991 resultados para Geometry teaching
[EUS] Matematikaren irakaskuntzaren helburuenetako bat hezkuntza maila guztietan ikasleen ahalmen intelektualen garapena da. Ahalmen espazialaren trataera eskolan urria izan da, bereziki zenbakizko ahalmenak edota arrazonamenduzko ahalmenak izan duten trataerarekin konparatzen badugu. Hezkuntza Matematikoan egindako berrikusketek ahalmen espazialaren azterketaren garrantzia azpimarratzen dute nahiz eta erreferentzi marko baten ezak sakabanatzen eta zailtzen dituen emaitzen lorpena, behin betikoak izateko erreplikagarriak izan behar dutela jakinik. Ondoren proposatzen den ikerketa-lerroak ahalmen espaziala alderdi hirukoitz batetik abiaturik aztertu nahi du: egitura, garapena eta hobetze-proposamenak kontutan harturik. Hiru arlo horietan proposaturiko ereduek bermatuko dute diagnostiko zuzen bat, ikasleen ahalmen espaziala hobetuko duena.
Recent works in the area of adaptive education systems point out the importance of aumenting the student model to improve the personalization and adaptation to the learner by means of several aspects such as emotions, user locations or interactions. Until now the study of interactions has been mainly focused on the student-learning system flow, despite the fact that the most successful and used way of teaching are the traditional face-to-face interactions. In this project, we explore the use of interactions among teachers and students, as they occur in traditional education, to enrich the current student models, with the aim of providing them with useful information about new characteristics for improving the learning process. At a first step, in this paper we present the formal process carried out to obtain information about teachers’ expertise and necessities regarding the direct interactions with students.
Learning environments are commonly used nowadays, but they exclude face-to-face interaction among teachers and students what is a successful basis of traditional education. On the other hand, in many cases teachers are imposed to use technology, what they do in an intuitive way. That is, teachers “learn by doing” and do not fully exploit its potential benefits. Consequently, some questions arise: How do teachers use F2F interaction to guide learning session? How can technology help teachers and students in their day by day? Moreover, are teachers and students really opened to be helped by technology? In this paper we present the formal process carried out to obtain information about teachers’ expertise and necessities regarding the direct interactions with students. We expose the possibilities to cover those necessities and the willingness that teachers show to be helped.
Computation of a non-isothermal complex geometry flow using non-linear URANS and zonal LES modelling