984 resultados para Hamilton, Remy


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本论文比较系统地介绍了等时性回旋加速器的理论,并以兰州重离子加速器系统的注入器SFC和主加速器SSC两台等时性回旋加速器为例介绍该类型加速器的设计特点和设计方法,以及作者在这两台加速器上所做的一些具体设计和改进工作。 首先一般性地介绍加速器尤其是回旋加速器在原子核物理及粒子物理中的作用以及在其它应用学科中的作用,加速器学科尤其是回旋加速器的发展水平和发展趋势。在第二章中给出经典回旋加速器和等时性回旋加速器的理论基础,包括等时性加速原理,轴向聚焦和径向聚焦的稳定加速条件以及由扇块产生的方位角调变磁场提供的轴向聚焦力,径向运动稳定区和共振理论,和加速平衡轨道理论。从第三章到第五章,从等时场的建立,注入系统及引出系统等比较具体的方面来阐述该类型加速器的理论和各种实现方法。第三章介绍GORDON理论和Kb——Kr两种比较常见的理论等时场的建立方法,磁铁和线圈的设计和作用,以及磁场的测量。还介绍了对实际等时性磁场的评价以及通过对束流相位的测量来反映实际等时场的作用和对等时场的再优化等方法。在第四章中,系统地介绍了利用外离子源或利用其它加速器作为注入器时通常采用轴向或者径向注入方法。注入引出系统尤其是注入系统通常是影响一台加速器传输效率的关键性部分,因而在如何提高注入系统的效率方面人们做了大量的工作,特别是轴向注入方法。回旋加速器的中心区是注入的结束和正常加速过程的开始,其设计的好坏对注入效率和后面的束流轨道也是很重要的。第五章在讨论束流从加速器中的引出时,主要强调束流用户或后级加速器对引出束流品质的要求以及引出效率,因而强调了较高的内束流质量和单圈引出的重要性,以及提高引出点的圈距的具体的方法如提高加速圈距、共振进动和非共振进动方法。引出路径上的束流聚焦也是引出系统设计应考虑的一个方面。另外还介绍了再生引出和剥离膜引出方法。在这几章中不仅介绍了回旋加速器的理论,通常从Hamilton方法出发,而且还介绍了进行实际加速器设计中常用的束流轨道数值计算方法。但前者在理解加速器的物理图像方法以及在设计初期对某些重要的参数的评价和估计方面是很必要的。在介绍等时性回旋加速器的理论和设计方法的同时还以SFC和SSC两台回旋加速器和它们的分系统的具体设计为例子作了比较详细的实际应用对照。 论文的最后部分,即第六章是介绍作者自己在回旋加速器的理论和设计方面的部分工作,为了保持整篇论文的协调一致,没有将在国外所做的工作列入,只编入了在HIRFL上进行的直接与回旋加速器的物理设计有关的工作: ① 作者提出的一种新的等时场垫补和优化方法,该方法利用回旋加速器垫补线圈的磁场贡献具有台阶性的特点,对垫补或优化区域采取从小半径到大半径或反过来逐步垫补的方法,它既适用于紧凑式回旋加速器也适用于分离扇回旋加速器,它具有直观性和可对垫补及优化过程进行直接干预的特点。 ② 对SFC的轴向注入系统进行了改进设计,新的注入系统配备两台在线ECR离子源并加强和增加了注入束运线的功能,如增加了离子源的电荷态分析能力,束流发射度的限制功能、进行发射度测量和束流状态的监测功能等等。新的注入系统还提高了三次谐波加速情况下的注入电压以减小空间电荷效应的影响。相比原系统新的轴向注入束运系统有更高的注入效率,更好的调束手段和更好的空间安排。 ③ 对SFC轴向注入束运线的聚束器系统进行了重新设计,用二台分别工作再SFC采用基波加速模式和三次谐波加速模式下的不同聚束器结构代替原来的一台聚束器,以适应SFC较宽的加速粒子和能量范围,并提高了聚束器本身的指标,可以明显地提高轴向注入系统的传输效率和SFC的内束流质量,同时该聚束器系统还采用了新的半频聚束模式,在不影响SFC的效率和束流质量的情况下可以将SFC与SSC的理论纵向匹配效率由原设计的50%提高到100%。 ④ 对SFC加速器的中心区进行了改进设计,配合轴向注入系统将三次谐波加速时的注入半径由2.5cm提高到3.0cm,使加速较重的重离子的条件得到改善,并保留基波加速时2.5cm的注入半径,即新的中心区要适应两套注入参数,每次仅更换新的螺旋线型静电偏转镜。新的中心区还照顾到SFC高频DEE电压在某些情况下偏低的不足。 ⑤ 在对HIRFL加速器系统进行了全面的分析后,提出了一系列的提高其束流指标和运行效率的改进措施,作为进一步工作的方向,并给出了在完成目前正在进行的改进工作后和2000年前后HIRFL可能达到的束流指标。 在附录中一般性地介绍了Hamilton分析力学和带电粒子束的相空间理论,在讨论了束流动力学研究中经常用到的传输矩阵方法和轨迹跟踪方法。在附录二中介绍了加速器用的多电荷态离子源的情况,尤其是以ECR离子源为代表的高电荷重离子源的情况。


