949 resultados para Higher temperatures


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The present study examined the influence of air exposure at different temperatures: a common perturbation associated with aquaculture handling practices, on immune responses in zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri. Scallops were exposed to air for 2 h, 6 h, 12 h and 24 h at 5 degrees C, 17 degrees C and 25 degrees C respectively. Thereafter, a recovery period of 24 h at 17 degrees C was applied. Haemocyte mortality, phagocytosis and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production of haemocytes, acid phosphatase (ACP) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in haemocyte lysates were chosen as immumomarkers of anoxic stress. The results showed that an increase of haemocyte mortality and a decrease of phagocytosis and ACP activity were observed after 2 h of air exposure for all temperatures tested. Moreover, a significant increase of ROS production occurred following 2 h of air exposure at 25 degrees C and 24 h of air exposure at 17 degrees C. Significant differences were also observed in haemocyte mortality, percentage of phagocytic cells and ACP and SOD activity depending on the temperature of air exposure. Finally, after 24 h of recovery at 17 degrees C, percentage of phagocytic haemocytes and ACP activity did not return to initial values. ROS production was significantly higher than before the recovery period and initial values for scallops subjected to air exposure at 5 degrees C. In our study, scallops showed a relative low anoxia tolerance under a high temperature. All the scallops air exposed to 25 degrees C died after the 6 h sampling. In conclusion, air exposure associated to aquaculture practices was demonstrated to strongly affect functional immune activities of scallop haemocytes, and high temperature air exposure caused reduced survival of scallops. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Gas temperature is of major importance in plasma based surface treatment, since the surface processes are strongly temperature sensitive. The spatial distribution of reactive species responsible for surface modification is also influenced by the gas temperature. Industrial applications of RF plasma reactors require a high degree of homogeneity of the plasma in contact with the substrate. Reliable measurements of spatially resolved gas temperatures are, therefore, of great importance. The gas temperature can be obtained, e.g. by optical emission spectroscopy (OES). Common methods of OES to obtain gas temperatures from analysis of rotational distributions in excited states do not include the population dynamics influenced by cascading processes from higher electronic states. A model was developed to evaluate this effect on the apparent rotational temperature that is observed. Phase resolved OES confirmed the validity of this model. It was found that cascading leads to higher apparent temperatures, but the deviation (similar or equal to 25 K) is relatively small and can be ignored in most cases. This analysis is applied to investigate axially and radially resolved temperature profiles in an inductively coupled hydrogen RF discharge.


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Neutron time of flight signals have been observed with a high resolution neutron spectrometer using the petawatt arm of the Vulcan laser facility at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory from plastic sandwich targets containing a deuterated layer. The neutron spectra have two elements: a high-energy component generated by beam-fusion reactions and a thermal component around 2.45 MeV. The ion temperatures calculated from the neutron signal width clearly demonstrate a dependence on the front layer thickness and are significantly higher than electron temperatures measured under similar conditions. The ion heating process is intensity dependent and is not observed with laser intensities on target below 10(20) W cm(-2). The measurements are consistent with an ion instability driven by electron perturbations.


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High-pressure processing (HPP) can produce tomato juice of high quality and safety with a short shelf life under refrigeration temperatures. Long-term higher temperature storage studies are rare and temperature tolerant products are challenging to develop. The effect of high-pressure processing (HPP) on the total quality (colour, microbial counts, phytochemical levels, antioxidant and enzymatic activities) and stability (retention over time) of tomato juice during long-term storage was investigated. Thermal processing (TP) was used as a control treatment, and overall, two different ambient conditions (20 °C and 28 °C) were tested. Immediately after processing, HPP products proved superior to TP ones (enhanced redness, total carotenoids and lycopene, stable total phenols and inactivation of pectin methyl esterase). During initial storage (30 d) most quality attributes of HPP juice remained stable. Prolonged storage, however, led to losses of most quality attributes, although HPP (20 °C) showed lower quality degradation rate constants comparison to TP and HPP (28 °C). Industrial Relevance: There is a demand for ambient stable tomato products, especially in some parts of the world, and current industrial practices (canning, pasteurisation) either compromise in product quality or require refrigeration conditions. High-pressure processing has been investigated as milder technology, with a potential to deliver superior quality. The drawback is that is also requires chill storage. The results of this study show how quality parameters behave in a high-pressured tomato product and pave the way for further development that could optimise this technology. This could be of economic importance for the tomato juice industry to develop new products stable in ambient temperatures and perhaps beneficial for cutting down the refrigeration costs under specific conditions.


