976 resultados para Grelling, Richard, 1853-1929.


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This article explores the bilingual and bicultural identity of Normandy revealed by Wace's depiction of Duke Richard the Fearless in the Roman de Rou. The anecdotes that open the Troisieme Partie of the Rou are analysed in the light of Scandinavian analogues, in particular the Saga of Grettir. This allows us to discern in Wace's stories a dual tradition, with romance and scandinavian strands that were not always mutually compatible, resulting in narrative tensions that had hitherto remained unexplained. In particular, the fearless duke takes on connotations of mental instability that would only have been recognised by the Normans of Danish origin.


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Although Richard Hooker’s private attitudes were clericalist and authoritarian, his constitutional theory subordinated clergymen to laymen and monarchy to parliamentary statute. This article explains why his political ideas were nonetheless appropriate to his presumed religious purposes. It notes a very intimate connection between his teleological conception of a law and his hostility towards conventional high Calvinist ideas about predestination. The most significant anomaly within his broadly Aristotelian world-view was his belief that politics is nothing but a means to cope with sin. This too can be linked to his religious ends, but it creates an ambiguity that made his doctrines usable by Locke.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate key strategic decisions involved in turning around a large multinational operating in a dynamic market. Design/methodology/approach – The paper is based on analysis of archival documents and a semi-structured interview with the chairman of the company credited with its rescue. Findings – Turnaround is complex and involves both planned and emergent strategies. The progress is non-linear requiring adjustment and change in direction of travel. Top management credibility and vision is critical to success. Rescue is only possible if the company has a strong cash generative business among its businesses. The speed of decision making, decisiveness and the ability to implement strategy are among the key ingredients of success. Originality/value – Turnaround is an under-researched area in strategy. This paper contributes to a better understanding in this important area and bridges the gap between theory and practice. It provides a practical view and demonstrates how a leading executive with significant expertise and successful turnaround track record deals with inherent dilemmas of turnaround


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Changes in the cultures and spaces of death during the Victorian era reveal the shifting conceptualisations and mobilisations of class in this period. Using the example of Brookwood Necropolis, established 1852 in response to the contemporary burial reform debate, the paper explores tensions within the sanitary reform movement, 1853–1903. Whilst reformist ideology grounded the cemetery's practices in a discourse of inclusion, one of the consequences of reform was to reinforce class distinctions. Combined with commercial imperatives and the modern impulse towards separation of living and dead, this aspect of reform enacted a counter-discourse of alienation. The presence of these conflicting strands in the spaces and practices of the Necropolis and their changes during the time period reflect wider urban trends.


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This article examines a common petition presented in the English parliament of 1425 requesting that those imprisoned for long periods for the crimes of treason, felony and Lollardy might be brought to trial. On the basis of palaeographical and orthographical evidence, this petition is demonstrated to be written by Richard Osbarn, clerk of the chamber of the London Guildhall between 1400 and 1437. The implications of this discovery throw new light on the way petitions were formulated, suggesting that the scribes of petitions played a greater role than previously thought, and in some cases identified with the complaint itself.


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Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka åtgärder som Falu stad, genom sundhetsnämnden, vidtog när farsoten kolera spreds i Sverige år 1834 respektive år 1853 samt om dessa åtgärder skiljer sig över tid. Frågeställningarna som används är: Vilka förebyggande åtgärder mot kolera vidtog staden genom sundhetsnämnden år 1834 och år 1853? Hur agerade läkarna i Falun mot kolerahotet? Skiljer sig Falu sundhetsnämnds åtgärder i jämförelse med andra städers sundhetsnämnder? Skiljer sig sundhetsnämndens åtgärder mellan åren 1834 och 1853? Materialet som används består av sundhetsnämndens mötesprotokoll från åren 1834 och år 1853, kolerakungörelser från de båda tidpunkterna, stadsläkare- och gruvläkarapporter samt utdrag från Tidning för Falu län och stad. Resultatet visar, att Falun vid båda tillfällena spärrades av genom att vaktstationer upprättades vid vägarna och vid stadens gräns. En karantänsstation upprättades vid stadens hälsobrunn för att ta om hand personer som inte vistats på kolerafri ort de 10 senaste dagarna. Staden delades in i tio distrikt som bemannades med en distriktschef samt några uppsyningsmän, som kontrollerade att staden hölls ren och att invånarna var rena. Stadens läkare var väldigt aktiva under sundhetsnämndens möten år 1834 och gav flera förslag på vad som behövdes göras medan de år 1853 intog en mer passiv roll. Åtgärderna i Stockholm år 1834 är snarlika de åtgärder som genomfördes i Falun samma år, huvudstaden delades också in i distrikt och det tillsattes även distriktschefer och uppsyningsmän. En annan likhet är att både Falun och Stockholm beställde färdiga likkistor för att ha i beredskap. Såväl sundhetsnämnderna i Karlskrona, Ystad och Arboga liksom Falun år 1853 vidtog i stort sett samma åtgärder som gjordes redan år 1834 t ex spärrningsåtgärder, karantänsskydd, införandet av kolerasjukhus och extra insatser för de mest utsatta i samhället.