974 resultados para GaN based quantum dots


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Luminescent carbon dots (L-CDs) with high quantum yield value (44.7%) and controllable emission wavelengths were prepared via a facile hydrothermal method. Importantly, the surface states of the materials could be engineered so that their photoluminescence was either excitation-dependent or distinctly independent. This was achieved by changing the density of amino-groups on the L-CD surface. The above materials were successfully used to prepare multicolor L-CDs/polymer composites, which exhibited blue, green, and even white luminescence. In addition, the excellent excitation-independent luminescence of L-CDs prepared at low temperature was tested for detecting various metal ions. As an example, the detection limit of toxic Be2+ ions, tested for the first time, was as low as μM.


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Internal quantum efficiency (IQE) of a high-brightness blue LED has been evaluated from the external quantum efficiency measured as a function of current at room temperature. Processing the data with a novel evaluation procedure based on the ABC-model, we have determined separately IQE of the LED structure and light extraction efficiency (LEE) of UX:3 chip. Full text Nowadays, understanding of LED efficiency behavior at high currents is quite critical to find ways for further improve­ment of III-nitride LED performance [1]. External quantum ef­ficiency ηe (EQE) provides integral information on the recom­bination and photon emission processes in LEDs. Meanwhile EQE is the product of IQE ηi and LEE ηext at negligible car­rier leakage from the active region. Separate determination of IQE and LEE would be much more helpful, providing correla­tion between these parameters and specific epi-structure and chip design. In this paper, we extend the approach of [2,3] to the whole range of the current/optical power variation, provid­ing an express tool for separate evaluation of IQE and LEE. We studied an InGaN-based LED fabricated by Osram OS. LED structure grown by MOCVD on sapphire substrate was processed as UX:3 chip and mounted into the Golden Dragon package without molding. EQE was measured with Labsphere CDS-600 spectrometer. Plotting EQE versus output power P and finding the power Pm corresponding to EQE maximum ηm enables comparing the measurements with the analytical rela­tionships ηi = Q/(Q+p1/2+p-1/2) ,p = P/Pm , and Q = B/(AC) 1/2 where A, Band C are recombination constants [4]. As a result, maximum IQE value equal to QI(Q+2) can be found from the ratio ηm/ηe plotted as a function of p1/2 +p1-1/2 (see Fig.la) and then LEE calculated as ηext = ηm (Q+2)/Q . Experimental EQE as a function of normalized optical power p is shown in Fig. 1 b along with the analytical approximation based on the ABC­model. The approximation fits perfectly the measurements in the range of the optical power (or operating current) variation by eight orders of magnitude. In conclusion, new express method for separate evaluation of IQE and LEE of III-nitride LEDs is suggested and applied to characterization of a high-brightness blue LED. With this method, we obtained LEE from the free chip surface to the air as 69.8% and IQE as 85.7% at the maximum and 65.2% at the operation current 350 rnA. [I] G. Verzellesi, D. Saguatti, M. Meneghini, F. Bertazzi, M. Goano, G. Meneghesso, and E. Zanoni, "Efficiency droop in InGaN/GaN blue light-emitting diodes: Physical mechanisms and remedies," 1. AppL Phys., vol. 114, no. 7, pp. 071101, Aug., 2013. [2] C. van Opdorp and G. W. 't Hooft, "Method for determining effective non radiative lifetime and leakage losses in double-heterostructure las­ers," 1. AppL Phys., vol. 52, no. 6, pp. 3827-3839, Feb., 1981. [3] M. Meneghini, N. Trivellin, G. Meneghesso, E. Zanoni, U. Zehnder, and B. Hahn, "A combined electro-optical method for the determination of the recombination parameters in InGaN-based light-emitting diodes," 1. AppL Phys., vol. 106, no. II, pp. 114508, Dec., 2009. [4] Qi Dai, Qifeng Shan, ling Wang, S. Chhajed, laehee Cho, E. F. Schubert, M. H. Crawford, D. D. Koleske, Min-Ho Kim, and Yongjo Park, "Carrier recombination mechanisms and efficiency droop in GalnN/GaN light-emitting diodes," App/. Phys. Leu., vol. 97, no. 13, pp. 133507, Sept., 2010. © 2014 IEEE.


