864 resultados para Hepatitis E virus (HEV)
INTRODUÇÃO: As hepatites virais constituem um importante problema de saúde pública no mundo. No Brasil existem poucos estudos sobre esta questão, especialmente entre as comunidades ribeirinhas. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a soroprevalência das hepatites B e C virais na comunidade ribeirinha da Ilha do Pacuí, no Estado do Pará, Brasil, e investigar os principais fatores de risco principal a que está comunidade está exposta. MÉTODOS: O presente estudo avaliou amostras de sangue de 181 voluntários que responderam a um questionário epidemiológico. Análises de marcadores sorológicos foram testados com kits comerciais de ELISA para detecção de HBsAg, anti-HBc total, anti-HBs e anti-VHC. Nos pacientes reagentes para VHC, RT-PCR e um line probe assay foi realizado para identificar o genótipo viral. RESULTADOS: Na análise dos marcadores sorológicos para hepatite B, observou-se taxas de 1,1% para anti-HBc total e 19,3% para anti-HBs, o marcador sorológico HBsAg não foi encontrado nesta população. Para a hepatite C foi encontrada um soroprevalência de 8,8%, destes 62,5% tinham RNA viral. Entre os fatores de risco estudados se destacaram: a não-utilização de preservativos, o compartilhamento de instrumentos cortantes, uso de drogas ilícitas e relatos de doença na família com VHB ou VHC. CONCLUSÕES: Observamos que a cobertura de vacinação contra o VHB é baixa e uma alta prevalência da hepatite C nesta comunidade.
Chronic liver disease in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients is mostly caused by hepatitis virus co-infection. Other reasons for chronic alanine aminotransferase (ALT) elevation are more difficult to diagnose.
The proapoptotic Bcl-2 homolog Bim was shown to control the apoptosis of both T cells and hepatocytes. This dual role of Bim might be particularly relevant for the development of viral hepatitis, in which both the sensitivity of hepatocytes to apoptosis stimuli and the persistence of cytotoxic T cells are essential factors for the outcome of the disease. The relevance of Bim in regulating survival of cytotoxic T cells or induction of hepatocyte death has only been investigated in separate systems, and their relative contributions to the pathogenesis of T cell-mediated hepatitis remain unclear. Using the highly dynamic model system of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus-mediated hepatitis and bone marrow chimeras, we found that Bim has a dual role in the development of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus-induced, T cell-mediated hepatitis. Although the absence of Bim in parenchymal cells led to markedly attenuated liver damage, loss of Bim in the lymphoid compartment moderately enhanced hepatitis. However, when both effects were combined in Bim(-/-) mice, the effect of Bim deficiency in the lymphoid compartment was overcompensated for by the reduced sensitivity of Bim(-/-) hepatocytes to T cell-induced apoptosis, resulting in the protection of Bim(-/-) mice from hepatitis.
The initial step in coronavirus-mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) replication is the synthesis of negative strand RNA from a positive strand genomic RNA template. Our approach to studying MHV RNA replication is to identify the cis-acting signals for RNA synthesis and the protein(s) which recognizes these signals at the 3$\sp\prime$ end of genomic RNA of MHV. To determine whether host cellular and/or virus-specific proteins interact with the 3$\sp\prime$ end of the coronavirus genome, an RNase T$\sb1$ protection/gel mobility shift electrophoresis assay was used to examine cytoplasmic extracts from either mock- or MHV-JHM-infected 17Cl-1 murine cells for the ability to form complexes with defined regions of the genomic RNA. A conserved 11 nucleotide sequence UGAAUGAAGUU at nucleotide positions 36 to 26 from the 3$\sp\prime$ end of genomic RNA was identified to be responsible for the specific binding of host proteins, by using a series of RNA probes with deletions and mutations in this region. The RNA probe containing the 11 nucleotide sequence bound approximately four host cellular proteins with a highly labeled 120 kDa and three minor species with sizes of 103, 81 and 55 kDa, assayed by UV-induced covalent cross-linking. Mutation of the 11 nucleotide motif strongly inhibited cellular protein binding, and decreased the amount of the 103 and 81 kDa proteins in the complex to undetectable levels and strongly reduced the binding of the 120 kDa protein. Less extensive mutations within this 11 nucleotide motif resulted in variable decreases in RNA-protein complex formation depending on each probe tested. The RNA-protein complexes observed with cytoplasmic extracts from MHV-JHM-infected cells in both RNase protection/gel mobility shift and UV cross-linking assays were indistinguishable to those observed with extracts from uninfected cells.