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论文系统地介绍和分析了当前几类描述重离子碰撞动力学过程输运理论的优点和缺点,并针对这些理论的不足作为建立我们理论模型的出发点。例如BUU(Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck)系列的输运过程,可以通过不同方法从量子多体理论依照扩展的时间相关的Hartree-Fock(ETDHF)的基本思想推导出来,并对重离子碰撞过程中有关平均场物理量给出了合理的描述。但由于推导中采用了一些半经典近似和参数化近似,破坏了平均场合碰撞项之间的动力学自洽耦合。特别是数值计算中采用了实验粒子系综平均法,从而丢失了多体关联和涨落,使其无法直接描述重离子碰撞中基本的碎块形成和多重碎裂过程。而量子分子动力学(QMD)系列的理论能够给出重离子碰撞过程中碎块形成的动力学描述,但至今无法从量子多体理论推导出有关QMD的输运方程。碰撞项是在数值计算中通过Monte Carlo抽样技术人为地加入的。那么,如何从量子多体理论出发推导出描述重离子碰撞动力学过程的,可将时间相关的平均场,多体关联进行自洽耦合描述的量子输运理论就成了本论文工作的中心目的。 基于王顺金等人建立的多体关联动力学理论,选用时间相关的相干态单粒子基矢作为新理论的工作表象,对两体关联动力学中的一体密度矩阵和两体关联函数进行轨道展开,推导出了描述非相对论重离子碰撞动力学过程的两体关联输运理论TBCTT(Two-Body Correlation Transport Theory)。TBCTT是一组包括时间相关的平均场,两体关联和Pauli原理的自洽耦合的动力学方程组。其中时间相关的相干单粒子基矢是该理论的一个关键问题。其时间演化的动力学可由多种不同的方法得到,如时间相关的Hartree-Fock方法,时间相关的变分方法等。但作为建立TBCTT工作的第一步,为了计算简便,我们采用经典的Hamilton方程来描述相干单粒子基矢中相空间参数的时间演化,然后通过与两体关联动力学的耦合而恢复TBCCT基本的量子特征。 利用TBCTT对几组轻的碰撞系统进行了数值计算和分析。计算结果表明:TBCTT可以给出重离子碰撞过程中的有关物理量时间演化过程的合理描述,得到了在不同入射道条件下与QMD模型的可比性结果。同时也在组态空间的有限截断和两体关联函数不同的等级截断下均得到了碰撞系统总动量,总能量和总粒子数的近似守恒结果,特别是能量守恒,这是一般半经典输运理论中一个重要的困难问题。另外还得到了两体关联函数不同的等级截断近似对碰撞动力学方面不同的描述。所用这些数值计算结果充分表明:TBCTT是一个有希望和有发展前途的能够描述重离子碰撞动力学的量子输运理论。最后我们对当前计算中所采用的近似和存在的问题进行了分析和讨论,提出了进一步改进和完善TBCTT的途径和方案。 我们在开始TBCTT的研究之前还对QMD进行了仔细的研究和改进。通过在平均场中引入Pauli势和对称势并利用摩擦冷却方法构造原子核基态,得到了一种改进的量子分子动力学MQMD。利用这种MQMD研究了12C+12C反应多重碎裂过程中的核结构效应,得到了与AMD和实验数据基本一致的结果。对QMD的改进和应用为开展TBCTT的研究工作创造了必要条件和准备。


