656 resultados para Germanium Dendrites


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Germanium (Ge) and Silicon (Si) exhibit similar geochemical behaviour in marine environments but are variably enriched in seafloor hydrothermal fluids relative to seawater. In this study, Ge isotope and Ge/Si ratio systematics were investigated in low temperature hydrothermal vents from Loihi Seamount (Pacific Ocean, 18°54’N, 155°15’W) and results were compared to high-temperature vents from the East Pacific Rise (EPR) at 9°50’N. Loihi offers the opportunity to understand contrasting Ge and Si behaviour in low temperature seafloor hydrothermal systems characterized by abundant Fe oxyhydroxide deposition at the seafloor. The results show that both Ge/Si and δ74/70Ge in hydrothermal fluids are fractionated relative to the basaltic host rocks. The enrichment in Ge vs. Si relative to fresh basalts, together with Ge isotope fractionation (Δ74/70Ge fluid-basalt up to 1.15 ‰ at EPR 9°50’N and 1.64 ‰ at Loihi) are best explained by the precipitation of minerals (e.g. quartz and Fe-sulfides) during higher temperature seawater-rock reactions in the subsurface. The study of Fe-rich hydrothermal deposits at Loihi, largely composed of Fe-oxyhydroxides, shows that Ge isotopes are also fractionated upon mineral precipitation at the seafloor. We obtained an average Ge isotope fractionation factor between Fe-oxyhydroxide (ferrihydrite) and dissolved Ge in the fluid of -2.0 ± 0.6 ‰ (2sd), and a maximum value of -3.6 ± 0.6 ‰ (2sd), which is consistent with recent theoretical and experimental studies. The study of a hydrothermal chimney at Bio 9 vent at EPR 9°50’N also demonstrates that Ge isotopes are fractionated by approximately -5.6 ± 0.6 ‰ (2sd) during precipitation of metal sulfides under hydrothermal conditions. Using combined Ge/Si and estimated Ge isotope signatures of Ge sinks and sources in seawater, we propose a preliminary oceanic budget of Ge which reveals that an important sink, referred as the “missing Ge sink”, may correspond to Ge sequestration into authigenic Fe-oxyhydroxides in marine sediments. This study shows that combining Ge/Si and δ74/70Ge systematics provides a useful tool to trace hydrothermal Ge and Si sources in marine environments and to understand formation processes of seafloor hydrothermal deposits.


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We review mathematical aspects of biophysical dynamics, signal transduction and network architecture that have been used to uncover functionally significant relations between the dynamics of single neurons and the networks they compose. We focus on examples that combine insights from these three areas to expand our understanding of systems neuroscience. These range from single neuron coding to models of decision making and electrosensory discrimination by networks and populations, as well as coincidence detection in pairs of dendrites and the dynamics of large networks of excitable dendritic spines. We conclude by describing some of the challenges that lie ahead as the applied mathematics community seeks to provide the tools that will ultimately underpin systems neuroscience.


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In this paper we consider a class of scalar integral equations with a form of space-dependent delay. These non-local models arise naturally when modelling neural tissue with active axons and passive dendrites. Such systems are known to support a dynamic (oscillatory) Turing instability of the homogeneous steady state. In this paper we develop a weakly nonlinear analysis of the travelling and standing waves that form beyond the point of instability. The appropriate amplitude equations are found to be the coupled mean-field Ginzburg-Landau equations describing a Turing-Hopf bifurcation with modulation group velocity of O(1). Importantly we are able to obtain the coefficients of terms in the amplitude equations in terms of integral transforms of the spatio-temporal kernels defining the neural field equation of interest. Indeed our results cover not only models with axonal or dendritic delays but those which are described by a more general distribution of delayed spatio-temporal interactions. We illustrate the predictive power of this form of analysis with comparison against direct numerical simulations, paying particular attention to the competition between standing and travelling waves and the onset of Benjamin-Feir instabilities.


