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Allogene hämatopoetische Stammzelltransplantationen (HSZTs) werden insbesondere zur Behandlung von Patienten mit Hochrisiko-Leukämien durchgeführt. Dabei bewirken T-Zellreaktionen gegen Minorhistokompatibilitätsantigene (mHAgs) sowohl den therapeutisch erwünschten graft-versus-leukemia (GvL)-Effekt als auch die schädigende graft-versus-host (GvH)-Erkrankung. Für die Identifizierung neuer mHAgs mittels des T-Zell-basierten cDNA-Expressionsscreenings waren leukämiereaktive T-Zellpopulationen durch Stimulation naïver CD8+-T-Lymphozyten gesunder HLA-Klasse I-identischer Buffy Coat-Spender mit Leukämiezellen von Patienten mit akuter myeloischer Leukämie (AML) generiert worden (Albrecht et al., Cancer Immunol. Immunother. 60:235, 2011). Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde mit diesen im AML-Modell des Patienten MZ529 das mHAg CYBA-72Y identifiziert. Es resultiert aus einem bekannten Einzelnukleotidpolymorphismus (rs4673: CYBA-242T/C) des Gens CYBA (kodierend für Cytochrom b-245 α-Polypeptid; syn.: p22phox), der zu einem Austausch von Tyrosin (Y) zu Histidin (H) an Aminosäureposition 72 führt. Das mHAg wurde von T-Lymphozyten sowohl in Assoziation mit HLA-B*15:01 als auch mit HLA-B*15:07 erkannt. Eine allogene T-Zellantwort gegen CYBA-72Y wurde in einem weiteren AML-Modell (MZ987) beobachtet, die ebenso wie in dem AML-Modell MZ529 polyklonal war. Insgesamt konnte bei drei von fünf getesteten HLA-B*15:01-positiven Buffy Coat-Spendern, die homozygot für CYBA-72H (H/H) waren, eine CYBA-72Y-spezifische T-Zellantwort generiert werden. Das von den T-Lymphozyten übereinstimmend in niedrigster Konzentration erkannte Peptid umfasste die Aminosäuren 69 - 77, wobei das homologe Peptid aus CYBA-72H auch in hohen Konzentrationen keine Reaktivität auslöste. Eine reziproke Immunogenität des mHAg ist bislang nicht belegt. T-Lymphozyten gegen CYBA-72Y erkannten Leukämiezellen bei acht von zwölf HLA-B*15:01-positiven Patienten (FAB-Subtypen: M1, M2, M4, M5). Da das Gen CYBA für eine Komponente des mikrobiziden Oxidasesystems von phagozytierenden Zellen kodiert, ist es überwiegend in Zellen des hämatopoetischen Systems exprimiert. Von Leukozytensubtypen, aufgereinigt aus HLA-B*15:01-positiven Buffy Coat-Spendern mit CYBA-242T-Allel, wurden Monozyten und daraus abgeleitete dendritische Zellen durch CYBA-72Y-reaktive T-Lymphozyten sehr stark, untransformierte B-Zellen in weit geringerem Maße und Granulozyten sowie T-Lymphozyten nicht erkannt. Das für CYBA-72Y kodierende Allel CYBA-242T wurde bei 56% aller getesteten gesunden Spender und Malignompatienten (n=481) nachgewiesen. Unter Berücksichtigung der Häufigkeit des präsentierenden HLA-Allels ist davon auszugehen, dass etwa 4,5% der Kaukasier das mHAg CYBA-72Y zusammen mit HLA-B*15:01 tragen. Nach bisherigen Beobachtungen führt ein immunogener CYBA-72Y-Mismatch bei allogenen HSZTs nicht notwendigerweise zu einer schweren GvH-Erkrankung. Das hier beschriebene mHAg CYBA-72Y erscheint potenziell geeignet, im Rahmen einer allogenen HSZT die präferenzielle Elimination der Empfänger-Hämatopoese unter Einschluss von myeloischen Leukämiezellen zu bewirken. Jedoch sind weiterführende Untersuchungen erforderlich, um die therapeutische Relevanz des Antigens zu belegen.