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自从1986年G. Binnig 等发明原子力显微镜(AFM)以来,纳米科技研究得到了快速发展,纳米科技研究的最终目标是从纳米甚至分子与原子尺度上制造功能器件或系统,而实现此目标的手段之一是研制能够在纳米尺度上进行精确可控操作的装置、方法与技术。对此,学者们对基于 AFM 的纳米操作进行了大量研究。基于AFM-Tapping模式的纳米观测与操作具有成本低、易实现性等特点,因而近年来成为纳米技术研究的热点。但基于AFM探针的纳米观测和操作的基本理论仍然很不完善,许多情况下缺乏基于探针观测与操作的纳观作用力的合理解释与描述,因此限制了基于探针的纳米技术发展。为了解决这一问题,本论文在国家自然科学基金项目“基于机器人化的纳米操作方法研究(60575060)”的支持下,广泛收集和查阅国内外相关资料,重点开展了AFM-Tapping模式下探针动力学解释方法与建模研究,并进行了基于AFM-Tapping的纳米操作方法研究。主要研究工作如下: 1)针对探针动力学建模问题,开展了基于Hamilton原理和变分原理的有边界条件的探针一维悬臂梁建模方法研究。利用模态叠加法和模态函数正交性对探针各阶模态进行了解耦分析,得到了解耦的探针动力学方程。 2)开展了纳观尺度下探针-样品作用力研究。分析与阐述了毛细力、接触力和摩擦力等纳观尺度作用力;开展了基于Lennard-Jones势模型的不同形状探针与样品间的相互作用势描述方法研究;并根据势能-力之间的关系,研究了可描述半球形探针与样品间相互作用力的数学表达式。 3)开展了基于弹簧振子模型的纳观非线性力作用下探针振动问题分析研究。首次提出了基于探针弹性力与非线性纳观力平衡关系的探针振动状态区域划分方法。在探针振动能量平衡分析的基础上,研究了AFM-Tapping模式中的双稳态现象,进而得到了描述双稳态现象的解析表达式。最后采用Lyapunov指数分析的方法,证明了探针在非线性振动中确实存在着混沌现象。 4)研究了基于AFM-Tapping模式的纳米操作方法。通过研究探针振幅调节控制和预编程作业轨迹规划策略,提出了一种具有增强探针概念的纳米作业方法。该方法可以在参数设定和预编程条件下自动完成纳米尺度的平移和旋转操作,从而可以大大提高纳米操作的效率和精度。实验结果验证了该方法的有效性。本文的工作为纳米操作方法的研究提供了可以借鉴的理论与实验经验,有助于推动基于AFM的纳米操作与制造技术的发展。


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利用阴离子色谱与六极碰撞等离子体质谱联用的方法, 在线同时测定水样的4 种砷形态(As ( Ⅴ) , As ( Ⅲ) , MMA , DMA) , 并用于实际样品2热泉水中砷形态的测定。使用K2 HPO42KH2 PO4 为淋洗液等度淋洗, 用Hamilton PRP2X100阴离子色谱柱分离, 4 种砷形态在7 min 之内完全分离。调节淋洗液中K2HPO4与KH2 PO4 的比例可以优化峰的分离。地下水(含热泉水) 基质、样品及淋洗液中的Cl - 对砷形态的分离测定没有影响, 淋洗液中的盐份在样品锥和截取锥上的积累对测定的影响很小。检出限分别为As ( Ⅴ) 0123μgPL , As ( Ⅲ) 0130μgPL ,MMA 0126μgPL , DMA 0154μgPL 。


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de verificar a possível ocorrência e concentração do diuron em sete poços monitorados no mês de dezembro de 2004 e nos meses de março, junho e setembro de 2005, e propor, se pertinente, alternativas ou manejos mais adequados dos mesmos visando a manutenção da qualidade da água subterrânea da área dentro dos níveis aceitáveis para o padrão de potabilidade, 10 mg L-1, conforme recomendações da EPA (HAMILTON et al., 2003).


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Poolton, Nigel; Towlson, B.M.; Hamilton, B.; Evans, D.A., (2006) 'New instrumentation for micro-imaging X-ray absorption spectroscopy using optical detection methods', Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 246(2) pp.445-451 RAE2008


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Poolton, Nigel; Towlson, B.M.; Hamilton, B.; Evans, D.A., (2006) 'Synchrotron-laser interactions in hexagonal boron nitride: an examination of charge trapping dynamics at the boron K-edge', New Journal of Physics 8 pp.76 RAE2008


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Poolton, Nigel; Hamilton, B.; Evans, D.A., (2005) 'Synchrotron-laser pump-probe luminescence spectroscopy: Correlation of electronic defect states with x-ray absorption in wide-gap solids', Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 38 pp.1478-1484 RAE2008