^ To investigate the possible role of this 3$\sp\prime$ protein binding element in viral RNA replication in vivo, defective interfering RNA molecules with complete or partial mutations of the 11 nucleotide conserved sequence were transcribed in vitro, transfected to host 17Cl-1 cells in the presence of helper virus MHV-JHM and analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis, competitive RT-PCR and direct sequencing of the RT-PCR products. Both negative strand synthesis and positive strand replication of DI RNA were affected by mutation that disrupts RNA-protein complex formation, even though the 11 mutated nucleotides were converted to wild type sequence, presumably by recombination with helper virus. Kinetic analysis indicated that recombination between DI RNA and helper virus occurred 5.5 to 7.5 hours post infection when replication of positive strand DI RNA was barely observed. Replication of positive strand DI RNAs carrying partial mutations within the 11 nucleotide motif was dependent upon recombination events after transfection. Replication was strongly inhibited when reversion to wild type sequence did not occur, and after recombination, reached similar levels as wild type DI RNA. A DI RNA with mutation upstream of the protein binding motif replicated as efficiently as wild type without undergoing recombination. Thus the conserved 11 nucleotide host protein binding motif appears to play an important role in viral RNA replication. ^
Temperature sensitive (ts) mutant viruses have helped elucidate replication processes in many viral systems. Several panels of replication-defective ts mutants in which viral RNA synthesis is abolished at the nonpermissive temperature (RNA$\sp{-})$ have been isolated for Mouse Hepatitis Virus, MHV (Robb et al., 1979; Koolen et al., 1983; Martin et al., 1988; Schaad et al., 1990). However, no one had investigated genetic or phenotypic relationships between these different mutant panels. In order to determine how the panel of MHV-JHM RNA$\sp{-}$ ts mutants (Robb et al., 1979) were genetically related to other described MHV RNA$\sp{-}$ ts mutants, the MHV-JHM mutants were tested for complementation with representatives from two different sets of MHV-A59 ts mutants (Koolen et al., 1983; Schaad et al., 1990). The three ts mutant panels together were found to comprise eight genetically distinct complementation groups. Of these eight complementation groups, three complementation classes are unique to their particular mutant panel; genetically equivalent mutants were not observed within the other two mutant panels. Two complementation groups were common to all three mutant panels. The three remaining complementation groups overlapped two of the three mutant sets. Mutants MHV-JHM tsA204 and MHV-A59 ts261 were shown to be within one of these overlapping complementation groups. The phenotype of the MHV-JHM mutants within this complementation class has been previously characterized (Leibowitz et al., 1982; Leibowitz et al, 1990). When these mutants were grown at the permissive temperature, then shifted up to the nonpermissive temperature at the start of RNA synthesis, genome-length RNA and leader RNA fragments accumulated, but no subgenomic mRNA was synthesized. MHV-A59 ts261 produced leader RNA fragments identical to those observed with MHV-JHM tsA204. Thus, these two MHV RNA$\sp{-}$ ts mutants that were genetically equivalent by complementation testing were phenotypically similar as well. Recombination frequencies obtained from crosses of MHV-A59 ts261 with several of the gene 1 MHV-A59 mutants indicated that the causal mutation(s) of MHV-A59 ts261 was located near the overlapping junction of ORF1a and ORF1b, in the 3$\sp\prime$ end of ORF1a, or the 5$\sp\prime$ end of ORF1b. Sequence analysis of this junction and 1400 nucleotides into the 5$\sp\prime$ end of ORF1b of MHV-A59 ts261 revealed one nucleotide change from the wildtype MHV-A59. This substitution at nucleotide 13,598 (A to G) was a silent mutation in the ORF1a reading frame, but resulted in an amino acid change in ORF1b gene product (I to V). This amino acid change would be expressed only in the readthrough translation product produced upon successful ribosome frameshifting. A revertant of MHV-A59 ts261 (R2) also retained this guanidine residue, but had a second substitution at nucleotide 14,475 in ORF1b. This mutation results in the substitution of valine for an isoleucine.