892 resultados para HCC ORT


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Sunitinib (SU) is a multitargeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor with antitumor and antiangiogenic activity. The objective of this trial was to demonstrate antitumor activity of continuous SU treatment in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).


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In Switzerland, approximately 350,000 people aged 70 years or older own a valid driving license. By law, these drivers are medically assessed every other year, most commonly by their general practitioner, to exclude that a medical condition is interfering with their driving skills. A prerequisite for driving is the integration of high-level cognitive functions with perception and motor function. Ageing, per se, does not necessarily impair driving or increase the crash risk. However, medical conditions, such as cognitive impairment and dementia, become more prevalent with advancing age and may contribute to poor driving and an increased crash risk. The extent to which driving skills are impaired depends on the cause of dementia, disease severity, other co-morbidities and individual compensation strategies. Dementia often remains undiagnosed and therefore general practitioners (GPs) can find themselves in the difficult situation to disclose a suspicion about cognitive impairment and queries about medical fitness to drive, at the same time. In addition, the literature suggests that cognitive screening tests, most commonly used by GPs, have a limited role in judging whether an older person remains fit to drive. Further specialist assessment, for example in a memory clinic or on the road testing (ORT), may be helpful when the diagnosis or its implication for driving remain unclear. Here, we review the literature about cognition and driving, for GPs who advise older drivers who wish to continue driving.


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Seaside is the open source framework of choice for developing sophisticated and dynamic web applications. Seaside uses the power of objects to master the web. With Seaside web applications is as simple as building desktop applications. Seaside lets you build highly dynamic and interactive web applications. Seaside supports agile development through interactive debugging and unit testing. Seaside is based on Smalltalk, a proven and robust language implemented by different vendors. Seaside is now available for all the major Smalltalk including Pharo, Squeak, GNU Smalltalk, Cincom Smalltalk, GemStone Smalltalk, and VA Smalltalk.


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Sorafenib targets the Raf/mitogen-activated protein kinase, VEGF, and platelet-derived growth factor pathways and prolongs survival patients in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Everolimus inhibits the mammalian target of rapamycin, a kinase overactive in HCC. To investigate whether the antitumor effects of these agents are additive, we compared a combined and sequential treatment regimen of everolimus and sorafenib with monotherapy. After hepatic implantation of Morris Hepatoma (MH) cells, rats were randomly allocated to everolimus (5 mg/kg, 2×/week), sorafenib (7.5 mg/kg/d), combined everolimus and sorafenib, sequential sorafenib (2 weeks) then everolimus (3 weeks), or control groups. MRI quantified tumor volumes. Erk1/2, 4E-BP1, and their phosphorylated forms were quantified by immunoblotting. Angiogenesis was assessed in vitro by aortic ring and tube formation assays, and in vivo with Vegf-a mRNA and vascular casts. After 35 days, tumor volumes were reduced by 60%, 85%, and 55%, relative to controls, in everolimus, the combination, and sequential groups, respectively (P < 0.01). Survival was longest in the combination group (P < 0.001). Phosphorylation of 4E-BP1 and Erk1/2 decreased after everolimus and sorafenib, respectively. Angiogenesis decreased after all treatments (P < 0.05), although sorafenib increased Vegf-a mRNA in liver tumors. Vessel sprouting was abundant in control tumors, lower after sorafenib, and absent after the combination. Intussusceptive angiogenic transluminal pillars failed to coalesce after the combination. Combined treatment with everolimus and sorafenib exerts a stronger antitumoral effect on MH tumors than monotherapy. Everolimus retains antitumoral properties when administered sequentially after sorafenib. This supports the clinical use of everolimus in HCC, both in combination with sorafenib or after sorafenib.


