljan att uppfylla närståendes önskan att få spendera sista tiden i hemmet och att sjukhusmiljön sågs som kall och opersonlig. Anhöriga önskade socialt- psykiskt- och existentiellt stöd.


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Meanings of overweight In societal discourses overweight is defined as a growing individual and a social problem leading to sickness and disability, mental distress, increased use of health care and reduced economic productivity. A strong normative pressure is directed at the overweight but relatively few succeed in reducing their weight. Therefore, the overweight need to manage a double stigma; the overweight body per se and their inability to conform to norms about bodyweight. This article investigates how individuals present their overweight to their social environment. Empirical data was collected as part of an evaluation study of a keep-fit project directed at home-care staff. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 49 participants and 30 of them had either tried or were trying to reduce their weight. The analysis shows that the informants presented a divided self consisting of a biological body, with its own drives, and a mind that is aware of the body and its social meanings. They portrayed their lives as a battle between these two sides. Their presentations of the divided self can be analysed as a defence of their social selves. The overweight can account for the kilos by blaming the biological drives, which leaves the core of themselves – their minds – unblemished. They can express an intention to loose weight and thereby conform to norms about bodyweight. When they fail to loose weight, the responsibility can be attributed to the unruly body.


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This thesis focused on the situation of family members of persons with psychotic illness, particular on their experience of the approach of the healthcare professionals and of their feelings of alienation regarding the professional care of their family member. A further aim was to explore how siblings who have participated in a support group for siblings experienced their situation. A questionnaire was developed that enabled the aims of this thesis to be investigated (I). Seventy family members from various parts of Sweden participated, and data were collected via the questionnaire developed in study I (II-III). Thirteen siblings who previously had participated in a support group participated in follow-up focus groups interviews (IV). The questionnaire developed was shown to be reliable and valid in these studies (I). In many cases, the participants had experienced an approach from professionals that indicated that they did not experience openness, confirmation and cooperation, and that they felt powerless and socially isolated in relation to the care. There was also found to be a certain degree of association between how the participants experienced the approach and whether they felt alienation (II). The majority of the participants considered openness, confirmation, and cooperation to be important aspects of professional’s approach. The result also identified a low level of agreement between the participants’ experience and what they considered to be significant in the professional’s approach (III). The findings revealed the complexity of being a sibling of an individual with psychotic illness. Participating in a support group for siblings can be of importance in gaining knowledge and minimizing feelings of being alone (IV). Although the psychiatric care services in Sweden have been aware of the importance of cooperating with family members, the results indicated that there is a need for further research in this area.


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Bakgrund: Med palliativ vård avses den vård som patienten får i livets slutskede, där syftet är att lindra lidande och främja livskvalitet. Den palliativa vården i hemmet har under senare år ökat, dels på grund av att tillgången av kvalificerad vård genom hemsjukvård har utvecklats. Sjuksköterskans roll inom den palliativa vården är att tillgodose patientens men även anhörigas behov. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva anhörigas erfarenheter av palliativ vård då en patient vårdas i hemmet, anhörigas behov av stöd samt hur situationen påverkar vardagen. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ ansats. Resultatet är baserat på 13 vetenskapliga artiklar som identifierats via databaserna Cinahl, PubMed och Web of Science. Resultat: Resultatet visar att beslutet om den palliativa vården ska ske i hemmet fattas av patienten men är beroende av vilken relation patient och anhörig har till varandra. Att vara tillgänglig 24 timmar om dygnet runt kan vara påfrestande för anhöriga som upplever både fysiska- och psykiska besvär av situationen. Det ansågs viktigt att bibehålla vardagliga rutiner trots att döden är närvarande. Anhöriga behöver stöd från vårdpersonal, familj och vänner för att orka med situationen. Slutsats: Anhörigas behov är individuella. Vårdpersonal behöver mer kunskap om anhörigas behov inom den palliativa vården för att ge ett bättre bemötande till anhöriga när den palliativa vården bedrivs i hemmet.