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Understanding the mode-locked response of excitable systems to periodic forcing has important applications in neuroscience. For example it is known that spatially extended place cells in the hippocampus are driven by the theta rhythm to generate a code conveying information about spatial location. Thus it is important to explore the role of neuronal dendrites in generating the response to periodic current injection. In this paper we pursue this using a compartmental model, with linear dynamics for each compartment, coupled to an active soma model that generates action potentials. By working with the piece-wise linear McKean model for the soma we show how the response of the whole neuron model (soma and dendrites) can be written in closed form. We exploit this to construct a stroboscopic map describing the response of the spatially extended model to periodic forcing. A linear stability analysis of this map, together with a careful treatment of the non-differentiability of the soma model, allows us to construct the Arnol'd tongue structure for 1:q states (one action potential for q cycles of forcing). Importantly we show how the presence of quasi-active membrane in the dendrites can influence the shape of tongues. Direct numerical simulations confirm our theory and further indicate that resonant dendritic membrane can enlarge the windows in parameter space for chaotic behavior. These simulations also show that the spatially extended neuron model responds differently to global as opposed to point forcing. In the former case spatio-temporal patterns of activity within an Arnol'd tongue are standing waves, whilst in the latter they are traveling waves.


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International audience


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A solid state lithium metal battery based on a lithium garnet material was developed, constructed and tested. Specifically, a porous-dense-porous trilayer structure was fabricated by tape casting, a roll-to-roll technique conducive to high volume manufacturing. The high density and thin center layer (< 20 μm) effectively blocks dendrites even over hundreds of cycles. The microstructured porous layers, serving as electrode supports, are demonstrated to increase the interfacial surface area available to the electrodes and increase cathode loading. Reproducibility of flat, well sintered ceramics was achieved with consistent powderbed lattice parameter and ball milling of powderbed. Together, the resistance of the LLCZN trilayer was measured at an average of 7.6 ohm-cm2 in a symmetric lithium cell, significantly lower than any other reported literature results. Building on these results, a full cell with a lithium metal anode, LLCZN trilayer electrolyte, and LiCoO2 cathode was cycled 100 cycles without decay and an average ASR of 117 ohm-cm2. After cycling, the cell was held at open circuit for 24 hours without any voltage fade, demonstrating the absence of a dendrite or short-circuit of any type. Cost calculations guided the optimization of a trilayer structure predicted that resulting cells will be highly competitive in the marketplace as intrinsically safe lithium batteries with energy densities greater than 300 Wh/kg and 1000 Wh/L for under $100/kWh. Also in the pursuit of solid state batteries, an improved Na+ superionic conductor (NASICON) composition, Na3Zr2Si2PO12, was developed with a conductivity of 1.9x10-3 S/cm. New super-lithiated lithium garnet compositions, Li7.06La3Zr1.94Y0.06O12 and Li7.16La3Zr1.84Y0.16O12, were developed and studied revealing insights about the mechanisms of conductivity in lithium garnets.


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This investigation is motivated by the need for new visible frequency direct bandgap semiconductor materials that are abundant and low-cost to meet the increasing demand for optoelectronic devices in applications such as solid state lighting and solar energy conversion. Proposed here is the utilization of zinc-IV-nitride materials, where group IV elements include silicon, germanium, and tin, as earth-abundant alternatives to the more common III-nitrides in optoelectronic devices. These compound semiconductors were synthesized under optimized conditions using reactive radio frequency magnetron sputter deposition. Single phase ZnSnN2, having limited experimental accounts in literature, is validated by identification of the wurtzite-derived crystalline structure predicted by theory through X-ray and electron diffraction studies. With the addition of germanium, bandgap tunability of ZnSnxGe1-xN2 alloys is demonstrated without observation of phase separation, giving these materials a distinct advantage over InxGa1-xN alloys. The accessible bandgaps range from 1.8 to 3.1 eV, which spans the majority of the visible spectrum. Electron densities, measured using the Hall effect, were found to be as high as 1022 cm−3 and indicate that the compounds are unintentionally degenerately doped. Given these high carrier concentrations, a Burstein-Moss shift is likely affecting the optical bandgap measurements. The discoveries made in this thesis suggest that with some improvements in material quality, zinc-IV-nitrides have the potential to enable cost-effective and scalable optoelectronic devices.


