862 resultados para HIGH CLAY CONTENT


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The thermal, mechanical, and adhesive properties of nanoclay-modified adhesives were investigated. Two organically modified montmorillonites: Cloisite 93A (C93A) and Nanomer I.30E (I.30E) were used as reinforcement of an epoxy adhesive. C93A and I.30E are modified with tertiary and primary alkyl ammonium cations, respectively. The aim was to study the influence of the organoclays on the curing, and on the mechanical and adhesive properties of the nanocomposites. A specific goal was to compare their behavior with that of Cloisite30B/epoxy and Cloisite15A/ epoxy nanocomposites that we have previously studied. Both C30B and C15A are modified with quaternary alkyl ammonium cations. Differential scanning calorimetry results showed that the clays accelerate the curing reaction, an effect that is related to the chemical structure of the ammonium cations. The three Cloisite/nanocomposites showed intercalated clay structures,the interlayer distance was independent of the clay content. The I.30E/epoxy nanocomposites presented exfoliated structure due to the catalytic effect of the organic modifier. Clay-epoxy nanocompo-sites showed lower glass transition temperature (Tg) and higher values of storage modulus than neat epoxy thermoset, with no significant differences between exfoliated or intercalated nanocom-posites. The shear strength of aluminum joints using clay/epoxy adhesives was lower than with the neat epoxy adhesive. The wáter aging was less damaging for joints with I.30E/epoxy adhesive.


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In this work, various turbulent solutions of the two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional compressible Reynolds averaged Navier?Stokes equations are analyzed using global stability theory. This analysis is motivated by the onset of flow unsteadiness (Hopf bifurcation) for transonic buffet conditions where moderately high Reynolds numbers and compressible effects must be considered. The buffet phenomenon involves a complex interaction between the separated flow and a shock wave. The efficient numerical methodology presented in this paper predicts the critical parameters, namely, the angle of attack and Mach and Reynolds numbers beyond which the onset of flow unsteadiness appears. The geometry, a NACA0012 profile, and flow parameters selected reproduce situations of practical interest for aeronautical applications. The numerical computation is performed in three steps. First, a steady baseflow solution is obtained; second, the Jacobian matrix for the RANS equations based on a finite volume discretization is computed; and finally, the generalized eigenvalue problem is derived when the baseflow is linearly perturbed. The methodology is validated predicting the 2D Hopf bifurcation for a circular cylinder under laminar flow condition. This benchmark shows good agreement with the previous published computations and experimental data. In the transonic buffet case, the baseflow is computed using the Spalart?Allmaras turbulence model and represents a mean flow where the high frequency content and length scales of the order of the shear-layer thickness have been averaged. The lower frequency content is assumed to be decoupled from the high frequencies, thus allowing a stability analysis to be performed on the low frequency range. In addition, results of the corresponding adjoint problem and the sensitivity map are provided for the first time for the buffet problem. Finally, an extruded three-dimensional geometry of the NACA0012 airfoil, where all velocity components are considered, was also analyzed as a Triglobal stability case, and the outcoming results were compared to the previous 2D limited model, confirming that the buffet onset is well detected.