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A general derivation of the anharmonic coefficients for a periodic lattice invoking the special case of the central force interaction is presented. All of the contributions to mean square displacement (MSD) to order 14 perturbation theory are enumerated. A direct correspondance is found between the high temperature limit MSD and high temperature limit free energy contributions up to and including 0(14). This correspondance follows from the detailed derivation of some of the contributions to MSD. Numerical results are obtained for all the MSD contributions to 0(14) using the Lennard-Jones potential for the lattice constants and temperatures for which the Monte Carlo results were calculated by Heiser, Shukla and Cowley. The Peierls approximation is also employed in order to simplify the numerical evaluation of the MSD contributions. The numerical results indicate the convergence of the perturbation expansion up to 75% of the melting temperature of the solid (TM) for the exact calculation; however, a better agreement with the Monte Carlo results is not obtained when the total of all 14 contributions is added to the 12 perturbation theory results. Using Peierls approximation the expansion converges up to 45% of TM• The MSD contributions arising in the Green's function method of Shukla and Hubschle are derived and enumerated up to and including 0(18). The total MSD from these selected contributions is in excellent agreement with their results at all temperatures. Theoretical values of the recoilless fraction for krypton are calculated from the MSD contributions for both the Lennard-Jones and Aziz potentials. The agreement with experimental values is quite good.


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Bubble formation in solutions of 3He and 4He is studied within a density-functional approach. In particular, the temperature dependence of the cavitation pressure for different 3He concentrations is calculated at low temperatures and compared to that of pure 4He. The presence of Andreev states lowers the surface tension and, consequently, nucleation barriers are drastically reduced. This fact means that even at low 3He concentrations the cavitation process takes place at higher pressures than the spinodal pressure, which is not the case for pure 4He.


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We assessed the importance of temperature, salinity, and predation for the size structure of zooplankton and provided insight into the future ecological structure and function of shallow lakes in a warmer climate. Artificial plants were introduced in eight comparable coastal shallow brackish lakes located at two contrasting temperatures: cold-temperate and Mediterranean climate region. Zooplankton, fish, and macroinvertebrates were sampled within the plants and at open-water habitats. The fish communities of these brackish lakes were characterized by small-sized individuals, highly associated with submerged plants. Overall, higher densities of small planktivorous fish were recorded in the Mediterranean compared to the cold-temperate region, likely reflecting temperature-related differences as have been observed in freshwater lakes. Our results suggest that fish predation is the major control of zooplankton size structure in brackish lakes, since fish density was related to a decrease in mean body size and density of zooplankton and this was reflected in a unimodal shaped biomass-size spectrum with dominance of small sizes and low size diversity. Salinity might play a more indirect role by shaping zooplankton communities toward more salt-tolerant species. In a global-warming perspective, these results suggest that changes in the trophic structure of shallow lakes in temperate regions might be expected as a result of the warmer temperatures and the potentially associated increases in salinity. The decrease in the density of largebodied zooplankton might reduce the grazing on phytoplankton and thus the chances of maintaining the clear water state in these ecosystems


