995 resultados para Hazardous materials.


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Segregering eller segregation är ett fenomen som kan förekomma inom olika områden av samhället. Inom samhällsvetenskaperna kan segregering definieras som det rumsliga åtskiljandet av befolkningsgrupper på urval av ras eller etniskt ursprung, kön, social härkomst, religion, ålder, yrke, osv. Segregering av befolkningsgrupper sker ofta mer eller mindre frivilligt och är motsatsen till integration. Inom partikelteknologi definieras segregering oftast som det rumsliga åtskiljandet av beståndsdelarna i en blandning av olika partiklar. Segregering sker då på urval av bl.a. partiklarnas storlek, densitet, form, elektrostatiska eller mekaniska egenskaper, och kan beskrivas som motsatsen till blandning. Segregeringsmekanismer används för att förklara hur och varför en partikelblandning segregerar samt vad slutresultatet i form av den rumsliga fördelningen av partiklarna blir till följd av att blandningen utsetts för en viss behandling. I denna avhandling har segregering av partikelblandningar och speciellt torra mineralbaserade byggmaterial (t.ex. murbruk) till följd av lagring i siloer studerats. Vid industriell produktion av mineralbaserade byggmaterial används siloer för korttidslagring av slutprodukterna precis innan förpackning. Segregering leder till kraftiga variationer i sammansättningen för partikelströmmen ut ur silon, vilket gör att slutprodukterna inte uppfyller kvalitetskraven och kan därmed inte säljas till kunder. Detta leder till arbetsam och dyr bearbetning (återcirkulation) av produkterna med påföljder för produktionsekonomin samt hållbara utvecklingen. I avhandlingen identifierades de väsentligaste segregeringsmekanismerna för torra mineralbaserade byggmaterial i siloer. Dessutom klargjordes effekterna av materialegenskaper, processbetingelser och siloparametrar. Slutligen behandlas möjliga åtgärder för minskning av partikelsegregering i siloer samt tillämpning av matematiska metoder för simulering av partikelflöden med hjälp av datorer.


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In Tropical regions, the animal performance is often affected by climate conditions. This study aimed to evaluate covering materials in individual shelters, normally used to house dairy calves, and its influence on the calves physiology and performance. The design used was completely randomized, with a 2x3 factorial arrangement to compare the averages of 5% through the Tukey's test, i.e., both genders- and three types of covering in the shelters (Z - zinc; AC - asbestos cement; and WPAC - white-painted asbestos cement). Parameters evaluated included daily weight gain (DWG), dry matter intake (DMI), feed conversion (FC), rectal temperature (RT), and respiratory frequency (RF). Results showed significant differences (P < 0.05) among males (1.04kg/day) and females (0.74kg/day) for DWG and interaction between gender and treatment (P < 0.05) for zinc covering (0.562kg/day for females and 1.120kg/day for males). Significant differences were also observed in FI of animals housed under shelters with the covering of zinc (48.35kgDM/day for females and 96.91 kgDM/day for males). There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in the FC and the RT, and there were significant differences (P < 0.05) for RF in the Z treatments (56.9 mov.min-1), WPAC (62.2 mov.min-1) and FC (70.25 mov.min-1). It was concluded that different covering materials did not affect performance and dry matter intake of dairy calves. However, the animals' physiology of thermoregulation was altered by the different covering materials used in individual shelters.


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The research was developed to evaluate the use of different types of roofing materials regularly used in poultry houses. Measurements of thermal comfort were made through the use of techniques such as the Black Globe and Humidity Index (BGHI), the Thermal Heat Load (THL) and Enthalpy (H). Conducted in the State University of Goiás, during the months of April and May, 2011, the experiment was composed of five different treatments: AC - Asbestos cement tiles, BA -Bamboo tiles, BAP - Bamboo tiles painted in white, FB -Vegetable fiber tiles and bitumen, FBP -Vegetable fiber tiles and bitumen painted in white. The experiment consisted in 15 repetitions, which were considered the different days of measurements taken. Throughout the studied period, the time of the day considered the least comfortable was the one observed at 2:00pm, and the coverage of vegetable fiber and bitumen showed the highest value of BGHI (84.1) when compared to other types of coverage, characterizing a situation of lower thermal comfort, and no difference was found for THL and H on treatments in the studied region.