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Sk?t, L., Humphreys, M. O., Armstead, I. P., Heywood, S., Sk?t, K. P., Sanderson, R., Thomas, I. D., Chorlton, K. H., & Sackville Hamilton, N. R. (2005). An association mapping approach to identify flowering time genes in natural populations of Lolium perenne (L.). Molecular Breeding, 15(3), 233-245. Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008


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Sonic boom propagation in a quiet) stratified) lossy atmosphere is the subject of this dissertation. Two questions are considered in detail: (1) Does waveform freezing occur? (2) Are sonic booms shocks in steady state? Both assumptions have been invoked in the past to predict sonic boom waveforms at the ground. A very general form of the Burgers equation is derived and used as the model for the problem. The derivation begins with the basic conservation equations. The effects of nonlinearity) attenuation and dispersion due to multiple relaxations) viscosity) and heat conduction) geometrical spreading) and stratification of the medium are included. When the absorption and dispersion terms are neglected) an analytical solution is available. The analytical solution is used to answer the first question. Geometrical spreading and stratification of the medium are found to slow down the nonlinear distortion of finite-amplitude waves. In certain cases the distortion reaches an absolute limit) a phenomenon called waveform freezing. Judging by the maturity of the distortion mechanism, sonic booms generated by aircraft at 18 km altitude are not frozen when they reach the ground. On the other hand, judging by the approach of the waveform to its asymptotic shape, N waves generated by aircraft at 18 km altitude are frozen when they reach the ground. To answer the second question we solve the full Burgers equation and for this purpose develop a new computer code, THOR. The code is based on an algorithm by Lee and Hamilton (J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 97, 906-917, 1995) and has the novel feature that all its calculations are done in the time domain, including absorption and dispersion. Results from the code compare very well with analytical solutions. In a NASA exercise to compare sonic boom computer programs, THOR gave results that agree well with those of other participants and ran faster. We show that sonic booms are not steady state waves because they travel through a varying medium, suffer spreading, and fail to approximate step shocks closely enough. Although developed to predict sonic boom propagation, THOR can solve other problems for which the extended Burgers equation is a good propagation model.


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The aim of this thesis is to examine if a difference exists in income for different categories of drinkers in Ireland using the 2007 Slán data set. The possible impact of alcohol consumption on health status and health care utilisation is also examined. Potential endogeneity and selection bias is accounted for throughout. Endogeneity is where an independent variable included in the model is determined within the context of the model (Chenhall and Moers, 2007). An endogenous relationship between income and alcohol and between health and alcohol is accounted for by the use of separate income equations and separate health status equations for each category of drinker similar to what was done in previous studies into the effects of alcohol on earnings (Hamilton and Hamilton, 1997; Barrett, 2002). Sample selection bias arises when a sector selection is non-random due to individuals choosing a particular sector because of their personal characteristics (Heckman, 1979; Zhang, 2004). In relation to alcohol consumption, selection bias may arise as people may select into a particular drinker group due to the fact that they know that by doing so it will not have a negative effect on their income or health (Hamilton and Hamilton, 1997; Di Pietro and Pedace, 2008; Barrett, 2002). Selection bias of alcohol consumption is accounted for by using the Multinomial Logit OLS Two Step Estimate as proposed by Lee (1982), which is an extension of the Heckman Probit OLS Two Step Estimate. Alcohol status as an ordered variable is examined and possible methods of estimation accounting for this ordinality while also accounting for selection bias are looked at. Limited Information Methods and Full Information Methods of estimation of simultaneous equations are assessed and compared. Findings show that in Ireland moderate drinkers have a higher income compared with abstainers or heavy drinkers. Some studies such as Barrett (2002) argue that this is as a consequence of alcohol improving ones health, which in turn can influence ones productivity which may ultimately be reflected in earnings, due to the fact that previous studies have found that moderate levels of alcohol consumption are beneficial towards ones health status. This study goes on to examine the relationship between health status and alcohol consumption and whether the correlation between income and the consumption of alcohol is similar in terms of sign and magnitude to the correlation between health status and the consumption of alcohol. Results indicate that moderate drinkers have a higher income than non or heavy drinkers, with the weekly household income of moderate drinkers being €660.10, non drinkers being €546.75 and heavy drinkers being €449.99. Moderate Drinkers also report having a better health status than non drinkers and a slightly better health status than heavy drinkers. More non-drinkers report poor health than either moderate or heavy drinkers. As part of the analysis into the effect of alcohol consumption on income and on health status, the relationship between other socio economic variables such as gender, age, education among others, with income, health and alcohol status is examined.