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Progress on advanced active and passive photonic components that are required for high-speed optical communications over hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber at wavelengths around 2 μm is described in this paper. Single-frequency lasers capable of operating at 10 Gb/s and covering a wide spectral range are realized. A comparison is made between waveguide and surface normal photodiodes with the latter showing good sensitivity up to 15 Gb/s. Passive waveguides, 90° optical hybrids, and arrayed waveguide grating with 100-GHz channel spacing are demonstrated on a large spot-size waveguide platform. Finally, a strong electro-optic effect using the quantum confined Stark effect in strain-balanced multiple quantum wells is demonstrated and used in a Mach-Zehnder modulator capable of operating at 10 Gb/s.


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In this paper, we develop a new graph kernel by using the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence and the discrete-time quantum walk. To this end, we commence by performing a discrete-time quantum walk to compute a density matrix over each graph being compared. For a pair of graphs, we compare the mixed quantum states represented by their density matrices using the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence. With the density matrices for a pair of graphs to hand, the quantum graph kernel between the pair of graphs is defined by exponentiating the negative quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence between the graph density matrices. We evaluate the performance of our kernel on several standard graph datasets, and demonstrate the effectiveness of the new kernel.


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Kernel methods provide a convenient way to apply a wide range of learning techniques to complex and structured data by shifting the representational problem from one of finding an embedding of the data to that of defining a positive semidefinite kernel. One problem with the most widely used kernels is that they neglect the locational information within the structures, resulting in less discrimination. Correspondence-based kernels, on the other hand, are in general more discriminating, at the cost of sacrificing positive-definiteness due to their inability to guarantee transitivity of the correspondences between multiple graphs. In this paper we generalize a recent structural kernel based on the Jensen-Shannon divergence between quantum walks over the structures by introducing a novel alignment step which rather than permuting the nodes of the structures, aligns the quantum states of their walks. This results in a novel kernel that maintains localization within the structures, but still guarantees positive definiteness. Experimental evaluation validates the effectiveness of the kernel for several structural classification tasks. © 2014 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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In this paper, we use the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence as a means to establish the similarity between a pair of graphs and to develop a novel graph kernel. In quantum theory, the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence is defined as a distance measure between quantum states. In order to compute the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence between a pair of graphs, we first need to associate a density operator with each of them. Hence, we decide to simulate the evolution of a continuous-time quantum walk on each graph and we propose a way to associate a suitable quantum state with it. With the density operator of this quantum state to hand, the graph kernel is defined as a function of the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence between the graph density operators. We evaluate the performance of our kernel on several standard graph datasets from bioinformatics. We use the Principle Component Analysis (PCA) on the kernel matrix to embed the graphs into a feature space for classification. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.


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Kernel methods provide a way to apply a wide range of learning techniques to complex and structured data by shifting the representational problem from one of finding an embedding of the data to that of defining a positive semidefinite kernel. In this paper, we propose a novel kernel on unattributed graphs where the structure is characterized through the evolution of a continuous-time quantum walk. More precisely, given a pair of graphs, we create a derived structure whose degree of symmetry is maximum when the original graphs are isomorphic. With this new graph to hand, we compute the density operators of the quantum systems representing the evolutions of two suitably defined quantum walks. Finally, we define the kernel between the two original graphs as the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence between these two density operators. The experimental evaluation shows the effectiveness of the proposed approach. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.