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The present study was conducted at the Department of Rural Engineering and the Department of Animal Morphology and Physiology of FCAV/Unesp, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. The objective was to verify the influence of roof slope, exposure and roofing material on the internal temperature of reduced models of animal production facilities. For the development of the research, 48 reduced and dissemble models with dimensions 1.00 × 1.00 × 0.50 m were used. The roof was shed-type, and the models faced to the North or South directions, with 24 models for each side of exposure. Ceramic, galvanized-steel and fibro tiles were used to build the roofs. Slopes varied between 20, 30, 40 and 50% for the ceramic tile and 10, 30, 40 and 50% for the other two. Inside the models, temperature readings were performed at every hour, for 12 months. The results were evaluated in a general linear model in a nested 3 × 4 × 2 factorial arrangement, in which the effects of roofing material and exposure were nested on the factor Slope. Means were compared by the Tukey test at 5% of probability. After analyzing the data, we observed that with the increase in the slope and exposure to the South, there was a drop in the internal temperature within the model at the geographic coordinates of Jaboticabal city (SP/Brazil).


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ABSTRACTThe current study aimed to evaluate the influence of three colors and two types of roofing materials under the internal temperature of bee colonies Apis mellifera. The experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Sciences Campus at the Federal University of Sao Francisco Valley located in Petrolina-PE, in November and December 2013, using 24 colonies housed in Langstroth hives. The experiment was a completely randomized factorial design (3x2) with three colors of box (blue, white, and traditional) and two types of cover (with and without the use of plaster) with six treatments and four replications. The internal temperature dates of the colonies were hourly recorded, during 24 hours, and surface temperatures were hourly recorded between 08h00 and 17h00. The highest values for surface and internal temperature were registered in the blue painted boxes without the use of plasterboard, and the blue painted boxes covered with plasterboard respectively. However, the lowest values ​​were found in the white painted hives and hives that have not received the plasterboard. It is recommended to paint boxes with bright colors, and the use of plasterboard had no effect in reducing the internal temperature.


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Många förbränningsanläggningar som bränner utmanande bränslen såsom restfraktioner och avfall råkar ut för problem med ökad korrosion på överhettare och/eller vattenväggar pga. komponenter i bränslena som är korrosiva. För att minimera problemen i avfallseldade pannor hålls ångparametrarna på en relativt låg nivå, vilket drastiskt minskar energiproduktionen. Beläggningarna i avfallseldade pannor består till största delen av element som är förknippade med högtemperaturkorrosion: Cl, S, alkalimetaller, främst K och Na, och tungmetaller som Pb och Zn, och det finns också indikationer av Br-förekomst. Det låga ångtrycket i avfallseldade pannor påverkar också stålrörens temperatur i pannväggarna i eldstaden. I dagens läge hålls temperaturen normalt vid 300-400 °C. Alkalikloridorsakad (KCl, NaCl) högtemperaturkorrosion har inte rapporterats vara relevant vid såpass låga temperaturer, men närvaro av Zn- och Pb-komponenter i beläggningarna har påvisats förorsaka ökad korrosion redan vid 300-400 °C. Vid förbränning kan Zn och Pb reagera med S och Cl och bilda klorider och sulfater i rökgaserna. Dessa tungmetallföreningar är speciellt problematiska pga. de bildar lågsmältande saltblandningar. Dessa lågsmältande gasformiga eller fasta föreningar följer rökgasen och kan sedan fastna eller kondensera på kallare ytor på pannväggar eller överhettare för att sedan bilda aggressiva beläggningar. Tungmetallrika (Pb, Zn) klorider och sulfater ökar risken för korrosion, och effekten förstärks ytterligare vid närvaro av smälta. Motivet med den här studien var att få en bättre insikt i högtemperaturkorrosion förorsakad av Zn och Pb, samt att undersöka och prediktera beteendet och motståndskraften hos några stålkvaliteter som används i överhettare och pannväggar i tungmetallrika förhållanden och höga materialtemperaturer. Omfattande laboratorie-, småskale- och fullskaletest utfördes. Resultaten kan direkt utnyttjas i praktiska applikationer, t.ex. vid materialval, eller vid utveckling av korrosionsmotverkande verktyg för att hitta initierande faktorer och förstå deras effekt på högtemperaturkorrosion.


