947 resultados para Heterogeneous regressors


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The majority of the world's population now resides in urban environments and information on the internal composition and dynamics of these environments is essential to enable preservation of certain standards of living. Remotely sensed data, especially the global coverage of moderate spatial resolution satellites such as Landsat, Indian Resource Satellite and Systeme Pour I'Observation de la Terre (SPOT), offer a highly useful data source for mapping the composition of these cities and examining their changes over time. The utility and range of applications for remotely sensed data in urban environments could be improved with a more appropriate conceptual model relating urban environments to the sampling resolutions of imaging sensors and processing routines. Hence, the aim of this work was to take the Vegetation-Impervious surface-Soil (VIS) model of urban composition and match it with the most appropriate image processing methodology to deliver information on VIS composition for urban environments. Several approaches were evaluated for mapping the urban composition of Brisbane city (south-cast Queensland, Australia) using Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper data and 1:5000 aerial photographs. The methods evaluated were: image classification; interpretation of aerial photographs; and constrained linear mixture analysis. Over 900 reference sample points on four transects were extracted from the aerial photographs and used as a basis to check output of the classification and mixture analysis. Distinctive zonations of VIS related to urban composition were found in the per-pixel classification and aggregated air-photo interpretation; however, significant spectral confusion also resulted between classes. In contrast, the VIS fraction images produced from the mixture analysis enabled distinctive densities of commercial, industrial and residential zones within the city to be clearly defined, based on their relative amount of vegetation cover. The soil fraction image served as an index for areas being (re)developed. The logical match of a low (L)-resolution, spectral mixture analysis approach with the moderate spatial resolution image data, ensured the processing model matched the spectrally heterogeneous nature of the urban environments at the scale of Landsat Thematic Mapper data.


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Observational data collected in the Lake Tekapo hydro catchment of the Southern Alps in New Zealand are used to analyse the wind and temperature fields in the alpine lake basin during summertime fair weather conditions. Measurements from surface stations, pilot balloon and tethersonde soundings, Doppler sodar and an instrumented light aircraft provide evidence of multi-scale interacting wind systems, ranging from microscale slope winds to mesoscale coast-to-basin flows. Thermal forcing of the winds occurred due to differential heating as a consequence of orography and heterogeneous surface features, which is quantified by heat budget and pressure field analysis. The daytime vertical temperature structure was characterised by distinct layering. Features of particular interest are the formation of thermal internal boundary layers due to the lake-land discontinuity and the development of elevated mixed layers. The latter were generated by advective heating from the basin and valley sidewalls by slope winds and by a superimposed valley wind blowing from the basin over Lake Tekapo and up the tributary Godley Valley. Daytime heating in the basin and its tributary valleys caused the development of a strong horizontal temperature gradient between the basin atmosphere and that over the surrounding landscape, and hence the development of a mesoscale heat low over the basin. After noon, air from outside the basin started flowing over mountain saddles into the basin causing cooling in the lowest layers, whereas at ridge top height the horizontal air temperature gradient between inside and outside the basin continued to increase. In the early evening, a more massive intrusion of cold air caused rapid cooling and a transition to a rather uniform slightly stable stratification up to about 2000 m agl. The onset time of this rapid cooling varied about 1-2 h between observation sites and was probably triggered by the decay of up-slope winds inside the basin, which previously countered the intrusion of air over the surrounding ridges. The intrusion of air from outside the basin continued until about mid-night, when a northerly mountain wind from the Godley Valley became dominant. The results illustrate the extreme complexity that can be caused by the operation of thermal forcing processes at a wide range of spatial scales.