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Bakgrund: Palliativ vård handlar om att ge stöd till patienten och anhöriga under och efter vårdtiden. De ”6 s:n” är en arbetsmodell inom palliativ vård där patienten har rätt till självbestämmande och att upprätthålla sina sociala relationer, även stöd till anhöriga ingår. Anhöriga har en betydelsefull roll i den palliativa vården, deras närvaro skapar möjlighet för den döende att vara hemma i livets slutskede. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva anhörigas upplevelse av palliativ vård i hemmet under livets slutskede. Metod: Litteraturöversikt baserad på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar från fem olika länder med kvalitativ ansats. Resultat: Fem kategorier identifierades kopplade till anhörigas upplevelser: Palliativa teamets inträde i hemmet, anhörigas vårdansvar, den medicintekniska utrusningens inverkan på vardagslivet, känslor och konsekvenser för anhöriga samt förbättringsmöjligheter och anhörigas uppfattning om palliativ vård. Slutsats: Anledningen till anhörigas vårdansvar var löftet att få dö hemma, uppgiften upplevdes krävande och gav konsekvenser på sömnen och deras fysiska och psykiska mående. Detta var genomgående i hela litteraturöversikten. Vården i hemmet sågs som den rätta platsen att dö på för alla parter, endast en anhörig uttryckte avsky för situationen. Enligt anhöriga var stödet bra dock fanns det ett ökat behov av mer resurser för fullständig trygghet.


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The present study's purpose was to investigate the home care staff's experiences of working as key workers, which factors they consider is relevant to key working and what obstacles and opportunities they experience in their work as a key worker. The study also focused on how the home care staff perceive that key working can enable user influence. A qualitative approach was used and the material for the study was collected through semi-structured interviews. The result shows that there are areas for improvement that may develop key working. The study shows that the staff generally feel that working as a key worker works well and that it can enable user influence in many areas. The study finally illustrates factors such as continuity, working relationship oriented, and taking responsibility, as significant for key working to work as successfully as possible.


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BACKGROUND: Unsafe abortions are estimated to cause eight per-cent of maternal mortality in India. Lack of providers, especially in rural areas, is one reason unsafe abortions take place despite decades of legal abortion. Education and training in reproductive health services has been shown to influence attitudes and increase chances that medical students will provide abortion care services in their future practice. To further explore previous findings about poor attitudes toward abortion among medical students in Maharastra, India, we conducted in-depth interviews with medical students in their final year of education. METHOD: We used a qualitative design conducting in-depth interviews with twenty-three medical students in Maharastra applying a topic guide. Data was organized using thematic analysis with an inductive approach. RESULTS: The participants described a fear to provide abortion in their future practice. They lacked understanding of the law and confused the legal regulation of abortion with the law governing gender biased sex selection, and concluded that abortion is illegal in Maharastra. The interviewed medical students' attitudes were supported by their experiences and perceptions from the clinical setting as well as traditions and norms in society. Medical abortion using mifepristone and misoprostol was believed to be unsafe and prohibited in Maharastra. The students perceived that nurse-midwives were knowledgeable in Sexual and Reproductive Health and many found that they could be trained to perform abortions in the future. CONCLUSIONS: To increase chances that medical students in Maharastra will perform abortion care services in their future practice, it is important to strengthen their confidence and knowledge through improved medical education including value clarification and clinical training.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of the Tromstannen - Oral Health in Northern Norway (TOHNN) study was to investigate oral health and dental-related diseases in an adult population. This article provides an overview of the background of the study and a description of the sample characteristics and methods employed in data collection. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional population-based study including a questionnaire and clinical dental examination. METHODS: A randomly selected sample of 2,909 individuals (20-79 years old) drawn from the population register was invited to participate in the study. The data were collected between October 2013 and November 2014 in Troms County in northern Norway. The questionnaire focused on oral health-related behaviours and attitudes, oral health-related quality of life, sense of coherence, dental anxiety and symptoms from the temporomandibular joint. The dental examinations, including radiographs, were conducted by 11 dental teams in 5 dental offices. The examination comprised of registration of dental caries, full mouth periodontal status, temporomandibular disorders, mucosal lesions and height and weight. The participants were grouped by age (20-34, 35-49, 50-64 and 65-79) and ethnicity (Norwegian, Sámi, other European and other world). RESULTS: From the original sample of 2,909 individuals, 1,986 (68.3%) people participated, of whom 1,019 (51.3%) were women. The highest attendance rate was among women 20-34 years old (80.3%) and the lowest in the oldest age group of women (55.4%). There was no difference in response rate between rural and urban areas. There was a positive correlation between population size and household gross income (p < 0.001) and education level (p < 0.001). The majority of Sámi resided in smaller municipalities. In larger cities, most participants used private dental health care services, whereas, in rural areas, most participants used the public dental health care service. CONCLUSION: The TOHNN study has the potential to generate new knowledge on a wide range of oral health conditions beneficial to the population in Troms County. Due to the high participation rate, generalization both nationally and to the circumpolar area ought to be possible.