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Immunotherapy with T cells genetically modified by retroviral transfer of tumor-associated antigen (TAA)-specific T cell receptors (TCR) is a promising approach in targeting cancer. Therefore, using a universal TAA to target different tumor entities by only one therapeutic approach was the main criteria for our TAA-specific TCR. Here, an optimized (opt) αβ-chain p53(264-272)-specific and an opt single chain (sc) p53(264-272)-specific TCR were designed, to reduce mispairing reactions of endogenous and introduced TCR α and TCR β-chains, which might lead to off-target autoimmune reactions, similar to Graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). rnIn this study we evaluated the safety issues, which rise by the risk of p53TCR gene transfer-associated on/off-target toxicities as well as the anti-tumor response in vivo in a syngeneic HLA-A*0201 transgenic mouse model. We could successfully demonstrate that opt sc p53-specific TCR-redirected T cells prevent TCR mispairing-mediated lethal off-target autoimmunity in contrast to the parental opt αβ-chain p53-specific TCR. Since the sc p53-specific TCR proofed to be safe, all further studies were performed using sc p53-specific TCR redirected T cells only. Infusion of p53-specific TCR-redirected T cells in Human p53 knock-in (Hupki) mice after lymphodepletion-preconditioning regimen with either sublethal body irradiation (5Gy) or chemotherapy (fludarabine and cyclophosphamide) in combination with vaccination (anti-CD40, CpG1668 and p53(257-282) peptide) did not result in a depletion of hematopoietic cells. Moreover, adoptive transfer of high numbers of p53-specific TCR-redirected T cells in combination with Interleukin 2 (IL-2) also did not lead to toxic on-target reactions. The absence of host tissue damage was confirmed by histology and flow cytometry analysis. Furthermore, p53-specific TCR-redirected T cells were able to lyse p53+A2.1+ tumor cells in vitro. However, in vivo studies revealed the potent suppressive effect of the tumor microenvironment (TME) mediated by tumor-infiltrating myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC). Accordingly, we could improve an insufficient anti-tumor response in vivo after injection of the sc p53-specific TCR-redirected T cells by additional depletion of immunosuppressive cells of the myeloid lineage.rnTogether, these data suggest that the optimized sc p53(264-272)-specific TCR may represent a safe and efficient approach for TCR-based gene therapy. However, combinations of immunotherapeutic strategies are needed to enhance the efficacy of adoptive cell therapy (ACT)-mediated anti-tumor responses.


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Die medikamentöse Standardtherapie entzündlich-rheumatischer Erkrankungen wie der rheumatoider Arthritis (RA) und des systemischen Lupus erythematodes (SLE) sind oft unzureichend und erlauben keine nebenwirkungsarme beziehungsweise -freie Behandlung. Daher ist es von großem Interesse für diese Indikationsgebiete, wirkungsvolle Substanzen zu entwickeln, die für eine Langzeittherapie geeignet sind. Naturstoffe wie Oxacyclododecindion (Oxa) können dabei als mögliche Leitstruktur dienen. Oxa wurde bereits in in-vitro Untersuchungen als ein potenter Inhibitor der Expression von proinflammatorischen und profibrotischen Genen identifiziert. rnZiel dieser Arbeit war es in in-vivo Modellen der RA und des SLEs das therapeutische Potential des Naturstoffes Oxa aufzuklären. Da eine Etablierung der Kollagen-induzierten Arthritis im untersuchten murinen RA-Modell, dem HLA-DR4.AE° Stamm, nicht möglich war, wurden die Untersuchungen ausschließlich im MRL Faslpr Mausstamm, einem anerkannten SLE-Modell durchgeführt. MRL Faslpr Mäuse entwickeln wie SLE-Patienten unter anderem eine schwerwiegende Glomerulonephritis. rnIn den Nieren weiblicher MRL Faslpr Mäuse konnte die Oxa-Behandlung die Expression zahlreicher proinflammatorischer Mediatoren beeinflussen, die in Zusammenhang mit der Pathogenese des humanen SLE gebracht werden. So reduziert der Naturstoff die Expression von Zytokinen wie TNFα, IFNγ und IL6 als auch Chemokinen wie CCL2, CSF-1 und RANTES auf mRNA- und Proteinebene. Dabei war die Wirkung von Oxa in den in-vivo Analysen ähnlich gut wie die des potenten Glukokortikoids Dexamethason. Die Reduktion chemotaktischer Moleküle durch die Oxa-Behandlung führte nachweislich zu einer reduzierten Akkumulation von Immunzellen. Die anti-inflammatorischen und immunmodulatorischen Effekte von Oxa waren so ausgeprägt, dass klinisch-pathologische Marker der Glomerulonephritis, wie die Ablagerung von Immunkomplexen, die vermehrte Bildung von Kollagenfasern und die Ausscheidung von Proteinen im Urin gemildert wurden. Weiterführende Untersuchungen im SLE Modell konnten neue Zielmoleküle von Oxa identifizieren, wie KIM1 und zahlreiche SLE-assoziierte microRNAs (miR 19a, 29c und 369). Diese Befunde legen nahe, dass Oxa eine vielversprechende anti-entzündliche und -fibrotische Verbindung darstellt. rnDie Entschlüsselung des Wirkmechanismus von Oxa steht erst am Anfang. Die Analysen im Rahmen dieser Arbeit zeigten jedoch, dass Oxa einen Einfluss auf die Phosphorylierung und somit Aktivierung der p38 MAPK sowie auf die mRNA-Stabilität von proinflammatorischen Zytokinen wie TNFα zu haben scheint.rn