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Developments in computer and three dimensional (3D) digitiser technologies have made it possible to keep track of the broad range of data required to simulate an insect moving around or over the highly heterogeneous habitat of a plant's surface. Properties of plant parts vary within a complex canopy architecture, and insect damage can induce further changes that affect an animal's movements, development and likelihood of survival. Models of plant architectural development based on Lindenmayer systems (L-systems) serve as dynamic platforms for simulation of insect movement, providing ail explicit model of the developing 3D structure of a plant as well as allowing physiological processes associated with plant growth and responses to damage to be described and Simulated. Simple examples of the use of the L-system formalism to model insect movement, operating Lit different spatial scales-from insects foraging on an individual plant to insects flying around plants in a field-are presented. Such models can be used to explore questions about the consequences of changes in environmental architecture and configuration on host finding, exploitation and its population consequences. In effect this model is a 'virtual ecosystem' laboratory to address local as well as landscape-level questions pertinent to plant-insect interactions, taking plant architecture into account. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The kinetics of drop penetration were studied by filming single drops of several different fluids (water, PEG200, PEG600, and HPC solutions) as they penetrated into loosely packed beds of glass ballotini, lactose, zinc oxide, and titanium dioxide powders. Measured times ranged from 0.45 to 126 s and depended on the powder particle size,viscosity, surface tensions, and contact angle. The experimental drop penetration times were compared to existing theoretical predictions by M. Denesuk et al. (J. Colloid Interface Sci. 158, 114, 1993) and S. Middleman (Modeling Axisymmetric Flows: Dynamics of Films, Jets, and Drops, Academic Press, San Diego, 1995) but did not agree. Loosely packed powder beds tend to have a heterogeneous bed structure containing large macrovoids which do not participate in liquid flow but are included implicitly in the existing approach to estimating powder pore size. A new two-phase model was proposed where the total volume of the macrovoids was assumed to be the difference between the bed porosity and the tap porosity. A new parameter, the effective porosity (epsilon)eff, was defined as the tap porosity multiplied by the fraction of pores that terminate at a macrovoid and are effectively blocked pores. The improved drop penetration model was much more successful at estimating the drop penetration time on all powders and the predicted times were generally within an order of magnitude of the experimental results. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).


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Objective. The aim of this study was to determine the prognostic significance of serosal involvement (SER), adnexal involvement (ADN), and positive peritoneal washings (PPW) in patients with Stage IIIA uterine cancer. We also sought to determine patterns of recurrence in patients with this disease. Methods. The records of 136 patients with Stage IIIA uterine cancer treated at the Queensland Centre for Gynecological Cancer between March 1983 and August 2001 were reviewed. One hundred thirty-six patients underwent surgery and 58 (42.6%) had full surgical staging. Seventy-five patients (55.2%) had external beam radiotherapy and/or brachytherapy postoperatively. Overall survival was the primary statistical endpoint. Statistical analysis included univariate and multivariate Cox models. Results. Forty-six patients (33.8%) had adnexal involvement, 23 (16.9%) had serosal involvement, and 40 (29.4%) had positive peritoneal washings. Median follow-up was 55.1 months (95% confidence interval, 36.9 to 73.4 months) after which time 71 patients (52.2%) remained alive. For patients with endometrioid adenocarcinoma, ADN and SER were associated with impaired survival on multivariate analysis (odds ratio 2.8 and 3.2, respectively). In the subgroup of patients with high-risk tumors (including papillary serous carcinomas, clear cell carcinomas, and uterine sarcomas), neither ADN, nor SER, nor PPW influenced survival. Conclusion. Patients with Stage IIIA uterine cancer constitute a heterogeneous group. For patients with endometrioid adenocarcinoma, both ADN and SER, but not PPW, were associated with impaired prognosis. For patients with high-risk histological types, prognosis is poor for all three factors. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).


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Utilization of salt affected wasteland by growing forage shrubs has enormous economic and environmental implication for developing countries like Pakistan, where approximately 6.3 million ha of the land is salt affected. Considering the importance of Atriplex and Maireana species, research has been conducted using their different species on the salt affected soils of Faisalabad. Most of Atriplex and Maireana species survived under the environmental conditions of Faisalabad and gave the good yield in the form of forage. Some of these species are woody and can be used for fuel purposes. Sixteen genotypes of Atriplex and Maireana were tested for their tolerance to waterlogging in order to identify halophytic fodder shrubs suitable for growth on secondary salt-affected and waterlogged farmland. The physiological and morphological responses of the species tested were typical of species with a generally poor tolerance to waterlogging. Despite this, some species (e.g., A. amnicola) were surprisingly resistant, surviving up to five months of waterlogging at moderate salinity and high evapotranspirational demand. The most resistant species, A amnicola maintained higher transpiration rates, leaf water potentials and shoot extension rates than most other species during five weeks of waterlogging, and a return to control levels more quickly than other species after plots were drained. Although little morphological adaptation to waterlogged conditions was detected, a shallow and extensive lateral root system and the formation of many short aerenchymatous adventitious roots from procumbent branches appeared to advantage A. amnicola in an environment highly heterogeneous in salinity and low in oxygen concentration. Waterlogging quickly killed shallow fibrous rooted species, although the procumbent branches of some individuals survived as clones if they developed adventitious roots.