^ The data presented here suggest that the mutation in MHV-A59 ts261 (nucleotide 13,598) would be responsible for the MHV-JHM complementation group A phenotype. A second-site reversion at nucleotide 14,475 may correct this defect in the revertant. Sequencing of gene 1 immediately upstream of nucleotide 13,296 and downstream of nucleotide 15,010 must be conducted to test this hypothesis. ^
A cellular protein, previously described as p35/38, binds to the complementary (−)-strand of the leader RNA and intergenic (IG) sequence of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) RNA. The extent of the binding of this protein to IG sites correlates with the efficiency of the subgenomic mRNA transcription from that IG site, suggesting that it is a requisite transcription factor. We have purified this protein and determined by partial peptide sequencing that it is heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A1, an abundant, primarily nuclear protein. hnRNP A1 shuttles between the nucleus and cytoplasm and plays a role in the regulation of alternative RNA splicing. The MHV(−)-strand leader and IG sequences conform to the consensus binding motifs of hnRNP A1. Recombinant hnRNP A1 bound to these two RNA regions in vitro in a sequence-specific manner. During MHV infection, hnRNP A1 relocalizes from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, where viral replication occurs. These data suggest that hnRNP A1 is a cellular factor that regulates the RNA-dependent RNA transcription of the virus.
Mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), a murine coronavirus known to cause encephalitis and demyelination, uses murine homologues of carcinoembryonic antigens as receptors. However, the expression of these receptors is extremely low in the brain. By low-stringency screening of a mouse brain cDNA library, we have identified a member of the pregnancy-specific glycoprotein (PSG) subgroup of the carcinoembryonic antigen gene family. Unlike other PSG that are expressed in the placenta, it is expressed predominantly in the brain. Transfection of the cDNA into COS-7 cells, which lack a functional MHV receptor, conferred susceptibility to infection by some MHV strains, including A59, MHV-2, and MHV-3, but not JHM. Thus, this is a virus strain-specific receptor. The detection of multiple receptors for MHV suggests the flexibility of this virus in receptor utilization. The identification of this virus in receptor utilization. The identification of a PSG predominantly expressed in the brain also expands the potential functions of these molecules.
La infección por el virus de la hepatitis C (VHC) tiene un gran impacto a nivel mundial, considerándose una de las principales causas de hepatitis crónica, enfermedad hepática terminal y hepatocarcinoma. Hasta la incorporación de los nuevos agentes antivirales, el genotipo 1b era el que tenía tasas más bajas de respuesta viral sostenida (RVS); y a su vez, el de mayor prevalencia en nuestro medio. Lo que ha llevado a la búsqueda de marcadores predictores de respuesta, con el fin de identificar a aquellos pacientes que pudieran beneficiarse del tratamiento. Estudios previos han mostrado que la variabilidad genómica en la región codificante de la proteína C del Core y en la región comprendida entre los aminoácidos 2209 y 2248 (región determinante de la sensibilidad al IFN: ISDR) de la región que codifica la proteína no-‐estructural 5A (NS5A) están relacionados con la respuesta al tratamiento con biterapia. Es por ello, que el objetivo de nuestro estudio es caracterizar a nivel genómico ambas regiones y analizar su impacto en pacientes con infección crónica por el genotipo 1b. Se analizan, además, otros factores basales implicados en la respuesta: sexo, edad y carga viral basal...
