983 resultados para Gitter-Boltzmann-Methode


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Die fünf Arten des Heterobasidion annosum s. l.-Komplexes sind in Nordamerika und Eurasien dafür bekannt große Schäden in Nadelforsten zu verursachen. In Deutschland sind mit H. annsosum s. s., H. parviporum und H. abietinum alle drei eurasischen Weißfäuleerreger sympatrisch vertreten. Besonders in der Norddeutschen Tiefebene fallen H. annsoums s. s.-Stämme durch ansteigende Befallsherde und hohe Pathogenität auf. Seit Jahren untersucht die Nordwestdeutsche forstliche Versuchsanstalt (NW-FVA) Göttingen die Zusammenhänge der sogenannte „Ackersterbe“ in einzelnen Regionen. In diesem Zusammenhang sollte die vorliegende Arbeit den molekular-genetischen Aspekt behandeln und die inner- und zwischenartlichen Strukturen sowie das Beziehungsgefüge von H. annosum s. s. und H. parviporum-Individuen aus 18 europäischen Ländern darstellen. Für die molekularen Untersuchungen wurde die AFLP-Analyse (amplified fragment length polymorphism) ausgewählt. Die Vorteile der AFLP liegen in der großen Anzahl polymorpher und selektionsneutraler Marker, der guten Reproduzierbarkeit und der damit verbundenen Robustheit dieser Methode. Basierend auf acht AFLP-Primerpaarkombinationen mit 209 Individuen wurde eine binäre Matrix erstellt. Diese bildete die Grundlage für die molekulargenetischen Analysen und folgende Fragestellungen: Können die Heterobasidion-Individuen in Netzwerk- und Dendrogramm-Analysen den herkunftsspezifischen Populationen zugeordnet werden und lässt sich ein geografisches Muster erkennen? Wie groß ist das Ausmaß der genetischen Diversität innerhalb und zwischen den untersuchten europäischen Heterobasidion annosum s. l.-Populationen? Ist das gesteigerte Schadbild in der norddeutschen Tiefebene auf eine mögliche invasive Heterobasidion-Art zurückzuführen? Wie sieht die Populationsstruktur von Heterobasidion annosum s. l. in Europa bzw. Deutschland aus und gibt es Hinweise auf Subpopulationen oder Hybridisierungsereignisse? Die von der AFLP-Analyse erzeugten 888 informativen Marker wurden in Neighbor-Joining- und UPGMA-Phänogrammen, Median-joining Netzwerk und einem Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA)-Koordinatensystem dargestellt. Übereinstimmend zeigten sich die Arten H. annosum und H. parviporum eindeutig distinkt. Die Boostrapunterstützung der meisten H. annosum s. s.-Individuen erwies sich jedoch innerartlich als überwiegend schwach. Häufig kam es zu Gruppierungen der Individuen gemäß ihrer regionalen Herkunft. Seltener bildeten die Populationen gemeinsame Cluster entsprechend ihrer Länderzugehörigkeit. Eine zonale Gruppierungsstruktur der Individuen nach Süd-, Mittel-, und Nordeuropa konnte in keiner Analyse beobachtet werden. Mit der Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) wurde mit der AFLP-Methode eine genetische Varianz zwischen den beiden untersuchten Arten von 72 % nachgewiesen. Intraspezifisch ließ H. annosum s. s eine sehr hohe genetische Varianz innerhalb der Populationen (73%) und eine geringe Differenzierung zwischen diesen erkennen. Lediglich die deutschen Populationen zeigten eine gewisse Abgrenzung zueinander (33%). Als Ursache für die hohe individuelle genetische Vielfalt wird zum Einen das dichte Vorkommen der H. annosum s. s.- Wirte in Europa angesehen. Darüber hinaus sind gebietsfremde Sporeneinträge durch überregionale Forstarbeiten, globale Holzimporte und die für H. annosum s. s. nachgewiesenen weiten Sporenflüge zu erklären. Das Populationsannahmemodell von STRUCTURE generierte für den Datensatz beider Arten eine optimale Populationsanzahl von ΔK=4. Drei der Subpopulationen wurden H. annosum s. s. zugeordnet. Eine Korrelation dieser genetischen Cluster mit ihrem geografischen Ursprung oder der Wirtsbaumart war nicht feststellbar. Ein möglicher Zusammenhang der Subpopulationen mit weiteren ökologischen Parametern wie z. B. Substratgrundlage, Pathogenität, Sporulationsverhalten und sich änderte klimatische Umweltbedingungen konnten in dieser Studie nicht untersucht werden. Des Weiteren zeigte die STRUCTURE-Analyse, dass einige H. parviorum-Individuen Anteile eines H. annosum s. s.-Clusters führten. Um zu klären, ob es sich hierbei um einen erebten und konservierten Polymorphisums, oder um Introgression handelt, wären weiterführende Analysen notwendig.