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En Cuba, las arvenses que afectan al cultivo de la caña de azúcar son una de las causas fundamentales de los bajos rendimientos agrícolas y su control constituye unas de las principales partidas de gastos. En general, se aplican los herbicidas, así como otros métodos de control, sin tener en cuenta el tipo de suelo y las características de estas plantas. Sobre el manejo de arvenses no existen trabajos de investigación que aborden aspectos de eficiencia energética de las producciones y daños al ambiente. Por lo antes señalado, el objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar diversas tecnologías de manejo de arvenses en el cultivo de la caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp. híbrido), en cepas de primavera y retoño, en tres tipos de suelos, con el propósito de obtener producciones sustentables. El área de estudio se localizó en los campos de la Empresa Azucarera del municipio “Majibacoa”, provincia de Las Tunas (oriente de Cuba), que posee condiciones edafoclimáticas que abundan a lo largo del país. Los tres tipos de suelos más representativos son Fersialítico Pardo Rojizo ócrico, Pardo Mullido y Vertisol Crómico gléyco. En dicha área se han identificado 31 especies de arvenses, 16 de la clase Liliopsida y 15 de la Magnoliopsida. En un primer grupo de experimentos, se desarrollaron nueve ensayos de campo para evaluar la efectividad de herbicidas y mezclas de estos en el manejo de arvenses en el cultivo de la caña de azúcar, tanto en cepas de primavera como de retoño, en los tres tipos de suelos. Se establecieron parcelas de 80 m2 distribuidas en bloques al azar con cuatro réplicas. La efectividad se evaluó por medio del porcentaje de cobertura por arvenses y la fitotoxicidad provocada a las plantas de caña, teniendo en cuenta el coste asociado a cada tratamiento. En aplicaciones preemergentes en caña planta de primavera, el herbicida más eficiente fue el Isoxaflutole con dosis de 0,15; 0,20 y 0,25 kg.ha-1 de producto comercial (pc) en los suelos Fersialítico, Pardo y Vertisol respectivamente. En aplicaciones postemergentes tempranas la mezcla más eficiente fue la de Isoxaflutole + Ametrina +2,4-D con las dosis de Isoxaflutole citadas anteriormente. En aplicaciones preemergentes en cepa de retoño, el herbicida más eficiente fue el Isoxaflutole a dosis de 0,20 kg.ha-1 pc para el suelo Fersialítico y a 0,25 kg.ha-1 pc para los suelos Pardo y Vertisol. En un segundo grupo, se realizaron seis ensayos de campo distribuidos en dos fases. En la primera fase, se desarrollaron tres experimentos, uno por cada tipo de suelo, para evaluar la eficiencia de nueve tecnologías de manejo de arvenses (químicas y físicas combinadas) en cepa de primavera de caña de azúcar. En la siguiente fase, los tres ensayos restantes (uno por tipo de suelo) evaluaron tecnologías de manejo de arvenses durante dos ciclos de producción de caña de azúcar (etapa de primavera y retoño). En la etapa de primavera se aplicó la tecnología más eficiente de los tres experimentos anteriores y durante la etapa de retoño se evaluaron otras nueve tecnologías propias de este tipo de cepa. En estos experimentos los diferentes tratamientos se aplicaron en franjas distribuidas al azar con cuatro réplicas. En las tecnologías evaluadas se emplearon los herbicidas y mezclas que resultaron más eficientes en el primer grupo de experimentos. En cada caso, se evaluaron la eficiencia energética de la producción de azúcar y otros derivados, la resistencia a la penetración de los suelos, la carga contaminante hacia la atmósfera producto de la combustión del diésel y los beneficios al aplicar las diferentes tecnologías. En la primera fase (cepa de primavera), la tecnología con mejor resultado fue la aplicación preemergente de Isoxaflutole inmediatamente después de la plantación, seguida de descepe químico con Glufosinato de amonio, más labor con grada múltiple aproximadamente a los 80 días de la plantación y aplicación pre-cierre con Glufosinato de amonio. En la segunda fase (dos ciclos del cultivo), el mejor resultado se obtuvo cuando en la etapa de retoño se realizó una aplicación preemergente de Isoxaflutole, descepe químico con Glufosinato de amonio y aplicación pre-cierre con este mismo herbicida. En los tres tipos de suelos durante los dos ciclos, la eficiencia energética tuvo valores de 7,2 - 7,5, la resistencia a la penetración 1,2 - 1,5 MPa, la carga contaminante hacia la atmósfera fue de 63,3 - 64,9 kg.t-1 de caña cosechada y beneficios de 8.324 - 8.455 pesos cubanos por hectárea. Este estudio demuestra que un control eficiente de las arvenses debe tener en cuenta necesariamente el tipo de suelo. Así, en los Vertisoles, con mayor contenido en arcilla, se requieren mayores dosis de Isoxaflutole y la eficiencia energética de la producción es menor. La persistencia de ciertas arvenses, especialmente de la clase Liliopsida, requiere de un manejo integrado que incluya diferentes tipos de herbicidas. ABSTRACT In Cuba, weeds affecting the sugarcane are one of the main causes of low agricultural yields, and their control constitutes some of the main items of expenditure. In general, herbicides are applied, as well as other control methods, without keeping in mind the soil type and the characteristics of these plants. Moreover, weed control research approaching aspects about energy efficiency of the crop production, and environmental damages are missing. Hence, the objective of this investigation was to evaluate diverse technologies of weed handling in sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid), both in spring cane plant and ratoon, in three types of soils, with the purpose of obtaining sustainable productions. The study area was located in the fields of the Sugar Enterprise of the Municipality "Majibacoa”, Las Tunas province (east of Cuba) that possesses ecological conditions that are plentiful along the country. The three more representative types of soils are Fersialitic, Brown, and Vertisol. In this area 31 weeds species have been identified, 16 of the Class Liliopsida and 15 of the Magnoliopsida. In a first group of experiments, nine field rehearsals were developed to evaluate the effectiveness of herbicides and mixtures of these for weed handling in sugarcane, in spring cane plants as well as in ratoon, in the three types of soils. Plots of 80 m-2 were distributed at random blocks with four replications. The effectiveness was evaluated by means of the covering percentage by weeds and the provoked toxicity to the cane plants, keeping in mind the cost associated to each treatment. In preemergence applications in spring cane plant, the most efficient herbicide was the Isoxaflutole with dose of 0.15; 0.20 and 0.25 kg.ha-1 of commercial product (pc) in the soils Fersialítico, Brown and Vertisol respectively. In early postemergence applications the most efficient mixture was that of Isoxaflutole + Ametrina + 2,4-D with the doses of Isoxaflutole mentioned previously. In preemergence applications in ratoon, the most efficient herbicide was the Isoxaflutole at dose of 0.20 kg.ha-1 pc for the soil Fersialític and to 0.25 kg. ha-1 pc for the Brown soil and Vertisol. In a second group, six field rehearsals distributed in two phases were carried out. In the first phase, three experiments were developed, one for each soil type, to evaluate the efficiency of nine technologies of weed handling in spring cane plant. In the following phase, the three remaining rehearsals (one for each soil type) diverse technologies of weed handling were evaluated during two cycles of sugarcane production (spring stage and ratoon). In the spring stage the most efficient technology in the three previous experiments was applied and during ratoon stage other nine technologies were evaluated. In these experiments the different treatments were applied in fringes distributed at random with four replicas. In the evaluated technologies the herbicides and mixtures were used selecting those that were more efficient in the first group of experiments. In each case, the energy efficiency of the sugar production and other derivatives, the soil penetration resistance, the polluting load toward the atmosphere product of the combustion, and the benefits when applying the different technologies were all evaluated. In the first phase (spring cane plant), the technology with better result was the preemergence application of Isoxaflutole immediately after the plantation, followed by chemical eradication with Ammonia Glufosinate, hoeing work with multiple tier approximately to the 80 days of the plantation and pre-closing application with Ammonia Glufosinate. In the second phase (two cycles of the cultivation), the best result was obtained when a preemergence application of Isoxaflutole was carried out in sprout's stage, chemical eradication with Ammonia Glufosinate and pre-closing application with this same herbicide. In the three types of soils during the two cycles, the energy efficiency achieved values of 7.2 to 7.5, the resistance to the penetration 1.2 - 1.5 MPa, the polluting load toward the atmosphere was of 63.3 - 64.9 kg.t-1 of the harvested cane and the obtained benefits of 8,324 - 8,455 Cuban pesos per hectare. This study demonstrates that an efficient control of the weeds should necessarily keep in mind the soil type. This way, in the Vertisols, with more clay content, bigger dose of Isoxaflutole is required and the energy efficiency of the production is smaller. The persistence of certain weeds, especially of the class Liliopsida, requires of an integrated handling him to include different types of herbicides.