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Bakgrund: Tack vare en mer avancerad hemsjukvård har den palliativa vården utvecklats, vilket gör det möjligt för fler människor att dö i det egna hemmet. Palliativ vård handlar inte endast om patienten, utan involverar även de anhöriga. Det övergripande målet för palliativ vård är att patienten och den anhörige upplever god livskvalitet till livets slut. De anhörigas närvaro är betydelsefull, inte endast för patienten utan även för vårdarna. De anhöriga befinner sig i en mycket påfrestande situation och det är viktigt att vårdare har kunskap om vad de anhöriga upplever och hur man kan stötta de anhöriga i deras situation. Syfte: Att belysa anhörigas upplevelser av delaktighet i samband med palliativ omvårdnad i hemmet. Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på 11 vetenskapliga artiklar av kvalitativ ansats. Resultat: 2 kategorier framkom ur studien. Delaktighet ger anhöriga upplevelsen av att få vardagen att fungera och Anhörigas delaktighet bidrar till personcentrerad vård. Det blev en drastisk förändring i livet för de anhöriga. Det var inte bara hemmet som förändras i och med all teknisk utrustning och hjälpmedel som patienten behövde. De anhörigas livsförändringar gjorde att det sociala livet fick lida. Tankar kring existentiella frågor dök upp när man levde så nära inpå döden och det var viktigt för de anhöriga att vårdarna kunde se och lyssna även på deras behov. En god kommunikation var viktigt för att de anhöriga skulle våga prata om sina egna behov, tankar och åsikter. Slutsats: Det viktigaste för de anhöriga var att kommunikationen, stödet och informationen fungerade mellan alla parter. Fungerade dessa delar så byggdes en god relation mellan parterna och man fick en god tillit till vården. Samarbetet blev bättre och de anhöriga kände sig som en i teamet.


