994 resultados para Hansen nasal


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O trabalho refere as observações feitas em 1947 em um foco de leishmaniose muco-cutânea na Baixada Fluminense (Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil). A existência da moléstia como uma endemia na região foi comprovada pelo encontro de 21 cicatrizes típicas, reagindo positivamente à intradermo-reação com antígeno específico, algumas datando de 5 a 15 anos. Na época dos trabalhos, entretanto, foi constatado um "surto epidêmico", o qual coincidira com uma grande derrubada florestal para fabrico de carvão vegetal. De 306 pessoas examinadas (cêrca de 50% da população local), foram encontradas 39 com lesões leishmanióticas (12,7%). Dentro e fora dos domicílios foram capturados Phlebotomus intermedius. Em 12 cães examinados foi encontrado um com diagnóstico provável da moléstia. Quinze gatos examinados mostraram-se negativos e, do mesmo modo, 28 mamíferos silvestres de pequeno porte. Dos 39 paciente, 4 tinham lesões mucosas (10,3%); 16 apresentavam lesões múltiplas (41,0%); e 19 eram mulheres (48,7%). Havia absoluta predominância das lesões nas partes descobertas do corpo. Cêrca de 1/3 dos casos era em crianças até 10 anos, atestando uma intensa transmissão domiciliária. Existiam casas com 2 a 6 enfermos. Com base nos informes dos pacientes ou responsáveis quanto ao tempo de doença (e admitindo-se um período incubativo médio de 2 meses), conclui-se que, provàvelmente, a grande maioria das infecções se dera entre julho e novembro, coincidindo com a derrubada florestal acima citada. Em 36 casos foi feita a intradermo-reação de Montenegro, obtendo-se respostas duvidosas em 2 e positivas em 34, com intensidade variável. Foram feitas 18 biópsias. Na epiderme havia hiperacantose e, freqüentement, pseudoepiteliomatose com globos córneos e microabcessos; e na derme observaram-se 2 quadros característicos: ou um infiltrado de plasmócitos predominantes, ou uma reação granulomatosa, os quais, às vêzes, se associavam. Em geral, a granulomatose ocorria nos casos mais antigos, isolada ou associada à infiltração, que predominava nos casos mais recentes da enfermidade. A granulomatose traduziria um estado hiperérgico do organismo, uma vez que os indivífuos que a apresentaram tinham maior tempo de doença e reagiam fortemente à intradermo-reação. As leishmanias nunca se mostraram muito numerosas nos cortes estudados. Em 3 paciente foi observada cura espontânea. Foram tratados 26 doentes, sendo 18 com tártaro emético, 4 com "fuadina" e 4 com ambos os remédios. O tártaro mostrou-se tóxico, embora desse resultados tão bons quanto a "fuadina". Dois paciente com lesões da mucosa nasal não se curaram completamente, não obstante terem recebido ambos os remédios. Cinco anos depois dêste inquérito contatou-se pràticamente a extinção dêste foco de leishmaniose. Durante êsse tempo tinham sido feitas aspersões domiciliárias periódicas com o DDT para combate à malária (NERY GUIMARÃES & BUSTAMANTE, 1953).


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In two experiments, 8 Hamsters inoculated with material from yaws lesions (Treponema pertenue), developed skin lesions considered specific by their clinical and histopathological aspects and by the presence of treponemae. These lesions appeared on the scrotumm, testicle, prepuce, anus, tail, muzzle, back and hinders paws (palm surface). In the internal organs no treponemae were found in direct examinations and inoculation of brain, spleen and lymph node. The incubation period was of 35 days for the testicle, 55 days for the scrotum and 107 days for peritoneal cavity inoculation. Positive sub-inoculations were obtained. The serum reactions (Qasserman's and Kahn's) were negative in all 5 tested Hamsters. Out of 4 normal females matched to infected males two developed nasal lesions resulting from direct contact. Apparently the genital lesions hindered copulation. Hamsters are very well suited for an experimental study of yaws.