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The absorption cross-sections of Cl2O6 and Cl2O4 have been obtained using a fast flow reactor with a diode array spectrometer (DAS) detection system. The absorption cross-sections at the wavelengths of maximum absorption (lambda(max)) determined in this study are those of Cl2O6: (1.47 +/- 0.15) x 10(-17) cm(2) molecule(-1), at lambda(max) = 276 nm and T = 298 K; and Cl2O4: (9.0 +/- 2.0) x 10(-19) cm(2) molecule(-1), at lambda(max) = 234 nm and T = 298 K. Errors quoted are two standard deviations together with estimates of the systematic error. The shapes of the absorption spectra were obtained over the wavelength range 200-450 nm for Cl2O6 and 200-350 nm for Cl2O4, and were normalized to the absolute cross-sections obtained at lambda(max) for each oxide, and are presented at 1 nm intervals. These data are discussed in relation to previous measurements. The reaction of O with OCIO has been investigated with the objective of observing transient spectroscopic absorptions. A transient absorption was seen, and the possibility is explored of identifying the species with the elusive sym-ClO3 or ClO4, both of which have been characterized in matrices, but not in the gas-phase. The photolysis of OCIO was also re-examined, with emphasis being placed on the products of reaction. UV absorptions attributable to one of the isomers of the ClO dimer, chloryl chloride (ClClO2) were observed; some Cl2O4 was also found at long photolysis times, when much of the ClClO2 had itself been photolysed. We suggest that reports of Cl2O6 formation in previous studies could be a consequence of a mistaken identification. At low temperatures, the photolysis of OCIO leads to the formation of Cl2O3 as a result of the addition of the ClO primary product to OCIO. ClClO2 also appears to be one product of the reaction between O-3 and OCIO, especially when the reaction occurs under explosive conditions. We studied the kinetics of the non-explosive process using a stopped-flow technique, and suggest a value for the room-temperature rate coefficient of (4.6 +/- 0.9) x 10(-19) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1) (limit quoted is 2sigma random errors). The photochemical and thermal decomposition of Cl2O6 is described in this paper. For photolysis at k = 254 nm, the removal of Cl2O6 is not accompanied by the build up of any other strong absorber. The implications of the results are either that the photolysis of Cl2O6 produces Cl-2 directly, or that the initial photofragments are converted rapidly to Cl-2. In the thermal decomposition of Cl2O6, Cl2O4 was shown to be a product of reaction, although not necessarily the major one. The kinetics of decomposition were investigated using the stopped-flow technique. At relatively high [OCIO] present in the system, the decay kinetics obeyed a first-order law, with a limiting first-order rate coefficient of 0.002 s(-1). (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The individual contribution of four β-galactosidases present in Bifidobacterium bifidum NCIMB 41171 towards galactooligosaccharides (GOS) synthesis was investigated. Although the β-galactosidase activity of the whole cells significantly decreased as a function of temperature (40 to 75 °C), GOS yield was at its maximum at 65 °C. Native-PAGE electrophoresis of the whole cells showed that the contribution of BbgIII and BbgIV towards GOS synthesis increased as the temperature increased. Moreover, BbgIII and BbgIV were found to be more temperature stable and to produce a higher GOS yield than BbgI and BbgII, when used in their free form. The GOS yield using BbgIV was 54.8 % (% of total carbohydrates) and 63.9 % (% lactose converted to GOS) at 65 °C from 43 % w/w lactose. It was shown that BbgIV is the most important β-galactosidase in B. bifidum NCIMB 41171 and can be used for GOS synthesis at elevated temperatures.


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Vegetation and building morphology characteristics are investigated at 19 sites on a north-south LiDAR transect across the megacity of London. Local maxima of mean building height and building plan area density at the city centre are evident. Surprisingly, the mean vegetation height (zv3) is also found to be highest in the city centre. From the LiDAR data various morphological parameters are derived as well as shadow patterns. Continuous images of the effects of buildings and of buildings plus vegetationon sky view factor (Ψ) are derived. A general reduction of Ψ is found, indicating the importance of including vegetation when deriving Ψ in urban areas. The contribution of vegetation to the shadowing at ground level is higher during summer than in autumn. Using these 3D data the influence on urban climate and mean radiant temperature (T mrt ) is calculated with SOLWEIG. The results from these simulations highlight that vegetation can be most effective at reducing heat stress within dense urban environments in summer. The daytime average T mrt is found to be lowest in the densest urban environments due to shadowing; foremost from buildings but also from trees. It is clearly shown that this method could be used to quantify the influence of vegetation on T mrt within the urban environment. The results presented in this paper highlight a number of possible climate sensitive planning practices for urban areas at the local scale (i.e. 102- 5 × 103 m).


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A laboratory experiment was conducted to determine the effect of temperature (2, 12, 22 °C) on the rate of aerobic decomposition of skeletal muscle tissue (Ovis aries) in a sandy loam soil incubated for a period of 42 days. Measurements of decomposition processes included skeletal muscle tissue mass loss, carbon dioxide (CO2) evolution, microbial biomass, soil pH, skeletal muscle tissue carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) content and the calculation of metabolic quotient (qCO2). Incubation temperature and skeletal muscle tissue quality had a significant effect on all of the measured process rates with 2 °C usually much lower than 12 and 22 °C. Cumulative CO2 evolution at 2, 12 and 22 °C equaled 252, 619 and 905 mg CO2, respectively. A significant correlation (P<0.001) was detected between cumulative CO2 evolution and tissue mass loss at all temperatures. Q10s for mass loss and CO2 evolution, which ranged from 1.19 to 3.95, were higher for the lower temperature range (Q10(2– 12 °C)>Q10(12–22 °C)) in the Ovis samples and lower for the low temperature range (Q10(2–12 °C)