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This thesis is part of the Arctic Materials Technologies Development –project, which aims to research and develop manufacturing techniques, especially welding, for Arctic areas. The main target of this paper is to clarify what kind of European metallic materials are used, or can be used, in Arctic. These materials include mainly carbon steels but also stainless steels and aluminium and its alloys. Standardized materials, their properties and also some recent developments are being introduced. Based on this thesis it can be said that carbon steels (shipbuilding and pipeline steels) have been developed based on needs of industry and steels exist, which can be used in Arctic areas. Still, these steels cannot be fully benefited, because rules and standards are under development. Also understanding of fracture behavior of new ultra high strength steels is not yet good enough, which means that research methods (destructive and non-destructive methods) need to be developed too. The most of new nickel-free austenitic and austenitic-ferritic stainless steels can be used in cold environment. Ferritic and martensitic stainless steels are being developed for better weldability and these steels are mainly developed in nuclear industry. Aluminium alloys are well suitable for subzero environment and these days high strength aluminium alloys are available also as thick sheets. Nanotechnology makes it possible to manufacture steels, stainless steels and aluminium alloys with even higher strength. Joining techniques needs to be developed and examined properly to achieve economical and safe way to join these modern alloys.


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Ett huvudmål med denna avhandling var att erhålla ny information om växelverkan mellan metalljoner i vattenfas och träbaserade material såsom olika pappersmassor, ved och bark. Material av gran, tall och björk har studerats. En ny känslig kolonnkromatografisk metod utvecklades för bestämning av affinitetsordningar för 17 olika metalljoner. Av dessa bands trevärt järn och de mycket toxiska tungmetallerna bly, koppar och kadmium starkast till de studerade materialen. Växelverkan i dessa tvåfas system sker som jonbyte, huvudsakligen via komplexbildning av metalljoner till funktionella grupper i den fasta fasen. Vattenfasens pH är den viktigaste parametern som bestämmer totala halten av metalljoner som binds till materialen. Resultatet i denna avhandling kan delvis betraktas som grundforskning. En ny kunskap om metalljoners förekomst och kemiska reaktioner i dessa system är även av stor ekonomisk och ekologisk, betydelse, när man strävar till allt mera slutna system i moderna massafabriker. Avhandlingen visar också att trädbark har stor potential för biosorption av tungmetaller t.ex. från avfallsvatten. Trädbark har nästan lika stor bindningskapacitet som dyra syntetiska jonbytare.


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The authors describe a surgical technique which allows, without increasing costs, to perform laparoscopic cholecystectomy with a single incision, without using specific materials and with better surgical ergonomics. The technique consists of a longitudinal umbilical incision, navel detachment, use of a permanent 10mm trocar and two clamps directly and bilaterally through the aponeurosis without the use of 5mm trocars, transcutaneous gallbladder repair with straight needle cotton suture, ligation with unabsorbable suture and umbilical incision for the specimen extraction. The presented technique enables the procedure with conventional and permanent materials, improving surgical ergonomics, with safety and aesthetic advantages.


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The development of biopolymers has been rapid in recent years and the range of available bioplastics is increasing continuously, driven by a growing demand for sustainable solutions. There are several key drivers behind this growth. The oil reservoirs are decreasing which is causing a price increase for the traditional plastic materials and therefore the gap to bioplastics’ price is getting smaller. In addition, other environmental topics, such as waste disposal and green production, have become more and more important factors for institutes, companies and consumers. Legislation and directives have to be taken into account as well in decision making concerning different packaging materials. The new environmental law with waste disposal responsibility will also have an effect on the packaging business. Therefore a need has risen to study closer the current offering closer of bio-based materials that could be used in chocolate packaging. In this Master’s Thesis the bioplastics’, and especially biodegradable materials’ technical properties and their development, availability, possible existing products in the markets, waste disposal possibilities and consumers attitude towards environmental friendly packaging is studied. This is a case study where the offering of biodegradable materials was investigated during March 2013 for Fazer Confectionary.


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Väisälän palkinnon 2012 saaja.


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The flow of Bingham liquids through porous media has been studied. Experiments have been performed to determine the flow rate / pressure drop relationship for the flow of a grease of Binghamian rheological behavior through an array of rods of circular cross section. The yield stress and plastic viscosity of the grease have been determined with the aid of a controlled stress rotational rheometer. To investigate a wider range of the flow parameters, the mass and momentum conservation equations have been solved numerically, in conjunction with the generalized Newtonian constitutive law and the bi-viscosity model. The finite volume method has been employed to obtain the numerical solution. These numerical results also yielded a flow rate / pressure drop relationship, which is in very good agreement with the experimental results. A capillaric theory has been developed to determine an analytical relationship between the flow rate and pressure drop for flows of Bingham liquids through porous media. It is shown that the predictions of this theory are in good agreement with the experimental and numerical results.