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Hansen's Bacillus: By electron microscopy this bacillus shows membrane and halo, this being more visible when sorrounding the globi or bundles of bacilli; shows, also, free granules of various sizes which were before considered as dust of the dyes; shows external granules bound with the membrane and some times branching. By phases contrast microscopy examining leproma suspensions and subcataneous lymph at 400 x we saw many free granules with intense rotatory movement; granulated bacilli with screw, skip or stroke motion, producing slow progressive motion. All such elementes are surrounded by a halo, corresponding to the classical gloea. By a patient and delayed examination we were able to see that the internal granules are motile and help the progression of the bacilli, giving the impression that the cytoplasm is liquid. By a lasting observation we could see the larger granules form prolapse, like a pseudopode and abandon the bacilli and going in very rapid rotatory movement. There are branched bacilli; there are pedunculated fred granules like comets. The addition of a drop of formol at the preparation stops all movements. Stefansky's Bacillus: Repeated examination by RCA electron microscope, type EMU-25 of fresh suspensions of rat lepromas, led us to confirm the close relationship between human and murine leprosy agents. We examined also material from carabo (Lepra bubalorum) from Java, but due to fixation, the material was unsuitable for comparative studies. The Stefansky's bacilli showed also emmbranes and halos, internal or external granules (smaller than those of Hansen's bacillus). The bacilli shaded by chromium look thicker and shorter than those of Hansen. Due to electron bombardment both, Hansen's and Stefansky's baccilli suffer considerable alterations in their structure, showing black barrs of chromatin condensation at their extremities as also in their centers. By phase microscopy the Stefansky's bacilli showed elements with 1, 2 (bipolar), 3 or more internal small granules, developing identical movements as those of Hansen. The globi seem to be non-motile but the free bacilli appearing around the globi show intense movement. At 1000 x the examination is less satisfactory than at 400 x. The addition of formol solution in the preparation suppresses all movements, even the brownian, but the material becomes more suitable for the study of static morphology of the bacilli. CONCLUSION - The electron and phases contrast microscopy of leprous material from different types and phases of the disease may explain some of the unknown aspects of the biology and morphology of the bacilli.


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Relatam-se, no presente trabalho, experiências feitas em hamsters visando observar a transmissão congênita do vírus da gripe. inocularam-se 151 hamsters prenhes ou acasaladas, usando-se a via parenteral ou a nasal. o vírus foi isolado em percentagens variáveis, conforme o caso, sempre acima de 50%, quer das hamsters mães, quer dos filhotes, fetos ou embriões. Observaram-se 15,2% de perturbações embrionárias ou fetais. Processou-se, infecção latente ou inaparente nos animais e os órgãos dos que foram sacrificados não revelaram alterações comuns, macroscópicas ou microscópicas.


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Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an autosomal recessive disease with an incidence estimated between 1:2,000 and 1:40,000. Ciliated epithelia line the airways, nasal and sinus cavities, Eustachian tube and fallopian tubes. Congenital abnormalities of ciliary structure and function impair mucociliary clearance. As a consequence, patients present with chronic sinopulmonary infections, recurrent glue ear and female subfertility. Similarities in the ultrastructure of respiratory cilia, nodal cilia and sperm result in patients with PCD also presenting with male infertility, abnormalities of left-right asymmetry (most commonly situs inversus totalis) and congenital heart disease. Early diagnosis is essential to ensure specialist management of the respiratory and otological complications of PCD. Diagnostic tests focus on analysis of ciliary function and electron microscopy structure. Analysis is technically difficult and labour intensive. It requires expertise for interpretation, restricting diagnosis to specialist centres. Management is currently based on the consensus of experts, and there is a pressing need for randomised clinical trials to inform treatment.


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BACKGROUND: The FTO gene harbors the strongest known susceptibility locus for obesity. While many individual studies have suggested that physical activity (PA) may attenuate the effect of FTO on obesity risk, other studies have not been able to confirm this interaction. To confirm or refute unambiguously whether PA attenuates the association of FTO with obesity risk, we meta-analyzed data from 45 studies of adults (n = 218,166) and nine studies of children and adolescents (n = 19,268). METHODS AND FINDINGS: All studies identified to have data on the FTO rs9939609 variant (or any proxy [r(2)>0.8]) and PA were invited to participate, regardless of ethnicity or age of the participants. PA was standardized by categorizing it into a dichotomous variable (physically inactive versus active) in each study. Overall, 25% of adults and 13% of children were categorized as inactive. Interaction analyses were performed within each study by including the FTO×PA interaction term in an additive model, adjusting for age and sex. Subsequently, random effects meta-analysis was used to pool the interaction terms. In adults, the minor (A-) allele of rs9939609 increased the odds of obesity by 1.23-fold/allele (95% CI 1.20-1.26), but PA attenuated this effect (p(interaction)  = 0.001). More specifically, the minor allele of rs9939609 increased the odds of obesity less in the physically active group (odds ratio  = 1.22/allele, 95% CI 1.19-1.25) than in the inactive group (odds ratio  = 1.30/allele, 95% CI 1.24-1.36). No such interaction was found in children and adolescents. CONCLUSIONS: The association of the FTO risk allele with the odds of obesity is attenuated by 27% in physically active adults, highlighting the importance of PA in particular in those genetically predisposed to obesity.