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Human narcolepsy with cataplexy is a neurological disorder, which develops due to a deficiency in hypocretin producing neurons in the hypothalamus. There is a strong association with human leucocyte antigens HLA-DR2 and HLA-DQB1*0602. The disease typically starts in adolescence. Recent developments in narcolepsy research support the hypothesis of narcolepsy being an immune-mediated disease. Narcolepsy is associated with polymorphisms of the genes encoding T cell receptor alpha chain, tumour necrosis factor alpha and tumour necrosis factor receptor II. Moreover the rate of streptococcal infection is increased at onset of narcolepsy. The hallmarks of anti-self reactions in the tissue--namely upregulation of major histocompatibility antigens and lymphocyte infiltrates--are missing in the hypothalamus. These findings are questionable because they were obtained by analyses performed many years after onset of disease. In some patients with narcolepsy autoantibodies to Tribbles homolog 2, which is expressed by hypocretin neurons, have been detected recently. Immune-mediated destruction of hypocretin producing neurons may be mediated by microglia/macrophages that become activated either by autoantigen specific CD4(+) T cells or superantigen stimulated CD8(+) T cells, or independent of T cells by activation of DQB1*0602 signalling. Activation of microglia and macrophages may lead to the release of neurotoxic molecules such as quinolinic acid, which has been shown to cause selective destruction of hypocretin neurons in the hypothalamus.


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The apparently spontaneous development of autoantibodies to ADAMTS13 in previously healthy individuals is a major cause of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). Epitope mapping studies have shown that in most patients antibodies directed towards the spacer domain of ADAMTS13 are present. A single antigenic surface comprising Arg(660) , Tyr(661) and Tyr(665) that contributes to the productive binding of ADAMTS13 to unfolded von Willebrand factor is targeted by anti-spacer domain antibodies. Antibodies directed to the carboxyl-terminal CUB1-2 and TSP2-8 domains have also been observed in the plasma of patients with acquired TTP. As yet it has not been established whether this class of antibodies modulates ADAMTS13 activity. Inspection of the primary sequence of human monoclonal anti-ADAMTS13 antibodies suggests that the variable heavy chain germline gene segment VH1-69 is frequently incorporated. We suggest a model in which 'shape complementarity' between the spacer domain and residues encoded by the VH1-69 gene segment explain the preferential use of this variable heavy chain gene segment. Finally, a model is presented for the development of anti-ADAMTS13 antibodies in previously healthy individuals that incorporates the recent identification of HLA DRB1*11 as a risk factor for acquired TTP.