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There has been limited analysis of the effects of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) on liver metabolism and circulating endogenous metabolites. Here, we report the findings of a plasma metabolomic investigation of HCC patients by ultraperformance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-QTOFMS), random forests machine learning algorithm, and multivariate data analysis. Control subjects included healthy individuals as well as patients with liver cirrhosis or acute myeloid leukemia. We found that HCC was associated with increased plasma levels of glycodeoxycholate, deoxycholate 3-sulfate, and bilirubin. Accurate mass measurement also indicated upregulation of biliverdin and the fetal bile acids 7α-hydroxy-3-oxochol-4-en-24-oic acid and 3-oxochol-4,6-dien-24-oic acid in HCC patients. A quantitative lipid profiling of patient plasma was also conducted by ultraperformance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-TQMS). By this method, we found that HCC was also associated with reduced levels of lysophosphocholines and in 4 of 20 patients with increased levels of lysophosphatidic acid [LPA(16:0)], where it correlated with plasma α-fetoprotein levels. Interestingly, when fatty acids were quantitatively profiled by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), we found that lignoceric acid (24:0) and nervonic acid (24:1) were virtually absent from HCC plasma. Overall, this investigation illustrates the power of the new discovery technologies represented in the UPLC-ESI-QTOFMS platform combined with the targeted, quantitative platforms of UPLC-ESI-TQMS and GC-MS for conducting metabolomic investigations that can engender new insights into cancer pathobiology.


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Sirtuins and hypoxia-inducible transcription factors (HIF) have well-established roles in regulating cellular responses to metabolic and oxidative stress. Recent reports have linked these two protein families by demonstrating that sirtuins can regulate the activity of HIF-1 and HIF-2. Here we investigated the role of SIRT1, a NAD+-dependent deacetylase, in the regulation of HIF-1 activity in hypoxic conditions. Our results show that in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cell lines, hypoxia did not alter SIRT1 mRNA or protein expression, whereas it predictably led to the accumulation of HIF-1α and the up-regulation of its target genes. In hypoxic models in vitro and in in vivo models of systemic hypoxia and xenograft tumor growth, knockdown of SIRT1 protein with shRNA or inhibition of its activity with small molecule inhibitors impaired the accumulation of HIF-1α protein and the transcriptional increase of its target genes. In addition, endogenous SIRT1 and HIF-1α proteins co-immunoprecipitated and loss of SIRT1 activity led to a hyperacetylation of HIF-1α. Taken together, our data suggest that HIF-1α and SIRT1 proteins interact in HCC cells and that HIF-1α is a target of SIRT1 deacetylase activity. Moreover, SIRT1 is necessary for HIF-1α protein accumulation and activation of HIF-1 target genes under hypoxic conditions.


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The prognostic outcome for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remains poor. Disease progression is accompanied by dedifferentiation of the carcinoma, a process that is not well understood. The aim of this study was to get more insight into the molecular characteristics of dedifferentiated carcinomas using high throughput techniques. Microarray-based global gene expression analysis was performed on five poorly differentiated HCC cell lines compared with non-neoplastic hepatic controls and a set of three cholangiolar carcinoma (CC) cell lines. The gene with the highest upregulation was HLXB9. HLXB9 is a gene of the homeobox genfamily important for the development of the pancreas. RT-PCR confirmed the upregulation of HLXB9 in surgical specimens of carcinoma tissue, suggesting its biological significance. Interestingly, HLXB9 upregulation was primary observed in poorly differentiated HCC with a pseudoglandular pattern compared with a solid pattern HCC or in moderate or well-differentiated HCC. Additional the expression of translated HLXB9, the protein HB9 (NCBI: NP_001158727), was analyzed by western blotting. Expression of HB9 was only detected in the cytoplasm but not in the nuclei of the HCC cells. For validation CC were also investigated. Again, we found an upregulation of HLXB9 in CC cells accompanied by an expression of HB9 in the cytoplasms of these tumor cells, respectively. In conclusion, homeobox HLXB9 is upregulated in poorly differentiated HCC with a pseudoglandular pattern. The translated HB9 protein is found in the cytoplasm of these HCC and CC. We therefore assume HLXB9 as a possible link in the understanding of the development of HCC and CC, respectively.