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Las leguminosas grano presentan un perfil nutricional de gran interés para alimentación de ganado porcino, debido principalmente a su elevado contenido proteico. Sin embargo, la presencia de factores antinutritivos (FAN), que según el género difieren en calidad y cantidad, condiciona la absorción de la proteína, el nutriente más valorado. El objetivo de esta Tesis Doctoral ha sido el estudio del efecto de los principales FAN de guisante y alberjón sobre el rendimiento productivo, de canal y de piezas nobles, cuando sustituyen a la soja, parcial o totalmente, durante la fase estárter y el periodo de engorde de cerdos grasos. Con este motivo se llevaron a cabo 4 ensayos con machos castrados y la misma línea genética: híbrido Duroc x (Landrace x Large white). En el ensayo 1, se estudió la influencia de distintos niveles de inhibidores de proteasas (IP) en el pienso sobre la productividad de lechones durante la fase estárter (40 a 61 días de edad). Para ello, se utilizaron tres variedades de guisantes de invierno que contenían diferentes cantidades de IP, tanto de tripsina (IT) como de quimotripsina (IQ) [unidades de tripsina inhibida/mg (UTI), unidades de quimotripsina inhibida/mg (UQI): 9,87- 10,16, 5,75-8,62 y 12,55-15,75, para guisantes Cartouche, Iceberg y Luna, respectivamente] más elevadas que en la harina de soja 47 (HnaS) y en la soja extrusionada (SE) (UTI/mg - UQI/mg: 0,61-3,56 y 2,36-4,65, para HnaS y SE, respectivamente). El diseño experimental fue al azar, con cuatro tratamientos dietéticos que diferían en las fuentes proteicas y en la cantidad de IP, enfrentando un pienso control de soja a otros tres piensos con guisantes de invierno de las variedades indicadas, que sustituían parcialmente a la soja. Cada tratamiento se replicó cuatro veces, siendo la celda con 6 lechones la unidad experimental. Los animales que consumieron el pienso con guisante Cartouche tuvieron más ganancia media diaria (GMD) que el resto (P < 0,001) con el mismo consumo medio diario (CMD) e índice de conversión (IC). No hubo diferencias significativas entre los animales del pienso control y los que consumieron piensos con guisantes Iceberg y Luna. En el ensayo 2 la leguminosa objeto de estudio fue el alberjón y su FAN el dipéptido _Glutamyl-S-Ethenyl-Cysteine (GEC). El diseño y el periodo experimental fueron los mismos que en el ensayo 1, con cuatro dietas que variaban en el porcentaje de alberjones: 0%, 5%, 15% y 25%, y de GEC (1,54% del grano). Los lechones que consumieron el pienso con 5% tuvieron un CMD y GMD más elevado (P < 0,001), con el mismo IC que los animales pertenecientes al tratamiento 0%. Los índices productivos empeoraron significativamente y de manera progresiva al aumentar el porcentaje de alberjones (15 y 25%). Se obtuvieron ecuaciones de regresión con estructura polinomial que fueron significativas tanto para el nivel de alberjón como para la cantidad de GEC presente en el pienso. El ensayo 3 se efectuó durante el periodo de engorde, sustituyendo por completo la soja a partir de los 84 días de edad con las tres variedades de guisantes de invierno, observando el efecto sobre el rendimiento productivo, de canal y piezas nobles. El diseño, en bloques completos al azar, tuvo cuatro tratamientos según el guisante presente en el pienso y, por lo tanto, los niveles de IP: Control-soja, Cartouche, Iceberg y Luna, con 12 réplicas de 4 cerdos por tratamiento. De 84 a 108 días de edad los animales que consumieron los piensos Control-soja e Iceberg, tuvieron el mismo CMD y GMD, empeorando en los cerdos alimentados con Luna y Cartouche (P < 0,05). El IC fue igual en los tratamientos Control-soja e Iceberg, ocupando una posición intermedia en Cartouche y peor en los cerdos del pienso Luna (P < 0,001). De 109 a 127 días de edad la GMD y el IC fueron iguales, con un CMD más elevado en Control-soja e Iceberg que en los cerdos que consumieron Cartouche y Luna (P < 0,05). No hubo diferencias significativas durante el acabado (128 a 167 días de edad). Globalmente el CMD y GMD fueron más elevados en los cerdos que comieron los piensos Iceberg y Control-soja, empeorando por igual en los que comieron Cartouche y Luna (P < 0,05); el IC fue el mismo en todos los tratamientos. No se observaron diferencias en los datos relacionados con peso y rendimiento de canal y piezas nobles (jamón, paleta y chuletero), ni del contenido de grasa intramuscular en el lomo y proporción de ácidos grasos principales (C16:0, C18:0, C18:1n-9) en la grasa subcutánea. En el ensayo 4, realizado durante el periodo de engorde (60 a 171 días de edad), se valoró el efecto de dietas con distintos niveles de alberjones, y en consecuencia de su factor antinutritivo el dipéptido GEC, sobre el rendimiento productivo y la calidad de la canal y piezas nobles. El diseño fue en cuatro bloques completos al azar, con cuatro tratamientos según el porcentaje de inclusión de alberjón en el pienso: 0%, 5%, 15% y 25%, con 12 réplicas por tratamiento y cuatro cerdos en cada una de ellas. El tratamiento con 5% mejoró la GMD al final de la fase de cebo (152 días de vida) y, junto con el 0%, presentaron los resultados más favorables de peso e IC al final del ensayo (171 días de vida). Del mismo modo, el peso y rendimiento de canal fueron más elevados en los cerdos alimentados con los tratamientos 0% y 5% (P < 0,001). Piensos con el 15 y 25% de alberjones empeoraron los resultados productivos, así como el rendimiento y peso de canal. Sucedió lo mismo con el peso de las piezas nobles (jamón, paleta y chuletero), significativamente superior en 0% y 5% frente a 15% y 25%, siendo los cerdos que consumieron este último pienso los peores. Por el contrario el rendimiento de jamón y chuletero fue más