991 resultados para Haeckel, Ernst, 1834-1919.
On spine : The Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario.
Survey map and description of Widow Elizabeth Ball's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; locks no. 28, 29, 30, 31, line between Widow Ball and Thomas Ker's land, township line between Grantham and Thorold, waste weir. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map. The land was originally surveyed in 1826(?) and then re-surveyed on November 28th, 1834. The land was used by the Welland Canal Company for canal and hydraulic purposes and was located in lot 9 in the 10th concession of Grantham township.
Survey map and description of Frederick Bouke's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. The land is on lot no.29 in the township of Thorold. Noteable features include; line between Bouke and Peter Vanevery's land, orchard, road allowance, line between Bouke and Shriner's land. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map. The land totals 18 acres, 3 roads and 10 perches. Deed for the land is dated June 25, 1834.
Survey map and description of Daniel Shriner's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; north and south branch of reservoir, line between Bouke and Shriner's land. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map.
Survey map and description of the Estate of Hall Davis and Jeremiah Adley's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; Holland road, Adley's house, waste weir. The total land for the Estate of Hall Davis is 27 acres and 2 perches. The total land for Adley is 3 acres. The deed for the Estate of Hall Davis is dated August 16th 1834 and contains Samuel Swayze's name. Swayze's name is also written under Hall Davis' name. The deed for Adley's land is dated December 1st 1827. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map.
Survey map and description of Alem Marr's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; line between Marr and Shotwell's land, road allowance. The land totals 10 acres, 1 road and 28 perches. The land was first surveyed in 1830, by George Keefer, before the water had risen to it's full head. The red lines on the survey indicate the corrected survey in 1834. Surveyor notes are seen in red pen on the map.
Survey map and description of Elijah Shotwell's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; road to Quaker settlement, line between Shotwell and Marr's land. The first survey was done in 1830, by George Keefer, and a second survey done in 1834 once the water had reached it's full head. The second survey is indicated in red on the original survey. Lots surveyed are no. 223 and 224. The deed for the land is dated November 3, 1834. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil and red pen on the map.See also page 138.
Survey map and description of Jonathan Silverthorn's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. The lands surveyed include lots 229 and 230. The land was first surveyed in 1830, then again in 1834, by George Keefer. The original survey only included the feeder and resevoir and wood land, whereas the second survey shows all lands owned by Silverthorn. The land totals 19.2 acres, 2 roads and 32 perches. The land is broken down as follows; 7.6 acres cleared land, canal and towpath, 6.6 acres reservoir - Michael Silverthorn, 5 acres woodland. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil and red pen on the map.See also page 138.
Survey map and description of Smith Shotwell's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; the Welland River, road. The deed for the land is dated October 14, 1834. The land totals 10 acres, 3 roads and 10 perches. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map.
Survey map and description of Jesse Willson's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; Welland river, aquaduct, canal and 'place of beginning'. The deed for the land is dated July 12, 1834. The land totals 4 acres, 0 roads and 20 perches. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map.
Survey map and description of David Price's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; Hellem's Creek, road, bridge, Chippewa, Griffith's land, canal. The deed for the land is dated October 14, 1834. The land totals 5 acres, 3 roads and 7 perches. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil and red pen on the map.
Survey map and description of Michael and Jacob Silverthorn's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; line between Burger and Silverthorn's land, reservoir, wood land, road leading to Quaker settlement, line between Jacob and Michael Silverthorn's land. The deeds for both lands are dated September 25, 1834. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map.
Survey map and description of the land belonging to the Welland Canal Company at Dunnville. Created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. There are two seperate surveys done for the lands: Survey #1 (Pp. 148-149) noteable features include; the Grand River, the original boundry of the Grand River, marsh overflow, marsh, feeder river, bridge, Broad street, Lock street, Main street, embankment, dam (600 ft.), lines between lots, reserve for the ships yard, reserve for lock and dry dock, lands occupied by the canal and towpath to guard gate. The land totals 9 acres, and 3 roads, including the street. Survey #2 (Pp. 150-151) completed by George Keefer noteable features include; embankment, marsh overflow, original channel of the Grand River, salt spring, bridges, wier, proposed waste wier, Van Riper's home, proposed bridge, sulphur spring, road, Sulphur Creek, division between lots 12-17. The land totals 27 acres, and 2 perches. Surveyors notes can be seen in pencil and red ink on the survey.See also Pp. 148-151
Survey map of the lands of the Welland Canal Company in Thorold. Created by The Welland Canal Company. Noteable features include; Company's land, reservoir, channel of canal, bridge, Pine street, Mullen street, lot divisions. The plan is titled "Plan of Lands belonging to the Welland Canal Company being the West half of lot no. 29 and the East half of lot no.30 in the township of Thorold, adjoining Marlats Reservoir laid out in town lots, November 24th, 1834". Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map.
One hardcover photo album containing black and white photos. Many of the photos were taken in the St. Catharines area. Included are photos of Port Dalhousie, Port Weller, Niagara Falls, Niagara-on-the-Lake and St. Catharines. There are also photos of Braeside, Ont. and the Ottawa valley. Various local landmarks are included, such as the armoury in St. Catharines, Montebello Park, and Martindale pond. Some of the events captured include a train wreck that occurred in St. Catharines in 1914, the visit of the Governor General to St. Catharines in 1914 (featuring the Carnegie library and Post Office and federal building decorated with flags), and an airplane that crashed into a body of water, possibly a plane from an air training camp in Beamsville during World War I. There are also two photos of champion Niagara district basketball teams, possibly taken in the gymnasium building located behind the former St. Catharines Collegiate building (later Robertson School) on Church Street. One photo includes Norman Byrne, Gladys Ansell, Miriam Marshall, Irene Stoter (?), Mildrerd Houston, A. Gardner, and Madeline Jenner. The other photo includes George Moase, W. Bennett, Norman Byrne, Jack Bain, Mr. Brackenbury, Cyril Merriman, Jim Galway, Harry Erskine, and Roy Carpenter.