994 resultados para Graduated licensing.


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The assessment of individual physician performance has attracted interest from several quarters, including statutory licensing agencies and credentialing bodies of healthcare institutions. Performance measures and assessment methods have been developed, although their validity, reliability and feasibility in regards to physician specialty practice are open to challenge. Despite this, professional colleges and societies will be increasingly obliged to ensure their members are demonstrating high-quality performance on the basis of assessment methods viewed as being transparent, impartial and reproducible. This article provides an overview of the current state of the art which hopefully will serve to inform future debate both within and outside professional circles.


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BACKGROUNDUndergraduate Civil Engineering Course at Deakin University, Australia is relatively a new course. It graduated its second main cohort in 2013. Since its beginning in 2012, this study has been running an internal annual Course Experience Surveys targeted at uncovering the graduating students’ perceptions on three components of contemporary learning system provided by Deakin University learning design, learning environment and the human factor. Learning design covers the learning curriculum, learning resources, learning activities and learning supports; learning environment includes physical environment, virtual environment and psychosocial environment; and human factor includes learners, facilitators/teachers and help/support staff and their culture. There is a common agreement among educators in higher education that these three components of learning system should interact and complement each other in order to maximise student learning. This paper coversonly learning design aspect of the overall surveys from 2012 and 2013.PURPOSEThe aim of this study is to analyse the students’ perceptions of learning design provided by Deakin University to its undergraduate civil engineering students in 2012 and 2013. This will help track down the progresses in different aspects of learning design and to understand whether the learning design provided by the institution have actually helped students in their learning and met their learning expectations.DESIGN/METHODThis study adopts questionnaire approach to collect original data by asking students about their perceptions of learning design provided by the institution. 5-point Likert-scale questionnaire survey (strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree) is developed and responses are collected. The responses are then statistically analysed in order to uncover the students’ perceptions of learning design provided by the university.RESULTSThe statistical analysis shows that the graduating students in both 2012 and 2013 did not perceive some important aspects of the learning design of the undergraduate civil engineering program/course as good as they expected. Moreover, in line with the shift in the learning design paradigm from content-centric to more inclusive learning design where soft skills, self-directed learning skills and research skills are incorporated, graduating students clearly perceived these changes. However, respondents’ perceptions on some components of learning design got slightly down in 2013 compared with 2012 particularly the ‘learning resources’, ‘learning activities’ and ‘learning supports’.CONCLUSIONSThe shift in the learning design paradigm of the undergraduate civil engineering program/course at Deakin University from teacher-centric to student-centric between 2012 and 2013 has not been perceived by students positively as expected. Students have clearly indicated that they prefer improved curriculum, quality learning resources, customised learning activities and additional learning supports in order to successfully implement student-centric learning design.


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The present paper aims to review current evidence for the effectiveness and/or feasibility of using inter-agency data sharing of ED recorded assault information to direct interventions reducing alcohol-related or nightlife assaults, injury or violence. Potential data-sharing partners involve police, local council, liquor licensing regulators and venue management. A systematic review of the peer-reviewed literature was conducted. The initial search discovered 19,506 articles. After removal of duplicates and articles not meeting review criteria, n = 8 articles were included in quantitative and narrative synthesis. Seven of eight studies were conducted in UK EDs, with the remaining study presenting Australian data. All studies included in the review deemed data sharing a worthwhile pursuit. All studies attempting to measure intervention effectiveness reported substantial reductions of assaults and ED attendances post-intervention, with one reporting no change. Negative logistic feasibility concerns were minimal, with general consensus among authors being that data-sharing protocols and partnerships could be easily implemented into modern ED triage systems, with minimal cost, staff workload burden, impact to patient safety, service and anonymity, or risk of harm displacement to other licensed venues, or increase to length of patient stay. However, one study reported a potential harm displacement effect to streets surrounding intervention venues. In future, data-sharing systems should triangulate ED, police and ambulance data sources, and assess intervention effectiveness using randomised controlled trials that account for variations in venue capacity, fluctuations in ED attendance and population levels, seasonal variations in assault and injury, and control for concurrent interventions.


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Here we present an improved implementation of the TIGER2 Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics (REMD) method, using the replica exchange Application Programming Interface (API) found in contemporary versions of the NAMD Molecular Dynamics Package. The implementation takes the form of a TCL script which is used in conjunction with the standard configuration file. This implementation is validated against a previous TIGER2 implementation, as well as data reported for the original TIGER2 simulations. Our implementation is compatible with a range of architectures; crucially it enables the use of this wrapper with the BlueGene/Q architecture, in addition to the x86 architecture. Program summary: Program title: TIGER2-NAMD. Catalogue identifier: AEWC_v1_0. Program summary URL: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AEWC_v1_0.html Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland. Licensing provisions: Standard CPC licence, http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/licence/licence.html No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 34151. No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 424217. Distribution format: tar.gz. Programming language: Tcl 8.5. Computer: x86 Clusters, BlueGene/Q, Workstations. Operating system: Linux, IBM Compute Node Kernel. Has the code been vectorised or parallelised?: Yes. MPI Parallelism. Classification: 3. External routines: NAMD 2.9 (http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/namd/). Nature of problem: Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics. Solution method: Each replica runs through multiple cycles of heating and cooling with exchanges between them being attempted. Running time: Typically 30 mins, up to an hour.