elevado en los cerdos de los tratamientos 25% y 15% que en los que consumieron los piensos con 5% y 0% (P < 0,001); en el rendimiento de paletas se invirtieron los resultados, siendo mayores en los animales de los tratamientos 0% y 5% (P < 0,001). Se obtuvieron ecuaciones de regresión polinomial, para estimar las cantidades de inclusión de alberjones y de GEC más favorables desde el punto de vista productivo, así como los contrastes ortogonales entre los distintos tratamientos. ABSTRACT The grain legumes have a nutritional profile of great interest to feed pigs, mainly due to high protein content. However, the presence of antinutritional factors (ANF), which differ in quality and quantity according to gender, hinder the absorption of the protein, the most valuable nutrient. The aim of this thesis was to study the effect of the main ANF of pea and narbon vetch (NV) on productive performance, of the carcass and main lean cuts, when replacing soybean, partially or totally, during the starter phase and the fattening period of heavy pigs. For this reason were carried four trials with barrows and the same genetic line: Duroc hybrid x (Landrace x Large white). In trial 1, was studied the influence of different levels of protease inhibitors (PI) in the diet over productivity of piglets during the starter phase (40-61 days of age). For this, were used three varieties of winter peas containing different amounts of PI, both trypsin (TI) and chymotrypsin (CI) [inhibited units/mg trypsin (TIU), inhibited units/mg chymotrypsin (CIU): 9.87 - 10.16, 5.75 - 8.62 and 12.55 - 15.75, for peas Cartouche, Iceberg and Luna, respectively] higher than in soybean meal 47 (SBM) and soybeans extruded (SBE) (TIU/mg - CIU/mg: 0.61 - 3.56 and 2.36 - 4.65 for SBM and SBE, respectively). The design was randomized with four dietary treatments differing in protein sources and the amount of PI, with a control diet of soybean and three with different varieties of winter peas: Cartouche, Iceberg and Luna, which partially replace soybean. Each treatment was replicated four times, being the pen with 6 piglets the experimental unit. Pigs that ate the feed with pea Cartouche had better growth (ADG) than the rest (P < 0.001), with the same average daily feed intake (ADFI) and feed conversion ratio (FCR). There were no significant differences between piglets fed with control diet and those fed Iceberg and Luna diets. In trial 2 the legume under study was the NV and your ANF the dipeptide _Glutamyl FAN-S-Ethenyl-Cysteine (GEC). The experimental period and the design were the same as in trial 1, with four diets with different percentage of NV: 0%, 5%, 15% and 25%, and from GEC (1.52% of the grain). The piglets that consumed the feed containing 5% had higher ADG and ADFI (P < 0.05), with the same FCR that pigs belonging to the 0% treatment. Production rates worsened progressively with increasing percentage of NV (15 and 25%). Were obtained regression equations with polynomial structure that were significant for NV percentage and amount of GEC present in the feed. The test 3 was carried out during the fattening period, completely replace soy from 84 days of age with three varieties of winter peas, observing the effect on the yield, carcass and main lean cuts. The design, randomized complete blocks, had four treatments with different levels of PI: Control-soy, Cartouche, Iceberg and Luna, with 12 replicates of 4 pigs per treatment. From 84 to 108 days of age the pigs fed with Control-soy and Iceberg feed, had the same ADFI and ADG, worsening in pigs fed with Luna and Cartouche (P < 0.05). The FCR was similar in diets Control-soy and Iceberg, occupying an intermediate position in Cartouche and worse in pigs fed with Luna (P < 0.001). From 109-127 days of age the ADG and FCR were equal, with higher ADFI in pigs fed with Control-soy and Iceberg, regarding pigs fed with Cartouche and Luna (P < 0.05). There was no difference in the finishing phase (128-167 days of age). In global period, the ADFI and ADG were higher in pigs that ate Control-soy and Iceberg, and worse in those who ate Cartouche and Luna. The FCR was the same in all treatments. No significant differences were observed in the data related to weight and carcass yield, main lean cuts (ham, shoulder and loin chop) and intramuscular fat loin content and major fatty acids proportion (C16:0, C18:0, C18:1n-9) of subcutaneous fat. In experiment 4, made during the fattening period (60-171 days of age), was assessed the effect of diets with different levels of NV, and consequently of GEC, in the performance and quality of carcass and main lean cuts. There was a completely randomized design with four dietary treatments differing in percentage of NV: 0%, 5%, 15% and 25%, with 12 replicates per treatment and four pigs each. Treatment with 5% improved the ADG at the end of the fattening phase (152 days of age) and, together with 0%, showed the most favorable body weight and FCR at the end of the trial (171 days of age). Similarly, the weight and performance of carcass were higher for pigs fed with diets 0% and 5% (P < 0.05). Diets with 15 and 25% worsened the productive and carcass results. The weight of the main lean cuts (ham, shoulder and loin chop) was significantly higher in 0% and 5% vs 15% and 25%.The diet 25% was the worst of all. By contrast the performance of ham and loin chop was higher in pigs fed with diets 25% and 15%, that those who ate diets with 5% and 0% (P < 0.001); the results of shoulder performance were reversed, being greater in pigs feed with diets 0% and 5% (P < 0.001). Polynomial regression equations were obtained to estimate the percentage of NV and GEC more favorable from the point of view of production, and orthogonal contrasts between treatments.