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Inhibition of global warming has become one of the major goals for the coming decades. A key strategy is to replace fossil fuels with more sustainable fuels, which has generated growing interest in the use of waste-derived fuels and of biomass fuels. However, from the chemical point of view, biomass is an inhomogeneous fuel, usually with a high concentration of water and considerable amounts of potassium and chlorine, all of which are known to affect the durability of superheater tubes. To slow down or reduce corrosion, power plants using biomass as fuel have been forced to operate at lower steam temperatures as compared to fossil fuel power plants. This reduces power production efficiency: every 10°C rise in the steam temperature results in an approximate increase of 2% in power production efficiency. More efficient ways to prevent corrosion are needed so that power plants using biomass and waste-derived fuels can operate at higher steam temperatures. The aim of this work was to shed more light on the alkali-induced corrosion of superheater steels at elevated temperatures, focusing on potassium chloride, the alkali salt most frequently encountered in biomass combustion, and on potassium carbonate, another potassium salt occasionally found in fly ash. The mechanisms of the reactions between various corrosive compounds and steels were investigated. Based on the results, the potassium-induced accelerated oxidation of chromia protected steels appears to occur in two consecutive stages. In the first, the protective chromium oxide layer is destroyed through a reaction with potassium leading to the formation of intermediates such as potassium chromate (K2CrO4) and depleting the chromium in the protective oxide layer. As the chromium is depleted, chromium from the bulk steel diffuses into the oxide layer to replenish it. In this stage, the ability of the material to withstand corrosion depends on the chromium content (which affects how long it takes the chromium in the oxide layer to be depleted) and on external factors such as temperature (which affects how fast the chromium diffuses into the protective oxide from the bulk steel). For accelerated oxidation to continue, the presence of chloride appears to be essential.


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Työn tavoitteena on osoittaa betonimurskeen ympäristökelpoisuus maarakennuskäytössä sekä vertailla betonimurskeen ja luonnonmateriaalien elinkaaren aikaisia ympäristövaikutuksia maarakentamisessa. Teoriaosassa käsitellään betonimurskeen maarakennuskäyttöön vaikuttavaa lainsäädäntöä ja sen mahdollisia ympäristövaikutuksia. Lisäksi käydään läpi neitseellisten maarakennusmate-riaalien otosta aiheutuvia ympäristövaikutuksia. Työn kokeellinen osa koostuu kahdesta osasta: materiaalien haitallisten aineiden liukoisuuden mää-rityksistä ja elinkaariarvioinnista. Liukoisuuden määritykset tehtiin kenttäkokeina luonnonolosuhteissa Lahden tiede- ja yrityspuisto Oy:n Jokimaan pilot-luokan maaperätutkimuskeskuksessa. Lisäksi liukoisuudet määritettiin laboratoriossa valtioneuvoston asetuksen eräiden jätteiden hyödyntämisestä maarakentamisessa vaatimusten mukaisesti. Elinkaariarvioinnissa vertailtiin betonimursketta neitseellisiin maarakennusmateriaaleihin skenaarioissa, jotka sisälsivät materiaalin valmistuksen ja kuljetuksen käyttökohteeseen. Neitseellisiä materiaaleja käytettäessä oletettiin, että betoni loppusijoitetaan kaatopaikalle. Elinkaariarvioinnissa käytettiin Gabi-elinkaarimallinnusohjelmaa ja skenaarioita vertailtiin hiilidioksidiekvivalenttipäästöihin. Lisäksi elinkaariarviointiin otettiin mukaan vielä kehitysvaiheessa oleva menetelmä maankäytön indikaattoreiden määrittämiseen. Menetelmällä tutkittiin soranoton vaikutusta soraharjun maaperän laadulle ennen ja jälkeen soranoton. Tulokseksi liukoisuuden määrityksistä saatiin, että betonimurskekerroksen läpi suotautuneen sade-veden pH nousee hyvin emäksiseksi. pH:n nousu vaikuttaisi korreloivan positiivisesti tiettyjen metallien liukoisuuteen. Huomattavaa on, että kenttäkokeiden liukoisuudet ja laboratoriossa määritetyt liukoisuudet poikkesivat joltain osin toisistaan. Elinkaaritarkastelussa hiilidioksidiekvivalentti päästöjen suhteen suurin päästö aiheutuu, jos betoni loppusijoitetaan kaatopaikalle hyötykäytön sijaan. Maaperän laadun muutoksien määrittämisen menetelmä ei vielä ole käyttökelpoinen lähtötietojen yksinkertaistuksien ja puutteiden takia. Betonimurskeen hyötykäyttö maarakentamisessa ei aiheuta merkittäviä ympäristövaikutuksia, kun altistus vedelle minimoidaan. Lisäksi hyötykäyttö on suositeltava vaihtoehto loppusijoitukselle kaatopaikan rakentamisen ja käytön aiheuttamien ympäristövaikutusten takia.