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Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a common cause of cancer-related death. Sorafenib prolongs survival of patients with advanced disease and is approved for the systemic treatment of unresectable HCC. It possesses antiangiogenic and antiproliferative properties by way of inhibition of the receptor tyrosine kinases vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR-2) and platelet-derived growth factor receptor-beta 1/2 (PDGFR-β) and the kinase RAF. Sorafenib represents a candidate compound for adjuvant therapy in HCC patients. The aim of our study was to investigate whether sorafenib affects liver regeneration. C57BL6 mice received sorafenib orally at 30 mg/kg/day or its vehicle either for 14 days until the day before hepatectomy or starting the day after surgery or both. Animals were sacrificed 24, 72, and 120 hours after hepatectomy. Liver regeneration was calculated as a percent of initial liver weight. Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation and phospho-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (pERK1/2) were determined by immunohistochemistry on liver sections. VEGF-A, PDGF-BB, and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) levels were measured in liver tissue homogenates. Histological analysis of scar tissue was performed. Treatment stopped 1 day before surgery had no impact on liver regeneration. Continuous sorafenib treatment and treatment started 1 day after surgery had statistically significant effects on liver regeneration at 120 hours compared to vehicle-treated control animals (72% ± 12 versus control 88% ± 15 and 70% ± 13 versus control 86% ± 5 at 120 hours, both P ≤ 0.02). BrdU incorporation showed decreased numbers of positive nuclei in both groups receiving sorafenib after surgery. Phospho-ERK levels were reduced in sorafenib-treated animals. An increase of VEGF-A levels was observed in mice receiving sorafenib. Wound-healing complications were observed in animals receiving sorafenib after surgery and confirmed on histological sections. CONCLUSION: This preclinical study shows that sorafenib did not impact on liver regeneration when ceased before surgery; however, administration after hepatectomy affected late liver regeneration.


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Die hoch aufgelöste Erosionsrisikokarte der landwirtschaftlichen Nutzfläche der Schweiz (ERK2) zeigt das potentielle Erosionsrisiko aufgrund der Standortfaktoren Relief, Boden und Niederschlag – unabhängig von der jeweiligen Nutzung und Bewirtschaftung. Stark erosionsgefährdete Bereiche innerhalb einer Parzelle oder eines Hanges wie beispielsweise Talwege können in der Karte gut identifiziert werden. Insgesamt wurden 44% der andwirtschaftlich genutzten Fläche im Talgebiet auf der Basis eines 2x2-Meter-Rasters als potentiell erosionsgefährdet klassiert. Allerdings werden 38% aller Flächen im Talgebiet als Dauergrünland genutzt und haben insofern kein reales Erosionsrisiko. Mit der ERK2 liegt nun eine für die ganze Schweiz einheitliche Grundlage zur Beurteilung des potentiellen Erosionsrisikos auf der Skala Parzelle vor. Sie erlaubt, dass Landwirte und die kantonale Beratung Flächen mit potentiellem Erosionsrisiko frühzeitig wahrnehmen, gemeinsam vor Ort beurteilen und allfällige Massnahmen planen können. Eine Überprüfung des modellierten Erosionsrisikos im Feld bleibt aber unumgänglich. Die Erfassung der Erodibilität des Bodens (KFaktor) wird in diesem Paper ausführlich beschrieben.


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The intermediate stage of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) comprises a highly heterogeneous patient population and therefore poses unique challenges for therapeutic management, different from the early and advanced stages. Patients classified as having intermediate HCC by the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) staging system present with varying tumor burden and liver function. Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) is currently recommended as the standard of care in this setting, but there is considerable variation in the clinical benefit patients derive from this treatment.In April 2012, a panel of experts convened to discuss unresolved issues surrounding the application of current guidelines when managing patients with intermediate HCC. The meeting explored the applicability of a subclassification system for intermediate HCC patients to tailor therapeutic interventions based on the evidence available to date and expert opinion. The present report summarizes the proposal of the expert panel: four substages of intermediate HCC patients, B1 to B4.