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El empleo de biomasa como combustible para la generación de bio-energía va en aumento en la actualidad, debido a su impacto medioambiental nulo en cuanto a las emisiones de CO2. Por lo tanto la generación de cenizas de biomasa, residuo de la producción de esta energía, constituye un problema medioambiental con un claro impacto social y económico. Este tipo de ceniza tiene contenidos en óxidos que la hacen atractiva para su empleo como sustituto parcial del cemento Portland, lo cual proporciona una salida eco-eficiente a este residuo, reduciendo al mismo tiempo la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero asociada a la fabricación del cemento. Esta investigación se centra en el desarrollo de nuevos e innovadores materiales base-cemento eco-eficientes que incorporan ceniza de biomasa para su aplicación integral en construcción. Para ello, se emplea una ceniza de biomasa (CB) procedente de un combustor de lecho fluidizado, cuya biomasa de combustión es principalmente restos de corteza de eucalipto, suministrada por el grupo ENCE-Navia (Asturias). El trabajo desarrollado en la presente tesis doctoral, tiene como primera fase la caracterización de esta ceniza y el análisis de viabilidad de su valorización en materiales base-cemento. Dentro de este análisis, se propone la activación de la ceniza CB mediante tratamiento hidrotermal (TH) en diferentes condiciones de medio activante, temperatura y tiempo de proceso, con el objetivo de favorecer la formación de fases hidratadas que potencien la valorización de la ceniza en el campo de los materiales de construcción. Como fase hidratada de interés se obtiene la fase tobermorita (Ca2.25(Si3O7.5(OH)1.5)(H2O)), precursora del gel C-S-H, responsable del desarrollo de resistencias mecánicas en los materiales base-cemento. El proceso de TH se optimiza para la síntesis más eficiente de esta fase. El estudio posterior de las propiedades mecánicas y micro-estructurales de pastas de cemento eco-eficientes que incorporan la ceniza CB y la ceniza tratada hidrotermalmente, CB-TH, confirma una mayor viabilidad de incorporación de la ceniza CB como sustituto parcial del cemento Portland. Como siguiente paso en el desarrollo de estos innovadores materiales base-cemento eco-eficientes se amplía el estudio multi-escalar de los materiales que incorporan CB mediante diferentes ensayos físico-mecánicos y de durabilidad. Los resultados indican que la presencia de la ceniza de biomasa no tiene efectos negativos sobre las propiedades físicas de los morteros eco-eficientes estudiados. Sin embargo, la adición de CB proporciona una mejor durabilidad del material al producir modificaciones de la microestructura que dificultan el transporte de agentes agresivos. Por otro lado, los morteros con un 10 y 20% de sustitución parcial de cemento por la ceniza de biomasa CB (CB-10 y CB-20) presentan una resistencia a compresión de 53.3 y 50.5 MPa a 28 días de curado, respectivamente. Estos morteros son comparables con un cemento Portland tradicional tipo CEM I de clase de resistencia 42.5 R. Por último, y con el fin de proporcionar la apertura de estos nuevos cementos eco-eficientes al mercado en el campo de los materiales de construcción, se estudian propiedades concretas relacionadas con diferentes tipos de aplicaciones. Concretamente se estudian en detalle las propiedades relativas a la aplicación en baldosas de mortero y los resultados indican unas prestaciones del material eco-eficiente con incorporación de CB similares o mejoradas con respecto al cemento Portland. Se analiza también la viabilidad de aplicación estructural de los cementos eco-eficientes desarrollados mediante el estudio de la adherencia al acero, que resulta similar a la del material de referencia. En cuanto a los resultados de extracción y caracterización de la fase acuosa de los poros, en todas las matrices eco-eficientes se obtiene un pH que garantiza la pasivación de la armadura. Sin embargo, el alto contenido en cloruros de dicha fase acuosa sugiere la conveniencia de realizar un análisis más detallado para la aplicación de los nuevos materiales eco-eficientes en hormigón armado. Se comprueba que todas las matrices que incorporan CB en porcentajes entre un 10 y un 90%, se pueden considerar adecuadas como nuevos materiales de construcción más eco-eficientes en aplicaciones con distintos niveles de exigencias mecánicas y sin problemas ambientales asociados con procesos de lixiviación. Con el presente trabajo de investigación se completan los objetivos iniciales de la tesis, con la obtención de nuevos e innovadores materiales base-cemento eco-eficientes que incorporan cenizas de biomasa (CB) con aplicación integral en el campo de la construcción. ABSTRACT The use of biomass as a fuel for the generation of bio-energy is increasing nowadays, due to its zero environmental impact in terms of CO2 emissions. Therefore the generation of biomass ash, a by-product of this energy, is an environmental problem with a clear social and economic impact. This type of ash contains oxides that make it attractive to be used as a partial replacement of Portland cement, providing an eco-efficient solution to this residue, while reducing the emission of greenhouse gases associated with the production of cement. The present research is focused on the development of new and innovative eco-efficient cement-based materials that incorporate biomass ash for their comprehensive application in construction. For this purpose a biomass ash (CB) is used from a fluidized bed forest combustor mainly fed with the bark of eucalyptus trees, provided by the ENCE-Navia (Asturias) group. The work includes in the first stage the characterization of the raw materials and the analysis of viability of their valorization in cement-based materials. Within this analysis, the activation of the ash is proposed by hydrothermal treatment (HT) in different conditions of activation medium, temperature and process duration, aiming an enhanced formation of hydrated phases to improve the ash valorization in the construction materials field. As an interesting hydrated phase, the tobermorite (Ca2.25(Si3O7.5(OH)1.5)(H2O)) is obtained from the process. This phase is considered as a precursor of the gel C-S-H, responsible for the development of mechanical strength in cement-based materials. HT process is optimized for the most efficient synthesis of tobermorite. The analysis of mechanical and microstructural properties of eco-efficient cement pastes incorporating CB ash and hydrothermally treated ash, CB-TH, confirms an improved viability of incorporation of CB ash as a partial replacement for Portland cement in the case. As a next step in the development of these innovative eco-efficient cement-based materials, a multiscale study of the materials that incorporate CB by different physical-mechanical and durability tests is carried out. The results indicate that the presence of biomass ash does not give rise to negative effects on the physical properties of the eco-efficient mortars analyzed. Nevertheless, the addition of CB produces a better durability performance due to microstructural modifications that hinder the transport of aggressive agents through the material. Moreover, mortars with a 10% and 20% of partial substitution of cement by the CB biomass ash (CB-10 and CB-20) show a compressive resistance of 53.3 and 50.5 MPa at 28 days of curing, respectively. These mortars are comparable to an ordinary Portland cement type CEM I with a resistance class of 42.5R. Finally, and in order to provide the opening of these new eco-efficient cement to the market in the field of construction materials, certain properties specifically related to different types of applications are studied. Among these, the properties concerning the application in mortar tiles are analyzed and the results indicate a similar, or even better performance of the eco-efficient mortar that incorporates CB, with respect to Portland cement. The viability of structural application of the developed eco-efficient cement is also performed considering the study of the adhesion to steel, with results similar to those of the reference material. Regarding the results of extraction and analysis of the aqueous phase of the pores, a pH value guaranteeing reinforcement passivation is obtained for all the eco-efficient matrices. However, high chloride content is obtained suggesting the suitability of a more detailed study to evaluate the application of these new eco-efficient materials in reinforced concrete. It is established that all the matrices incorporating CB in percentages between 10 and 90% may be considered adequate as new more eco-efficient construction materials in applications with different levels of mechanical demand and without environmental problems associated to leaching processes. In this research the initial objectives of the thesis are fulfilled by obtaining new and innovative eco-efficient cement-based materials that incorporate biomass ashes (CB) with comprehensive application in the construction field.