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When Bridget Driscoll, a 44-year-old mother of two died after being struck by a motor vehicle, considered to be the first motor vehicle fatality in UK and possibly the world, the coroner stated 'I trust this sort of nonsense will never happen again'.1 Sadly, the coroner, medical practitioners and general public would be deeply and repeatedly disappointed. It was 1896. Motor vehicles were a curiosity. Drivers did not undergo any form of testing, be it medical fitness, driving ability or otherwise, and there were no licensing regulatory agencies. By 2010, road injury was the ninth most common cause of death globally (1.3 million deaths per annum) and dementia the fourth most common in high income countries.2 By 2030 the number of all licensed UK drivers who are 65 years or older will increase by almost 50% to almost one in every four drivers.3 If the juxtaposition of driving with dementia in an ageing population is not already a contentious social, political and medical issue, it certainly will become so.


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 This PhD investigated obesity and mental health issues. Physical activity, screen-based behaviour (including e-gaming) measures don’t seem to be closely linked to BMI-z or psychosocial outcomes in Fijian adolescents. Expectations of the BMI-z impact of PA programs should be low and control on violent e-gaming through licensing agreements is suggested.


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Stanley Carraher graduated from the New York Trade School's Welding program in 1952. He is shown in his position as Welder Foreman at the construction of the Throggs Neck Bridge. Original caption reads, "Stanley Carraher - Welding 1952. Modern bridge construction requires the services of many compitent [sic] Welders. In this picture, Stanley Carraher is shown supervising the welding on the new Throggs Neck Bridge in New York City." Black and white photograph with caption adhered to reverse.


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David J. Stevens and Ernest Fitzgerald were 1948 graduates of the Plumbing Department at the New York Trade School and are pictured with a truck from their successful D.H. Stevens Company in Washington, DC. Original caption reads, "David J. Stevens - Plumbing 1948, is shown here with Ernest Fitzgerald - Plumbing 1948, with two of their thirteen pieces of equipment necessary to satisfy 650 calls per month. David Stevens is the third generation to have graduated from Plumbing." Black and white photograph with caption adhered to reverse.


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David Harning graduated from the Sheet Metal Department in 1957 and is shown in his position as Sheet Metal Cutter at the Triangle Sheet Metal Works Inc. Original caption reads, "David Harning - Sheet Metal 1957, is shown at his bench where he lays out all types of Sheet Metal pieces. These pieces will be constructed by other Sheet Metal Workers." Black and white photograph with captioned adhered to reverse.


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Designers respond to issues and synthesize ideas from throughout the day as voices from the field who directly encounter the need for recently graduated students to possess the ability to investigate and interrogate materials.


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Atualmente, o leilão de espectro tem sido evento de considerável relevância para o mercado de telecomunicações. As cifras alcançadas nos leilões, a oportunidade que eles representam para as empresas interessadas em explorar o mercado de telecomunicações, e o interesse do governo em alocar de forma eficiente este recurso, trouxeram notoriedade e magnitude para este mecanismo de seleção. Com o advento de novas tecnologias de comunicação móvel, detentoras de características inovadoras que permitem preencher cada vez mais a cesta de necessidades do consumidor, e a partir da alocação destas tecnologias a distintas faixas de espectro, tornou-se necessário, a determinação do mecanismo de escolha mais adequado daquele que será o gestor do recurso que permitirá a oferta desses serviços ao mercado: o espectro de freqüência. Com o intuito de se avaliar esse cenário, e os distintos papéis de seus participantes, busca-se nesse trabalho, através da análise do mais recente conjunto de leilões realizados para alocação deste recurso, o leilão das licenças 3G na Europa, compreender os pormenores envolvidos desde a elaboração até o desfecho deste processo. Objetiva-se, por fim, enriquecer o debate sobre esse tema ao discutir-se o cenário brasileiro. O trabalho ao analisar os leilões europeus nos permite identificar que as regras do leilão, como comentado por diversos autores, não são diretamente transplantáveis entre diferentes ambientes. Afinal dentro do ambiente homogêneo caracterizado pelo continente europeu, apesar da semelhança entre os diversos modelos de leilão utilizados, o sucesso obtido em países como Reino Unido e Alemanha, não foi repassado aos demais, ao compararmos o preço pago per capta. Entretanto, o espectro tem seu valor altamente conectado à disponibilidade tecnológica de sua utilização, logo, espectro sem tecnologia adequada para seu uso é observado como de valor privado aproximadamente zero pelos participantes. Esse fenômeno foi caracterizado pelo baixo valor atribuído ao espectro não pareado. Apesar de valor ser relativamente nulo, não é zero, pois a aquisição do direito de uso do espectro pode representar um "hedge" para ser utilizado, senão hoje, quando a tecnologia estiver disponível. Porém sendo o espectro recurso escasso, a alocação deste para tecnologia ainda indisponível pode ser considerado ineficiente. Observa-se, também, que o "incumbent" tende a valorizar mais uma licença, porém não se conseguiu determinar se isso ocorre devido a maior quantidade de informação que este detém sobre o mercado, ou devido à tentativa de manter o "status quo" do oligopólio atual. Baseado no comentado anteriormente e nos resultados dos leilões torna-se evidente que caso o entrante não seja protegido, como o "incumbent" valoriza mais a licença este sempre pagará mais por esta. E caso, o entrante tenha esta certeza, este não virá participar do leilão, o que na maior parte dos casos inviabilizaria o leilão pois haveriam tantas licenças quanto participantes. Ao analisar-se o caso brasileiro identifica-se a presença de um jogo nacional e um subjogo regional, onde os participantes podem ser simultaneamente "incumbents" para uma região, porém entrantes em outra.