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Electroosmotic flow is a convenient mechanism for transporting polar fluid in a microfluidic device. The flow is generated through the application of an external electric field that acts on the free charges that exists in a thin Debye layer at the channel walls. The charge on the wall is due to the chemistry of the solid-fluid interface, and it can vary along the channel, e.g. due to modification of the wall. This investigation focuses on the simulation of the electroosmotic flow (EOF) profile in a cylindrical microchannel with step change in zeta potential. The modified Navier-Stoke equation governing the velocity field and a non-linear two-dimensional Poisson-Boltzmann equation governing the electrical double-layer (EDL) field distribution are solved numerically using finite control-volume method. Continuities of flow rate and electric current are enforced resulting in a non-uniform electrical field and pressure gradient distribution along the channel. The resulting parabolic velocity distribution at the junction of the step change in zeta potential, which is more typical of a pressure-driven velocity flow profile, is obtained.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Estudiar las funciones que a la imagen se le han asignado en los diversos métodos que han surgido para el aprendizaje del euskera. Comprobar si los autores de los métodos de euskera han tenido en cuenta el elemento imagen. La enseñanza de idiomas. Es un trabajo teórico que se divide en los siguientes apartados: evolución de la didáctica de idiomas: primeros usos de la imagen. Método tradicional de Gramática-Traducción. El método directo. Audiolingual y audiovisual. La comunicación y los sistemas funcionales como 'The communicative approach', el eclecticismo, la ingeniería transaccional y la sugestiopedía. La imagen en la didáctica de idiomas: necesidad de la imagen. Relación entre imagen y lengua. Funciones de la imagen en la enseñanza de idiomas: el material audiovisual. Aplicaciones prácticas de la fotografía. Utilización en base al grado de dominio del idioma. La imagen en algunos métodos de euskera: 'Methode Basque', 'Nuevo método de euskera básico', 'Euskera, hire laguna', 'Euskalduntzen', 'Hitz egin'. Fuentes bibliográficas. Libros de texto de euskera. Análisis teórico. 'Methode Basque': usa el método tradicional de Gramática-Traducción; aparecen algunas imágenes que están contextualizadas por el texto escrito; la imagen no tiene función didáctica. 'Nuevo método de Euskera Básico': se basa en el uso de la imagen como recurso didáctico y se piensa que el mejor medio para aprender un idioma es acostumbrarse a pensar en él. 'Euskera, hire laguna': está basado en el texto escrito y la labor explicativa del profesor, siendo las imágenes decorativas. 'Euskalduntzen': antes de que el alumno hable o escriba es necesario aprender a escuchar o a pensar en Euskera. 'Hitz egin': la secuencia de aprendizaje es: oír, entender, hablar, leer y escribir. Usa dibujos para evitar la traducción. Sería necesario crear un archivo de imágenes en el que queden reflejados los distintos niveles por los que pasa el alumno en el proceso de aprendizaje, debido a que sin la observación de los elementos visuales que forman parte del contexto en el que se da el acto lingüístico, éste no será comprendido, ya que la imagen es capaz de crear ella misma un texto verbal. El material visual didáctico debe tener un grado de calidad que viene dado por: el grado de conocimiento que del idioma tiene el alumno; de la composición y la calidad misma de la imagen.