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A theoretical analysis of adsorption of mixtures containing subcritical adsorbates into activated carbon is presented as an extension to the theory for pure component developed earlier by Do and coworkers. In this theory, adsorption of mixtures in a pore follows a two-stage process, similar to that for pure component systems. The first stage is the layering of molecules on the surface, with the behavior of the second and higher layers resembling to that of vapor-liquid equilibrium. The second stage is the pore-filling process when the remaining pore width is small enough and the pressure is high enough to promote the pore filling with liquid mixture having the same compositions as those of the outermost molecular layer just prior to pore filling. The Kelvin equation is applied for mixtures, with the vapor pressure term being replaced by the equilibrium pressure at the compositions of the outermost layer of the liquid film. Simulations are detailed to illustrate the effects of various parameters, and the theory is tested with a number of experimental data on mixture. The predictions were very satisfactory.


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The Load-Unload Response Ratio (LURR) method is an intermediate-term earthquake prediction approach that has shown considerable promise. It involves calculating the ratio of a specified energy release measure during loading and unloading where loading and unloading periods are determined from the earth tide induced perturbations in the Coulomb Failure Stress on optimally oriented faults. In the lead-up to large earthquakes, high LURR values are frequently observed a few months or years prior to the event. These signals may have a similar origin to the observed accelerating seismic moment release (AMR) prior to many large earthquakes or may be due to critical sensitivity of the crust when a large earthquake is imminent. As a first step towards studying the underlying physical mechanism for the LURR observations, numerical studies are conducted using the particle based lattice solid model (LSM) to determine whether LURR observations can be reproduced. The model is initialized as a heterogeneous 2-D block made up of random-sized particles bonded by elastic-brittle links. The system is subjected to uniaxial compression from rigid driving plates on the upper and lower edges of the model. Experiments are conducted using both strain and stress control to load the plates. A sinusoidal stress perturbation is added to the gradual compressional loading to simulate loading and unloading cycles and LURR is calculated. The results reproduce signals similar to those observed in earthquake prediction practice with a high LURR value followed by a sudden drop prior to macroscopic failure of the sample. The results suggest that LURR provides a good predictor for catastrophic failure in elastic-brittle systems and motivate further research to study the underlying physical mechanisms and statistical properties of high LURR values. The results provide encouragement for earthquake prediction research and the use of advanced simulation models to probe the physics of earthquakes.


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Solid earth simulations have recently been developed to address issues such as natural disasters, global environmental destruction and the conservation of natural resources. The simulation of solid earth phenomena involves the analysis of complex structures including strata, faults, and heterogeneous material properties. Simulation of the generation and cycle of earthquakes is particularly important, but such simulations require the analysis of complex fault dynamics. GeoFEM is a parallel finite-element analysis system intended for solid earth field phenomena problems. This paper describes recent development in the GeoFEM project for the simulation of earthquake generation and cycles.


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The recent identification of several additional members of the family of sugar transport facilitators (gene symbol SLC2A, protein symbol GLUT) has created a heterogeneous and, in part, confusing nomenclature. Therefore, this letter provides a summary of the family members and suggests a systematic nomenclature for SLC2A and GLUT symbols.