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In the field of embedded systems design, coprocessors play an important role as a component to increase performance. Many embedded systems are built around a small General Purpose Processor (GPP). If the GPP cannot meet the performance requirements for a certain operation, a coprocessor can be included in the design. The GPP can then offload the computationally intensive operation to the coprocessor; thus increasing the performance of the overall system. A common application of coprocessors is the acceleration of cryptographic algorithms. The work presented in this thesis discusses coprocessor architectures for various cryptographic algorithms that are found in many cryptographic protocols. Their performance is then analysed on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) platform. Firstly, the acceleration of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) algorithms is investigated through the use of instruction set extension of a GPP. The performance of these algorithms in a full hardware implementation is then investigated, and an architecture for the acceleration the ECC based digital signature algorithm is developed. Hash functions are also an important component of a cryptographic system. The FPGA implementation of recent hash function designs from the SHA-3 competition are discussed and a fair comparison methodology for hash functions presented. Many cryptographic protocols involve the generation of random data, for keys or nonces. This requires a True Random Number Generator (TRNG) to be present in the system. Various TRNG designs are discussed and a secure implementation, including post-processing and failure detection, is introduced. Finally, a coprocessor for the acceleration of operations at the protocol level will be discussed, where, a novel aspect of the design is the secure method in which private-key data is handled


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The Irish stoat, Mustela erminea hibernica (Thomas and Barrett-Hamilton), has been regarded as an intermediate between the British stoat and the weasel. In this study Irish stoats, mainly from road casualties, were collected and studied. A small number were also live-trapped and radio-tracked. Thus information was gathered on the stoat’s ecology, in particular its form (size and coat colours), reproduction, food habits, parasites, habitat utilisation mortality and predation. The Irish stoats studied were clearly not intermediate in size between British stoats and weasels. They showed considerable size overlap with British stoats, and marked size variation within Ireland. It is argued that size of stoats is determined by food supply early in life. The ventral coat pattern of Irish stoats is apparently unique in the Palaearctic, being similar to that of some stoats found on the west coast of North America. It is argued that this is an example of parallel evolution resulting from adaptation to similar climatic conditions. The stoats were reproductively active in spring and summer. Food consisted mainly of rabbits, but rats, birds, shrews mice and voles were also consumed. Mites were the most numerous ectoparasites, followed by lice, ticks and fleas. Damage by the parasitic nematode Skrjabingylus nasicola was found more frequently in female stoat skulls. Stoats were frequently found in a variety of habitats, both open and wooded. Some of the radio-tracked stoats climbed trees. Dens used were often rat holes. Only one home range, that of a breeding female, was considered to have been accurately measured. It was 22 ha. in size. Mortality is known to have been caused by road accidents and domestic carnivores. It is argued that predation by raptorial birds is important to stoat populations. Results of this study are compared with information available from elsewhere.


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The aim of this study was to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD), dose-limiting toxicities (DLT), and potential activity of combined gemcitabine and continuous infusion 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in metastatic breast cancer (MBC) patients that are resistant to anthracyclines or have been pretreated with both anthracyclines and taxanes. 15 patients with MBC were studied at three European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer centres. 13 patients had received both anthracylines and taxanes. Gemcitabine was given intravenously (i.v.) on days 1 and 8, and 5-FU as a continuous i.v. infusion on days 1 through to 14, both drugs given in a 21-day schedule at four different dose levels. Both were given at doses commonly used for the single agents for the last dose level (dose level 4). One of 6 patients at level 4 (gemcitabine 1200 mg/m2 and 5-FU 250 mg/m2/day) had a DLT, a grade 3 stomatitis and skin toxicity. One DLT, a grade 3 transaminase rise and thrombosis, occurred in a patient at level 2 (gemcitabine 1000 mg/m2 and 5-FU 200 mg/m2/day). Thus, the MTD was not reached. One partial response and four disease stabilisations were observed. Only 1 patient withdrew from the treatment due to toxicity. The MTD was not reached in the phase I study. The combination of gemcitabine and 5-FU is well tolerated at doses up to 1200 mg/m2 given on days 1 and 8 and 250 mg/m2/day given on days 1 through to 14, respectively, every 21 days. The clinical benefit rate (responses plus no change of at least 6 months) was 33% with one partial response, suggesting that MBC patients with prior anthracycline and taxane therapy may derive significant benefit from this combination with minimal toxicity.