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White clover (Trifolium repens) is an important pasture legume but is often difficult to sustain in a mixed sward because, among other things, of the damage to roots caused by the soil-dwelling larval stages of S. lepidus. Locating the root nodules on the white clover roots is crucial for the survival of the newly hatched larvae. This paper presents a numerical model to simulate the movement of newly hatched S. lepidus larvae towards the root nodules, guided by a chemical signal released by the nodules. The model is based on the diffusion-chemotaxis equation. Experimental observations showed that the average speed of the larvae remained approximately constant, so the diffusion-chernotaxis model was modified so that the larvae respond only to the gradient direction of the chemical signal but not its magnitude. An individual-based lattice Boltzmann method was used to simulate the movement of individual larvae, and the parameters required for the model were estimated from the measurement of larval movement towards nodules in soil scanned using X-ray microtomography. The model was used to investigate the effects of nodule density, the rate of release of chemical signal, the sensitivity of the larvae to the signal, and the random foraging of the larvae on the movement and subsequent survival of the larvae. The simulations showed that the most significant factors for larval survival were nodule density and the sensitivity of the larvae to the signal. The dependence of larval survival rate on nodule density was well fitted by the Michealis-Menten kinetics. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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White clover (Trifolium repens) is an important pasture legume but is often difficult to sustain in a mixed sward because, among other things, of the damage to roots caused by the soil-dwelling larval stages of S. lepidus. Locating the root nodules on the white clover roots is crucial for the survival of the newly hatched larvae. This paper presents a numerical model to simulate the movement of newly hatched S. lepidus larvae towards the root nodules, guided by a chemical signal released by the nodules. The model is based on the diffusion-chemotaxis equation. Experimental observations showed that the average speed of the larvae remained approximately constant, so the diffusion-chernotaxis model was modified so that the larvae respond only to the gradient direction of the chemical signal but not its magnitude. An individual-based lattice Boltzmann method was used to simulate the movement of individual larvae, and the parameters required for the model were estimated from the measurement of larval movement towards nodules in soil scanned using X-ray microtomography. The model was used to investigate the effects of nodule density, the rate of release of chemical signal, the sensitivity of the larvae to the signal, and the random foraging of the larvae on the movement and subsequent survival of the larvae. The simulations showed that the most significant factors for larval survival were nodule density and the sensitivity of the larvae to the signal. The dependence of larval survival rate on nodule density was well fitted by the Michealis-Menten kinetics. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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The International System of Units (SI) is founded on seven base units, the metre, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole and candela corresponding to the seven base quantities of length, mass, time, electric current, thermodynamic temperature, amount of substance and luminous intensity. At its 94th meeting in October 2005, the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM) adopted a recommendation on preparative steps towards redefining the kilogram, ampere, kelvin and mole so that these units are linked to exactly known values of fundamental constants. We propose here that these four base units should be given new definitions linking them to exactly defined values of the Planck constant h, elementary charge e, Boltzmann constant k and Avogadro constant NA, respectively. This would mean that six of the seven base units of the SI would be defined in terms of true invariants of nature. In addition, not only would these four fundamental constants have exactly defined values but also the uncertainties of many of the other fundamental constants of physics would be either eliminated or appreciably reduced. In this paper we present the background and discuss the merits of these proposed changes, and we also present possible wordings for the four new definitions. We also suggest a novel way to define the entire SI explicitly using such definitions without making any distinction between base units and derived units. We list a number of key points that should be addressed when the new definitions are adopted by the General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), possibly by the 24th CGPM in 2011, and we discuss the implications of these changes for other aspects of metrology.


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The Boltzmann equation in presence of boundary and initial conditions, which describes the general case of carrier transport in microelectronic devices is analysed in terms of Monte Carlo theory. The classical Ensemble Monte Carlo algorithm which has been devised by merely phenomenological considerations of the initial and boundary carrier contributions is now derived in a formal way. The approach allows to suggest a set of event-biasing algorithms for statistical enhancement as an alternative of the population control technique, which is virtually the only algorithm currently used in particle simulators. The scheme of the self-consistent coupling of Boltzmann and Poisson equation is considered for the case of weighted particles. It is shown that particles survive the successive iteration steps.


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We review the proposal of the International Committee for Weights and Measures (Comité International des Poids et Mesures, CIPM), currently being considered by the General Conference on Weights and Measures (Conférences Générales des Poids et Mesures, CGPM), to revise the International System of Units (Le Système International d’Unitès, SI). The proposal includes new definitions for four of the seven base units of the SI, and a new form of words to present the definitions of all the units. The objective of the proposed changes is to adopt definitions referenced to constants of nature, taken in the widest sense, so that the definitions may be based on what are believed to be true invariants. In particular, whereas in the current SI the kilogram, ampere, kelvin and mole are linked to exact numerical values of the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram, the magnetic constant (permeability of vacuum), the triple-point temperature of water and the molar mass of carbon-12, respectively, in the new SI these units are linked to exact numerical values of the Planck constant, the elementary charge, the Boltzmann constant and the Avogadro constant, respectively. The new wording used expresses the definitions in a simple and unambiguous manner without the need for the distinction between base and derived units. The importance of relations among the fundamental constants to the definitions, and the importance of establishing a mise en pratique for the realization of each definition, are also discussed.


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It is ironic that Otto Neurath, one of those responsible for the ‘linguistic turn’ in philosophy of the twentieth century, should have been concerned during the last twenty years of his life with developing a ‘pictorial language’. By using simplified pictograms as components, the Wiener Methode der Bildstatistik (later called Isotype) bypassed verbal language to a great extent, creating the potential for universal understanding of biological, social and economic correlations. However, despite its consistency and rigour, Isotype was not a complete language, and Neurath knew that it never could be. This paper will examine the linguistic characteristics of Isotype and describe the deliberate resistance on the part of its creators to develop a full theory behind it.