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The host's immune response to hepatitis C virus (HCV) can result in the selection of characteristic mutations (adaptations) that enable the virus to escape this response. The ability of the virus to mutate at these sites is dependent on the incoming virus, the fitness cost incurred by the mutation, and the benefit to the virus in escaping the response. Studies examining viral adaptation in chronic HCV infection have shown that these characteristic immune escape mutations can be observed at the population level as human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-specific viral polymorphisms. We examined 63 individuals with chronic HCV infection who were infected from a single HCV genotype 1b source. Our aim was to determine the extent to which the host's immune pressure affects HCV diversity and the ways in which the sequence of the incoming virus, including preexisting escape mutations, can influence subsequent mutations in recipients and infection outcomes. Conclusion: HCV sequences from these individuals revealed 29 significant associations between specific HLA types within the new hosts and variations within their viruses, which likely represent new viral adaptations. These associations did not overlap with previously reported adaptations for genotypes 1a and 3a and possibly reflected a combination of constraint due to the incoming virus and genetic distance between the strains. However, these sites accounted for only a portion of the sites in which viral diversity was observed in the new hosts. Furthermore, preexisting viral adaptations in the incoming (source) virus likely influenced the outcomes in the new hosts.


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Drug hypersensitivity research has progressed enormously in recent years, and a greater understanding of mechanisms has contributed to improved drug safety. Progress has been made in genetics, enabling personalized medicine for certain drugs, and in understanding drug interactions with the immune system. In a recent meeting in Rome, the clinical, chemical, pharmacologic, immunologic, and genetic aspects of drug hypersensitivity were discussed, and certain aspects are briefly summarized here. Small chemicals, including drugs, can induce immune reactions by binding as a hapten to a carrier protein. Park (Liverpool, England) demonstrated (1) that drug haptens bind to protein in patients in a highly restricted manner and (2) that irreversibly modified carrier proteins are able to stimulate CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells from hypersensitive patients. Drug haptens might also stimulate cells of the innate immune system, in particular dendritic cells, and thus give rise to a complex and complete immune reaction. Many drugs do not have hapten-like characteristics but might gain them on metabolism (so-called prohaptens). The group of Naisbitt found that the stimulation of dendritic cells and T cells can occur as a consequence of the transformation of a prohapten to a hapten in antigen-presenting cells and as such explain the immune-stimulatory capacity of prohaptens. The striking association between HLA-B alleles and the development of certain drug reactions was discussed in detail. Mallal (Perth, Australia) elegantly described a highly restricted HLA-B∗5701-specific T-cell response in abacavir-hypersensitive patients and healthy volunteers expressing HLA-B∗5701 but not closely related alleles. Expression of HLA-B∗1502 is a marker known to be necessary but not sufficient to predict carbamazepine-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis in Han Chinese. The group of Chen and Hong (Taiwan) described the possible "missing link" because they showed that the presence of certain T-cell receptor (TCR) clonotypes was necessary to elicit T-cell responses to carbamazepine. The role of TCRs in drug binding was also emphasized by Pichler (Bern, Switzerland). Following up on their "pharmacological interactions of drugs with immune receptors" concept (p-i concept), namely that drugs can bind directly to TCRs, MHC molecules, or both and thereby stimulate T cells, they looked for drug-binding sites for the drug sulfamethoxazole in drug-specific TCRs: modeling revealed up to 7 binding sites on the CDR3 and CDR2 regions of TCR Vα and Vβ. Among many other presentations, the important role of regulatory T cells in drug hypersensitivity was addressed.


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In clinical routine, adverse drug reactions (ADR) are common, and they should be included in the differential diagnosis in all patients undergoing drug treatment. Only part of those ADR are immune-mediated hypersensitivity reactions and thus true drug allergies. Far more common are non-immune-mediated ADR, e.g. due to the pharmacological properties of the drug or to the individual predisposition of the patient (enzymopathies, cytokine dysbalance, mast cell hyperreactivity). In true drug allergiesT cell- and immunoglobulin E (lgE)-mediated reactions dominate the clinical presentation. T cell-mediated ADR usually have a delayed appearance and include skin eruptions in most cases. Nevertheless, it should not be forgotten that they may involve systemic T cell activation and thus take a severe, sometimes lethal turn. Clinical danger signs are involvement of mucosal surfaces, blistering within the exanthematous skin areas and systemic symptoms, e.g. fever or malaise. Drug presentation via antigen-presenting cells to T cells can either involve the classical pathway of haptenization of endogenous proteins or be directly mediated via noncovalent binding to immune receptors (MHC molecules or T cell receptors), the so-called p-i concept. Flare-up reactions during the acute phase of T cell-mediated ADR should not be mistaken for true drug allergies, as they only occur in the setting of a highly activated T cell pool. IgE-mediated ADR are less frequent and involve mast cells and/or basophils as peripheral effector cells. Recent data suggest that certain patients with drug allergy have a preexistent sensitization although they have never been exposed to the culprit drug, probably due to cross-reactivity. Thus, allergic drug reactions on first encounter are possible. In general, the extent of cross-reactivity is higher in IgE-compared to T cell-mediated ADR. Based on a specific ethnic background and only for severe T cell-mediated ADR to certain drugs, a strong HLA association has been established recently.