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We studied the electrical transport properties of Au-seeded germanium nanowires with radii ranging from 11 to 80 nm at ambient conditions. We found a non-trivial dependence of the electrical conductivity, mobility and carrier density on the radius size. In particular, two regimes were identified for large (lightly doped) and small (stronger doped) nanowires in which the charge-carrier drift is dominated by electron-phonon and ionized-impurity scattering, respectively. This goes in hand with the finding that the electrostatic properties for radii below ca. 37 nm have quasi one-dimensional character as reflected by the extracted screening lengths.


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The electrochemical conversion is a sustainable way for the production of added-value products, operating in mild conditions, using in-situ generated hydrogen/oxygen by water and avoiding the use of high H2/O2 pressures. The aim of this work is to investigate the electrocatalytic conversion of 5-hydroxymetilfurfural (HMF) and D-glucose, in alkaline media, using metallic open-cell foams based-catalysts. The electrochemical hydrogenation of HMF to 2,5-bis(hydroxymethyl)furan (BHMF) was performed using nanostructured Ag, deposited by galvanic displacement (GD) or electrodeposition (ED), on Cu foam, obtaining AgCu bimetallic nanoparticles (ED) or dendrites (GD) which enhanced electroactive surface area, charge and mass transfer, than bare foams. In diluted 0.02M HMF solutions, Ag/Cu samples selectively produce BHMF; the large surface area enhanced the productivity, compared to their 2D counterparts. Furthermore, at more concentrated solutions (0.05 – 0.10M) a gradually decrease of selectivity is observed. The performances of the electrodes is stable during the catalytic tests but a Cu-enrichment of particles occurred. The performances of Ni foam-based catalysts, obtained by calcination of Ni foam or by electrodeposition of Ni-hydroxide/Ni and Ni particle/Ni, were firstly investigated for the selective electrochemical oxidation of D-glucose toward gluconic acid (GO) and glucaric acid (GA). Then, the calcined catalyst was chosen to study the influence of the reaction conditions on the reaction mechanism. The GO and GA selectivities increase with the charge passed, while the formation of by-products from C-C cleavage/retro-aldol process is maximum at low charge. The fructose obtained from glucose isomerization favours the formation of by-products. The best glucose/NaOH ratio is between 0.5 and 0.1: higher values suppress the OER, while lower values favour the formation of low molecular weight products. The increases of the potential enhance the GO selectivity, nevertheless higher GA selectivity is observed at 0.6 – 0.7V vs SCE, confirmed by catalytic test performed in gluconate (30-35% GA selectivity).


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The growing demand for flexible and low-cost electronics has driven research towards the study of novel semiconducting materials to replace traditional semiconductors like silicon and germanium, which are limited by mechanical rigidity and high production cost. Some of the most promising semiconductors in this sense are metal halide perovskites (MHPs), which combine low-cost fabrication and solution processability with exceptional optoelectronic properties like high absorption coefficient, long charge carrier lifetime, and high mobility. These properties, combined with an impressive effort by many research groups around the world, have enabled the fabrication of solar cells with record-breaking efficiencies, and photodetectors with better performance than commercial ones. However, MHP devices are still affected by issues that are hindering their commercialization, such as degradation under humidity and illumination, ion migration, electronic defects, and limited resistance to mechanical stress. The aim of this thesis work is the experimental characterization of these phenomena. We investigated the effects of several factors, such as X-ray irradiation, exposure to environmental gases, and atmosphere during synthesis, on the optoelectronic properties of MHP single crystals. We achieved this by means of optical spectroscopy, electrical measurements, and chemical analyses. We identified the cause of mechanical delamination in MHP/silicon tandem solar cells by atomic force microscopy measurements. We characterized electronic defects and ion migration in MHP single crystals by applying for the first time the photo-induced current transient spectroscopy technique to this class of materials. This research allowed to gain insight into both intrinsic defects, like ion migration and electron trapping, and extrinsic defects, induced by X-ray irradiation, mechanical stress, and exposure to humidity. This research paves the way to the development of methods that heal and passivate these defects, enabling improved performance and stability of MHP optoelectronic devices.