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We examine how openness interacts with the coordination of consumption-leisure decisions in determining the equilibrium working hours and wage rate when there are leisure externalities (e.g., due to social interactions). The latter are modelled by allowing a worker’s marginal utility of leisure to be increasing in the leisure time taken by other workers. Coordination takes the form of internalising the leisure externality and other relevant constraints (e.g., labour demand). The extent of openness is measured by the degree of capital mobility. We find that: coordination lowers equilibrium work hours and raises the wage rate; there is a U-shaped (inverse-U-shaped) relationship between work hours (wages) and the degree of coordination; coordination is welfare improving; and, the gap between the coordinated and uncoordinated work hours (and the corresponding wage rates) is affected by the extent and nature of openness.


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Waist-hip ratio (WHR) is a measure of body fat distribution and a predictor of metabolic consequences independent of overall adiposity. WHR is heritable, but few genetic variants influencing this trait have been identified. We conducted a meta-analysis of 32 genome-wide association studies for WHR adjusted for body mass index (comprising up to 77,167 participants), following up 16 loci in an additional 29 studies (comprising up to 113,636 subjects). We identified 13 new loci in or near RSPO3, VEGFA, TBX15-WARS2, NFE2L3, GRB14, DNM3-PIGC, ITPR2-SSPN, LY86, HOXC13, ADAMTS9, ZNRF3-KREMEN1, NISCH-STAB1 and CPEB4 (P = 1.9 × 10⁻⁹ to P = 1.8 × 10⁻⁴⁰) and the known signal at LYPLAL1. Seven of these loci exhibited marked sexual dimorphism, all with a stronger effect on WHR in women than men (P for sex difference = 1.9 × 10⁻³ to P = 1.2 × 10⁻&supl;³). These findings provide evidence for multiple loci that modulate body fat distribution independent of overall adiposity and reveal strong gene-by-sex interactions.


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Loss of either hepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor (HAI)-1 or -2 is associated with embryonic lethality in mice, which can be rescued by the simultaneous inactivation of the membrane-anchored serine protease, matriptase, thereby demonstrating that a matriptase-dependent proteolytic pathway is a critical developmental target for both protease inhibitors. Here, we performed a genetic epistasis analysis to identify additional components of this pathway by generating mice with combined deficiency in either HAI-1 or HAI-2, along with genes encoding developmentally co-expressed candidate matriptase targets, and screening for the rescue of embryonic development. Hypomorphic mutations in Prss8, encoding the GPI-anchored serine protease, prostasin (CAP1, PRSS8), restored placentation and normal development of HAI-1-deficient embryos and prevented early embryonic lethality, mid-gestation lethality due to placental labyrinth failure, and neural tube defects in HAI-2-deficient embryos. Inactivation of genes encoding c-Met, protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR-2), or the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) alpha subunit all failed to rescue embryonic lethality, suggesting that deregulated matriptase-prostasin activity causes developmental failure independent of aberrant c-Met and PAR-2 signaling or impaired epithelial sodium transport. Furthermore, phenotypic analysis of PAR-1 and matriptase double-deficient embryos suggests that the protease may not be critical for focal proteolytic activation of PAR-2 during neural tube closure. Paradoxically, although matriptase auto-activates and is a well-established upstream epidermal activator of prostasin, biochemical analysis of matriptase- and prostasin-deficient placental tissues revealed a requirement of prostasin for conversion of the matriptase zymogen to active matriptase, whereas prostasin zymogen activation was matriptase-independent.


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We report clinical, anthropometric and radiological findings in 4 siblings with a new type of skeletal dysplasia. 4 normally intelligent girls exhibit dwarfism between -3.4 and -4.6 standard deviations with accentuated shortening of the lower limbs, moderate deformity of the vertebral bodies, mildly striated metaphyses, saddle nose, frontal bossing, and relatively large head. The family pedigree suggests autosomal recessive inheritance. We propose the designation of SPONASTRIME dysplasia, derived from spondylar and nasal alterations with striation of the metaphyses.