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The nervous system contains an abundance of taurine, a neuroactive sulfonic acid. Antibodies were generated against two cloned high-affinity taurine transporters, referred to in this study as TAUT-1 and TAUT-2. The distribution of such was compared with the distribution of taurine in the rat brain, pituitary, and retina. The cellular pattern of [H-3] taurine uptake in brain slices, pituitary slices, and retinas was examined by autoradiography. TAUT-2 was predominantly associated with glial cells, including the Bergmann glial cells of the cerebellum and astrocytes in brain areas such as hippocampus. Low-level labeling for TAUT-2 was also observed in some neurones such as CA1 pyramidal cells. TAUT-1 distribution was more limited; in the posterior pituitary TAUT-1 was associated with the pituicytes but was absent from glial cells in the intermediate and anterior lobes. Conversely, in the brain TAUT-1 was associated with cerebellar Purkinje cells and, in the retina, with photoreceptors and bipolar cells. Our data suggest that intracellular taurine levels in glial cells and neurons may be regulated in part by specific high-affinity taurine transporters. The heterogeneous distribution of taurine and its transporters in the brain does not reconcile well with the possibility that taurine acts solely as a ubiquitous osmolyte in nervous tissues. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The amelogenesis imperfectas (Al) area geneticatly heterogeneous group of diseases that result in defective development of tooth enamel. Although X-linked, autosomal. dominant and autosomal. recessive forms of Al have been clinically characterized, only two genes (AMELX and ENAM) have been associated with Al. To date, three enamelin (ENAM) mutations have been identified. These mutations cause phenotypically diverse forms of autosomal. dominant Al. Detailed phenotype-genotype correlations have not been performed for autosomal. dominant Al due to ENAM mutations. We identified a previously unreported kindred segregating for the ENAM mutation, g.8344delG. Light and electron microscopy analyses of unerupted permanent teeth show the enamel is markedly reduced in thickness, Lacks a prismatic structure and has a laminated appearance. Taken together these histological features support the enamelin protein as being critical for the development of a normal. enamel. thickness and that it Likely has a role in regulating c-axis crystallite growth. Because there is growing molecular and phenotypic diversity in the enamelin defects, it is critical to have a nomenclature and numbering system for characterizing these conditions. We present a standardized nomenclature for ENAM mutations that will allow consistent reporting and communication. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Blasting has been the most frequently used method for rock breakage since black powder was first used to fragment rocks, more than two hundred years ago. This paper is an attempt to reassess standard design techniques used in blasting by providing an alternative approach to blast design. The new approach has been termed asymmetric blasting. Based on providing real time rock recognition through the capacity of measurement while drilling (MWD) techniques, asymmetric blasting is an approach to deal with rock properties as they occur in nature, i.e., randomly and asymmetrically spatially distributed. It is well accepted that performance of basic mining operations, such as excavation and crushing rely on a broken rock mass which has been pre conditioned by the blast. By pre-conditioned we mean well fragmented, sufficiently loose and with adequate muckpile profile. These muckpile characteristics affect loading and hauling [1]. The influence of blasting does not end there. Under the Mine to Mill paradigm, blasting has a significant leverage on downstream operations such as crushing and milling. There is a body of evidence that blasting affects mineral liberation [2]. Thus, the importance of blasting has increased from simply fragmenting and loosing the rock mass, to a broader role that encompasses many aspects of mining, which affects the cost of the end product. A new approach is proposed in this paper which facilitates this trend 'to treat non-homogeneous media (rock mass) in a non-homogeneous manner (an asymmetrical pattern) in order to achieve an optimal result (in terms of muckpile size distribution).' It is postulated there are no logical reasons (besides the current lack of means to infer rock mass properties in the blind zones of the bench and onsite precedents) for drilling a regular blast pattern over a rock mass that is inherently heterogeneous. Real and theoretical examples of such a method are presented.


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Predisposition to melanoma is genetically heterogeneous. Two high penetrance susceptibility genes, CDKN2A and CDK4, have so far been identified and mapping is ongoing to localize and identify others. With the advent of a catalogue of millions of potential DNA polymorphisms, attention is now also being focused on identification of genes that confer a more modest contribution to melanoma risk, such as those encoding proteins involved in pigmentation, DNA repair, cell growth and differentiation or detoxification of metabolites. One such pigmentation gene, MC1R, has not only been found to be a low penetrance melanoma gene but has also been shown to act as a genetic modifier of melanoma risk in individuals carrying CDKN2A mutations. Most recently, an environmental agent, ultraviolet radiation, has also been established as a modifier of melanoma risk in CDKN2A mutation carriers. Hence, melanoma is turning out to be an excellent paradigm for studying gene-gene and gene-environment interactions.


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The Epstein-Barr virus latent membrane protein (LMP 1) functions as a constitutively active signalling molecule and associates in lipid rafts clustered with other signalling molecules. Using immunofluorescent confocal microscopy, LMP 1 was shown to have an heterogeneous distribution among individual cells which was not related to the cell cycle stage. LMP 1 was shown to localize to intracellular compartments in cells other than the plasma membrane, Co-labelling of cells with both an LIMP 1 antibody and an antibody to the Golgi protein GS15 revealed that the intracellular LMP 1 partly co-localized with the Golgi apparatus. Further confirmation of intracellular LMP 1 localization was obtained by immunoelectron microscopy with rabbit polyclonal LIMP 1 antibodies and cryosectioning. As well as being present in intracellular foci, LMP 1 co-localized in part with MHC-II and was present on exosomes derived from a lymphoblastoid cell line. Preparations of LMP 1 containing exosomes were shown to inhibit the proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells, suggesting that LIMP 1 could be involved in immune regulation. This may be of particular relevance in EBV-associated tumours such as nasopharyngeal carcinoma and Hodgkin's disease, as LMP 1-containing exosomes may be taken up by infiltrating T-lymphocytes, where LMP 1 could exert an anti-proliferative effect, allowing the tumour cells to evade the immune system.