960 resultados para Genetica stile automobile


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Traditionally the simulation of the thermodynamic aspects of the internal combustion engine has been undertaken using one-dimensional gas-dynamic models to represent the intake and exhaust systems. CFD analysis of engines has been restricted to modelling of in-cylinder flow structures. With the increasing accessibility of CFD software it is now worth considering its use for complete gas-dynamic engine simulation. This paper appraises the accuracy of various CFD models in comparison to a 1D gas-dynamic simulation. All of the models are compared to experimental data acquired on an apparatus that generates a single gas-dynamic pressure wave. The progress of the wave along a constant area pipe and its subsequent reflection from the open pipe end are recorded with a number of high speed pressure transducers. It was found that there was little to choose between the accuracy of the 1D model and the best CFD model. The CFD model did not require experimentally derived loss coefficients to accurately represent the open pipe end; however, it took several hundred times longer to complete its analysis. The best congruency between the CFD models and the experimental data was achieved using the RNG k-e turbulence model. The open end of the pipe was most effectively represented by surrounding it with a relatively small volume of cells connected to the rest of the environment using a pressure boundary.


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A comienzos del siglo XX, Detroit era una ciudad dinámica en pleno desarrollo. Pronto se convirtió en la cuarta ciudad de Estados Unidos, la capital de la naciente industria automovilística. El crecimiento se prolongó hasta finales de los años 50, cuando, a pesar del auge económico de Estados Unidos y de su área metropolitana, Detroit comenzó a mostrar los primeros signos de estancamiento. La crisis se ha prolongado hasta hoy, cuando Detroit constituye el paradigma de la ciudad industrial en declive. Estas dos imágenes contrapuestas, el auge y la crisis, no parecen explicar por sí mismas las causas de la intensidad y persistencia del declive de Detroit. Analizar las interacciones entre crecimiento económico, políticas públicas locales y desarrollo urbano a lo largo del tiempo permitirá subrayar las continuidades y comprender en qué medida el declive de Detroit ancla sus raíces en el modelo planteado durante la etapa de auge.


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El presente artículo expone los fundamentos de la interpretación que del esse tomasiano lleva a cabo Hans Urs von Balthasar. En ella ofrece von Balthasar, a partir de una interpretación en la línea de Siewerth, y como tal novedosa para la historia de la crítica, las directrices fundamentales de su propio pensamiento filosóficoteológico, cuyo eje lo constituye la diferencia entre esse y Dios como modelo para una hermenéutica no monista de la realidad. Con todo, la propuesta no está exenta de algunas dificultades y arbitrariedades que, desde una perspectiva crítica y aconfesional (por la que aquí se opta), conviene ineludiblemente subrayar.


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The implementation of effective time analysis methods fast and accurately in the era of digital manufacturing has become a significant challenge for aerospace manufacturers hoping to build and maintain a competitive advantage. This paper proposes a structure oriented, knowledge-based approach for intelligent time analysis of aircraft assembly processes within a digital manufacturing framework. A knowledge system is developed so that the design knowledge can be intelligently retrieved for implementing assembly time analysis automatically. A time estimation method based on MOST, is reviewed and employed. Knowledge capture, transfer and storage within the digital manufacturing environment are extensively discussed. Configured plantypes, GUIs and functional modules are designed and developed for the automated time analysis. An exemplar study using an aircraft panel assembly from a regional jet is also presented. Although the method currently focuses on aircraft assembly, it can also be well utilized in other industry sectors, such as transportation, automobile and shipbuilding. The main contribution of the work is to present a methodology that facilitates the integration of time analysis with design and manufacturing using a digital manufacturing platform solution.


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Microsatellite genotyping is a common DNA characterization technique in population, ecological and evolutionary genetics research. Since different alleles are sized relative to internal size-standards, different laboratories must calibrate and standardize allelic designations when exchanging data. This interchange of microsatellite data can often prove problematic. Here, 16 microsatellite loci were calibrated and standardized for the Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, across 12 laboratories. Although inconsistencies were observed, particularly due to differences between migration of DNA fragments and actual allelic size ('size shifts'), inter-laboratory calibration was successful. Standardization also allowed an assessment of the degree and partitioning of genotyping error. Notably, the global allelic error rate was reduced from 0.05 ± 0.01 prior to calibration to 0.01 ± 0.002 post-calibration. Most errors were found to occur during analysis (i.e. when size-calling alleles; the mean proportion of all errors that were analytical errors across loci was 0.58 after calibration). No evidence was found of an association between the degree of error and allelic size range of a locus, number of alleles, nor repeat type, nor was there evidence that genotyping errors were more prevalent when a laboratory analyzed samples outside of the usual geographic area they encounter. The microsatellite calibration between laboratories presented here will be especially important for genetic assignment of marine-caught Atlantic salmon, enabling analysis of marine mortality, a major factor in the observed declines of this highly valued species.