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To evaluate the effect of monensin on the performance of growing cattle under different environmental temperatures, 24 male calves (81.9 +/- 7.7 kg mean weight and 100 days old) were distributed in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement, contrasting 0 or 85 mg monensin/animal per day at 24.3 or 33.2 degrees C (environmental temperatures). Monensin supplementation increased weight gain (P=0.036), improved feed efficiency (P=0.040), increased ruminal concentrations of volatile fatty acids (VFA; P=0.003) and decreased the molar proportion of butyrate (P=0.034); all effects irrespective of environmental temperatures. A temperature-dependent monensin effect was detected on nitrogen retention (P=0.018) and N retained:N absorbed ratio (P=0.012). Animals fed monensin retained higher N amounts than those of the non-supplemented ones when the environmental temperature was 33.2 degrees C. Environmental temperature and monensin supplementation showed an interaction effect on urine N concentration (P=0.003). Temperature did not affect N excretion in monensin-fed animals, but increased N excretion in the non-supplemented ones. Monensin increased the crude protein (CP) digestibility (P=0.094) for


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To test the effect of monensin on the mineral balance of growing cattle under different environmental temperatures, 24 male steers were assigned in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement, contrasting 0 and 85 mg monensin/animal per day at 24.3 and 33.2 degrees C (environmental temperatures). Monensin effect was directly modulated by the environmental temperature: it increased apparent retentions of P (P=0.066), Na (P=0.005) and K (P=0.003), at the higher temperature and decreased these apparent retentions at the lower temperature, as compared with non-supplemented animals. Monensin increased fecal Ca (P=0.037), and urinary P (P=0.002), Na (P=0.003), K (P=0.014), Mg (P=0.051) and Zn (P=0.091), with higher concentrations of these minerals in animals held at 24.3 degrees C and lower concentrations in those at 33.2 degrees C, as compared with non-supplemented animals. Monensin decreased serum Mg (P=0.001) and increased serum Zn (P=0.071) in animals at 33.2 degrees C and increased serum Mg and decreased serum Zn at 24.3 degrees C. Irrespective of temperature, monensin increased both apparent absorption (P=0.058) and apparent retention (P=0.093) of P, and also urine Cu (P=0.085). Environmental temperature modulated monensin effects on mineral balance. Monensin increased apparent retention of several minerals in animals under heat stress. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the industries involving alkaline solutions in different process streams, the nature and stability of oxide films formed on the metallic surfaces determine the rates of erosion–corrosion of the equipment. In the present study the characteristics of the oxide films formed on AISI 1020 steel in a 2.75 M sodium hydroxide solution at temperatures up to 175°C, have been investigated by employing electrochemical techniques of cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry. The experiments were carried out in an autoclave system based upon a ‘rotating cylinder electrode’ geometry to determine the effects of turbulence on the stability of the films. The results suggest that little protection is afforded in the active region (at about −0.8 VSHE). In the passive region at low potentials (−0.6 V to −0.4 VSHE), it appears the films are compact and more stable, and therefore provide good protection. At higher potentials (>−0.4 VSHE) in the passive region, the results suggest that film formation and dissolution occur simultaneously and the increase in temperature and turbulence causes a breakdown of the passive film resulting in a situation similar to nonprotective magnetite growth.


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Two series of experiments were conducted to examine the effect of ingesting beverages with differing carbohydrate (CHO) concentrations and osmolalities on metabolism and performance during prolonged exercise in different environmental conditions. In series 1, 12 subjects performed three cycling exercise trials to fatigue at 70% ·VO2peak in either 33°C(N = 6) (HT1) or 5°C (N = 6) (CT). Subjects ingested either a 14% CHO solution (osmolality = 390 mosmol·l-1) (HCHO); a 7% CHO solution (330 mosmol·l-1) (NCHO) or a placebo (90 mosmol·l-1) (CON1). In series 2, six subjects performed the same three trials at 33°C (HT2), while ingesting either NCHO, a 4.2% CHO solution (240 mosmol·l-1) (LCHO) or a placebo) (240 mosmol·l-1) (CON2). Plasma glucose was higher (P < 0.05) in HCHO than NCHO, which in turn was higher (P < 0.05) than CON1 in both CT and HT1. Plasma glucose was lower (P < 0.05) in CON2 compared with NCHO and LCHO in HT2. The fall in plasma volume was greater(P < 0.05) in HCHO than other trials in both CT and HT1 but was not different when comparing the three trials in HT2. Exercise time was not different when comparing the trials in either HT1 or HT2 but was longer(P < 0.05) in NCHO compared with HCHO, which, in turn, was longer(P < 0.05) than CON1 in CT. These data demonstrate that, during prolonged exercise in the heat, fatigue is related to factors other than CHO availability. In addition, during exercise in 5°C a 7% CHO solution is more beneficial for exercise performance than a 14% CHO solution.