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One of the most fundamental problem that we face in the graph domain is that of establishing the similarity, or alternatively the distance, between graphs. In this paper, we address the problem of measuring the similarity between attributed graphs. In particular, we propose a novel way to measure the similarity through the evolution of a continuous-time quantum walk. Given a pair of graphs, we create a derived structure whose degree of symmetry is maximum when the original graphs are isomorphic, and where a subset of the edges is labeled with the similarity between the respective nodes. With this compositional structure to hand, we compute the density operators of the quantum systems representing the evolution of two suitably defined quantum walks. We define the similarity between the two original graphs as the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence between these two density operators, and then we show how to build a novel kernel on attributed graphs based on the proposed similarity measure. We perform an extensive experimental evaluation both on synthetic and real-world data, which shows the effectiveness the proposed approach. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.


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The analysis of complex networks is usually based on key properties such as small-worldness and vertex degree distribution. The presence of symmetric motifs on the other hand has been related to redundancy and thus robustness of the networks. In this paper we propose a method for detecting approximate axial symmetries in networks. For each pair of nodes, we define a continuous-time quantum walk which is evolved through time. By measuring the probability that the quantum walker to visits each node of the network in this time frame, we are able to determine whether the two vertices are symmetrical with respect to any axis of the graph. Moreover, we show that we are able to successfully detect approximate axial symmetries too. We show the efficacy of our approach by analysing both synthetic and real-world data. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Random distributed feedback (DFB) fiber lasers have attracted a great attention since first demonstration [1]. Despite big advance in practical laser systems, random DFB fiber laser spectral properties are far away to be understood or even numerically modelled. Up to date, only generation power could be calculated and optimized numerically [1,2] or analytically [3] within the power balance model. However, spectral and statistical properties of random DFB fiber laser can not be found in this way. Here we present first numerical modelling of the random DFB fiber laser, including its spectral and statistical properties, using NLSE-based model. © 2013 IEEE.


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Raman fibre lasers and converters using the stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) in optical fibre waveguide are attractive for many applications ranging from telecommunications to bio-medical applications [1]. Multiple-wavelength Raman laser sources emitting at two and more wavelengths have been proposed to increase amplification spectrum of Raman fibre amplifiers and to improve noise characteristics [2,3]. Typically, a single fibre waveguide is used in such devices while multi-wavelength generation is achieved by employing corresponding number of fibre Bragg grating (FBG) pairs forming laser resonator. This approach, being rather practical, however, might not provide a good level of cross coherence between radiation generated at different wavelengths due to difference in FBGs and random phase fluctuations between the two wavelengths. In this work we examine a scheme of two-wavelength Raman fibre laser with high-Q cavity based on spectral intracavity broadening [3]. We demonstrate feasibility of such configuration and perform numerical analysis clarifying laser operation using an amplitude propagation equation model that accounts for all key physical effects in nonlinear fibre: dispersion, Kerr nonlinearity, Raman gain, depletion of the Raman pump wave and fibre losses. The key idea behind this scheme is to take advantage of the spectral broadening that occurs in optical fibre at high powers. The effect of spectral broadening leads to effective decrease of the FBGs reflectivity and enables generation of two waves in one-stage Raman laser. The output spectrum in the considered high-Q cavity scheme corresponds to two peaks with 0.2 - 1 nm distance between them. © 2011 IEEE.


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Power converters are a key, but vulnerable component in switched reluctance motor (SRM) drives. In this paper, a new fault diagnosis scheme for SRM converters is proposed based on the wavelet packet decomposition (WPD) with a dc-link current sensor. Open- and short-circuit faults of the power switches in an asymmetrical half-bridge converter are analyzed in details. In order to obtain the fault signature from the phase currents, two pulse-width modulation signals with phase shift are injected into the lower-switches of the converter to extract the excitation current, and the WPD algorithm is then applied to the detected currents for fault diagnosis. Moreover, a discrete degree of the wavelet packet node energy is chosen as the fault coefficient. The converter faults can be diagnosed and located directly by determining the changes in the discrete degree from the detected currents. The proposed scheme requires only one current sensor in the dc link, while conventional methods need one sensor for each phase or additional detection circuits. The experimental results on a 750-W three-phase SRM are presented to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed fault diagnosis scheme.