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In prokaryotes, in the absence of protein serine/threonine/tyrosine kinases, protein histidine kinases play a major role in signal transduction involved in cellular adaptation to various environmental changes and stresses. Histidine kinases phosphorylate their cognate response regulators at a specific aspartic acid residue with ATP in response to particular environmental signals. In this His-Asp phosphorelay signal transduction system, it is still unknown how the histidine kinase exerts its enzymatic function. Here we demonstrate that the cytoplasmic kinase domain of EnvZ, a transmembrane osmosensor of Escherichia coli can be further divided into two distinct functional subdomains: subdomain A [EnvZ(C)⋅(223–289); 67 residues] and subdomain B [EnvZ(C)⋅(290–450); 161 residues]. Subdomain A, with a high helical content, contains the autophosphorylation site, H–243, and forms a stable dimer having the recognition site for OmpR, the cognate response regulator of EnvZ. Subdomain B, an α/β-protein, exists as a monomer. When mixed, the two subdomains reconstitute the kinase function to phosphorylate subdomain A at His-243 in the presence of ATP. Subsequently, the phosphorylated subdomain A is able to transfer its phosphate group to OmpR. The two-domain structure of this histidine kinase provides an insight into the structural arrangement of the enzyme and its transphosphorylation mechanism.


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The yeast transport GTPase Ypt6p is dispensable for cell growth and secretion, but its lack results in temperature sensitivity and missorting of vacuolar carboxypeptidase Y. We previously identified four yeast genes (SYS1, 2, 3, and 5) that on high expression suppressed these phenotypic alterations. SYS3 encodes a 105-kDa protein with a predicted high α-helical content. It is related to a variety of mammalian Golgi-associated proteins and to the yeast Uso1p, an essential protein involved in docking of endoplasmic reticulum–derived vesicles to the cis-Golgi. Like Uso1p, Sys3p is predominatly cytosolic. According to gel chromatographic, two-hybrid, and chemical cross-linking analyses, Sys3p forms dimers and larger protein complexes. Its loss of function results in partial missorting of carboxypeptidase Y. Double disruptions of SYS3 and YPT6 lead to a significant growth inhibition of the mutant cells, to a massive accumulation of 40- to 50-nm vesicles, to an aggravation of vacuolar protein missorting, and to a defect in α-pheromone processing apparently attributable to a perturbation of protease Kex2p cycling between the Golgi and a post-Golgi compartment. The results of this study suggest that Sys3p, like Ypt6p, acts in vesicular transport (presumably at a vesicle-docking stage) between an endosomal compartment and the most distal Golgi compartment.