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The antiretroviral drug abacavir (abc) elicits severe drug hypersensitivity reactions in HLA-B*5701(+) individuals. To understand the abc-specific activation of CD8(+) T cells, we generated abc-specific T-cell clones (abc-TCCs). Abc reactivity could not be linked to the metabolism and/or processing of the drug, since abc metabolizing enzymes were not expressed in immune cells and inhibition of the proteasome in APCs did not affect TCC reactivity. Ca(2+) influx assays revealed different reactivity patterns of abc-TCCs. While all TCCs reacted to abc presented on HLA-B*5701 molecules, a minority also reacted immediately to abc in solution. Titration experiments showed that the ability to react immediately to abc correlated significantly with the TCR avidity of the T cells. Modifications of soluble abc concentrations revealed that the reactivity patterns of abc-TCCs were not fixed but dynamic. When TCCs with an intermediate TCR avidity were stimulated with increasing abc concentrations, they showed an accelerated activation kinetic. Thus, they reacted immediately to the drug, similar to the reaction of TCCs of high avidity. The observed immediate activation and the noninvolvement of the proteasome suggest that, in contrast to haptens, abc-specific T-cell stimulation does not require the formation of covalent bonds to produce a neo-antigenic determinant.


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Recent advances in the identification of susceptibility genes and environmental exposures provide broad support for a post-infectious autoimmune basis for narcolepsy/hypocretin (orexin) deficiency. We genotyped loci associated with other autoimmune and inflammatory diseases in 1,886 individuals with hypocretin-deficient narcolepsy and 10,421 controls, all of European ancestry, using a custom genotyping array (ImmunoChip). Three loci located outside the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) region on chromosome 6 were significantly associated with disease risk. In addition to a strong signal in the T cell receptor alpha (TRA@), variants in two additional narcolepsy loci, Cathepsin H (CTSH) and Tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily member 4 (TNFSF4, also called OX40L), attained genome-wide significance. These findings underline the importance of antigen presentation by HLA Class II to T cells in the pathophysiology of this autoimmune disease.


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Drug-induced hypersensitivity reactions are instructive examples of immune reactions against low molecular weight compounds. Classically, such reactions have been explained by the hapten concept, according to which the small antigen covalently modifies an endogenous protein; recent studies show strong associations of several HLA molecules with hypersensitivity. In recent years, however, evidence has become stronger that not all drugs need to bind covalently to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-peptide complex in order to trigger an immune response. Rather, some drugs may bind reversibly to the MHC or possibly to the T-cell receptor (TCR), eliciting immune reactions akin to the pharmacological activation of other receptors. While the exact mechanism is still a matter of debate, noncovalent drug presentation clearly leads to the activation of drug-specific T cells. In some patients with hypersensitivity, such a response may occur within hours of even the first exposure to the drug. Thus, the reaction to the drug may not be the result of a classical, primary response but rather be mediated by existing, preactivated T cells that display cross-reactivity for the drug and have additional (peptide) specificity as well. In this way, certain drugs may circumvent the checkpoints for immune activation imposed by the classical antigen processing and presentation mechanisms, which may help to explain the idiosyncratic nature of many drug hypersensitivity reactions.