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A utilização de uma emergência por pacientes com problemas médicos eletivos contribui para a demanda excessiva e impede de acesso a pacientes com emergência verdadeira. O presente estudo se propôs: (1) investigar as características do usuário da emergência em relação a aspectos demográficos, local de moradia e tempo que apresenta os sintomas que o levaram a consultar; (2) identificar as diferenças da demanda entre o final de semana e durante a semana; (3) investigar a prevalência de saúde mental, alcoolismo, doença coronariana e hipertensão; (4) avaliar como é a utilização e o acesso a serviços de saúde para pacientes que referem ter um médico definido em comparação com quem refere não ter; (5) avaliar a satisfação dos pacientes com o atendimento na emergência e (6) verificar se o atendimento através de um médico definido ou em serviço de atenção primária em saúde diminui o afluxo de casos não urgentes aos serviços de emergência. Foi realizado um estudo transversal na Emergência do Hospital N.S. da Conceição de Porto Alegre (RS) no período de 6 de janeiro a 25 de junho de 1996, tendo sido incluídos 20 dias escolhidos entre o meio-dia de sábado e o meio-dia de domingo, para caracterizar a demanda do final de semana, e o meio-dia de segunda-feira e meio-dia de terça-feira, para a dos outros dias. Fizeram parte da amostra 553 pacientes selecionados através de amostragem aleatória sistemática, com uma taxa de resposta de 88%. A coleta de dados consistiu de questionário de 156 questões aplicado aos pacientes. O registro e análise dos dados foram realizados utilizando-se os programas Epi-Info, EGRET e SPSS. As análises incluíram tabulações simples para determinação de prevalência das condições investigadas e regressão logística para avaliar o efeito conjunto das variáveis independentes sobre cada uma das variáveis dependentes. A população que freqüenta a emergência do HNSC é composta de jovens, predominantemente do sexo feminino, mora em Porto Alegre (especialmente, no bairro Sarandi) e na Grande Porto Alegre (especialmente, Alvorada), desloca-se preferencialmente de ônibus até o serviço de emergência, vem acompanhada, na maioria das vezes, de algum familiar, e a maioria decide consultar por iniciativa própria ou por indicação de algum familiar. Os homens internam com maior freqüência. Os serviços de atenção primária representaram 23% do atendimento habitual dos pacientes. As consultas foram definidas pelos emergencistas como de emergência em 15% dos casos, de urgência em 46%, e programáveis em 39% poderiam ser programadas. A prevalência de hipertensão foi 19%; de angina, 13%; de alcoolismo, 16%; de problema psiquiátrico menor, 32% entre os homens e 51% entre as mulheres (p< 0,0001). Como desfecho da consulta, 73% dos pacientes foram encaminhados para o domicílio ou para um serviço especializado, 10% foram para sala de observação e para apenas 5% foi indicada a internação. A maioria dos pacientes referiram estar satisfeitos com o atendimento. Os que consultaram no final de semana apresentaram, em média, um tempo menor de sintomas até decidir consultar, um menor tempo de deslocamento até o serviço de emergência, maior satisfação, média de idade maior, maior proporção de moradores de Porto Alegre e foram levados de carro até a emergência mais do que aqueles que consultaram durante a semana. O modelo de regressão logística identificou as variáveis independentes determinantes de ter um médico definido: consulta habitual em atenção primária em saúde (RC=3,22 IC95%=2,04-5,09), consulta definida como emergência ou urgência (RC=2,46 IC95%=1,55-3,92) e afastamento do trabalho (RC=1,59 IC95%= 1,03-2,45). Este resultado demonstra que o paciente que habitualmente consulta em serviços de atenção primária tem mais probabilidade para ter a continuidade no atendimento. A consulta ser de emergência ou de urgência apresentou associação significativa com as seguintes variáveis independentes, após ser colocada num modelo de regressão logística: pacientes internados ou em observação (RC=5,80 IC95%=3,33-10,17), costume de consultar com o mesmo médico (RC=2,98 IC95%=1,84-4,80) e ida de carro até a emergência (RC=2,67 IC95%=1,75-4,05). A variável hábito de consultar em serviço de atenção primária deixou de ficar estatisticamente significativa ao ser colocada no modelo de regressão logística. Este resultado revela que pacientes com médico definido têm três vezes mais chances de consultar por um problema de emergência no serviço de emergência do que aqueles que não têm um médico definido. Assim, uma estratégia para reduzir a ocorrência de consultas não urgentes em serviços de emergência é o paciente ter tal vínculo. No entanto, aqueles pacientes que referiram o posto de saúde como local onde habitualmente consultam não evitam, necessariamente, a utilização de um serviço de emergência por motivo considerado como programável. É necessário otimizar o atendimento de pacientes com problemas não urgentes que chegam à emergência através de estratégias no nível de atenção primária – especialmente possibilitando o atendimento médico continuado -, onde uma abordagem integral com ênfase na prevenção garanta um atendimento de melhor qualidade e custo menor.