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The hybrid action of quantum-dot saturable absorber and Kerr-lens mode locking in a diode-pumped Yb:KGW laser was demonstrated. Using a quantum-dot saturable absorber with a 0.7% (0.5%) modulation depth, the mode-locked laser delivered 90 fs (93 fs) pulses with 3.2 W (2.9 W) of average power at the repetition rate of 77 MHz, corresponding to 462 kW (406 kW) of peak power and 41 nJ (38 nJ) of pulse energy. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the highest average and peak powers generated to date from quantum-dot saturable absorber-based mode-locked lasers.


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Experimental and theoretical studies regarding noise processes in various kinds of AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with a quantum well are reported. The measurement processes, involving a Fast Fourier Transform and analog wave analyzer in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 1 MHz, a computerized data storage and processing system, and cryostat in the temperature range from 78 K to 300 K are described in detail. The current noise spectra are obtained with the “three-point method”, using a Quan-Tech and avalanche noise source for calibration. ^ The properties of both GaAs and AlGaAs materials and field effect transistors, based on the two-dimensional electron gas in the interface quantum well, are discussed. Extensive measurements are performed in three types of heterostructures, viz., Hall structures with a large spacer layer, modulation-doped non-gated FETs, and more standard gated FETs; all structures are grown by MBE techniques. ^ The Hall structures show Lorentzian generation-recombination noise spectra with near temperature independent relaxation times. This noise is attributed to g-r processes in the 2D electron gas. For the TEGFET structures, we observe several Lorentzian g-r noise components which have strongly temperature dependent relaxation times. This noise is attributed to trapping processes in the doped AlGaAs layer. The trap level energies are determined from an Arrhenius plot of log (τT2) versus 1/T as well as from the plateau values. The theory to interpret these measurements and to extract the defect level data is reviewed and further developed. Good agreement with the data is found for all reported devices. ^


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The study of transport processes in low-dimensional semiconductors requires a rigorous quantum mechanical treatment. However, a full-fledged quantum transport theory of electrons (or holes) in semiconductors of small scale, applicable in the presence of external fields of arbitrary strength, is still not available. In the literature, different approaches have been proposed, including: (a) the semiclassical Boltzmann equation, (b) perturbation theory based on Keldysh's Green functions, and (c) the Quantum Boltzmann Equation (QBE), previously derived by Van Vliet and coworkers, applicable in the realm of Kubo's Linear Response Theory (LRT). ^ In the present work, we follow the method originally proposed by Van Wet in LRT. The Hamiltonian in this approach is of the form: H = H 0(E, B) + λV, where H0 contains the externally applied fields, and λV includes many-body interactions. This Hamiltonian differs from the LRT Hamiltonian, H = H0 - AF(t) + λV, which contains the external field in the field-response part, -AF(t). For the nonlinear problem, the eigenfunctions of the system Hamiltonian, H0(E, B), include the external fields without any limitation on strength. ^ In Part A of this dissertation, both the diagonal and nondiagonal Master equations are obtained after applying projection operators to the von Neumann equation for the density operator in the interaction picture, and taking the Van Hove limit, (λ → 0, t → ∞, so that (λ2 t)n remains finite). Similarly, the many-body current operator J is obtained from the Heisenberg equation of motion. ^ In Part B, the Quantum Boltzmann Equation is obtained in the occupation-number representation for an electron gas, interacting with phonons or impurities. On the one-body level, the current operator obtained in Part A leads to the Generalized Calecki current for electric and magnetic fields of arbitrary strength. Furthermore, in this part, the LRT results for the current and conductance are recovered in the limit of small electric fields. ^ In Part C, we apply the above results to the study of both linear and nonlinear longitudinal magneto-conductance in quasi one-dimensional quantum wires (1D QW). We have thus been able to quantitatively explain the experimental results, recently published by C. Brick, et al., on these novel frontier-type devices. ^