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γ-Hydroxybutyrate (GHB), an anesthetic adjuvant analog of γ-aminobutyrate (GABA), depresses cell excitability in hippocampal neurons by inducing hyperpolarization through the activation of a prominent inwardly rectifying K+ (Kir3) conductance. These GABA type B (GABAB)-like effects are clearly shown at high concentrations of GHB corresponding to blood levels usually reached during anesthesia and are mimicked by the GABAB agonist baclofen. Recent studies of native GABAB receptors (GABABRs) have favored the concept that GHB is also a selective agonist. Furthermore, cloning has demonstrated that GABABRs assemble heteromeric complexes from the GABABR1 and GABABR2 subtypes and that these assemblies are activated by GHB. The surprisingly high tissue content, together with anti-ischemic and protective effects of GHB in the heart, raises the question of a possible influence of GABAB agonists on excitable cardiac cells. In the present study, we provide electrophysiological evidence that GHB activates an inwardly rectifying K+ current in rat ventricular myocytes. This effect is mimicked by baclofen, reversibly inhibited by GABAB antagonists, and prevented by pertussis toxin pretreatment. Both GABABR1 and GABABR2 are detected in cardiomyocytes by Western blotting and are shown to coimmunoprecipitate. Laser scanning confocal microscopy discloses an even distribution of the two receptors in the sarcolemma and along the transverse tubular system. Hence, we conclude that GABABRs are distributed not only in neuronal tissues but also in the heart, where they can be activated and induce electrophysiological alterations through G-protein-coupled inward rectifier potassium channels.


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Defects in the XPG DNA repair endonuclease gene can result in the cancer-prone disorders xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) or the XP–Cockayne syndrome complex. While the XPG cDNA sequence was known, determination of the genomic sequence was required to understand its different functions. In cells from normal donors, we found that the genomic sequence of the human XPG gene spans 30 kb, contains 15 exons that range from 61 to 1074 bp and 14 introns that range from 250 to 5763 bp. Analysis of the splice donor and acceptor sites using an information theory-based approach revealed three splice sites with low information content, which are components of the minor (U12) spliceosome. We identified six alternatively spliced XPG mRNA isoforms in cells from normal donors and from XPG patients: partial deletion of exon 8, partial retention of intron 8, two with alternative exons (in introns 1 and 6) and two that retained complete introns (introns 3 and 9). The amount of alternatively spliced XPG mRNA isoforms varied in different tissues. Most alternative splice donor and acceptor sites had a relatively high information content, but one has the U12 spliceosome sequence. A single nucleotide polymorphism has allele frequencies of 0.74 for 3507G and 0.26 for 3507C in 91 donors. The human XPG gene contains multiple splice sites with low information content in association with multiple alternatively spliced isoforms of XPG mRNA.


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Four cDNAs, one encoding an α-subunit and three encoding β-subunits of the mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase, were isolated from maize (Zea mays L.) libraries. The deduced amino acid sequences of both α- and β-subunits are approximately 80% identical with Arabidopsis and pea (Pisum sativum L.) homologs. The mature N terminus was determined for the β-subunit by microsequencing the protein purified from etiolated maize shoot mitochondria and was resolved by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. This single isoelectric species comprised multiple isoforms. Both α- and β-subunits are encoded by multigene families in maize, as determined by Southern-blot analyses. RNA transcripts for both α- and β-subunits were more abundant in roots than in young leaves or etiolated shoots. Pyruvate dehydrogenase activity was also higher in roots (5-fold) compared with etiolated shoots and leaves. Both subunits were present at similar levels in all tissues examined, indicating coordinated gene regulation. The protein levels were highest in heterotrophic organs and in pollen, which contained about 2-fold more protein than any other organ examined. The relative abundance of these proteins in nonphotosynthetic tissues may reflect a high cellular content of mitochondria, a high level of respiratory activity, or an extra plastidial requirement for acetate.