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The authors report a case of culture-proven disseminated American muco-cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania brasiliensis brasiliensis in an HIV positive patient. Lesions began in the oropharynx and nasal mucosa eventually spreading to much of the skin surface. The response to a short course of glucantime therapy was good.


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Human nasal polyps outgrowth culture were used to study the adhesion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to respiratory cells. By transmission electron microscopy, bacteria associated with ciliated cells were identified trapped at the extremities of cilia, usually as aggregates of several bacterial cells. They were never seen at the interciliary spaces or attached along cilia. Bacteria were also seen to adhere to migrating cells of the periphery of the outgrowth culture. Using a model of repair of wounded respiratory epithelial cells in culture, we observed that the adhesion of P. aeruginosa to migrating cells of the edges of the repairing wounds was significantly higher than the adhesion to non-migrating cells and that adherent bacteria were surrounded by a fibrocnectin-containing fibrillar material The secretion of extracellular matrix components is involved in the process of epithelium repair following injury. To investigate the molecular basis of P. aeruginosa adhesion to migrating cells, bacteria were treated with a fibronectin solution before their incubation with the respiratory cells. P. aeruginosa treatment by fibronectin significantly increased their adhesion to migrating cells. Accordingly, we hypothesize that during cell migration, fibronectin secreted by epithelial cells may favour P. aeruginosa adhesion by establishing a bridge between the bacteria and the epithelial cell receptors. Such a mechanism may represent a critical step for P. aeruginosa infection of healing injured epithelium.


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American mucocutaneous leishmaniasis is a granulomatous disease clinically characterized by ulcerated skin lesions that can regress spontaneously. A small percentage of the affected individuals can however develop a severe destruction of the nasal, oral, pharyngeal and/or laryngeal mucous membranes many years after the healing of the primary lesion. The human immune response to the infection and the possible mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of the disease, determining either the self-healing or the development of chronic and destructive mucosal lesions, are discussed.


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We report the generation and analysis of functional data from multiple, diverse experiments performed on a targeted 1% of the human genome as part of the pilot phase of the ENCODE Project. These data have been further integrated and augmented by a number of evolutionary and computational analyses. Together, our results advance the collective knowledge about human genome function in several major areas. First, our studies provide convincing evidence that the genome is pervasively transcribed, such that the majority of its bases can be found in primary transcripts, including non-protein-coding transcripts, and those that extensively overlap one another. Second, systematic examination of transcriptional regulation has yielded new understanding about transcription start sites, including their relationship to specific regulatory sequences and features of chromatin accessibility and histone modification. Third, a more sophisticated view of chromatin structure has emerged, including its inter-relationship with DNA replication and transcriptional regulation. Finally, integration of these new sources of information, in particular with respect to mammalian evolution based on inter- and intra-species sequence comparisons, has yielded new mechanistic and evolutionary insights concerning the functional landscape of the human genome. Together, these studies are defining a path for pursuit of a more comprehensive characterization of human genome function.


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PURPOSE: To describe the clinical and angiographic characteristics of peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy, an uncommon chorioretinal mass lesion, important for its differential diagnosis to choroidal melanoma, but only rarely described in the literature. DESIGN: Retrospective, institutional chart review. METHODS: Institutional chart review of 45 patients (56 eyes) diagnosed with peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy to describe the clinical findings and those obtained by fluorescein angiography (FA) and indocyanine green angiography (ICGA), in addition to a review of the histologic findings of an enucleated eye. RESULTS: Peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy typically was characterized by increased age of the patient (mean, 77 years; range, 60 to 91 years), female preponderance (69%), frequent pigment epithelium detachment, temporal equatorial location, and a highly hemorrhagic and exudative presentation, sometimes extending to the macula. Bilateral involvement (24%) was associated with multiples lesions in the same eye (P < .001) and with nasal extension (P < .001). A neovascular origin was suspected on FA, but was more evident on ICGA. Histologic examination of the enucleated eye did not reveal a neovascular network. CONCLUSIONS: Peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy is a characteristic peripheral degenerative disorder, frequently with benign outcome, although it can be vision threatening because of hemorrhage or exudation. Clinical features are helpful for its diagnosis. FA and ICGA contribute valuable evidence to the hypothesis of a neovascular origin, but further histologic studies are needed to prove this hypothesis.