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OBJECTIVE: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) usually improves during pregnancy and recurs postpartum. Fetal cells and cell-free DNA reach the maternal circulation during normal pregnancy. The present study investigated dynamic changes in levels of fetal DNA in serum from women with RA and inflammatory arthritis during and after pregnancy to test the hypothesis that the levels of circulating fetal DNA correlate with arthritis improvement. METHODS: Twenty-five pregnant patients were prospectively studied. A real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction panel targeting unshared, paternally transmitted HLA sequences, a Y chromosome-specific sequence, or an insertion sequence within the glutathione S-transferase M1 gene was used to measure cell-free fetal DNA. Results were expressed as fetal genomic equivalents per milliliter (gE/ml) of maternal serum. Physical examinations were conducted during and after pregnancy. RESULTS: Levels of fetal DNA in women with improvement in or remission of arthritis were higher than those in women with active disease, especially in the third trimester. Overall, an inverse relationship between serum fetal DNA levels and disease activity was observed (P < 0.001). Serum fetal DNA increased with advancing gestation, reaching median levels of 24 gE/ml (range 0-334), 61 gE/ml (range 0-689), and 199 gE/ml (range 0-2,576) in the first, second, and third trimesters, respectively, with fetal DNA clearance observed postpartum. Arthritis improvement was initially noted in the first trimester for most patients, increased further or was sustained with advancing gestation, and was active postpartum. CONCLUSION: Changes in serum fetal DNA levels correlated with arthritis improvement during pregnancy and recurrence postpartum. Immunologic mechanisms by which pregnancy might modulate RA activity are described.


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Abacavir therapy is associated with significant drug hypersensitivity in approximately 8% of recipients, with retrospective studies indicating a strong genetic association with the HLA-B*5701 allele. In this prospective study, involving 260 abacavir-naive individuals (7.7% of whom were positive for HLA-B*5701), we confirm the usefulness of genetic risk stratification, with no cases of abacavir hypersensitivity among 148 HLA-B*5701-negative recipients.


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Natural zeolites are crystalline aluminosilicates with unique adsorption, cation-exchange, and catalytic properties that have multiple uses in industry and agriculture. TMAZ, a natural zeolite clinoptilolite with enhanced physicochemical properties, is the basis of the dietary supplements Megamin and Lycopenomin, which have demonstrated antioxidant activity in humans. The aim of this prospective, open, and controlled parallel-group study was to investigate the effects of supplementation with TMAZ on the cellular immune system in patients undergoing treatment for immunodeficiency disorder. A total of 61 patients were administered daily TMAZ doses of 1.2 g (Lycopenomin) and 3.6 g (Megamin) for 6 to 8 weeks, during which the patients' primary medical therapy was continued unchanged. Blood and lymphocyte counts were performed at baseline and at the end of the study. Blood count parameters were not relevantly affected in either of the two treatment groups. Megamin administration resulted in significantly increased CD4+, CD19+, and HLA-DR+ lymphocyte counts and a significantly decreased CD56+ cell count. Lycopenomin was associated with an increased CD3+ cell count and a decreased CD56+ lymphocyte count. No adverse reactions to the treatments were observed.


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Folliculo-stellate cells are a nonendocrine, sustentacular-like complementary population of the anterior pituitary. They currently are considered as functionally and phenotypically heterogeneous, with one subpopulation of folliculo-stellate cells possibly representing resident adenohypophyseal macrophages. We took advantage of a limited T-cell mediated inflammatory reaction selectively involving tumor tissue in three cases of pituitary adenoma (2 prolactin cell adenomas, and 1 null cell adenoma) to test the hypothesis whether some folliculo-stellate cells within inflammatory foci would also assume monocytic/dendritic properties. Immunohistochemical double labeling for S-100 protein and the class II major histocompatibility antigen HLA-DR indeed showed several arborized cells to coexpress both epitopes. These were distributed both amidst adenomatous acini and along intratumoral vessels, and were morphologically undistinguishable from conventional folliculo-stellate cells. On the other hand, markers of follicular dendritic cells (CD21) and Langerhans' cells (CD1a) tested negative. Furthermore, no S-100/HLA-DR coexpressing folliculo-stellate cells were seen in either peritumoral parenchyma of the cases in point nor in control pituitary adenomas lacking inflammatory reaction. These findings suggest that a subset of folliculo-stellate cells may be induced by an appropriate local inflammatory microenvironment to assume a dendritic cell-like immunophenotype recognizable by their coexpression of S-100 protein and HLA-DR. By analogy with HLA-DR expressing cells in well-established extrapituitary inflammatory constellations, we speculate that folliculo-stellate cells with such immunophenotype may actually perform professional antigen presentation. A distinctly uncommon finding in pituitary adenomas, lymphocytic infiltrates may therefore be read as a manifestation of tumoral immunosurveillance.