Introducción: En los pacientes coinfectados VIH/VHC, la influencia del tratamiento antirretroviral sobre la respuesta al tratamiento de la hepatitis C con interferón pegilado y ribavirina no se conoce bien. El objetivo de este estudio es investigar el efecto del tratamiento antirretroviral sobre la respuesta al tratamiento en los pacientes coinfectados. Métodos: Los pacientes se seleccionaron de dos cohortes de pacientes coinfectados por VIH y VHC de GESIDA y tratados con interferón pegilado y ribavirina entre 2001 y 2007. La respuesta viral sostenida se definió como una carga viral indetectable a las 24 semanas de haber finalizado el tratamiento. Se utilizaron métodos de regresión logística para estudiar posibles asociaciones entre la ausencia de respuesta y las características basales, incluyendo los fármacos antirretrovirales acompañantes. Resultados: Se incluyeron 1701 pacientes: el 63% tenía el genotipo 1 o 4 del VHC y el 88% estaba tomando TARGA. Los factores asociados de forma independiente con mayor probabilidad de RVS fueron el genotipo 2 o 3, la concentración de ARN-VHC<500000 UI/ml y la categoría clínica A o B. Se realizó un análisis ajustado a los factores pronósticos y la dosis de ribavirina /kg de peso, obteniendo una OR ajustada de RVS en los pacientes sin TARGA de 1,31 (IC95% 0,91-1,88, p=0,144). Tomando la pauta de TDF+FTC/3TC como referencia, se vio que solamente el AZT se asoció a una menor probabilidad de RVS, con una OR ajustada de RVS de 0,65 (IC95% 0,46-0,93, p=0,017). Conclusiones: El hecho de estar recibiendo TAR no tuvo ningún efecto sobre la respuesta al tratamiento de la hepatitis C. El único fármaco antirretroviral que se asoció de forma significativa con menor probabilidad de RVS fue el AZT.
In this paper we present an examination of the literature on the psychosocial aspects of hepatitis C (HCV), and ask what are the implications for patients and clinicians regarding access to treatment? Hepatitis C (HCV) is a blood-borne communicable disease that was identified in 1988. In Australia, an estimated 217,000 people live with HCV. The virus causes serious liver inflammation, can lead to liver cirrhosis and a small percentage of sufferers will develop hepatocellular carcinoma. Reports about the psychosocial aspects of HCV appeared from around 1994 indicating a similar set of societal responses to people with HIV; stigmatisation and discrimination. A number of calls were made for the establishment of counselling and support services to address the specific mental health needs of people with HCV. We conducted a systematic review of the literature between 2002-2012 about the psychosocial aspects of HCV and its relationship to access to treatment and identified a number of key issues that suggest the anticipated progress in this area has not been made. The majority of people with HCV already experience marginalisation, and the diagnosis of HCV further compounds their marginalisation through stigma and discrimination and complicates clinical decision-making around treatment. We conclude that the need for mental health services that are capable of addressing the complexities of the psychosocial aspects of HCV remains. Concomitantly, primary care clinicians require greater clarity and consistency about the clinical guidelines for HCV to meet the increasing expectations on them to deliver comprehensive patient management within primary care. (248 words)
Hepatitis C, mental health and equity of access to antiviral therapy : a systematic narrative review
Introduction Access to hepatitis C (hereafter HCV) antiviral therapy has commonly excluded populations with mental health and substance use disorders because they were considered as having contraindications to treatment, particularly due to the neuropsychiatric effects of interferon that can occur in some patients. In this review we examined access to HCV interferon antiviral therapy by populations with mental health and substance use problems to identify the evidence and reasons for exclusion. Methods We searched the following major electronic databases for relevant articles: PsycINFO, Medline, CINAHL, Scopus, Google Scholar. The inclusion criteria comprised studies of adults aged 18 years and older, peer-reviewed articles, date range of (2002--2012) to include articles since the introduction of pegylated interferon with ribarvirin, and English language. The exclusion criteria included articles about HCV populations with medical co-morbidities, such as hepatitis B (hereafter HBV) and human immunodeficiency virus (hereafter HIV), because the clinical treatment, pathways and psychosocial morbidity differ from populations with only HCV. We identified 182 articles, and of these 13 met the eligibility criteria. Using an approach of systematic narrative review we identified major themes in the literature. Results Three main themes were identified including: (1) pre-treatment and preparation for antiviral therapy, (2) adherence and treatment completion, and (3) clinical outcomes. Each of these themes was critically discussed in terms of access by patients with mental health and substance use co-morbidities demonstrating that current research evidence clearly demonstrates that people with HCV, mental health and substance use co-morbidities have similar clinical outcomes to those without these co-morbidities. Conclusions While research evidence is largely supportive of increased access to interferon by people with HCV, mental health and substance use co-morbidities, there is substantial further work required to translate evidence into clinical practice. Further to this, we conclude that a reconsideration of the appropriateness of the tertiary health service model of care for interferon management is required and exploration of the potential for increased HCV care in primary health care settings.