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Paulo Jackson Vilasboas nasceu em Caetité, no sertão da Bahia, em 8 de junho de 1952 e morreu em 19 de maio de 2000, no município de Morro do Chapéu, também no sertão. Formado em Engenharia pela Escola Politécnica da Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA, na década de 1980 destacou-se como um dos principais sindicalistas baianos, tendo sido presidente do Sindicato dos Trabalhadores em Água e Esgoto - SINDAE. Entretanto, foi durante a década de 1990, quando as forças políticas ligadas ao atual senador Antônio Carlos Magalhães dominavam a política no estado, que Paulo Jackson se destacou como um dos principais opositores ao grupo dominante. No período de 1993 a 2000, atuou como deputado estadual na Assembléia Legislativa da Bahia, tornando-se conhecido por ter feito oposição ao Carlismo, mas também por uma trajetória marcada pela coerência política e pela defesa de causas importantes como água e saneamento para toda a população.


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o esporte ocupa uma posição privilegiada no segmento de entretenimento e envolve enorme capacidade de geração de renda e de empregos, devendo ser, então, tratado como negócio. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente estudo é identificar como uma gestão profissional do Departamento de Marketing de um clube de futebol, com um planejamento estratégico bem definido, pode gerar benefícios tangíveis e intangíveis para uma agremiação e, para tanto, vale-se do estudo de caso do modelo de gestão de marketing do Atlético-PR, que vem se constituindo em benchmarking no universo do futebol brasileiro. Desta feita, procura-se demonstrar como o marketing esportivo bem gerido pode incrementar as receitas já tradicionalmente praticadas pelos clubes brasileiros de futebol, a saber: direitos de transmissão, Internet, bilheteria, licenciamento de produtos, publicidade e patrocínio. Para tanto, utiliza-se de um levantamento teórico e empírico da realidade destas fontes de receita, apuradas no estágio atual, e apresenta experiências internacionais e de caráter nacional bem-sucedidas que adaptadas poderiam levar ao aumento dos valores arrecadados pelos clubes brasileiros de futebol. Os resultados indicam que há inúmeras ferramentas de marketing passíveis de aplicabilidade no segmento esportivo, como sugere o estudo de caso do Clube Atlético Paranaense, capazes de fazer com que os clubes brasileiros incrementem seu potencial de receita.


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The high degree of flexibility has been pointed as one of the outstanding characteristics of the Brazilian job market. Employability is being a frequent discussion issue among the professionals of the human resources area. The Human Capital Theory and the contemporary discussion concerning Employability argue the relationship of the educational practice and of the production practice in a capitalist economical-social structure as a whole. The education consequences in the individuals' life are reflected in several ways, direct and indirectly. Our objective is to evaluate, with statistics methods, and in that universe of consequences, the explanatory events of the relationships between education-wage and education¿job. The main reason of this work is to evaluate the relationship between education, wage and Employability from a structural model perspective, seeking to compare and to contrast two effective theories: the one from the human capital and other from the Employability. To make this analysis, a database of individuals that are working at the formal work market in the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Area, had been used. The results showed the education importance on the wage level, as well as, on the Employability factor, whose values and highest taxes correspond to the individuals graduated on the university.


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This study has the objective to verify the behavior of Brazilian workers residents in the state of Rio de Janeiro, throughout theirs labor life, concerning their ability to remain - and specialize - in the same professional area originally chosen in its superior educational graduation. As the proposed theme stands beyond the available bibliography, the author needed to analyze the Governmental Labor Ministry Statistical Databases, which provides Brazilian Formal Employment and Unemployment Information. The study started with the selection of three groups of professional occupations from the year of 1994 until the end of 2002. All the professionals who were employed in 1994 had had its trajectory traced up to 2002, as well as were analyzed the ingression behavior at the formal labor market in the year of 1994. Thus, the study encompasses not only the existing employment but also the new job posts created in 1994. For the trajectory tracing, a group of graduated students was selected in some universities of the state of Rio de Janeiro in the year of 1994. The study has clearly shown the impact that the availability of jobs in the same area of the graduation has over the workers decision to remain or change the original career. Such information and conclusions can be a valuable instrument to help students and professionals to plan and decide theirs futures careers, for the planning of public politics of educational investments, as well as for the Brazilian educational institutions to adjust the offering of its courses according to the labor market capacity.