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It has been suggested that delayed DNA replication underlies fragility at common human fragile sites, but specific sequences responsible for expression of these inducible fragile sites have not been identified. One approach to identify such cis-acting sequences within the large nonexonic regions of fragile sites would be to identify conserved functional elements within orthologous fragile sites by interspecies sequence comparison. This study describes a comparison of orthologous fragile regions, the human FRA3B/FHIT and the murine Fra14A2/Fhit locus. We sequenced over 600 kbp of the mouse Fra14A2, covering the region orthologous to the fragile epicenter of FRA3B, and determined the Fhit deletion break points in a mouse kidney cancer cell line (RENCA). The murine Fra14A2 locus, like the human FRA3B, was characterized by a high AT content. Alignment of the two sequences showed that this fragile region was stable in evolution despite its susceptibility to mitotic recombination on inhibition of DNA replication. There were also several unusual highly conserved regions (HCRs). The positions of predicted matrix attachment regions (MARs), possibly related to replication origins, were not conserved. Of known fragile region landmarks, five cancer cell break points, one viral integration site, and one aphidicolin break cluster were located within or near HCRs. Thus, comparison of orthologous fragile regions has identified highly conserved sequences with possible functional roles in maintenance of fragility.


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Prions are unprecedented infectious pathogens that cause a group of invariably fatal neurodegenerative diseases by an entirely novel mechanism. Prion diseases may present as genetic, infectious, or sporadic disorders, all of which involve modification of the prion protein (PrP). Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), scrapie of sheep, and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD) of humans are among the most notable prion diseases. Prions are transmissible particles that are devoid of nucleic acid and seem to be composed exclusively of a modified protein (PrPSc). The normal, cellular PrP (PrPC) is converted into PrPSc through a posttranslational process during which it acquires a high β-sheet content. The species of a particular prion is encoded by the sequence of the chromosomal PrP gene of the mammals in which it last replicated. In contrast to pathogens carrying a nucleic acid genome, prions appear to encipher strain-specific properties in the tertiary structure of PrPSc. Transgenetic studies argue that PrPSc acts as a template upon which PrPC is refolded into a nascent PrPSc molecule through a process facilitated by another protein. Miniprions generated in transgenic mice expressing PrP, in which nearly half of the residues were deleted, exhibit unique biological properties and should facilitate structural studies of PrPSc. While knowledge about prions has profound implications for studies of the structural plasticity of proteins, investigations of prion diseases suggest that new strategies for the prevention and treatment of these disorders may also find application in the more common degenerative diseases.


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For almost 30 years. serious interest has been directed toward natural gas hydrate, a crystalline solid composed of water and methane, as a potential (i) energy resource, (ii) factor in global climate change, and (iii) submarine geohazard. Although each of these issues can affect human welfare, only (iii) is considered to be of immediate importance. Assessments of gas hydrate as an energy resource have often been overly optimistic, based in part on its very high methane content and on its worldwide occurrence in continental margins. Although these attributes are attractive, geologic settings, reservoir properties, and phase-equilibria considerations diminish the energy resource potential of natural gas hydrate. The possible role of gas hydrate in global climate change has been often overstated. Although methane is a “greenhouse” gas in the atmosphere, much methane from dissociated gas hydrate may never reach the atmosphere, but rather may be converted to carbon dioxide and sequestered by the hydrosphere/biosphere before reaching the atmosphere. Thus, methane from gas hydrate may have little opportunity to affect global climate change. However, submarine geohazards (such as sediment instabilities and slope failures on local and regional scales, leading to debris flows, slumps, slides, and possible tsunamis) caused by gas-hydrate dissociation are of immediate and increasing importance as humankind moves to exploit seabed resources in ever-deepening waters of coastal oceans. The vulnerability of gas hydrate to temperature and sea level changes enhances the instability of deep-water oceanic sediments, and thus human activities and installations in this setting can be affected.


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High Cd content in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var durum) grain grown in the United States and Canada presents potential health and economic problems for consumers and growers. In an effort to understand the biological processes that result in excess Cd accumulation, root Cd uptake and xylem translocation to shoots in seedlings of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and durum wheat cultivars were studied. Whole-plant Cd accumulation was somewhat greater in the bread wheat cultivar, but this was probably because of increased apoplastic Cd binding. Concentration-dependent 109Cd2+-influx kinetics in both cultivars were characterized by smooth, nonsaturating curves that could be dissected into linear and saturable components. The saturable component likely represented carrier-mediated Cd influx across root-cell plasma membranes (Michaelis constant, 20–40 nm; maximum initial velocity, 26–29 nmol g−1 fresh weight h−1), whereas linear Cd uptake represented cell wall binding of 109Cd. Cd translocation to shoots was greater in the bread wheat cultivar than in the durum cultivar because a larger proportion of root-absorbed Cd moved to shoots. Our results indicate that excess Cd accumulation in durum wheat grain is not correlated with seedling-root influx rates or root-to-shoot translocation, but may be related to phloem-mediated Cd transport to the grain.


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The crystal structure at 2.0-Å resolution of an 81-residue N-terminal fragment of muscle α-tropomyosin reveals a parallel two-stranded α-helical coiled-coil structure with a remarkable core. The high alanine content of the molecule is clustered into short regions where the local 2-fold symmetry is broken by a small (≈1.2-Å) axial staggering of the helices. The joining of these regions with neighboring segments, where the helices are in axial register, gives rise to specific bends in the molecular axis. We observe such bends to be widely distributed in two-stranded α-helical coiled-coil proteins. This asymmetric design in a dimer of identical (or highly similar) sequences allows the tropomyosin molecule to adopt multiple bent conformations. The seven alanine clusters in the core of the complete molecule (which spans seven monomers of the actin helix) promote the semiflexible winding of the tropomyosin filament necessary for its regulatory role in muscle contraction.