Torque teno virus (TTV) was discovered in 1997 in the serum of a Japanese patient who had a post-transfusion hepatitis of unknown etiology. It is a small virus containing a circular single-stranded DNA genome which is unique among human viruses. Within a few years after its discovery, the TTVs were noted to form a large family of viruses with numerous genotypes. TTV is highly prevalent among the general population throughout the world, and persistent infections and co-infections with several genotypes occur frequently. However, the pathogenicity and the mechanism for the sustained occurrence of the virus in blood are at present unclear. To determine the prevalence of TTV in Finland, we set up PCR methods and examined the sera of asymptomatic subjects for the presence of TTV DNA and for genotype-6 DNA. TTV was found to be highly prevalent also in Finland; 85% of adults harbored TTV in their blood, and 4% were infected with genotype-6. In addition, TTV DNA was detected in a number of different tissues, with no tissue-type or symptom specificity. Most cell-biological events during TTV infections are at the moment unknown. Replicating TTV DNA has, however, been detected in liver and the hematopoietic compartment, and three mRNAs are known to be generated. To characterize TTV cell biology in more detail, we cloned in full length the genome of TTV genotype 6. We showed that in human kidney-derived cells TTV produces altogether six proteins with distinct subcellular localizations. TTV mRNA transcription was detected in all cell lines transfected with the full-length clone, and TTV DNA replicated in several of them, including those of erythroid, kidney, and hepatic origin. Furthermore, the viral DNA replication was shown to utilize the cellular DNA polymerases. Diagnoses of TTV infections have been based almost solely on PCR, whereas serological tests, measuring antibody responses, would give more information on many aspects of these infections. To investigate the TTV immunology in more detail, we produced all six TTV proteins for use as antigens in serological tests. We detected in human sera IgM and IgG antibodies to occur simultaneously with TTV DNA, and observed appearance of TTV DNA regardless of pre-existing antibodies, and disappearance of TTV DNA after antibody appearance. The genotype-6 nucleotide sequence remained stable for years within the infected subjects, suggesting that some mechanism other than mutations is used by this minute virus to evade our immune system and to establish chronic infections in immunocompetent subjects.
Hepatitis C is an infection of the liver caused by a pos. single-stranded RNA virus (HCV) which affects 170 million people worldwide. It is responsible for 40-60% of all liver disease and is the major cause of liver transplants in the United States. The HCV NS5B gene encodes the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase which is essential for HCV replication. We have previously reported the identification of acylpyrrolidines as potent inhibitors of NS5B; however their activity is attenuated against genotype 1a. The design of improved broader-spectrum compds., capable of effective inhibition of both genotypes 1b and 1a is desirable. An understanding of the binding site and genotype sequence differences was utilized to design compds. with greatly enhanced genotype 1a and 1b potency. Our studies led to the identification of GSK625433, a potent, homochiral inhibitor of these HCV genotypes in both enzyme and sub-genomic replicon cell-based assays. GSK625433 has a good pharmacokinetic profile in pre-clin. animal species, enabling progression to clin. evaluation.
We describe an outbreak of hepatitis A which evolved in Northern Ireland between October 2008 and July 2009, against a background of large concurrent hepatitis A outbreaks in various parts of Europe. Thirty-eight cases were defined as outbreak cases using a stratified case definition; 36 were males with a median age of 29 years and of the 28 males whose sexual orientation was known, 26 were men who have sex with men (MSM). Detailed descriptive epidemiology data collected through standardised questionnaires, together with sequencing of a 289 bp fragment of the VP1/2PA region of the virus, significantly aided the understanding of the spread of the outbreak when non-MSM cases occurred. The sequence of the outbreak strain, genotype IA, was indistinguishable from that involved in a large outbreak in the Czech Republic. Although seeded in a generally susceptible Northern Ireland population, the outbreak remained mostly contained in MSM, showing this sub-population to be the most vulnerable despite ongoing hepatitis A vaccination programmes in genito-urinary medicine clinics.