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A plasma source, sustained by the application of a floating high voltage (±15 kV) to parallel-plate electrodes at 50 Hz, has been achieved in a helium/air mixture at atmospheric pressure (P = 105 Pa) contained in a zip-locked plastic package placed in the electrode gap. Some of the physical and antimicrobial properties of this apparatus were established with a view to ascertain its performance as a prototype for the disinfection of fresh produce. The current–voltage (I–V) and charge–voltage (Q–V) characteristics of the system were measured as a function of gap distance d, in the range (3 × 103 ≤ Pd ≤ 1.0 × 104 Pa m). The electrical measurements showed this plasma source to exhibit the characteristic behaviour of a dielectric barrier discharge in the filamentary mode and its properties could be accurately interpreted by the two-capacitance in series model. The power consumed by the discharge and the reduced field strength were found to decrease quadratically from 12.0 W to 4.5 W and linearly from 140 Td to 50 Td, respectively, in the range studied. Emission spectra of the discharge were recorded on a relative intensity scale and the dominant spectral features could be assigned to strong vibrational bands in the 2+ and 1− systems of N2 and ${\rm N}_2^+$ , respectively, with other weak signatures from the NO and OH radicals and the N+, He and O atomic species. Absolute spectral intensities were also recorded and interpreted by comparison with the non-equilibrium synthetic spectra generated by the computer code SPECAIR. At an inter-electrode gap of 0.04 m, this comparison yielded typical values for the electron, vibrational and translational (gas) temperatures of (4980 ± 100) K, (2700 ± 200) K and (300 ± 100) K, respectively and an electron density of 1.0 × 1017 m−3. A Boltzmann plot also provided a value of (3200 ± 200 K) for the vibrational temperature. The antimicrobial efficacy was assessed by studying the resistance of both Escherichia coli K12 its isogenic mutants in soxR, soxS, oxyR, rpoS and dnaK selected to identify possible cellular responses and targets related with 5 min exposure to the active gas in proximity of, but not directly in, the path of the discharge filaments. Both the parent strain and mutants populations were significantly reduced by more than 1.5 log cycles in these conditions, showing the potential of the system. Post-treatment storage studies showed that some transcription regulators and specific genes related to oxidative stress play an important role in the E. coli repair mechanism and that plasma exposure affects specific cell regulator systems.


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The potential profile for a model of squid axon membrane has been determined for two physiological states: resting and action states. The non-linear Poisson-Boltzmann equation has been solved by considering the volumetric charge densities due to charges dissolved in an electrolytic solution and fixed on both glycocalyx and cytoplasmatic proteins. Results showing the features of the potential profile along the outer electrolytic region are similar for both resting and action states. However, the potential fall along glycocalyx at action state is lower than at resting. A small variation in the Na+ concentration drastically affects the surface membrane potentials and vice versa. We conclude that effects on the potential profile due to surface lipidic bilayer charge and contiguous electric double layers are more relevant than those provoked by fixed charges distributed along the cell cytoplasm. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit geht es um den Reisebericht, den der 1963 11-jährige Autor H.-J. Ortheil von einer Wanderung mit seinem Vater entlang der Mosel anfertigte. Dabei wird  untersucht, wie das Kind die "Fremde" wahrnimmt und mit der ihm vertrauten Heimat vergleicht, welche Erzählstrukturen es verwendet, und wie es sich auf der Reise zu größerer Selbstständigkeit entwickelt.  Das literarische Können des jungen Autors überrascht: Die Moselreise  könnte geradezu als Anleitung für die Methode dienen, die der Autor auch heute noch als "Professor für Kreatives Schreiben" lehrt: "Wie schreibe ich einen spannenden Reisebericht?" 


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Neste trabalho, duas equações modedlo na área da dinâmica de gases rarefeitos, são derivadas a partir de algumas soluções exatas da equação linearizada de Boltzmann homogênea e não homogênea. Em adição, uma versão analítca do método de ordenadas discretas é usado para resolver problemas clássicos nesta área, descritos pelo "Modelo S". Resultados numéricos são apresentados para os problemas de fluxo de Couette, fluxo de Poiseuille, "Creep" Térmico, Deslizamento Térmico e problema de Kramers.


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Neste trabalho, uma versão analítica do método de ordenadas discretas é usada para desenvolver soluções para alguns problemas da dinÂmica de gases rarefeitos, baseado em um modelo com freqüência de colisão variável (modelo CLF) da equação de Boltzmann linearizada. Em particular, resultados numéricos obtidos para os problemas de salto de temperatura, fluxo de Poiseuille, fluxo de Couette, Kramers, creep-térmico e deslizamento térmico são apresentados e discutidos.