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The performance optimisation of automotive catalysts has been the focus of a great deal of research for many years as the automotive industry has endeavored to reduce the emission of toxic and pollutant gases generated from internal combustion engines. Just as the emissions from diesel and gasoline combustion vary so do the emissions from combustion of alternative fuels such as ethanol; the variation is in both quantity and chemical composition. In particular, when ethanol is contained in the fuel, ethanol and acetaldehyde are present in the exhaust gas stream and these are two compounds which the catalytic converter has not traditionally been designed to manage. The aim of the study outlined in this paper was to assess the performance of various catalyst formulations when subjected to a representative ethanol exhaust gas mixture. Three automotive catalytic converter formulations were tested including a fully Pt sample, a PdRh three-way catalyst sample and a fully Pd sample. Initially the samples were tested using single component hydrocarbon light-off tests followed by a set of tests with carbon monoxide included as an inlet gas to observe its effect on each individual hydrocarbon oxidation. Finally, each formulation was tested using a full E85 exhaust gas mixture. The study was carried out using a synthetic gas reactor along with FTIR and FID exhaust gas analysers. All formulations showed selectivity toward acetaldehyde formation from ethanol dehydrogenation which resulted in negative acetaldehyde conversion across each of the samples during the mixture tests. The fully Pt sample was the most detrimentally affected by the introduction of carbon monoxide into the gas feed. The Pd and PdRh samples exhibited a tendency toward acetaldehyde decomposition resulting in methane and carbon monoxide formation. The Pt sample did not form methane but did form ethylene as a result of ethanol dehydration.


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This paper presents the background rationale and key findings for a model-based study of supercritical waste heat recovery organic Rankine cycles. The paper’s objective is to cover the necessary groundwork to facilitate the future operation of a thermodynamic organic Rankine cycle model under realistic thermodynamic boundary conditions for performance optimisation of organic Rankine cycles. This involves determining the type of power cycle for organic Rankine cycles, the circuit configuration and suitable boundary conditions. The study focuses on multiple heat sources from vehicles but the findings are generally applicable, with careful consideration, to any waste heat recovery system. This paper introduces waste heat recovery and discusses the general merits of organic fluids versus water and supercritical operation versus subcritical operation from a theoretical perspective and, where possible, from a practical perspective. The benefits of regeneration are investigated from an efficiency perspective for selected subcritical and supercritical conditions. A simulation model is described with an introduction to some general Rankine cycle boundary conditions. The paper describes the analysis of real hybrid vehicle data from several driving cycles and its manipulation to represent the thermal inertia for model heat input boundary conditions. Basic theory suggests that selecting the operating pressures and temperatures to maximise the Rankine cycle performance is relatively straightforward. However, it was found that this may not be the case for an organic Rankine cycle operating in a vehicle. When operating in a driving cycle, the available heat and its quality can vary with the power output and between heat sources. For example, the available coolant heat does not vary much with the load, whereas the quantity and quality of the exhaust heat varies considerably. The key objective for operation in the vehicle is optimum utilisation of the available heat by delivering the maximum work out. The fluid selection process and the presentation and analysis of the final results of the simulation work on organic Rankine cycles are the subjects of two future publications.


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The majority of the kinetic models employed in catalytic after-treatment of exhaust emissions use a global kinetic approach owing to the simplicity because one expression can account for all the steps in a reaction. The major drawback of this approach is the limited predictive capabilities of the models. The intrinsic kinetic approach offers much more information about the processes occurring within the catalytic converter; however, it is significantly more complex and time consuming to develop. In the present work, a methodology which allows accessing a model that combines the simplicity of the global kinetic approach and the accuracy of the intrinsic kinetic approach is reported. To assess the performance of this new approach, the oxidation of carbon monoxide in the presence of nitric oxide as well as a driving cycle was investigated. The modelling of carbon monoxide oxidation with oxygen which utilised the intrinsic kinetic approach with the global kinetic approach was used for the carbon monoxide + nitric oxide reaction (and all remaining reactions for the driving cycle). The comparison of the model results for the dual intrinsic + global kinetic approach with the experimental data obtained for both the reactor and the driving cycle indicate that the dual approach is promising with results significantly better than those obtained with only the global kinetics approach.